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Marilyn Lott

Our American Heroes

They are true American heroes
The reason America is strong
God Bless America was written
For them and is completely their song

We worship the ground they walk on
We take pride in the people they are
For all the stripes on our flag
Are for them along with the stars

Memories weigh heavily on their shoulders
But others they proudly will tell
For they too saw American heroes
In friends they made and knew well

Yes, they are our American heroes
We cherish them wherever they go
I’ll bet they do not fully realize
That we sincerely treasure them so!

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Winter Arrival

t was a typical winter day
As I went for a little drive
I wanted to celebrate
For winter had arrived

I bundled up and took
My morning country trip
But as I got out of my car
I was careful I didn’t slip

For the fields were white
The road was slick with ice
But everything was lacy
It looked so fresh and nice

My world was transformed
To a winter wonderland
The ugly trees now lovely
Nature made its annual stand

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Ouray, America

Ouray is a historic city in Colorado
It really takes you back a step
The buildings are very old and charming
For that is exactly the way it was kept

In 1975, the prospectors arrived
As they were looking for silver and gold
The history of Ouray, Colorado
Is the kind that history books have told

Way up in the rugged mountains
Is where this city is found
Can you imagine what it was like
To build a city on unstable ground?

It’s exciting, don’t you think?
To visit rugged historic spaces
Ouray, a city in America
Is one of those special places!

poem by Marilyn LottReport problemRelated quotes
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My Rainbow Garden

I have a Rainbow Garden
For inside of it you’ll see
Every color you would find
What a rainbow ought to be

The blue is for Forget-me-knots
Yellow for Daffodils
Red is for my gladiolas
My flowers are such a thrill

Green creates the many leaves
Of my Rainbow Garden too
I get such peacefulness
I would love to show it to you

My roses, oh I have many
My palette of color shades
I must enjoy them daily
For the time for them will fade

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Celebrate the Melon

Juicy and delicious they are
Just made for a summer treat
As they squirt inside your mouth
They’re so wonderful and sweet

Picnics aren’t complete
Until a watermelon is cut
Slices of the scrumptious fruit
Drags you from a daily rut

Party’s have a veggie plate
And nestled right within
Are melons all chunked up
Not to have them is a sin

And also is the cantaloupe
So perfect for a summer fare
Orange as a ripe pumpkin
Smoothing out unwanted cares

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Red Dirt Forever!

Nothing is quite as relaxing
As having a red dirt day
The color gleaming brightly
As I go along my way

A pond surrounded by red dirt
Creates a smile upon my face
I never can remember
A more peaceful kind of place

An old barn in the sunshine
Surrounded by deep red dirt
Happy families lived for years
Yes, tribulations came in spurts

As I look across the fields
I’m so proud of what I see
All this brilliant red dirt land
Still smiles happily on me

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Red Dirt Ride

I took a little red dirt ride
Along a quiet country road
Peacefulness I felt deep inside
As I watched my day unfold

A red dirt pond all alone
With red dirt cattle too
I felt a sense of belonging
I’d like to share with you

Rock sprouting from the land
Like a sculpture tall and true
Yes, peacefulness I felt inside
And I think you’d feel it too

The sun shone so brightly
Upon my red dirt world
The day was just for me
As calm inside me furled

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Sheltered Memories

I did some traveling
A few years ago
I wanted to meet family
That I really didn’t know

Some lived in the same
Family home for years
Full of precious memories
From happiness to tears

I listened to stories
These folks had to tell
Treasured sweet memories
I saw my notebook swell

For these were the stories
That needed to pass
Down through generations
So questions were asked

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Nature’s Tapestry

I really do love the winter
Yes, it is sometimes a mess
From nature’s changing tapestry
But I’m amazed I must confess

The rain pours down on everything
The rivers and lakes overflow
But still, I enjoy just driving around
There’s always a new place to go

In drizzly weather we growl to ourselves
As we stomp on down the road
We put our heads down and stare at our boots
As we hide in our coats from the cold

But before very long the weather will change
And we’ll see all things anew
‘Cause nature will totally re-arrange
And have something exciting for you!

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The Wedding Party

How special it was as family and friends
Gathered to welcome husband and wife
Happiness was felt by everyone
As they start this precious new life

Pictures taken to collect memories
To pass down for generations to come
You can see by the smiles on faces
Fun and food was enjoyed by everyone

No happier occasion can there be
That brings folks together again
Than a wedding filled with loved ones
With wonderful wedding trends

What a perfect way to start a new life
With a love that is forever true
Congratulations to the bride and groom
We wish only the best to you!

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