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Today's anniversary: Hilaire Belloc

Hilaire Belloc


Do you remember an Inn,
Do you remember an Inn?
And the tedding and the spreading
Of the straw for a bedding,
And the fleas that tease in the High Pyrenees,
And the wine that tasted of tar?
And the cheers and the jeers of the young muleteers
(Under the vine of the dark verandah)?

Do you remember an Inn, Miranda,
Do you remember an Inn?
And the cheers and the jeers of the young muleteeers
Who hadn't got a penny,
And who weren't paying any,
And the hammer at the doors and the din?
And the hip! hop! hap!
Of the clap
Of the hands to the twirl and the swirl
Of the girl gone chancing,

[...] Read more

poem by (31 December 1929)Report problemRelated quotes
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Character of the day: Bugs Bunny

27 July 1940: the animated short "A Wild Hare" is released, introducing the character of Bugs Bunny

Bugs Bunny! !

My honey bunny
Dunt be bugs bunny
Its matter of souls
Not a flare funny

The day I found ur soul
I was cherishd with love
Isn't it funny?
My bugs bunny!

Let's make it little better
Let's do it finer
Let s do it out of grinny
My honey bunny

Dunt be bugs bunny
Loves on mind
Peace in soul
Let's not make it funny
My honey bunny

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Topic of the Day: geography

27 July 1922: International Geographical Union is established in Brussels, Belgium

In the sun

A dog is a dog
And a bird is a bird.
I m flying like bird
and guard my house
like dog.

Dog and bird friends
And in the open field
both want to study

Geography differs
from person to person
from history to history
from time to time.
And in future
geography melt
like fog in the sun.

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About poetry

Franz Schubert

Why should the composer be more guilty than the poet who warms to fantasy by a strange flame, making an idea that inspires him the subject of his own very different treatment?

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Added by Veronica Serbanoiu
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Lucian Blaga


Lucian Blaga is as mute as a swan.
In his homeland
a creature’s snow stands for the word.
His spirit is in quest
in age-old mute quest
since all times
and up to the ultimate bounds, without rest.
He is in quest of the water of which the rainbow drinks.
He is in quest of the water
of which the rainbow
drinks its beauty and non-being.

poem by from Unsuspected Steps (1943), translated by Dan DuţescuReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Dan Costinaş
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Sara in Her Father's Arms

Cell by cell the baby made herself, the cells
Made cells. That is to say
The baby is made largely of milk. Lying in her father's arms,
the little seed eyes
Moving, trying to see, smiling for us
To see, she will make a household
To her need of these rooms - Sara, little seed,
Little violent diligent seed. Come let us look at the world
Glittering: this seed will speak,
Max, words! There will'be no other words in the world
But those our children speak. What will she make of a world
Do you suppose, Max, of which she is made.

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Wang Wei


Dismounting, I offer my friend a cup of wine,
I ask what place he is headed to.
He says he has not achieved his aims,
Is retiring to the southern hills.
Now go, and ask me nothing more,
White clouds will drift on for all time.

poem by , translated by Burton WatsonReport problemRelated quotes
Added by Dan Costinaş
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