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Ryan Collins

Just to Get You Out and Away

The poem is stuck on my tongue, and is between the gears in my head.
It changes from a love poem then to a deep, dark, and depressing one again.
Well it did match the weather outside.
Why is it that, staring at this piece of blank paper, can’t my poem be on it.
It is a figment! No, a fragmented thought that needs to be complete.
Where’s the inspiration to draw you out?
The elegant and superfluous words need you; they call you.
They call out as did Romeo called out to fair Juliet.
Actually, the poem doesn’t want fancy word play.
Could be, maybe it should be a poem that can rhyme...with time!
Thinking about that, I don’t think so.
This poem is stubborn to bring forth.
Screw you undetermined poem ever changing in my head!
Here I’ll write one for you.
In this, I expel you from clogging my thoughts.
Go now, drift into someone else’s mind.
Stop there concentration until they rid of you.

Written: November 18,2010

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Revelation Definition

'Love' Not one word in the dictionary can be so hollow.
The word itself is fake and we know it
although we try and not show it.
We use this word to express a feeling of compassion
an undying feeling that can last a life time.
But do you really feel that way?
Can you feel that 'love' you say you have?
No! We all know we don't
The word love is a lie.
Say it to your parents do you feel anything?
Say it once to your lover and you feel something.
But keep on saying it
and it loses its value.
That Gold heart known as 'love' will soon be pure silicon
after its first uses.
So why say it, why speak it, why need it, why not lose it...
To express it, to express 'love' is something more than the word.
It is indescribable thing that we feel.
'Love' is a cast off teddy bear.
Let us lose the word but keep the definition

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Plainest of Plain

No matter how many poems I write
I can’t impress you
The love that I write
The love I express
The love I try to show you
You just don’t see it
So let me tell you
In the plainest of words
No metaphors
No similes
Or complex descriptions
Only the plainest of plain
It’s been you
From the day we collided
You been in the depths of my heart
Pumping your love through me
I know it’s you I want
You I need
You I love

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A Wedding Vow

To think of how much I love you
and put them in simple lines for everyone to hear.
To be before you and thinking of how to say it,
to say it in any other way is the hardest thing I ever had to do.
Loving you is easy, living with you is easy, being your friend is easy.
To put my actions into words and add in all my feelings about you;
it would take forever to describe.
I will try now, and know it still won't do it justice.
I fell in love with you almost instantaneously when we met,
and that love has grown exponentially as the days passed.
It brought me closer to who you are and showed me who I am.
I thank you for everything, for being by my side on the worst days.
On the hardest
On the saddest
On the best
You've been by my side
I'll be by yours forever
That is what I promise you
To be by your side to love and support you on and after death
I will never leave you without the intention of returning.

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Bleeds Through: The Truth Will Not be Silenced

Strength and fortitude is my message friends
Tonight we have gathered in this stuffy inn to wage war
Ironic though it be we are practitioners of peace
Our enemies have lived for too long
Our corrupted government has run its course
Now us, The Middle
Comprised of apprentices, journeymen, artisans, and masters
We will not let the Bushwahzee and pious government to reign
Now we fight
Fight as well by our trade
Grab your tools, paper, canvas
Let the arts sing of our heroism
Shall the paper show our retribution to the corners of Europe
Be that all constructs wage revenge and ill tidings
Strength and fortitude amongst us friends
If we divide an hold personal dwellings that linger dear,
Our conquest is forfeit
Bravery my countrymen, our people call for saviors
A New Regime
Lead by the middle to save all lower and equal

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Space, made of the pulsing endless vastness of the human imagination
Stars glow, comets fly, rocks drift all of this is silent as it happens in each galaxy
Quite soundless work taking it’s time
Everything must be perfect, efficient
When something foreign or new touches this space all of the workers
Must now create harmony and must accommodate the friend or intruder
If this foreign friend feels right like it must belong space will keep it
If it is an intruder planning to destroy comets fly to battle and attack
The white comets must protect its red rocks and absent sun
Then one faithful day space began to pulse faster as a foreign
Friend came into contact
The friend felt warm, soft, new, and inviting
It was another galaxy
It began pulsing as they became closer and closer
We fly away from these pink and red galaxies into the bodies of two people
Then further and further until we see them begin their new journey
A touch
A kiss
In the night
As the stars glow, comets fly, and rocks drift soundlessly and forever

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A Poet's Rant

Each page, A blank canvas
The pen, The linking brush
My hand and arm, The creators
My mind, The imaginative dreamer
The issue is the bringing about of a colorful picture
Due to my chosen art my stroking motions of pen mean nothing in poetry
The story and language of my broken thoughts
Are to converge and stick to make one solitary piece
The issue is they never stay constant or stick
Always changing by the hour of thought and emotion
The thoughts of an elusive rhyme scheme never fulfilled
So I’ll try to do the best I can with increasing practice
Practice in reading a Thesaurus perhaps?
Although for now I shall try to write elegant whimsical words
That the world seems to have forgotten n’less it is heard in a work of Shakespeare
Or in a Medieval movie
Similar to a conjured phrase such as,
My aforethought words drip from a scaly desert of a tongue of whose reading can be found in the unlockable cave known to that of this poet.
Despite its attractiveness to the eyes of a skimmer or wandering reader
Some may appreciate the sentimental phrase I made

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Coming or Going

It's becoming more and more real
These visions, these dreams
They're taking more and more likeness of the people here
Waking up in a drenched with sweat shirt
Thinking that you are here
It's becoming more and more real
Is this the reality?
The page I write this on to the air I breathe
Is this actually here?
Or am I about to awake?
It's becoming more and more real
I don't control either outcome if it is only the two worlds
One does have to be a reality and the other has to be the dream
But which can I say is real
It's becoming more and more real
There is a difference that I have found
And it does keep my body bound
However, before I state my convincing notion
I came up with a suitable proposition
Whether awake or asleep, here or there

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A Papers Width

It’s been contemplated
Its been planned and thought out
There’s no one home
No one to see
No one to hear
No one to know
No one to stop me
I close the blinds
Turn off the lights
I draw the gun from my pocket
And press it to my head
The barrel is cool as it touches
My finger is on the trigger about to break glass
“Do it, it will all be over soon”
“No! Don’t listen! Do not be tempted so easily”
“Its OK just squeeze it, you won’t feel a thing”
“It’s a lie, it might be quick but you’ll feel it! ”
“But you’ll escape, show them the pain they caused you”

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I'm Always With You

The love that I have for you
I never fully expressed it, have I?
Usually I say that there isn’t enough time to tell you
I have said, “I love you” to you
But now you’ll know what I mean.
When I say, “I love you” it means:
Those days that you’re gone away and I don’t see you
I feel so alone
I miss you every second your gone
And I feel as if I was swallowed by something dark
But I will wait for your return.
When I do see you and I look into your eyes
I see the person that I would do anything for
I will easily die for you
and come back if you wanted
Then if on any day someone tries to hurt you
They will have the misfortune of meeting me
I know you never want me hurt
But what is that compared to you hurt
I will fight through the dark

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