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Ace Of Black Hearts

Slow Reform

Don't take this fast.
Slow down just a little bit.
Reform doesn't happen over night.
Making a better man. İs that the plan?
Can you change the monster in me now.
I'm sorry but i won't just bow.
Who do you think you are anyways.
Don't judge unless thy wants to be judged.
So what if i've done some very bad things.
Do you think i had a choice.
Do you think that's what i wanted.
Then why didn't i flaunt it.
Notoriety is not the substance of life,
Any more then taking one.
Now i'm under attack again.
They keep coming at me.
You screwed up.
Let bodies stay buried.
Secrets are best left unspoken.
Just leave it, and let me alone.

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Miss Nebraska

Met a girl from Nebraska
She was a family Friend
She helped out when shes can
One day that all came end

I took her out for dinner
I bought her favorite skates
We both worked
And had not much time to spend together
We started dating

But one weekend she wanted to go visit her family
On a bus we went
To Lincoln
I never bought the ticket for our way back home
I figure this was a good place to start on our own
Oh how I was so wrong
First thing when we got their she asked if I had any thing against crack
I was not sure how to react
Their went her paycheck and mine

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(Rejection Poem) Another Lie

The world is my stage.
I'm tired of being locked in a cage.
But it is in me to be free?
It is my destiny.
Just get away from me before I hurt you.
Your all the same
You come expecting something I just can no longer give.
Oh its getting harder and harder to forgive.
No i shall not relive it.
I'm gone already.
Don't have to look my direction ever again.
I won't ever wave.
Life is always fun and games to you.
Guess what this an absolute screw you.
You say friends matter.
I say where were you?
Leaving me alone to my own devices
like you always do.
Your mistake,
your heartache.

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Remebering The Never Again

bring me in
let me in
I'll promise to defend for everything that's been given
your driving me nuts
your spilling my blood and guts
hello my friend
the demon have come to me
they made whispers louder then thunder
they told me i better not make another blunder
or my fun would be over
bring me in
let me in
I'll promise to promise to defend for everything was given
your driving me nuts
your spilling my blood and guts
hello again
I'm going to try to mend somethings
over and over again
i kneel down
just to feel something so real

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For You And Your Children

My heart beats.
Even as I feel so stuck.
In a goop I walked right through.
I don't know why
Maybe it was to get to the other side.
Maybe it was to still try.
Maybe it was to see if I can touch the sky.
It feel so close.
Yet I'm still not there.
The heavenly ghost.
It is hope.
It is desire.
It is to aspire to a higher calling before the falling.
Empires so murky and grey.
I feel I have become just another prey.
The predator is closing in.
So I must reach.
When necessity comes you can't just deny it.
The gut feeling that everything that was earned with hard work gone.
Another dawn will come.

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Taking The Mask Off.

A slap in the face.
The broke and desperate.
The clinching of fists.
A fire that burns even if this is our dying hour.

A lust for something that a little more sour.
Killing on the battle field of ghosts.
An abyss that keeps looking back.

Look away, listen to me as I say.
Oh just look away before it's to late.
Swallowed up, gone even before the next rising dawn.

The clouds have never been so grey.
Even with the dream of everything being okay.
Suffer not, deliver us from both temptation and evil.
Violence can never be described as being civil.
War destroys us, separates us.
Makes this a us versus them kind of mentality.

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My Failings Are My Own

My failings are my own
I don't blame it any one
Take responsibility as one would say
But it doesn't just die there
For I do not live in despair

My failings are my own
long ago the seeds were sewn
And now a plant grow.
A weed just maybe.
But watch as the most beautiful blooms
It is just early to assume

My failings are my own
No victim here
Their is no hiding and trying just disappear
I won't shed a single tear
For life is to short to cry over spilled milk
Watch as I weave my own pretty silk

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Forever In A Bottle

Your mediocre at best, I keep hearing this.
For me like that makes a difference.
How can such words define who I am.
I was never part of the pact or clan and have no expectations to suddenly be.
My reasons, my fuel, my fire that burns this midnight hour.
Like stories among the campfire.
Tell me can you hear them?
I can, every day of every waking moment.
They follow me when I go to work.
Their at the door to greet me when I come home.
Well do tell what do they say?
They're dreams and wishes spilt upon a dozen news papers.
They're hopes and prayers within the stars.
They are everything and yet they are but a thin slice of time.
A moment claimed as if you own it.
And maybe you do, maybe you don't.
But still you must speak of it as if it were.
Forever in bottle.
Hold it tight.
Shake it.

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Lite It Up

Lite it up
Lite it up
Lite it up and let that candle burn.
The fire is inside me.
Forever part of me.
Call it destiny.
Call it fate.
A fickle swing of a pendulum.
A motion set.
A writing in the stone.
I'm not alone for I have you.

So just lite it up
Lite it up
Lite it and let that candle burn.
Down to the very last.
It was always part of my past.
It sanction me to the starvation of the mind and soul.
I just lost control.
I faced it head on.

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The Poor Old Woman

The poor womans struggle.
Alone, and to old to find another as the way she sees it.
Disabled and so afraid of the unknown.
Trying to keep her 3 cats warm and fed.
But the rent has to be also paid.
10 dollars more a day if she is late.
Robbing Peter to pay Paul.
And she in it for long haul.
Winter has come and gone.
Now spring has arrived and is suppose to be here.
This is suppose to be the easy time of year.
But all April has been so much colder then usual.
Freezing temperatures.
Ruining her would be garden.
Wood Pellets stretching her money thin.
Sleeping in her truck.
To save herself.
Their is no rue in the waits to thicken the soup.
It is the forsaken loop.
Being repeated all over the place.

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