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Poem titles starting with O
O by Arthur Seymour John TessimondO ... The Girl With The ' Veenaı '! by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharO all my labours scattered uselessly by Gaspara StampaO alone man on shore of river; by Dhananjay KumarO Angel... by Premji PremjiO B E by Heather BurnsO Baby I Love You by Asif AndalibO Beautiful Butterfly by Shashikant Nishant SharmaO Beautiful Lady by Shashikant Nishant SharmaO Beauty of Night... by Geeta NairO Beauty, Passing Beauty! by Alfred Lord TennysonO Bee! by Vavroovahana PatraO Beloved Moon by Aparna ChatterjeeO Best Beloved by Michael ShepherdO Bitter Sprig! Confession Sprig! by Walt WhitmanO Black And Unknown Bards by James Weldon JohnsonO Black Woman, Dance! by Oludipe SamuelO Blush Not So! by John KeatsO Brave and Faithful Dream by Charles Chaim WaxO breath by Elizabeth BishopO Brother, Why Thou You Are Older by Jose Pablo ZaragozaO Burr by AnonymousO Camp Of Flowers by Erik Johan StagneliusO Candle- Rose! by John CelesO Captain! My Captain! by Walt Whitman | In RomanianO Carib Isle! by Harold Hart CraneO Chan For Magloire St Aude by Roland BastienO chemistry! by Ramya RavindranO Child Beside The Waterfall by George BarkerO Child Of Mine Grow No-Older by Mark HeathcoteO Children! by Sylvia ChidiO Chocolate, My Chocolate! by Anne BonnyO City, Look the Eastward Way by Enid DerhamO come quickly! by Thomas CampionO Cool Is the Valley Now by James JoyceO Copper Moon by Steven FederleO Cruel Sea! by John CelesO Cup Bearer by Shams al-Din HafizO Cupid, Cupid; Get Your Bow! by Henry LawsonO D E, To a Lady on the Death of Colonel R O S S in the action of Fontenoy by William Taylor CollinsO Dear Teacher! by Geeta NairO Dear, Till We Meet Again by Alon Calinao DyO Dearest Mine by Aparna ChatterjeeO death by Kaitlin SkeldingO death! by James HartO Death, O Death, Rock Me Asleep by Anonymous AmericasO Death, O Death, Rock Me Asleep by AnonymousO death, rock me on sleep by Anne Boleyn | In RomanianO Delices D’Amour! by Andre Marie de ChenierÔ Dieu, si mes péchés irritent ta fureur by Mathurin RegnierO Do Not Love Too Long by William Butler YeatsÔ doux plaisir plein de doux pensement by Jean Antoine de BaifO Dull Cold Northern Sky by Robert Louis StevensonO Earth, Sufficing All our Needs by Sir Charles George Douglas RobertsO Faher O Father by Jessica Lee WorkmanO Father by Taher ShemalyO Father Are We Friends by Joe JohnsonO Father I Have Sined by Joe JohnsonO Father O Father by Jessica lee WorkmanO Fire by Gajanan MishraO Fish by Abdul Mannan SyedO Flame of Living Love by Arthur SymonsO Flowers, What Spectrums You Impress On Me by Joshua DinkinO Fool by Rabindranath TagoreO fools! can you not see by John WilbyeO For A Lodge by James McIntyreO For A Soul by Wilfrid Scawen BluntO For a Thousand Tongues to Sing by Charles WesleyO foreigner by Asif AndalibO Friend by Om ChawlaO friend by KabirO Funney by Otteri SelvakumarO Gather Me the Rose by William Ernest HenleyO Germany, Pale Mother! by Bertolt BrechtO give thanks to Him Who made by Josiah ConderO Glorious France by Edgar Lee MastersO God Forgive Me by Sari MaviO God I love you by Asif AndalibO God of Heaven! The dream of horror by Emily BrontëO God! Thou art my God alone; by James MontgomeryO God, let there be peace by Manisha TulaskarO God, Show Mercy… by Janri GogeshviliO God, the rock of my whole strength by John WilbyeO God, Where Would Be My Resting Place..? by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharO Good Solitude by Abdul SattarO Gracious Father by David duckworthO great golden head lie in my lap by Lesbia HarfordO had I known that thus it happens... by Boris PasternakO Heart of Spring by John Shaw NeilsonO heavens, heavens, see you in my dreams by Osip Emilevich MandelstamO Holy Day by Joyce HemsleyO Holy Success, My Success. by Babatunde Olusegun AjayiO Horos (Greek poem) by Giorgio VenetoO how lovely is true love's kiss by Mark HeathcoteO How may I ever express that secret word? by KabirO human fate by Aftab Alam KhursheedO Hush Thee, - Though Maybe parody Sir Walter Scott - Lullaby on an Infant Chief by Jonathan RobinO Hymen! O Hymenee! by Walt WhitmanO I Desire You by Ric S. BastasaO I saw witchcraft tonight by MirabaiO I've by Ben PaynterO Igneous Rose by Patrick WhiteO Infant Just Out Of Womb..! by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharO Intelligence Moving The Third Heaven by Dante AlighieriO Jamaica by Buxton ShippyO Janus by Alyssa RieperO Jenny Dear, I’ve Courted Lang by Susanna BlamireO Jesus by Russel ChoudhuryO Jesus God’s Symbol Of Peace by Asif AndalibO Jesus O Jesus (Peace Be Upon You) by Asif AndalibO Jeune Adolescent! by Andre Marie de ChenierO Jours De Mon Printemps by Andre Marie de ChenierO Joy by Westley DouglasO kalei kou inoa by Mutt BarkerO Kid, What You Meditate Upon? by Ramdas BhandarkarO L D F A R T H O O D by Michael ShepherdÔ la splendeur de notre joie by Emile VerhaerenO Lady Moon by Christina Georgina RossettiO Lady, Leave Thy Silken Thread by Thomas HoodO lapwing thou fliest around the heath... by William BlakeÔ le calme jardin d'été où rien ne bouge by Emile VerhaerenO Lemme Go, My Time Has Come! by John CelesO Let Me Have A Late- Night Poem by Shalom FreedmanO Let Me in Thes Ae Night by Robert BurnsO Life O Death by Aftab Alam KhursheedO life O death 1 by Aftab Alam KhursheedO little plum tree in the garden, you're by Lesbia HarfordO Little Sister by Patrick WhiteO Little Town of Bethlehem by Phillips BrooksO little year, cram full of duty by Lesbia HarfordO Living Always--Always Dying by Walt WhitmanO Lord by Om ChawlaO Lord Above by Orlando BeloO lord Increate, who will serve Thee? by KabirO Lord My God! - -Carl Boberg by Sangnam NamO Lord, I Will Praise Thee by William CowperO Lord, Please Forgive by Lawrence HiungO Love by Satish VermaO Love In Your Conquest by Almedia Knight OliverO love love love love love love love by Asif AndalibO Love their Sits a Lion in the Gate by Gary BrysonO love thou create by Kevin Michael MurphyO Love! Thou Makest All Things Even by Sarah Flower AdamsO Love, How Strangely Sweet by John MarstonO love, o dream by Maria SudibyoO Love, Sweet Animal by Delmore SchwartzO Love... by Otteri SelvakumarO Lovely Lie by Robert William ServiceO Lovely One by Naveed AkramO ma belle rebelle! by Jean Antoine de BaifO Make Me A Mask by Dylan ThomasO man, O woman, grievest so? by Lesbia HarfordO Man, You Are by Gajanan MishraO May I Join the Choir Invisible by George EliotO Me! O Life! by Walt WhitmanO Mighty Beyond the Chimney Yet Under the Bed - One Address To the Lord After Berryman's 'Eleven' Astutter by Warren FalconO Moon by Mathilde BlindO Mors! Quam Amara Est Memoria Tua Homini Pacem Habenti In Substantiis Suis by Ernest Christopher DowsonO mother Mary by Asif AndalibO Muses, Accourez by Andre Marie de ChenierO Mutter, halte dein Kindlein warm, by Clemens Maria BrentanoO My Baby! ..Where Had You Gone? [ Prologue ] by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharO My Baby, Where Had You Gone? [ Epilogue ] by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharO My Baby.. Where Had You Gone? [ part-1 ] by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharO My Baby..Where Had You Gone ? [ Part -2 ] by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharO My Bangladesh Of Gold - Original By Rabindranath Tagore by Asif AndalibO my beautiful by Asif AndalibO my dear by Gajanan MishraO My dear unseen Lord! by Nimal DunuhingaO My Fish by Karnail Singh HeirwaleO my friends by MirabaiO My God ! (ii) by Abdul WahabO my God excuse me by Gajanan MishraO My God! by Abdul WahabO My Hart! by Henry VIII King of EnglandO My Heart! by Veeraiyah SubbulakshmiO My heart! The Supreme Spirit by KabirO My Jaan by Asif AndalibO My Long-Lost Playful School Days...! by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharO My Lord, Your Dwelling Places Are Lovely by Yehudah HaLeviO My Love and Would Be! Where Were You Born? by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharO my love is another name for pain by Asif AndalibO my love, tolerate my wrongs by Gajanan MishraO My Merry Moon Born In Me! by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharO my mind by MirabaiO my mind by Asif AndalibO My Mirror by Syed Anwar Yarkhan JilaniO My Mother, O My Father by Patrick WhiteO My Pa-pa by Bob HicokO My Soul... by Eric CockrellO My Time by Indresh KumarO My Valentine by Indresh KumarO Myriad Stars Hanging In Heavens! by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharO Nature, I Owe You More! by Ramdas BhandarkarÔ naturel désir... by Guillaume ApollinaireO Naughty Child! [ Part -8 ] by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharO Naughty Child.! [ part-6 ] by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharO Naughty Child..! -[ part 2 ] by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharO Naughty Child..! [ Concluding Part-10 ] by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharO Naughty Child..! [ Part- 9 ] by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharO Naughty Child..! [ Part-7 ] by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharO Naughty Child..! [Part-3 ] by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharO Naughty Child..! [part-4] by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharO Navis by Lope de VegaO Necessite Dure! by Andre Marie de ChenierO Never Say That I Was False of Heart by William ShakespeareO nice... by Otteri SelvakumarO Night by Matthew HollowayO Night O Trembling Night by Stephen SpenderO Nightingale My Heart by Robert NicholsO Nightingale! Thou Surely Art by William WordsworthO No Witness To Me by Patrick WhiteO Peace! ! by Ayesha KhanO Philippines! by Alon Calinao DyO poet O Artist by Gajanan MishraO Poor People by Elizabeth SmartO Precious Lord by Frank McElenyO Pulchritudo by Sir Henry NewboltO Rain! by Prachi AgrawalO Rain...? by Otteri SelvakumarO Rose Hear These by Reyvrex Questor ReyesO Sacred Heart of Jesus! by John CelesO Sad by Otteri SelvakumarO Sailor, Come Ashore by Christina Georgina RossettiO Salutaris by Steven FederleO Segredo Da Moça! by Mirna MorganO servant where dost thou seek me by KabirO Ship of State by Henry Wadsworth LongfellowO Sickly Love by Folayemi AkandeO silent night, O holy night, O night divine! by Marius AlexandruO Silver Rose by Marjorie Lowry Christie PickthallO Singer in Brown by Dame Mary GilmoreO Singer of the epic war history by Aniruddha PathakO Sky, My Blue Sky by Nilakshi DasO Slave, liberate yourself by KabirO sleep, my babe by Sara ColeridgeO So Lonely by Cecelia WeirO So Lonely by Shaan SidhuO Solitude! If I Must With Thee Dwell by John KeatsO Souls, In Whom No Heavenly Fire by John DrydenO Southland! by James Weldon JohnsonO Spirit of the Living God by James MontgomeryO Spring by Rachel NicholsO Star Of France by Walt WhitmanO Star! by David KnoxO Stranger by Gajanan MishraO Stubborn Leaf by Hm. NesO Student by Naveed AkramO Sun Of Real Peace by Walt WhitmanO Sunflower by Esteban ArellanoO sweet and fair! These words are mine to use by Lesbia HarfordO Sweet Freedom by Patrick WhiteO sweet song of sorrow play thy song in me by Kevin Michael MurphyO Sweetheart, Hear You by James JoyceO Tan-faced Prairie Boy by Walt WhitmanO Teacher by Penyair AjaO tebi by Miroslava OdalovicO Tell If Any Fate You See by Thomas ParnellO That A Chariot Of Cloud Were Mine! by Percy Bysshe ShelleyO That Sad Song Echoes and The River Volga Quietly Flows! by Nimal DunuhingaO That Sweet Scented Smell of Youth! by Nimal DunuhingaO That the Lord's Salvation by Henry Francis LyteO the Darkness I Really Appreciate You Being with Me! by Nimal DunuhingaO the Great King of kings by Asif AndalibO the Kind by Asif AndalibO The Pressures Of School by Fidelis PatronusO the stormy night by Asif AndalibO this air, intoxicated with sedition by Osip Emilevich MandelstamO This Morning More Than Ever by Patrick WhiteO This Pain Is Unbearable! by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharO those blue eyes by Asif AndalibO those colorful old days - Original by Rabindranath Tagore by Asif AndalibO Those Love Lyrics by Joyce HemsleyO Thou Breeze of Spring! by Felicia Dorothea HemansO Thou Dread Power by Robert BurnsO Thou Immortal Deity by Percy Bysshe ShelleyO thou of little Faith by Arthur Hugh CloughO Tibbie, I Hae Seen The Day by Robert BurnsO to live and let go by Aniruddha PathakO Touch by Otteri SelvakumarO Town And City To Down And Pity ! by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharÔ Toy par qui jour et nuit je soupir by Jean Antoine de BaifO true and tried by Alfred Lord TennysonO Turn Once More by Duncan Campbell ScottO Unicorn! by John CelesO Valentine by Sadiqullah KhanO Vampire! by Naveed AkramO Velvety Earth by Hafiz QasimO were my Love yon Lilac fair by Robert BurnsO Wert Thou In The Cauld Blast by Robert BurnsO What A Climate Today! by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharO What A Noise Of Word-Hooves! by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharO What Shall We Do With These Drunken Men? by Raj ArumugamO White Wind, Numbing the World by Christopher John BrennanO Who Will Speak From a Womb or a Cloud? by George BarkerO Why Do You Walk (a Parody) by Alfred Edward HousmanO Wind, Where Have You Been by Christina Georgina RossettiO Wind, Why Do You Never Rest by Christina Georgina RossettiO Woman What Beauty by Robert K. Allison IIIO Wonderful! by Naveed AkramO Wondrous dreamer, with thy power divine, by John BunyanO Word I Love to Sing by Claude McKayO World Of Many Worlds by Wilfred OwenO wretched man! by John WilbyeO Yes..! by Otteri SelvakumarO You by Satish VermaO You Beautiful Flower by Peter S. QuinnO You Who've gone on Pilgrimage by RumiO You Whom I Often And Silently Come by Walt WhitmanO you, dear trees, you have learned so much of beauty by Lesbia HarfordO you, far colder, whiter by Torquato TassoO! America Reverse by Muhammad ShanazarO! Buddha Look Behind by Muhammad ShanazarO! Canada by Doug BentleyO! Cardiff by Sylvia ChidiO! Caroline O! George by Sylvia ChidiO! Daughter of Earth by Bongokobida ZakariaO! Dear Love by Muhammad ShanazarO! Death Stop by Muhammad ShanazarO! December by Muhammad ShanazarO! good by Otteri SelvakumarO! Judges Of The World by Muhammad ShanazarO! Life What Happened To You by Muhammad ShanazarO! Master by Seema joglekarO! My little girl is gone! by Sylvia Chidio! O! by Otteri SelvakumarO! Ocean by Bongokobida ZakariaO! People Hear Me by Muhammad ShanazarO! Poets And Men Of Letters Awake by Muhammad ShanazarO! Sacred Muse by John O'connellO! sleep by Otteri SelvakumarO! Spring by Bongokobida ZakariaO! The Sacred Land by Muhammad ShanazarO! What a nose! by Sylvia ChidiO! Yeah! It is a rat race by Sylvia ChidiO' All Happened In My Dream by V.K. KanniappanO' Dear Pebble by Onalethuso Petruss NtemaO' Death by Christopher TyeO' Gracious Me by Theodora OnkenO' How I Played You by George VuyakovichO' Lord! by Gule RukhsarO' Lotus flower in the pond by V.K. KanniappanO' Lyric Love by Robert BrowningO' Magnificent Light by Lawrence S. PertillarO' Mirror by Riffat SamadO' Mother to Whom Shall I Tell The Story by Shah HussainO' Murderous Poverty by Lightcheerful BriggsO' my love! by V.K. KanniappanO' my lovely moon! by V.K. KanniappanO' Peacock by Indira RenganathanO' Poverty by Lightcheerful BriggsO' Snail.. You Have Your Own Home by V.K. KanniappanO' The Isle of St. Croix by Rachel NicholsO' Tigress of Those Veiled Temptations by Lawrence S. PertillarO' Violence In The Mind Of Spinsters! by V.K. KanniappanO' What A Curse by Sherice MalcolmO' Wind Beautiful Wind by Joanna KanthariaO' winkle Twinkle by Indira RenganathanO' World by Indira RenganathanO' Ye Captain of Mine by Adam M. SnowO' Youths by Indira RenganathanO'.. He Changes His Stance by V.K. KanniappanO'.. There Comes My Fiancee! by V.K. KanniappanO'Bruaidar by James StephensO'Donohue's Mistress by Thomas MooreO'Hanlon's Gold by Rosi CaswellO'Hara, J.P. by Henry LawsonO'Marley! by Edward Kofi LouisO'Sun by Lawrence S. PertillarO'Toole And McSharry by Thomas E. SpencerO, Brothers and sisters by Hasmukh AmathalalO, Conscience...! ! ! ! by Mamta AgarwalO, Curtain Boy...my Curtain Boy! by Indira BabbellapatiO, death by Hasmukh AmathalalO, Death [O, moarte] by Veronica MicleO, Ever Love Ends! by Sossi KhachadourianO, Falmouth Is a Fine Town by William Ernest HenleyO, gid jeg var af Jern og Staal! by Hans Christian AndersenO, God! [O, Doamne!] by Iulia HaşdeuO, Have You Blessed, Behind The Stars by William Ernest HenleyO, How I Smile! by Colin Breck BoardmanO, how our love is murderous by Fyodor Ivanovich TyutchevO, how sad by SaigyoO, In A World Of Men And Women by Isaac RosenbergO, It Was Out by Donnycarney by James JoyceO, Little David, Play on Your Harp by Joseph Seamon CotterO, lord by Hasmukh AmathalalO, mother by Hasmukh AmathalalO, My Beloved! by Ramdas BhandarkarO, My Dearest Friend! by Tafadzwa MatambaO, My Friend, Be With Me! by Ramdas BhandarkarO, my lord by Hasmukh AmathalalO, People by Maria SudibyoO, Pity The Slave Mother by Anonymous AmericasO, poetry, refined, divine [Frumoasă sfântă poezie] by Veronica MicleO, soldier sons by Hasmukh AmathalalO, Son of God! by Kesav Venkat EaswaranO, Struck Beneath The Laurel by George Edward WoodberryO, tears by Hasmukh AmathalalO, This Is Blessing, This Is Rest by Anna Laetitia WaringO, Time And Change, They Range And Range by William Ernest HenleyO, To Control Lady Fate For A Day by Elizabeth SheafferO, water, voice of my heart... by Arthur SymonsO, Were I Loved As I Desire To Be! by Alfred Lord TennysonO, Were My Love by Robert BurnsO, Were My Love Yon Lilac Fair by Robert BurnsO, What A Short Story by Alyssa BakerO, What is Lost? by Tim StensloffO, what shall I do by John WilbyeO, wind by Hasmukh AmathalalO. by Ric S. BastasaO. W. Holmes On His Eightieth Birth-Day by John Greenleaf WhittierO.. Naughty Child! [ Part-5 ] by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharO... Live Trees' Stress O...Press Watershed by Jonathan RobinO... Play by Otteri SelvakumarO...butterfly by Otteri SelvakumarO...cloud's... by Otteri SelvakumarO...rain by Otteri SelvakumarO...what...? by Otteri SelvakumarO..Earth by Otteri SelvakumarO..god by Otteri SelvakumarO..kiss by Otteri SelvakumarO.b.e. by Ray LuceroO.K. and not O.K by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarO.Naughty Child.! [part-1] by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharO.true by Otteri Selvakumaro2b4u by Theodora Onkeno9 by Francis SantaquilaniOahu by S.J. FultonOak and The Broom, The: A Pastoral Poem by William WordsworthOaken-ed Soul by Debora ShortOakland by Steven FederleOakland Lake by John F. McCullaghOaks by Gert StrydomOaks Tutt by Edgar Lee MastersOars of That Boat Left Untouched by Lawrence S. PertillarOases May be Rare - Acrostic Sonnet - Revolution Near by Jonathan RobinOasis by Edward Kofi LouisOasis by Lawrence S. PertillarOasis by Jonathan RobinOasis by William BlackmanOasis in Rome by STEPHEN BRIAN BradyOasis Surrender by Phillip GallantOath by Matthew HollowayOath by Gajanan MishraOath Of A Friend by Matthew HollowayOath to family by Desserray WhitcombOaths by Naveed AkramOatmeal by Galway KinnellObaayaa by Edward Kofi LouisObadiah Bell by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisObama by Ellory MaceObama by Ian SingerObama confused by Madrason writerobama From Washington Applause And To Any Point In The World by Rommel Mark Dominguez MarchanObama Is Still In Office by Edward Kofi LouisObama magic by John Tiong ChunghooObama or Mc Caine by Premji PremjiObama or McCain by Francis DugganObama Poem = Who Are You In Your Heart? by Tom ZartObama Takes the Oath by Robert Charles HowardObama The Huseyin by Metin SahinObama Witch Hunted For Exposing Diplomatic Deceit? by Terence George CraddockObama Wont Mama by Lawrence S. PertillarObama! Obama! by Lauwo GeorgeObama's Oath by Aldo KraasObama's One Trillion Dollars Stimulus Package by John Tiong ChunghooObama, you have a big family by Hebert LogerieObama-Biden by Lawrence S. PertillarObama... by Ken e HallObamaism by Antonio LiaoObamalust by Lawrence S. PertillarOBAMA__Instrument of PEACE? by Maia PaduaOban by William Topaz McGonagallObasi by Edward Kofi LouisObasinjom Warrior - (for Bate Besong) by Dzekashu MacvibanObe Of My Time. by Enyinwa Okechukwu EnyinwaObeah Healer by Ray LuceroObed by Edward Kofi LouisObedience by George MacDonaldObedient To Fear by Lawrence S. PertillarObedient to natures laws by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggObedient To Subservience by Lawrence S. PertillarObeisance by Poet DragonObeisance to Almighty by Chandra ThiagarajanObelisks by Paul HartalObeng by Edward Kofi LouisObermann Once More by Matthew ArnoldOberon by STEPHEN BRIAN BradyOberon to the Queen of the Fairies by Mary Darby RobinsonOberon's Feast by Robert HerrickOberst Læssøe by Hans Christian AndersenObese War by Naveed AkramObesity by Ace Of Black HeartsObesity by Robert William ServiceObesity is not for me Todays Idiocy by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggObey by Edward Kofi LouisOBIIT MDCCCXXXIII (Entire) by Alfred Lord TennysonObinna And Nneka by Edward Kofi LouisObit. by David Lewis PagetObituary by Cupid MissedObituary of a Renowned Indian Surgeon by John CelesObituary to M.Subbalakshmi, singer by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarObituary: To My Beloved Parents by John CelesObject by Edward Kofi LouisObject Lesson by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggObject of My First Desire by Augustus Montague TopladyObject Of Ridicule by Low Li Ling JasmineObjectified by Vaida MareaObjection by Chidubem OkekeObjectivity by Jeffrey McDanielObjectivity by Lawrence S. PertillarObjector by William StaffordObjects by Lawrence S. PertillarObjects by Zbigniew HerbertObjects of mockery by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarObjects Status Quo Must Live With by Terence George CraddockOBL (osama bin laden) the hunt by Louis RamsOBL Was Sent To Hell by Louis RamsOblation by Steven FederleOblation by Edward Kofi LouisOblation by Sathya NarayanaObligated Not to Wait by Lawrence S. PertillarObligated to be Crazed by Lawrence S. PertillarObligation by Amy LowellObligation by Bibhakar DuttaObligation Of Remembrance by Maurice HarrisObligational Game by Kemurl FofanahObliging by Gajanan MishraObliterated by Alexis GallagherObliterations Of Beauty And We Weep by Patrick WhiteOblivion by Satish VermaOblivion by Edward Kofi LouisOblivion by Gwenevere CornwellOblivion by Norman SantosOblivion by Eric CockrellOblivion by Paul BrookesOblivion by Gaylord MunemoOblivious by Jaana CoonOblivious by Lawrence BeckOblivious To Me by Ace Of Black HeartsObloquy by Edward Kofi LouisObnoxious Powers by Naveed AkramObnoxiously Blatant by Lawrence S. PertillarOboe Me Over by Lawrence S. PertillarObon by Ahmad ShiddiqiObras De Arte by Ric S. BastasaObscene And Obsolete by Lawrence S. PertillarObscene Implications by Lawrence S. PertillarObscenities Triggered by Lawrence S. PertillarObscenity by Ric S. BastasaObscenity by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarObscure by Mary Joy LumanogObservances by Lawrence S. PertillarObservant To The Obvious by Lawrence S. PertillarObservation by Dorothy ParkerObservation by Edward Kofi LouisObservation by Michael OliverObservation by Ernestine NorthoverObservation by Hasmukh AmathalalObservation by Lawrence S. PertillarObservation by Rebecca PepperObservation by Romeo Della ValleObservation II by Edward Kofi LouisObservation Says It by Lawrence S. PertillarObservations of an octogenarian by Bashyam NarayananObservations Of The Man With A Broken Heart Spending Summer In A Getaway Beach by Ric S. BastasaObservations on Eloquence by Shimon WeinrothObservations Part 1. by Peter VealeyObservations Today Confirm by Lawrence S. PertillarObservations. by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggObservations... by Abhinit ChuteObserve by Tirupathi ChandrupatlaObserve It and Believe by Lawrence S. PertillarObserve the Quality of Your Way of Life by Lawrence S. PertillarObserve The TV Shows by LaSoaphia QuXazsObserved by Alex GuzmanObserved and Watched by Lawrence S. PertillarObserved As It Is Seen by Lawrence S. PertillarObserved But Having No Purpose by Lawrence S. PertillarObserved But Unbelieved by Lawrence S. PertillarObserved for what It Is by Lawrence S. PertillarObserved in My Mind Today by Bullion GreyObserved To Be What It Is by Lawrence S. PertillarObserved When Buying Onions by Oskar HansenObserved With Comprehension by Lawrence S. PertillarObserver by Christina SunriseObservers Are Worried by Edward Kofi LouisObserver’s Dilemma by Mary HavranObserving by Michael OliverObserving Late Afternoon Snow From An Upstairs Window by Warren FalconObserving Their Choices Made by Lawrence S. PertillarObserving This More by Lawrence S. PertillarObserving You by Lawrence S. PertillarObsessıon by Satish VermaObsessed by Lawrence S. PertillarObsessed by D.M.L. CatseyeObsessed by Memories Remembered by Lawrence S. PertillarObsessed To Possess by Lawrence S. PertillarObsessed With Football(Soccer) by Abhineet SharmaObsessed With Incestuous Love by Lawrence S. PertillarObsession by Edwina ReizerObsession by Christina PhanObsession by Paul EluardObsession by Muriel StuartObsession by David HarrisObsession by Kingshuk ChakrabortyObsession by Charles BaudelaireObsession by Oskar HansenObsession (revised) by Ric S. BastasaObsession for M lady Allison by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggObsession for man by Matthew HollowayObsession Is A Blessing by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarObsession with the beloved by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarObsession, Compulsion, by Ric S. BastasaObsessions Of The Lost Man by Ric S. BastasaObsessive by Ruth WaltersObsessive Desire by Uriah HamiltonObsessive-compulsive Poetry by Ric S. BastasaObsessive/Oblivious by Michael McParlandObsolescent by Bill KnottObsolete by Lawrence S. PertillarObsolete quiver of the universe by Marieta MaglasObstacles by Mye3Obstacles And Opportunities by David HarrisObstacles are challenges by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggObstacles Arrive by Lawrence S. PertillarObstinacy and Malcontent by Norman SantosObstinate by Edward Kofi LouisObstinate love by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarObstructionists! Unphased by Lawrence S. PertillarObstructive red wine spill by Giorgio VenetoObtained By Ghosts by Naveed AkramObtuse Myself by Satish VermaObvious But Absent by Lawrence S. PertillarObvious Crowns by Patrick WhiteObvious Flaws Too Many Wore Like Badges by Lawrence S. PertillarObvious Gift by Antonio LiaoObvious Glares by Lawrence S. PertillarObvious Motivations by Lawrence S. PertillarObvious Waste by Lawrence S. PertillarObviously by Edward Kofi LouisObviously Older Than You Babe... by Ric S. BastasaObviousness of It by Lawrence S. PertillarOccasion'd By Reading The Memoirs Of Anne Of Austria by Mary BarberOccasion'd By Seeing Some Verses Written By Mrs. Constantia Grierson, Upon The Death Of Her Son. by Mary BarberOccasion'd By Seeing The Honourable --- Treat A Person Of Merit With Insolence by Mary BarberOccasional Address by Charlotte SmithOccasional Poems by Delmore SchwartzOccasioned By Some Verses of His Grace the Duke of Buckingham by Alexander PopeOccasioned By The Battle Of Waterloo February 1816 by William WordsworthOcchi Verde by Morgan MichaelsOccidental Wind Chill by Nimal DunuhingaOccluded by Patti MastermanOccultation of Orion, The by Henry Wadsworth LongfellowOccupation by Metin SahinOccupation by Satish VermaOccupation by Gert StrydomOccupation Of Wall Street by Ray LuceroOccupational Therapy by Harriet JamesOccupied by Scot WarrenOccupied By Similar and Limited Visions by Lawrence S. PertillarOccupy MDP! by Raj ArumugamOccupy Oakland by Steven FederleOccupy! by Eric CockrellOccupy' Ghosts Of King Jackson Liberty Call by Terence George CraddockOccupy, The Body Of Freedom by Eric CockrellOccupy... (Citizen Of The World) by Eric CockrellOccupying My Desires by Lawrence S. PertillarOccupying Vacant Space! by Lawrence S. PertillarOccurring For A Reason by Edward Kofi LouisOCD Morning by Wendy LloydOcean by Persian KhushiOcean by Bethany MaxwellOcean by Sita CabreraOcean by Swagathnath RajeswariOcean and The Mind Of Man Are Both Alike by LalleshwariOcean Blue by Jessica PophamOcean Breakers by Lonnie HicksOcean Breath by Brent TerryOcean Breeze by Frank PulverOcean Breezes by Ray LuceroOcean Breezes by Rosi CaswellOcean but no water by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOcean Canvas by Ric S. BastasaOcean Clark The Original Painter by Suzae ChevalierOcéan de terre by Guillaume ApollinaireOcean Dreams by Joan HartOcean Existence by Shea ArenderOcean Flow by Celine KoeOcean is as one with the world by Izabelle SheridanOcean kissed The Sky by Randy HoganOcean Masquerade by Denis MartindaleOcean Mist, This One Blurs Me, Misty Eyed On The Beach by Ric S. BastasaOcean Of Affection Vavroovahana Patra by Vavroovahana PatraOcean of Beauty Vavroovahana Patra by Vavroovahana PatraOcean of Bravery Vavroovahana Patra by Vavroovahana PatraOcean of dreams by Ocean Of Feelings by Dhawal ChampaneriOcean of Forms by Rabindranath TagoreOcean Of Fraternity Vavroovahana Patra by Vavroovahana PatraOCEAN OF GAIETY Vavroovahana Patra by Vavroovahana PatraOcean Of Inspiration by Vavroovahana PatraOcean Of Lights by Edward Kofi LouisOCEAN OF LOVE Vavroovahana Patra by Vavroovahana PatraOcean Of Love by Gabriella FrancoOcean of love by David Oladipupo OlorunsholaOcean of Love by Persian KhushiOcean of Maddness by Chelsea VarvaroOcean Of Man's Heart by Debbie WagonerOcean of memories.... by Leila KayOcean of memory by Kavitha KrishnamurthyOcean Of My Blood by Overlord Don Manuel IhcakeynoOcean Of Peace by Vavroovahana PatraOcean of Purity Vavroovahana Patra by Vavroovahana PatraOcean Of Tears by Marites C. CayetanoOcean of Tranquillity Vavroovahana Patra by Vavroovahana PatraOcean of Treasures! by Ajay PisharodyOcean of wisdom Vavroovahana Patra by Vavroovahana PatraOcean Of Wisdom by Edward Kofi LouisOcean Park (4/10/11) by Ryan ColeOcean Park Hongkong by Ric S. BastasaOcean Poem by Claire PageOcean Poem by Courtney TakOcean Ranger Disaster by Verna RalphOcean Revery by Ben GieskeOcean Song by Robin ShulerOcean Tides by Jessica BouckOcean View by Billy ThompsonOcean Wave by Prasetya UtamaOcean's Moon by Richa MehtaOcean's Rose by Alex M.llerOcean's Waves by Matt MondscheinOcean, Emotions, Air, Love, Volcanos, You Erupt. by Tiffani WilliamsOcean, Life defines! by Blessing EkpeOcean, Ocean by Rachel linklaterprosperOcean: An Ode. Concluding with A Wish. by Edward YoungOcean: An Ode. Concluding with A wish. by Edward YoungOceania by Ray LuceroOceanic by Norman SantosOceanic Humour by Oskar HansenOceans by Stephen BennettOceans deep by Abhinaba SenOceans Of Thought by Terence George CraddockOceans Without Shores by Reyvrex Questor ReyesOctava by Edward Kofi LouisOctaves by Edwin Arlington RobinsonOctavian This Time by Ric S. BastasaOctavio by Edward Kofi LouisOctavio by Ric S. BastasaOctavio 2 by Ric S. BastasaOctavio 3 by Ric S. BastasaOctet by Vikram SethOctober by Gregory HuyetteOctober by Edward ThomasOctober by Hans Christian AndersenOctober by Siegfried SassoonOctober by Paul Laurence DunbarOctober by Steven FederleOctober by May SwensonOctober by Dinah Maria Mulock CraikOctober by Ellis Parker ButlerOctober by Florence Earle CoatesOctober by William Cullen BryantOctober by Elinor Morton WylieOctober by Ruth WaltersOctober by Robert FrostOctober by Oskar HansenOctober (i) by Jacqui ThewlessOctober 13,2004 by Madeline FazioOctober 19 by Missy AnnaOctober 1962 by Gert StrydomOctober 1st / 09 - 9: 03 Pm by Joshua WickstromOctober 2005 by Muhammad ShanazarOctober 21, 1905 by George MeredithOctober Air by Leslie KavanaghOctober and The Sights by Oscar Feliciano JrOctober Awakening by Aldo KraasOctober begins by Sara WaalkesOctober Burns Burgundy by Dyhanara RiosOctober Day by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOctober Girl by David TaylorOctober In Kalorama by Francis DugganOctober in New Zealand by Jessie MackayOctober Leaves by SeQuoia BrownOctober Musings, 1866 by Janet HamiltonOctober Night Blues by Aldo KraasOctober Night of Divas, East Tenth Street, New York City by Warren FalconOctober Night Song by Aldo KraasOctober on the Sheep Range by Arthur ChapmanOctober Rain by Rene' BennettOctober rain by Nizamettin Esen HaymanaliOctober Rose by Shonda BarnesOctober Rust by Pam EszpnalOctober Silk by Louise Marie DelSantoOctober sonet by Alejandro VelezOctober Song by Paul BrookesOctober Sundown by Eric CockrellOctober Suprise by Whitney AlbrightOctober Surprise by Ray LuceroOctober the Post Office Cat by Sidi J. MahtrowOctober [Octombrie] by Al. O. TeodoreanuOctober's Bright Blue Weather by Helen Hunt JacksonOctober's Sweetheart by Audra KingOctober, 1803 by William WordsworthOctober, 1863 by Janet HamiltonOctobers' End by Bernard KennedyOctober’s Pretence. by Oskar HansenOctobrrr! by Denis MartindaleOctopi Opportunities by Terence George CraddockOctopish by Mye3Octopus by Arthur Clement HiltonOd Cežnje Nabrekla Dahom Ukleta by Miroslava OdalovicOd kiše by Miroslava OdalovicOda al Tomate by Pablo NerudaOdaren Odar Harazadnou Odar by Sossi KhachadourianOdaw River by Edward Kofi LouisOdd Balls by Lawrence S. PertillarOdd Coincidence by Jonathan RobinOdd couple by Gajanan MishraOdd Desire by Santhana LouisOdd Hats, Summer Dresses by Ruth WaltersOdd Hour Lovers by Lonnie HicksOdd Love by Romeo Della ValleOdd Love Story by Oskar HansenOdd Lullaby by James Callos JordanOdd Man Out by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOdd musings of an impatient heart by Kamryn ChewOdd Ones Out (a Sonnet) by John Thorkild EllisonOdd Poet by Sathya NarayanaOdd Seasons by Unic CjonrOdd Thought by Naveed AkramOdd thoughts crowd into my mind at night by Ilaria BoffaOdd Token by Giorgio VenetoOdd... by Ric S. BastasaOddfellowship in Ingersoll by James McIntyreOddfellowship in Woodstock by James McIntyreOddities by Edwina ReizerOddity for friend Thad by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOdds by Antonio LiaoOde by Arthur William Edgar O'ShaughnessyOde by Richard LovelaceOde by William Taylor CollinsOde by Joseph AddisonOde by John KeatsOde by Ralph Waldo EmersonOde by John DonneOde by Mathurin RegnierOde by William WordsworthOde by William Gilmore SimmsOde by Ode by William Gilmore SimmsOde by Anne Lynch BottaOde by Henri de RegnierOde by John DrydenOde (From The French) by ByronOde (in ancient metric) [Odă (în metru antic] by Mihai EminescuOde - Promesse De L'Amour by Matthew PriorOde - So dear my Lucio is to me by William ShenstoneOde 1373 by RumiOde 1957: An intellectual by RumiOde 300: Banging The Drum by Laijon LiuOde 300: Sun and moon, listen to my grievance! by Laijon LiuOde 314 by RumiOde an die Freude by Friedrich SchillerOde at Magnolia Cemetery by Henry TimrodOde Composed On A May Morning by William WordsworthOde for a Master Mariner Ashore by Louise Imogen GuineyOde For A Social Meeting by Oliver Wendell HolmesOde for an Agricultural Celebration by William Cullen BryantOde for General Washington's Birthday by Robert BurnsOde for Memorial Day by Paul Laurence DunbarOde for New Year's Day by Clive Staples LewisOde for the Fourth of July by Anne Lynch BottaOde for the Keats Centenary by Duncan Campbell ScottOde For Walt Whitman by Jack SpicerOde For Washington’s Birthday by Oliver Wendell HolmesOde I: The Preface by Mark AkensideOde I: The Remonstrance Of Shakespeare by Mark AkensideOde II: On The Winter-Solstice by Mark AkensideOde II: To Sleep by Mark AkensideOde III: To A Friend, Unsuccessful In Love by Mark AkensideOde III: To The Cuckow by Mark AkensideOde in Honour by Francis ScarfeOde in May by William WatsonOde in Memory of the American Volunteers Fallen for France by Alan SeegerOde IV: Affected Indifference. To The Same by Mark AkensideOde IV: To The Honourable Charles Townshend In The Country by Mark AkensideOde IX. To Curio by Mark AkensideOde IX: At Study by Mark AkensideOde IX: To Curio by Mark AkensideOde of Abigail by Giorgio VenetoOde of Aya- I Am by AyA AlforqueyAlfecheOde of I by Jill FerreyOde of Mother Mphizi by Paul MwenelupembeOde On A Distant Prospect Of Clapham Academy by Thomas HoodOde On A Distant Prospect Of Eton College by Thomas GrayOde On A Grecian Urn by John KeatsOde On A Lycian Tomb by Silas Weir MitchellOde on a nearer prospect of summer hill by Richard Harris BarhamOde on a Sermon Against Glory by Mark AkensideOde on a Wedgwood Urn by Michael ShepherdOde on Adversity by Mary Darby RobinsonOde On Indolence by John KeatsOde On Intimations Of Immortality by William WordsworthOde On Lord Hay's BirthDay by James BeattieOde On Melancholy by John KeatsOde on Melancholy by John KeatsOde On Snow by M.L. SquierOde on Solitude by Alexander PopeOde on St. Cecilia's Day by Alexander PopeOde On The Death Of A Favourite Cat Drowned In A Tub Of Goldfishes by Thomas GrayOde On The Death Of A Lady, Who Lived One Hundred Years, And Died On Her Birthday, 1728 by Ode On The Insurrection In Candia by Algernon Charles SwinburneOde On The Istallation of the Duke of Devonshire by Charles KingsleyOde on the Mammoth Cheese by James McIntyreOde On The Pleasure Arising From Vicissitude by Thomas GrayOde on the Poetical Character by William Taylor CollinsOde On The Present Times, 27th January 1795 by Amelia OpieOde On The Spring by Thomas GrayOde On Venice by ByronOde on Winter by Aditya MudbharyOde Tae Colin Leslie Dean, Australia's Leading Erotic Poet Allegedly by Jim HoggOde to 80's Music and How I Adore It by Carli SmithoDE to a BACKBITER by Ric S. BastasaOde To A Beautiful World by Aldo KraasOde to a Blank Page by Rachele ...duhhOde To A Book Worm by Terence George CraddockOde to a Bumble Bee by David HarrisOde to a Butterfly by Sheri HockmanOde To A Cheeseburger by Matt KargerOde To A Child by Mathilde BlindOde to a Cross by Adam M. SnowOde To A Crystal Vase by Edwina ReizerOde to a Cuppa Coffee by Sadiqullah KhanOde to a Deer by Claudia KrizayOde To A Demoted Flow by Lawrence S. PertillarOde to a dream by Deep MukherjeeOde to a Dressmaker's Dummy by Donald JusticeOde to a Firefly by Dov DoviakOde to a four pen by Sazarh NatisiOde to a Frozen Timepiece by Kelly VinalOde to a Gentle Soul by Matthew HollowayOde to a Honey Bee by Rachel NicholsOde To A Kitty Cat (Whose Name Is Tinker) by Kevin PatrickOde to a Lady on the Spring by Joseph WartonOde to a Large Tuna in the Market by Pablo NerudaOde to a Lightbulb by Dawn FerrettOde to a Lime by Ode to a Loved One by SapphoOde To A Macintosh by Nicolas GrenierOde to a Meal of Life by Han One SailOde To A Naked Beauty by Pablo NerudaOde To A Nightingale by John KeatsODE TO A PiCtUrE by Yvette NarioOde To A Poetry Teacher by Ric S. BastasaOde To A Road... by Ode To A Robert Frost Poem by Nichole Kaci McKnightOde to a Sandpiper by David HartOde To A Seagull by Ric S. BastasaOde To A Sleepless Night by Seema joglekarOde To A Solitary Mind - 2 by Ratnakar MandlikOde to A Sour Pickle by Ode To A special Friend by Clinton EkehOde To A Strict Lifestyle Of The Past by Ric S. BastasaOde to a Twilight Sky by Adam M. SnowOde to a Vampire Squid by Diane HineOde to a Yellow Butterfly by Sidi J. MahtrowOde to a Young Lady by William ShenstoneOde to Aashu by Tuna BiswalOde to Adversity by John GayOde To An Angel by Matthew Hollowayode to an EGG by Yvette SmithOde to an Indian Classical Dancer by Om ChawlaOde To Anactoria by SapphoOde To Apollo by John KeatsOde to Apollo by James Lister CuthbertsonOde to Apollo. On An Inkglass Almost Dried In The Sun by William CowperOde to Artaud by Robert LearyOde to Autumn by Thomas HoodOde To Autumn by John KeatsOde to Autumn by John Tiong ChunghooOde To Autumn by Lord Alfred DouglasOde To Autumn (I'm in awe of Fall) by David WhalenOde To Ayvie (On The Banks Of River Zambezi) by Isunge MwangaseOde To Baby by Aldo KraasOde To Back Old Days by Sunnetra BasuOde to Baldness by C.R. ClarkOde to Barclay - a Very Special Cat by William Messent JonesOde To Beauty by George KrokosOde To Beauty by Ralph Waldo EmersonOde to Beauty by Mary Darby RobinsonOde to Being Five (Children) by C.J. HeckOde To Bird Watching by Pablo NerudaOde to Birth by John Tiong ChunghooOde to Borrowdale by Amelia OpieOde to Bouncer (is this your dog too?) by David WhalenOde to breakfast by David WhalenOde To Broken Things by Pablo NerudaOde To Brother by Caitlin WagnerOde to Bukowski by Paige NielsenOde to Captain Paery by Thomas HoodOde To Cheerfulness by Felicia Dorothea HemansOde To Cheese by Life PoemOde to Chickens by Trevor CumminsOde to Cinderella by Swarnapali LiyanageOde to Cindy by Tim LabbeOde to Clothes by Pablo NerudaOde to Clyde by Sunnie BiancoOde to Conformity by Stan PetrovichOde To Costco by Erin SanchezOde to Crumbs by John McAdamOde to Curses by John Tiong ChunghooOde to Cynthia, on the Approach of Spring by William ShenstoneOde To Death by Charlotte SmithOde to Death by John Tiong ChunghooOde to death! by Kezang DawaOde to Della Crusca by Mary Darby RobinsonOde To Dennis Ferguson by Daniel TaitOde To Despair by Charlotte SmithOde to Despair by Mary Darby RobinsonOde to Diana by Sara FielderOde To Dir. Matet by Melvin BanggollayOde to Distraction by Cynthia YildirimOde to Divorce by Cynthia YildirimOde To Dreams by Edwina ReizerOde to Drowning by Tishani DoshiOde to Duty by William WordsworthOde to Eloquence by Mary Darby RobinsonOde To Emily Dickinson by John Tiong ChunghooOde to Envy by Mary Darby RobinsonOde to equality by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOde To Eric Clapton by Wayne FalconerOde To Erotica by Ric S. BastasaOde to Ethiopia by Paul Laurence DunbarOde to Evening by William Taylor CollinsOde To Evening by William CollinsOde to Ezra by John McleishOde to family by Fitrah AnugrahOde to Fancy by Joseph WartonOde to Fanny by John KeatsOde To Father And Mother by Nosherwan khanOde to Fear by William Taylor CollinsOde to Forgetfulness by John Tiong ChunghooOde to Four Green Fields, RIP, in Royal Oak, Michigan by Joe RosochackiOde to Friday by Dawn FerrettOde to Friendship by Dela BobobeeOde to George by Linda OriOde To Georgiana, Duchess Of Devonshire, On The Twenty-Fourth Stanza In Her 'Passage Over Mount Gothard' by Samuel Taylor ColeridgeOde to God by Viorel VintilaOde to Grief by Zia Jaycee May TrentOde to H.H. The Nizam Of Hyderabad by Sarojini NaiduOde To happiness by Naomi BurdettOde To Happiness by Robert Edgar BurnsOde to have big titties by Villie BeebsOde to Health by Mary Darby RobinsonOde to Health, 1730 by William ShenstoneOde To Heath Ledger by Xaviant HazeOde To Heaven by Percy Bysshe ShelleyOde to Hecate by Stedmond M. PardyOde to Henry by Lynne FincherSpringardenOde to Her by Fred BabbinOde to her skin by Marie LoveOde To Hope by James BeattieOde to Houses of Worship by John Tiong ChunghooOde To Immortality by Leonard DaranjoOde to Indolence by William ShenstoneOde To Infinity by Charles HiceOde To Inspiration by George KrokosOde To Irena Sendler by Paul HartalOde To Istanbul by Terence George CraddockOde to Jean Matsushige by Sr. Lawerence MizeOde To John by James CaseyOde To John Keats by Edwina ReizerOde to Josiah (Living in a Car) by Alfred RamosOde to Joy by Anonymous AmericasOde To Joy by Friedrich SchillerOde to Judy Garland by John Tiong ChunghooOde to Karate by Hitesh ShethOde to Karen and the Summer by Jimi Doyleode to Karen C. by Michel AntoineOde to King Saul's Son by Frederick KesnerOde to Lake District by Ode To Liberty by Percy Bysshe ShelleyOde to Liberty by William Taylor CollinsOde To Life by Edwina ReizerOde to Life and Death by Cynthia OnukwughaOde to Liza Minnelli by Stedmond M. PardyOde to London by Christian LacdaelOde To Loneliness by Satish VermaOde to Love by Tyler YarnelliOde to loves.... by Mleg StarOde To Lycoris. May 1817 by William WordsworthOde to M E R C Y by William Taylor CollinsOde to Maize by Pablo NerudaOde To Mankind by George KrokosOde to Marie-Anne-Charlotte Corday by Andre Marie de ChenierOde to Marriage by Cynthia YildirimOde To Meaning by Robert PinskyOde to Meditation by Mary Darby RobinsonOde to Melancholy by Thomas HoodOde to Melancholy by Mary Darby RobinsonOde to Memory by William ShenstoneOde to Memory by Alfred Lord TennysonOde to Mom by Khilil PerryOde to Morn by John Tiong ChunghooOde to Mother by Maria SudibyoOde to Mother Nature by Aditya MudbharyOde to mother nature by Ngaka MotaungOde to Mother's Day by Harlan MilleretOde To Motherland by Sanjay MehtaOde to Music by Joseph WartonOde To My Beloved by Ray LuceroOde to My Beloved! by Rafeeque C.KOde to my Dad & Mom by Sivan P.G MenonOde to my debacle by John SheaOde to my dying Cactus (Rough Draft) by Lazarus KnixOde To My Father by Buxton ShippyOde To My Gumption (Or Lack Thereof) by Leria HawkinsOde to my Hubby by Niken Kusuma WardaniOde To My Love Azumi Ibra by Sherry RafOde to my love, my Wife by Vinod A KOde to my Ocean! by L.P. AlexandersOde To My Penny by Jordyn AveritteOde to My Satyriasis Addiction by Beau GoldenOde To My Sis by Ode to my sister by Barnali SahaOde to My Socks by Pablo NerudaOde To My Sweetheart by Abu SayemOde To Myself by Melvin BanggollayOde To Myself by Jesuroboowie Gift ImafidonOde to Naples by Percy Bysshe ShelleyOde To Napoleon Buonaparte by ByronOde To Neptune by Phillis WheatleyOde to Odor by Lawrence S. PertillarOde to Old Smiley by Frederick KesnerOde To OM by Mittur RamprasadOde To One Who Is Injured by Ryan C. WalkerOde To Orange Chgicken by Aubrey HarmelOde to P E A C E by William Taylor CollinsOde To Pandalam Prince by Indira RenganathanOde to passion by Elenushka ToledoOde to Patricia by Matt MondscheinOde To Peace by James BeattieOde To Peace by William CowperOde to Peace by Helen Maria WilliamsOde to Pelé by Paolo Giuseppe MazzarelloOde to Pencils by Kristi MillerOde to Persephone and Gwydion by James StrachotaOde To Phebe by Buxton ShippyOde to Phylicia by Buxton ShippyOde to Phyllis by Buxton ShippyOde To Pie by Michael Issac PalmerOde to Pity by William Taylor CollinsOde to Pity by Jane AustenOde to Plath by John Tiong ChunghooOde To Poetry by Cokbod LodwogoOde to Poverty by John Tiong ChunghooOde to Prayers by John Tiong ChunghooOde To Private Howard by Thomas HeronOde To Psyche by John KeatsOde to Rae Wilson Esq. by Thomas HoodOde to Rebirth - Cross Century Surgery Operation by John Tiong ChunghooOde to Reflection by Mary Darby RobinsonOde to Rheynette by Werner HorneOde to Romantic Norse Language by David WhalenOde to Rose by Manjeshwari P MYSOREOde to S'mores by Luke BushenOde to Sadness by Pablo NerudaOde to Sage by Melissa FerrerOde to Salt by Pablo NerudaOde to Salvador Dali by Federico García LorcaOde To Sara, In Answer To A Letter From Bristol by Samuel Taylor ColeridgeOde To Sarah Jane Smith (Doctor Who) by Angela WybrowOde to Shakespeare! ! ! by Shahzia BatoolOde to Shoppers Everywhere by Sidi J. MahtrowOde To Silence by Edna St. Vincent MillayOde to Simplicity by William Taylor CollinsOde To Sister Greta by Sonja CienfuegosOde to Sleep by Thomas Warton Jr.Ode To Sleep by Pablius Papinius StatiusOde to Sleep by John Tiong ChunghooOde To Smoke by Sarang MangiOde To Somrit Mellers by Wilfred MellersOde To Spring by Gert StrydomOde to Tea by John Tiong ChunghooOde To Teacher by Mohammad MuzzammilOde to Teachers by Dreamin BigOde To The by George CanningOde To The 'x' World.... by Ric S. BastasaOde to the American Soldiers by Ashton KarenOde To The Artichoke by Pablo NerudaOde to the Banished Fairy by Harriet JamesOde to the Beauty by Mukesh RavalOde to the bird in the cypress tree by Matthew HollowayOde to the Book by Pablo NerudaOde to the boy from Dunblane by Simon ThorpeOde to the Bred-Winner Figure by Evita VelvetOde to the butterflies by John Tiong ChunghooOde to the Cambro-Britons and their Harp, His Ballad of Agi by Michael DraytonOde To The Cherry Blossom by Evan PuglisiOde To The Child by John Tiong ChunghooOde to the Coffee by John Tiong ChunghooOde to the color blue by David WhalenOde to The Country Gentlemen Of England by Mark AkensideOde to the Creator by David Hart by Ode to the crow by Cameron BrooksOde To The Crow by Cameron Daniel BrooksOde to The Dagger Between CY and Poplar by Aaron GrahamOde To The Departing Year by Samuel Taylor ColeridgeOde to the Divine Mother by Vinod A KOde to the dragon by Jacob EllingerOde to the Earth by John Tiong ChunghooOde To The Elder Brush by Shah RizanOde to the end of Summer by Phyllis McGinleyOde to the Enneagram. by LaSoaphia QuXazsOde to the Fallen Soldier by David A HarrisOde To The Fanny Queens by Roman Pierre Van ParijsOde to the female form by Matthew HollowayOde To The Forgotten by Mizz Midnight FireOde To The Freedom Sought by Soren ValentineOde to The Galley by Ode to the Goddess Ceres by Thomas MooreOde to the Great Unknown by Thomas HoodOde To The Green Grass Of Summer by Ric S. BastasaOde To The Heart by Savanah CoxOde To The Hollow Bastion Within by Soren ValentineOde To The Johns Hopkins University by Sidney LanierOde to the Man I Sometimes Call Dad by Jessica RobertsOde to the Memory of Burns by Thomas CampbellOde To The Modern Web-Poets by Hola MentirosaOde to the Modern Work-Man by TmaOde To The Moon by Thomas HoodOde to the Moon by Mary Darby RobinsonOde To The Moon's Tragedy by Soren ValentineOde to the Mother by Masiela LushaOde to the Muse by Mary Darby RobinsonOde to the Nightingale by Mary Darby RobinsonOde to the Northeast Wind by Charles KingsleyOde To The Old by Ron PateOde To The Only Girl by John WilliamsOde to the Orchid by John Tiong ChunghooOde To The Peshtigo by Alvin SchautOde To The Philistines by George Essex EvansOde to the Plum Blossom by Mao ZedongOde To The Poet by Terence George CraddockOde To The Poinsettia by Albert PriceOde To The Poppy by Charlotte SmithOde To The Rain by George KrokosOde to the Sadness of my Eyes by David E. PattonOde to The Scent Of Cinnamon by David WhalenOde to the Senses; a Sense of Prayer by Lorenzo CostiglioloOde To The Setting Sun by Francis ThompsonOde To The Setting Sun - Prelude by Francis ThompsonOde To the Song; Ribbon in the Sky by Nichole Kaci McKnightOde to the Spider by John Tiong ChunghooOde To The Spinster... by Ric S. BastasaOde To The Spirit Of The Earth In Autumn by George MeredithOde to the Sublime Porte by Thomas MooreOde To The Sun by George KrokosOde to the sun by Gert StrydomOde to the Tiger by John Tiong ChunghooOde to the town of Porcupine ON. Canada by Paul Henry DallaireOde to the Umbrella by John Tiong ChunghooOde To The Unborn by Christy FallonOde To The Unfinished Poem by Randy ReshOde to the USS New York by Scott KoenOde To The Voices in the Wind by James DaviesOde to the Weed by Derrick Hubert SchnabelOde to the West Wind by Percy Bysshe ShelleyOde to the Willow by John Tiong ChunghooOde To The Wind by John Tiong ChunghooOde to the Wind 2 by John Tiong ChunghooOde to the Wobblies by Timothy YoungOde To the World by Erik RoblesOde to the World by Jaya RazoOde to the worthy, earthy and free versey by David WhalenOde to Time by John Tiong ChunghooOde to TMZ by Joe RosochackiOde To Tobacco by Charles Stuart CalverleyOde to Tomatoes by Pablo NerudaOde to tradition by Robert BeckermanOde To Tranquillity by Samuel Taylor ColeridgeOde To True Love by Maurice HarrisOde to Valour by Mary Darby RobinsonOde to Vanity by Mary Darby RobinsonOde To Venus by Nazmul HaqueOde To Village by Ode to W. Kitchener, M.D. by Thomas HoodOde to Walt Whitman by Federico García LorcaOde to War by Mark R SlaughterOde to Weight-watchers by Albert PriceOde To William H. Channing by Ralph Waldo EmersonOde To Wine by Pablo NerudaOde to Winter by Thomas CampbellOde to winter by Matthew HollowayOde To Woman by Mohammad MuzzammilOde to you by Elenushka ToledoOde To Your Ghetto Booty by Wilfred MellersOde To Youth by Vince GullaciOde V: Against Suspicion by Mark AkensideOde V: On Love Of Praise by Mark AkensideOde VI: Hymn To Cheerfulness by Mark AkensideOde VI: To William Hall, Esquire: With The Works Of Chaulieu by Mark AkensideOde VII: On The Use Of Poetry by Mark AkensideOde VII: To The Right Reverend Benjamin Lord Bishop Of Winchester by Mark AkensideOde VIII: If Rightly Tuneful Bards Decide by Mark AkensideOde VIII: On Leaving Holland by Mark AkensideOde Written In The Beginning Of The Year 1746 by William Taylor CollinsOde Written In The Beginning Of The Year 1746 by William CollinsOde Written On The First Of December by Robert SoutheyOde Written On The First Of January by Robert SoutheyOde X: To The Muse by Mark AkensideOde X: To Thomas Edwards, Esquire: On The Late Edition Of Mr. Pope's Work by Mark AkensideOde XI: On Love, To A Friend by Mark AkensideOde XI: To The Country Gentlemen Of England by Mark AkensideOde XII: On Recovering From A Fit Of Sickness, In the Country by Mark AkensideOde XII: To Sir Francis Henry Drake, Baronet by Mark AkensideOde XIII: On Lyric Poetry by Mark AkensideOde XIII: To The Author Of Memoirs Of The House of Brandenburgh by Mark AkensideOde XIV: To The Honourable Charles Townshend: From The Country by Mark AkensideOde XV: On Domestic Manners (Unfinished) by Mark AkensideOde XV: To The Evening-Star by Mark AkensideOde XVI: To Caleb Hardinge, M.D. by Mark AkensideOde XVII: On A Sermon Against Glory by Mark AkensideOde XVIII: To The Right Honourable Francis Earl Of Huntington by Mark AkensideOde' To Granddad by Joseph BlitchOde, Composed On A May Morning by William WordsworthOde, Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood by William WordsworthOde, written 1739 by William ShenstoneOde, Written On The Opening Of The Last Campaign by Amelia OpieOde--'On A Distant Prospect' Of Making A Fortune by Charles Stuart CalverleyOde--Shell the Old City! Shell! by William Gilmore SimmsOde-My World (For Liz) by Maurice HarrisOde. Supposed To Be Written On The Marriage Of A Friend by William CowperOde. Written On The Blank Page Before Beaumont And Fletcher's Tragi-Comedy 'The Fair Maid Of The Inn by John KeatsOde... by Ode: Intimations of Immortality by William WordsworthOde: Si en un lieu solitaire by Jacques TahureauOde:Sung on the. Occasion Of decorating the graves of the Confederate dead by Henry TimrodOdehye by Edward Kofi LouisOdessa - My Principessa by Larisa RzhepishevskaOdgovor Jednoj Tanji by Jankovic ZoranOdi et amo (after Catullus) by John Thorkild EllisonOdisha Vavroovahana Patra by Vavroovahana PatraOdisha by Edward Kofi LouisOdisha by Gajanan MishraOdisha’s Glory Vavroovahana Patra by Vavroovahana PatraOdium by Naveed AkramOdium by Oskar HansenOdorous by Edwina ReizerOdwira by Edward Kofi LouisOdysseus by Friedrich SchillerOdysseus by Gert StrydomOdysseus and Calypso by Gert StrydomOdysseus to Pallas Athena by Gert StrydomOdysseus to Telemachus by Joseph BrodskyOdysseus' Decision by Louise GluckOdysseus' Fate by Konstantin Nikolaevich BatiushkovOdysseus: I Have Travelled Over the Raging Sea by Gert StrydomOdysseus: In Memory Of Arthur Griffith by Padraic ColumOdyssey by Norman SantosOdyssey by Sathya NarayanaOdyssey Dawn Oil Lamp by Terence George CraddockOdyssey Of An Old Man by Ray LuceroOdyssey of the Soul by Adrian WaitOedipus by Ric S. BastasaOedipus by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOehler by Edward Kofi LouisOenone by Alfred Lord TennysonOenone by William Edmondstoune AytounOer my Sins Thou sit and moan... by William BlakeOestrogen flooding by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOf 'That' Because Of Them, Now and How! by Lawrence S. PertillarOf a Different Kind by Lawrence S. PertillarOf A Great Day by Naveed AkramOf a Higher Consciousness by Lawrence S. PertillarOf A Lizard by Edward Kofi LouisOf A Memory by Harlequin RoseOf A Ministry Pitiful, Angry, Mean by Jane AustenOf A Much Higher 'Trip by Lawrence S. PertillarOf a Much Needed Self Evaluation by Lawrence S. PertillarOf A Once Natural Process by Lawrence S. PertillarOf A Place by laurajayne KennedyOf a Promethean aspect... by Dibakar SarkarOf a Rose, a Lovely Rose, Of a Rose is Al myn Song by Anonymous Olde EnglishOf a rose, a lovely rose, Of a rose is al myn song. by AnonymousOf A Sabotaging Done by Lawrence S. PertillarOf a Useless Need For Assumptions Done by Lawrence S. PertillarOf A Virgin Born by Steven Silent WolfOf A Virgin God by Satish VermaOf a Woman, Dead Young by Dorothy ParkerOf a' the Airts by Robert BurnsOf Acceptance and Compliancy by Lawrence S. PertillarOf Accepted Ignorance by Lawrence S. PertillarOf Accomplishing Something, Anything To Leave by Lawrence S. PertillarOf All I've Seen Waiting To Be Discovered by Mark HeathcoteOf All Life's States Supreme by Jonathan RobinOf all nacyons vnder the heuyn by John SkeltonOf All The Poems I Have Written And Forgotten by Shalom FreedmanOf all the souls that stand create by Emily DickinsonOf all the Sounds despatched abroad by Emily DickinsonOf All The Stars In The Night Sky by Ric S. BastasaOf All The Words by Ric S. BastasaOf An Earthly Utopia by Francis DugganOf An Orchard by Katharine TynanOf Ancient Mastodon, Sleepy Bee & Young Men Who Leap Too Soon From Bridges - Nightingale Confesses Into Straighter Teeth by Warren FalconOf and for interest by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOf Ants and Life by Onalethuso Petruss NtemaOf any nation by Hasmukh AmathalalOf Any Old Man by Isaac RosenbergOf Asterisk, Lovely Flower by Warren FalconOf beauty by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOf Beauty and Duty by Dante AlighieriOf Being God by Talile Ali by Talile AliOf Being is a Bird by Emily DickinsonOf Bells Anatomy There Is Much by Warren FalconOf Birth And Death by Sarvesh KulkarniOf blue and white cords-Anagram Poem by Marieta MaglasOf Bronze—and Blaze by Emily DickinsonOf Brussels—it was not by Emily DickinsonOf Bulls & Goats by Reetesh SabrOf Burning by Satish VermaOf Caterpillars and Childhood by Cynthia Buhain-BaelloOf cause it's all lies, it always is by Mark HeathcoteOf Charity by Arthur SymonsOf Child With Bird At The Bush by John BunyanOf Childhood I Have Such Good Memories by Francis DugganOf Clementina by Walter Savage LandorOf Cliques and Monopoly by Patti MastermanOf Coarse Fools by Sebastian BrantOf Coins And Of Flowers by Bret R. CrabrookeOf Color Red by David WhalenOf Colors That You Interchanged by Ric S. BastasaOf Coloured Glass by Constantine P. CavafyOf Consciousness, her awful Mate by Emily DickinsonOf Cookies... and smiling by David WhalenOf Cottons And Feathers by Ric S. BastasaOf Course by Marites C. CayetanoOf Course by Prasetya UtamaOf Course I Can Be Monogamous by Lawrence S. PertillarOf Course I Find You Delicious by Lawrence S. PertillarOf Course I Like You by Lawrence S. PertillarOf course I love you by SapphoOf Course It Hurts! by Lawrence S. PertillarOf Course It Is Unconscionable by Lawrence S. PertillarOf course sweetheart for M lady Tara by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOf Course Your Idea Of Happiness Differs From Mine by Not Long LeftOf course, soon you will grow cold by Ric S. BastasaOf Course. Yes by Lawrence S. PertillarOf Course—I prayed by Emily DickinsonOf De Witt Williams On His Way To Lincoln Cemetery by Gwendolyn BrooksOf Death by John BunyanOf Death & Resurrection by William StrodeOf Deceit and Honorable Hypocrisy! by Lawrence S. PertillarOf delicate poems by Antonio LiaoOf Dimitrios Sotir by Constantine P. CavafyOf Disease by Naveed AkramOf Dreams and Ambitions by Owen JohnstonOf Dust! by Eric CockrellOf English Verse by Edmund WallerOf Evil Defined by Nichole Kaci McKnightOf F.W.H.M. to One that Smokes by James Kenneth StephenOf Fire and Love by Thyris TaylorOf Fishes by Herbert NehrlichOf Flame by Naveed AkramOf Fleeting Memories by Ray QuesadaOf Flower And Bud by Indira BabbellapatiOf Fog And Dawn And Boys And Men And Greatness by Erik ChristiansenOf Fools In The World by David E. PattonOf Getting A Female Child...! by V.K. KanniappanOf Ghosts And Writers.... by Ric S. BastasaOf Global Warming And Climate Change by Francis DugganOf Glory by Arthur MaquarieOf God he would not speak. by Mandy LeeOf Godly Fear by John BunyanOf Gods Among Men by Ric S. BastasaOf Gods Amongst Men..... by Ric S. BastasaOf Gods And Virgins by Satish VermaOf Going Back by Ric S. BastasaOf Great Humanistic Deeds by Lawrence S. PertillarOf Greed And Corruption by Francis DugganOf Haiti and Other Wars by Wesley GibbingsOf Haitian Blood by Lawrence S. PertillarOf Happiness by Diwakar BhattOf Hearts Broken by Villiamor CalventasOf Heaven by John BunyanOf Hell And The Estate of Those Who Perish by John BunyanOf Her Glory by Edward Kofi LouisOf Him I Love Day And Night by Walt WhitmanOf Himself by William CowperOf Holiness Of Life by John BunyanOf Hope (a fourteener) by Terri TurrellOf Hopes For Our Future by Francis DugganOf Hopping And Of Hoping by Ric S. BastasaOf Horses And Flies by Herbert NehrlichOf Hue And Cigarette Dreams by Janine Alyssa NavarroOf human bondage by Isaac ZivOf Human Greed In These Tough Times by Francis DugganOf Humans And Dogs by Juan OlivarezOf Humans The Stains They Leave by Warren FalconOf Hym That Togyder Wyll Serve Two Masters by Sebastian BrantOf Image. And Not Substance by Lawrence S. PertillarOf Imputed Righteousness by John BunyanOf India by Dr. Yogesh SharmaOf Intimacy by Edward Kofi LouisOf Jacopo Del Sellaio by Ezra PoundOf Jeff (on a Rainy Day) by Kathryn SweetOf Joan's Youth by Louise Imogen GuineyOf Joy by Stan PetrovichOf Joy and Pain by Ric S. BastasaOf joys and pleasing pains by John WilbyeOf Judgement by John BunyanOf Justice by John DenhamOf Katrina and Ketsana by Emmaline OrtizOf Language by Satish VermaOf late by Shalini RaoOf Li Po Waking The Morning After, circa 1981 by Warren FalconOf Liberation by Norman SantosOf Lies and Deceit by Persian KhushiOf Life And Of Nature by Francis DugganOf Light by Agha Shahid AliOf locks and thieves! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! by Mamta AgarwalOf Losing You by Marites C. CayetanoOf Loss and Gain by Frank BanaOf Lost Joy and Faded Memories... by Joe FazioOf Lost Joy...And Fading Memories by Joe FazioOf Lost Joy...And Fading Memories by Joe FazioOf Lost Joy...And Fading Memories. by Joe FazioOf Love by Edward Kofi LouisOf Love by Valsa GeorgeOf Love And It's Ways by Francis DugganOf Love and Parting by Leria HawkinsOf Love And Time by Edward Kofi LouisOf Love To God by John BunyanOf Love: A Sonnet by Robert HerrickOf Lovers And Friends by Ric S. BastasaOf Luxury by Naveed AkramOf M.S… by Roland ChoOf Man And His Inferiors by J. Farrell GriffinOf Man By Nature by John BunyanOf Mere Being by Wallace Stevens | In RomanianOf Modern Poetry by Wallace Stevens | In RomanianOf moments by Ionuț PopaOf Moral Standards by Hasmukh AmathalalOf Morning Call by David HarrisOf Morning Glory! by Geoff WardenOf Moses And His Wife by John BunyanOf Moths And Guitars by Bret R. CrabrookeOf My Beloved by Ric S. BastasaOf My Father's Doing by Lawrence S. PertillarOf My Lady Isabella Playing on the Lute by Edmund WallerOf My Mind...... by Ric S. BastasaOf My Tears In The Rain! by Edward Kofi LouisOf Myself by Hasmukh AmathalalOf Names by Naveed AkramOf nearness to her sundered Things by Emily DickinsonOf Necessity by Frank BanaOf Non-ness by Lawrence S. PertillarOf offence by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOf Offerings by Sadiqullah KhanOf Old Sat Freedom on the Heights by Alfred Lord TennysonOf old, on her terrace at evening by Christopher John BrennanOf Others Who Can Locate You Anytime They Desire by Lawrence S. PertillarOf Our Own Bias And Prejudice by Ric S. BastasaOf Our Own Making by David HarrisOf our Romance by Geneva HendersonOf Ourselves by Edward Kofi LouisOf Pacchiarotto, and How He Worked in Distemper by Robert BrowningOf past relationships, plants and things by Gert StrydomOf Pearls And Stars by Heinrich HeineOf Personal God by Satish Vermaof Phobias by Is It Poetryof Planes of Beauty by Omz The onetwoOf Poetry by Obinna Kenechukwu EruchieOf Poisoned Chalices by Vince GullaciOf Politics by Lawrence S. PertillarOf Practical Means... by Ric S. BastasaOf Producing Disarray by Lawrence S. PertillarOf Public Spirit In Regard To Public Works: An Epistle, To His Royal Highness Frederick Prince of Wa by Richard SavageOf Puppies And Kings by Reyvrex Questor ReyesOf Puzzles And Troubled Hearts by Villiamor CalventasOf rains and ruins by Indira BabbellapatiOf Reckoning by Norman SantosOf Red Roses And White Daisies by Ric S. BastasaOf Reflections by Terence George CraddockOf Robert Frost by Gwendolyn BrooksOf Sardanapalus's Dishonorable Life And Miserable Death. by Henry HowardOf Saying Goodbye by Elizabeth Padillo OlesenOf Sentience by Poet DragonOf Shadow of Light by Aamir ZainOf Sheer Love by Edward Kofi LouisOf Silken Speech and Specious Shoe by Emily DickinsonOf Simple Things by Ric S. BastasaOf Smiles (and Dour Faces) by David WhalenOf Songs And Poems And Solitude by Ric S. BastasaOf Sonya And Tracy by Ric S. BastasaOf Souls And Angels by Ric S. BastasaOf Sparks And Hearts by Ric S. BastasaOf St. Francis and the Ass by Katharine TynanOf Stabbings Deepest by Chris JelensOf Stars and Servants by Elizabeth Padillo OlesenOf Stimulating Packages by Lawrence S. PertillarOf Strangers And Love Huts.... by Ric S. BastasaOf Such Much by Ric S. BastasaOf sunrise, noon and sunset...! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! by Mamta AgarwalOf Taking things Easy by Arthur MaquarieOf That So Sweet Imprisonment by James JoyceOf That They Are Not Aware by Lawrence S. PertillarOf That We Know... by Joe FazioOf That Which Has Created The Earth by Lawrence S. PertillarOf the Apes by Naveed AkramOf The Blood by Eric CockrellOf The Body And Soul... by Ric S. BastasaOf The Boy and Butterfly by John BunyanOf the Cuckoo by John BunyanOf The Day by Naveed AkramOf the Death of Sir T.W. the Elder by Henry HowardOf The Deep by Edward Kofi LouisOf the Family by Hairy WombatOf the Family by Herbert NehrlichOf The Final Days... by Frank James Ryan Jr.Of The Flie At The Candle by John BunyanOf the Four Ages of Man by Anne BradstreetOf the four Humours in Mans Constitution. by Anne BradstreetOf The Going Down Of The Sun by John BunyanOf the Jews (50 A.D.) by Constantine P. CavafyOf the Land by Edward Kofi LouisOf the Last Verses in the Book by Edmund WallerOf The Light by Bob GottiOf The Lost by Ace Of Black HeartsOf The Love Of Christ by John BunyanOf The Many Changes by Edward Kofi LouisOf the Mean and Sure Estate by Sir Thomas WyattOf the Mean and Sure Estate by David McKee WrightOf the Mean and Sure Estate Written to John Poins by Sir Thomas WyattOf The Meaning... by Theresa HaffnerOf The Mole In The Ground by John BunyanOf The Nature Of Things: Book I - Part 02 - Substance Is Eternal by LucretiusOf The Nature Of Things: Book II - Part 05 - Infinite Worlds by LucretiusOf The New Democracy by Lawrence S. PertillarOf The Next Zen by Satish VermaOf The Paleness Of Altitude by Ric S. BastasaOf The Quartet by Edward Kofi LouisOf The Rose Bush by John BunyanOf the Seed n the Tree by Indira BabbellapatiOf The Selfish Side Of Humanity by Francis DugganOf The Shop by Constantine P. CavafyOf The Silenced Quill by Frederick KesnerOf the Soporiferous Kind by Lawrence S. PertillarOf The Spouse Of Christ by John BunyanOf The Tea by Edward Kofi LouisOf The Terrible Doubt Of Apperarances by Walt WhitmanOf The Three Seekers by William MorrisOf the Times I Spent with You by Richard JarboeOf the train by Dr. Ramesh Chandra MukhopadhyayaOf the True Endeavour by Edward George DysonOf The Visage Of Things by Walt WhitmanOf The Wolf by Edward Kofi LouisOf The Wooing Of Halbiorn The Strong by William MorrisOf Their Own Creation by Lawrence S. PertillarOf things eerie by John Tiong ChunghooOf Things Missed by David WhalenOf Things Not Meant For Me by Ric S. BastasaOf Things Not Words by Ric S. BastasaOf This I Can Be Sure... by Joe FazioOf This World by David KushOf This You Can Be Sure by Alan W. JankowskiOf Those Experiences by Lawrence S. PertillarOf Those Insecurities Kept Encouraged by Lawrence S. PertillarOf Those We Started And Unfinished by Ric S. BastasaOf Those Who Do Speak The Truth by Lawrence S. PertillarOf Three Children by Sir Arthur Quiller-CouchOf Three Or Four In The Room by Yehuda AmichaiOf Thunderous Accolades by Lawrence S. PertillarOf Thy Life, Thomas, This Compass Well Mark by Henry HowardOf Tigers And Rivers by Ric S. BastasaOf Time And Chains by Satish VermaOf Tolling Bell I ask the cause? by Emily DickinsonOf Tomorrow (Waiting? ?) by Theodora OnkenOf Too Much Spekynge Or Bablynge by Sebastian BrantOf Trees by Indira BabbellapatiOf Trees, Birds And Poets by John Tiong ChunghooOf Tribulation, these are They by Emily DickinsonOf Truth by Naveed AkramOf Truths And Hoaxes by Reyvrex Questor ReyesOf Two Different Natures by Ric S. BastasaOf Two Hammers by Bill GraceOf U.O.N. by Nancy IlamwenyaOf unknown beauties by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOf Unmistakable Achievements Reached by Lawrence S. PertillarOf unsound mind: Financially by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOf Unspoken Women by Louis RamsOf Unused Space by Lawrence S. PertillarOf Uprightness and Sincerity by John BunyanOf Walls And Fences.... by Ric S. BastasaOf Walls And Oceans by Aeda SeaOf Wanton by S.W. ClarkOf War by David E. PattonOf War And It's Bloodshed by Francis DugganOf When My Days Were Young by David HarrisOf Wick And Light by Indira BabbellapatiOf Winged Things (Corona Of Wreathed Quatrains) by Gert StrydomOf Wings And Thoughts by Indira BabbellapatiOf Winterscape... by Frank James Ryan Jr.Of Woman's Love. by Robert CrawfordOf Words And Dance... by Joe FazioOf Writing a Poets Dream by Kaila GeorgeOf Yesterday by O.S. BrooksOf you and You Alone by Antonio LiaoOf You And Your Lover! by Edward Kofi LouisOf You I Dreamt a Fateful Dream by Gregory Allen UhanOf You I Have A Kind Of Knowledge by Gert StrydomOf You, I Remember by Kiran PrasadOf Your Creation by Lawrence S. PertillarOf Your Deep by Edward Kofi LouisOf Your Dwellings by Edward Kofi LouisOf Your Feelings On Human Rights by Francis DugganOf Your Knowledge On Poetry by Francis DugganOf Your Name As Well by Edward Kofi LouisOf Your Own by Onalethuso Petruss NtemaOf...pain...? by Is It PoetryOfcourse Mom You Can Do............ by Fahmina Arjumand MishaOff by Aparna ChatterjeeOff Cape Colonna by Herman MelvilleOff Days by Kristina Louisa CarrOff From Our Lands! by Siddartha MontikOff Limits by Lawrence S. PertillarOff Mesolongi by Alfred AustinOff My Feet by Ace Of Black HeartsOff Of a Blinded Rollercoaster Ride by Lawrence S. PertillarOff Of My Feet! by Eric CockrellOff Of Those Stages Rehearsed by Lawrence S. PertillarOff Piste by Matthew CoombeOff Riviere Du Loup by Duncan Campbell ScottOff Rough Point by Emma LazarusOff Shore by Celia ThaxterOff Shore Sweat by Terence George CraddockOff the beach at Waka by Yamabe no AkahitoOff The Coast Of Maine by Joseph NarusiewiczOff the Ground by Walter de la MareOff The Hook by Edward IaconaOff the Record as amended to be removed upon request later by Ric S. BastasaOff the Shelf by Jim FoulkOff The Street by Terence George CraddockOff The Throne by Bob GottiOff the Track by James Brunton StephensOff The Tracks Of Peace by Edward Kofi LouisOff the Turnpike by Amy LowellOff To Bangkok by Ric S. BastasaOff To Cebu and Puerto Prinsesa by Ric S. BastasaOff To Cebu Skies... by Ric S. BastasaOff to Church by Roystonoff to K. by Ric S. BastasaOff to Maine to Live in the Land by Stan PetrovichOff To School by David HarrisOff to the Fishing Ground by Lucy Maud MontgomeryOff To The Next by Ace Of Black HeartsOff Today by Antonio LiaoOff Track by Tom J. MarianiOff-Chance Dream by Mark R SlaughterOff-limits by Satish VermaOff-Set by Edward Kofi LouisOff-shoot love by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOff-Stage by Nimal DunuhingaOffbeat by Lawrence S. PertillarOffended And Upset by Lawrence S. PertillarOffending The Validity Of Truth by Lawrence S. PertillarOffensive by Lawrence S. PertillarOffensive Advertising by John F. McCullaghOffer by Gajanan MishraOffer In Response by Hasmukh AmathalalOffer Me Praise by Naveed AkramOffer That As My Option by Lawrence S. PertillarOffer You My Heart by Uriah HamiltonOffered and Ignored by Lawrence S. PertillarOffered To Play The Role Of Victim by Lawrence S. PertillarOffering by Kenneth AllottOffering As An Ignorant by Pranab K. ChakrabortyOffering Me by Naveed AkramOfferings by Walt WhitmanOfferings Moving Time Cast by Terence George CraddockOfferings to God by John CelesOffers Appeared by Naveed AkramOffice Mottoes by Franklin P. AdamsOffice Work by David DeSantisOfficer Down by Theodora OnkenOffices by Edward Kofi LouisOfficial Existence by Shushan ArtinianOfficial Piety by John Greenleaf WhittierOfficiallly Took On by Edward Kofi LouisOffscouring by Oyekake Satty JoshuaOffshoot by Nimal DunuhingaOffshore by Lawrence S. PertillarOffshore Assets by Lawrence S. PertillarOffshore Currents by Terence George CraddockOffshore Drilling? by Ray LuceroOffspring - 0242 - Current Version of Once by Jonathan RobinOffspring Blessings Opposes Barren Desires by Terence George CraddockOffsprings Of Adam And Satan (ADAM) by Mohammad MuzzammilOffsprings Of Adam And Satan - (SATAN) by Mohammad MuzzammilOfhh How Painful Dreams by Khushi throneOfosu by Edward Kofi LouisOft Have I Pondered by Maurice HarrisOft Have I Read That Innocence Retreats by Thomas ParnellOft have I vow'd by John WilbyeOft I Remember... by Ric S. BastasaOft saw my dad cry (to dad) by David WhalenOft Times Tis Better by David WhalenOft, in the Stilly Night by Thomas MooreOften by Lawrence S. PertillarOften by Romeo Della ValleOften Amused by Lawrence S. PertillarOften Awed by Lawrence S. PertillarOften Daydreaming by Lawrence S. PertillarOften Finding Excuses by Lawrence S. PertillarOften Heard by Lawrence S. PertillarOften I Hear This Comment Made by Lawrence S. PertillarOften I Reminisce by Lawrence S. PertillarOften I'd search out the blue by Mark HeathcoteOften Insulted by Hasmukh AmathalalOften rebuked, yet always back returning by Emily Jane BrontëOften Stinks! by Eric CockrellOften The Most Outrageous by Lawrence S. PertillarOften The One Scoped by Lawrence S. PertillarOften The Scenerio by Lawrence S. PertillarOften They Do Exit From Them Alone by Lawrence S. PertillarOften Tickled by Lawrence S. PertillarOften times I've wondered by Jeanette Pope HailshamOga by Edward Kofi LouisOgden Gnash by Gershon HepnerOgdenashical to amuse by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOgedengbe agbogungboro by Damian olatunde OgedengbeOgenki de by Ric S. BastasaOglethorpe by Madison Julius CaweinOgrin The Hermit by Edith WhartonOgs by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOgunade by Edward Kofi LouisOgyges by Henry KendallOh by Anne SextonOh by Eric TorgersenOh Africa by Olawale OkunrinboyeOh Africa my Africa by George mwanduOh Africa! by Agbaje SamsonOh Alien....a little nonsense for Halloween by Ruth WaltersOh Aluminum Christmas Tree by Tom J. MarianiOh America by Unsal BellOh American Stapling by Vikram G. AarellaOh baby by Victor RobertsonOh Baby Baby (Love Poem) by Alexander M. SirnesOh Baby, You Look So Sexy by Norman HaleOh Beautiful Rainbow by Matt WindsethOh Brother by David DarbyshireOh Brother, Who Knows! by Bret R. CrabrookeOh But To Dream by Louis RamsOh Calamity for M' lady Tara by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOh Can You Feel Me, Hear Me See Me. by mariam khan Farah AbdulahiOh Captain, Thy Enemy Is Within! by John CelesOh Childhood, Where Art Thou? by Stephen Cahill FurlongOh Christmas Night Oh Christmas Night by Peter S. QuinnOh Christmas Tree by Deborah ManningOh Cupid, Oh My Love by Samuel DonkorOh Dad by Shalom FreedmanOh Darling, My Love by Augustus GatlinOh Daughter! Why You Weep So? by Carole TurnerOh Dear Child... by Marria AttarOh Dear Children by Edwina ReizerOh dear! You are Dear To Me As You are! by Ramdas BhandarkarOh Death by Ishmeal BalfourOh Depression How I Love Thee by Lara wolfOh Doctor by Brian Roy SkyersOh Drake by Lindsay CrosbyOh Dusten by Heather BurnsOh Dusten, My Shining Star by Heather BurnsOh Earth by Edward Kofi LouisOh Ellen To Play Fun Sticks With You. by Anthony FosterOh ever present to my view by Isaac ZivOh Face Of Yesterday by Heather BurnsOh Face Of Yesterday #2 by Heather BurnsOh fair enough are sky and plain by Alfred Edward HousmanOh Fairest of the Rural Maids by William Cullen BryantOh first love by Zinhlejobe SitholeOh For A Day Of Spring by Wilfrid Scawen BluntOh For the Swords of Former Time by Thomas MooreOh fren dont say me sex by Shanker JwalaOh Friend by Nicole ThomasOh Friend by Khaled MeselhyOh Friend, I Love You, Think This Over by KabirOh friends, don't tell me farewell by Asadollah KeshavarziOh God by Joseph C OgbonnaOh God I Prayed by Heather BurnsOh God! Oh Ishwar! Oh Allaha! by Tribhawan KaulOh God, I Pray For A Real Poem by Shalom FreedmanOh God... by Kuji solimanOh God..? by Otteri SelvakumarOh God/ If by Shalom FreedmanOh Green Oh Blue Oh Yellow by Shalom FreedmanOh Happy Birthday, Happy Birhday by Monica EngelerOh Happy Days by Rowina MallickOh Heavenly Christmas Rainbow by Trade MartinOh Horny Night by Ramona ThompsonOh House! So Empty by Saint EuleOh How Beautiful by Savano IstorkOh How Heart Song Soars Swells by Terence George CraddockOh How I love you! by Maria Luisa TaylorOh how I yearn by Bradley LesterOh How Ironic by Edwin TangumaOh How To Find Silence In the World by Cirilo BautistaOh How We Laughed..(Always On My Mind) by Shirani IbrahimOh hw I wish I cud by Akanksha KushwahaOh I Do Like To Die Beside The Seaside by Kevin EastOh I Hate by David RobicheauxOh I Must Go Home To Millstreet by Francis DugganOh I Use to Be That Goose to Cook by Lawrence S. PertillarOh I was so mean! by Asif AndalibOh I'm Sick by Sina FarajzadehOh if You Only Knew by Edwina ReizerOh It Can Happen Any Time by Michael ShepherdOh It Is Africa by Lizzie DavisOh Johnson! by Edward Kofi LouisOh Jordan River Lord Say Lay My Burdens On Thee by Jacqueline AmosOh Joy Oh Joy (from, Even Though There Are No Reasons) by Peter S. QuinnOh Joy, Oh Joy by Teri BronteOh kings so deaf (Please just DIE) by Haytem FakrounOh Lady, Let the Sad Tears Fall by Adelaide CrapseyOh Lamen Self by Justine OlsenOh Let Us Pray by Norman HaleOh Libya by Edward Kofi LouisOh life by Ric S. BastasaOh Light by Tracy ScheepersOh little fly! by Sylvia ChidiOh Little Frog by Grant StevensonOH Lord by Ric S. BastasaOh Lord Please by Kevin EastOh Lord... by Michael ShepherdOh Lordy! Now You're Forty! by Gregory HuyetteOh Love Filled Days by Brian KilpatrickOh Lucky Me by Joyce HemsleyOh Lucy by Edward Kofi LouisOh Maid..! The Creator Of My Verses..! by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharOh Man by Nadia KhomamiOh Man! by Franklin P. AdamsOh Manatee by Madam PoontangOh Mandy by Aldo KraasOh me, Oh me by Matt AncientOh me, oh poor shrunk brittle me by Isaac ZivOh Mighty Maker by Lawrence S. PertillarOh Mine Papa by Ken e HallOh Mirror by Lailani L.Oh Mistress-Mine (Revised) by Margaret Alice SecondOh Mom by John Tiong ChunghooOh Monday Morning by Ken e HallOh Mother by Khalifa MustaphaOh Mother by Ahmed KakemboOh mother nature by Niy BilOh Mother Not Cry by Guadalupe CruzOh Mother, Mother by Leah AyliffeOh Mr Yeats by Francis DugganOh Mr. Bernanke! by Dennisa DavidsonOh mummy don't by Sumiya KhanOh Mummy, Oh Mummy by David HarrisOh my blacke Soule! now thou art summoned by John DonneOh My Blues by Aldo KraasOh My Car by Carl JohnsonOh my dear by Abhinaba SenOh My Destiny by Khadera NargisOh My Friend by Efe BenjaminOh My Gosh! by Lawrence S. PertillarOh My Heart by Heather BurnsOh My Heart Oh How It Burns by Terence George CraddockOh My Lord by David KushOh my lord! by Prabal DahalOh My Love by Dave Alan WalkerOh my love by Harriet JamesOh my love by Emo GirlOh My Love! ! ! ! by Sathya NarayanaOh My Lover! by Edward Kofi LouisOh My Sister Caroline by Norman HaleOh My Splendour by Sathya NarayanaOh My Valentine! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! by Sunand SharmaOh My World by Luci JonesOh My! by Ric S. BastasaOh My, You Want To Chat With Me? by Ric S. BastasaOh nature by Rahul Singh PariharOh Nein, Oh Nein, Oh Nein by Gershon HepnerOh Never More by Dr. Ramesh Chandra MukhopadhyayaOh Nicholas by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOh Night Of Delight by Heather BurnsOH NO (im in love again) by Raesheka AntwineOh No No by Lawrence S. PertillarOh No Not Another by Michael ShepherdOH No! by Rebecca BellOh Paris by Jeff HobbsOh Path ways of Goodbye by Antonio LiaoOh peace, where do I find you..... by Ravi SathasivamOh Please by Edward Kofi LouisOh Poem -Where Are You? by Shalom FreedmanOh Poem Of The Cold Morning by Shalom FreedmanOh Poem Of The Morning - Take Me Away From My Private World by Shalom FreedmanOh Poem-Where Are You? by Shalom FreedmanOh Press Me Not To Taste Again by Elizabeth Margaret ChandlerOh Pretty Ballerina by Korey BuffoOh prophet! by Isaac ZivOh Rain by Sari MaviOh Rain Come Agian by Shashikant Nishant SharmaOh Right by Nicky JoyceOh River by Paul DayOh River.... by Kavitha KrishnamurthyOh Sadness Is And Sadness More by Shalom FreedmanOh Sailor Sails To The Shore! by Ezna StephnaOh say not that my heart is cold by Charles WolfeOh Say. Can you see? for Friend Thad by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOh Sea by Ernestine NorthoverOh See How They Dance! by Lost PrincessOh Sing Me A Song Of Nature by Francis DugganOh Sing Us Of Central Victoria by Francis DugganOh So Beautiful by Gabriel Gauci MaistreOh so Lonely by Jon ProskeyVigilOh So Ordinary by Bro. BartlebyOh So Ready by Theodora OnkenOh So Sad and Clever Boy by Bret R. CrabrookeOh So Scared by Kilee BurtonOh So Simple Question by Rebecca PepperOh Song Of Yesterday by Heather BurnsOh Star by Neil MillinerOh Stay At Home, My Lad by Alfred Edward HousmanOh Sun by Rachel NicholsOh Sunshine by Bruce MartoneOh Sweet Happenings by Edwina ReizerOH SWEET HEAVEN (show me...) by Lucia Domingos FulaOh Sweet Life by Edwina ReizerOh Sweet Music by Edwina ReizerOh Sweet Silver Moon by Lauren HarrisOh Sylvia by Joseph NarusiewiczOh Teacher Oh Teacher by Sharmila SaheedOh Tell Me Not, I Shall Forget by Elizabeth Margaret ChandlerOh terrible, beloved! A poet's loving by Boris PasternakOh That I Could Remember by Edwina ReizerOh That I Were As In Months Past! by John NewtonOh that it were possible by Isaac ZivOh That Tapestry by Heather BurnsOh That Tree by David KushOh That's Right You're Just Another Girl by Ric S. BastasaOh The Beauty Of The Poems I Would Have Written by Shalom FreedmanOh The Beauty Of This Day by Shalom FreedmanOh The Cold by David KushOh the despair by Not Long LeftoH THE folly of Men by Ric S. BastasaOh The Poems by Shalom FreedmanOh The Poems And More Poems by Shalom FreedmanOh These Poets And Their Sounds by Shalom FreedmanOh Thief by Naveed AkramOh This Life This Life by Shalom FreedmanOh Those Cookies Made by Lawrence S. PertillarOh Those Threads by Heather BurnsOh To Be Back Home In Ireland (To Jo) by Francis DugganOh To Be Free by Terry BrewerOh to be in England by Neil McGreevyOh to be in England... by Michael ShepherdOh To Be Odd! by Ogden NashOh To Be Out In The Country by Francis DugganOh To Be Wealthy And Famous by Francis DugganOh To Look With Eyes That See Forever... by Denis MartindaleOh Tobias by Edward Kofi LouisOh unchanging tree by Summer SongOh Universe by Kasia FedykOh Valentine, Valentine by Keli'i RiceOh Vanity by Harriet JamesOh We Are Very Happy This Christmas (a Poem For The Childless Couple) by Ric S. BastasaOh Weariness by Shalom FreedmanOh Were is My Africa by Alfonso SiverlsOh Wert Thou In The Cauld Blast by Robert BurnsOh What a Beautiful Day by Natasha EdwardsOh What A Beautiful Suicide by Nichole PhillipsOh What A Fool by Michael McParlandOh what a gift by Michael WamalwaOh What A Journey by Heather BurnsOh What A Lovely War by Steven CookeOh What A Relief Appears by Lawrence S. PertillarOh What A World! ! ! by Peter LeBuhnOh what fun! by Monita SoniOh What Pleasures by Edwina ReizerOh When Will Autumn Moon and Spring Flowers End by Li YuOh where are you the lost lamb in pain and in sour by Isaac ZivOh where is heavens door? by RoystonOh Where, Oh Where is the Family Physician by Mamta AgarwalOh Who Is That Young Sinner by Alfred Edward HousmanOh why butterfly? by Amy J RichardsonOh woman! by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOh Words and More Words by Shalom FreedmanOh Words Of A Poem by Shalom FreedmanOh Wordsworth! Wordsworth! by Isaac ZivOh Yahweh by Edward Kofi LouisOh Yes by Charles BukowskiOh Yes I Love My Horse by Kayla LonkardOh yes it was by Michael ShepherdOh Yes, I'm So Happy! by Sandy Nobodyoh yes, Mr. Shaun, the Bible was not written in English by Ric S. BastasaOh Yes, That Was When We Were Once Children by Ric S. BastasaOh you gatherer by Lawrence FerlinghettiOh you Knid, you are vile and vermicious.... by Roald DahlOh You Know … by Dean MeredithOh You Without Sin by Francis DugganOh You, Ewe by Lawrence S. PertillarOh! by Metin SahinOh! by Ric S. BastasaOh! ...Those First Amendment Rights by Lawrence S. PertillarOh! Arranmore, Loved Arranmore by Thomas MooreOh! Beautiful Venice, the merchant of the Sea by Antonio LiaoOh! Blame Not the Bard by Thomas MooreOh! Blooming Star your Sweet Goodbye by Antonio LiaoOh! Breathe Not His Name by Thomas MooreOh! Butterfly by Reghu RamOh! Can it be? by Margaret HaigOh! ce bonheur by Emile VerhaerenOh! Common by Ric S. BastasaOh! Dear Friend by Hasmukh AmathalalOh! Death Will Find Me, Long Before I Tire by Rupert BrookeOh! Death! by Renathe PaulinusOh! Departed Soul by Muhammad ShanazarOh! Doubt Me Not by Thomas MooreOh! Education by Neelabha MahajanOh! Flower, I Feel Sorry For You! ! ! by Aiswarya T. AnishOh! God, in the middle of my Dream by Antonio LiaoOh! Green, Stay Green! by Valsa GeorgeOh! Had We Some Bright Little Isle of Our Own by Thomas MooreOh! He's Nothing But A Soldier by Anonymous AmericasOh! Heaven by Mubeen SadhikaOh! How I Dream, by Hannah Diane WilliamsOh! human, learn by Abdul WahabOH! I can't SAY that....(a revision) by Brevet WilsonOh! I Cry by Chuks Kevin NwaokoloOh! Its a hot Summer Day by Ananth PatriOh! January Harmattan. by Echezonachukwu NdukaOh! laisse frapper à la porte by Emile VerhaerenOh! Larry, Harry, Tom and Jerry! Read the Universal SCARY LONE FOX Story! by Harindhar ReddyOh! Lisa With These Lovely Eyes by Klayne Mario BurtonOh! Man Mend The Ways Old by Muhammad ShanazarOh! Mr Best You're Very Bad by Jane AustenOh! Mr. Malthus! by Stephen LeacockOh! My Brother by Efren Petalver CarranzaOh! My dear God by Chandra ThiagarajanOh! My God Save My TREE by Sujon RoyOh! My Love..... by Antonio LiaoOh! My Mama, Happy Mother's Day! by Julius BabarinsaOh! My Mama, Happy Mother's Day! by Bikramjyoti KashyopOH! MY Pussycat, OH! MY pussycat by Khushi throneOh! Natural Beauties! by Harindhar ReddyOh! Oh! ...The Speed Increases by Lawrence S. PertillarOh! Oh! Oh! by C.D. XiangOh! onion by Hasmukh AmathalalOh! Patience, My Love. by Raja NosherwanOh! rain by Garimella SaivineethOh! snatch'd away in beauty's bloom by ByronOh! snatched away in beauty's bloom by ByronOh! So Now It Matters? by Lawrence S. PertillarOh! Susanna by Stephen C. FosterOh! tes si douces mains by Emile VerhaerenOh! That We Two Were Maying by Charles KingsleyOh! The Marriage by Thomas Osborne DavisOh! The Marriage by Thomas DavisOh! Think Not My Spirits Are Always As Light by Thomas MooreOh! To Be by Edwina ReizerOh! To Be Slim by Ernestine NorthoverOh! weep for those by ByronOh! Why? by Aparna ChatterjeeOh! Winter by Soma MukherjeeOh! Woman, Know yourself! by Ramdas BhandarkarOh! Wonderful Frog by Antonio LiaoOh, almighty by Hasmukh AmathalalOH, Angel in Heaven Above by Ronald SummervilleOh, Banquet Not by Thomas MooreOh, Be My Valentine (acrostic sonnet) by Pete CrowtherOh, Blue Blue Sky by Marites C. CayetanoOh, Boy by Countrygrl 1009Oh, Brother Of Mine
IN LOVING MEMORY OF MILFORD BLACKWELL FEB. 18,1932- AUG. 23, 1995 by Dana Preston BlackwellOh, Come All Ye Faithful by Ernestine Northoveroh, Come All Ye Faithful by Ray LuceroOh, Could We Do With This World of Ours by Thomas MooreOh, Danny Boyle! by Ray LuceroOh, dear daughter by Hasmukh AmathalalOh, dear mother by Slava OlchevskiOh, Death by Daniel Jacob WhiteOh, Dreamer. by Heather P WilsonOh, Fair To See by Christina Georgina RossettiOh, FATHER! - FEEL MY Untold LOVE! (Part-1) by Harindhar ReddyOh, FATHER! - FEEL MY Untold LOVE! (Part-2) by Harindhar ReddyOh, Flower by Ernestine NorthoverOh, Fly Not, Pleasure by Wilfrid Scawen BluntOh, For a Bowl of Fat Canary by John LylyOh, for a man. by Chelsea HansfordOh, For The Time When I Shall Sleep by Emily Jane BrontëOh, Fortune! by Queen Elizabeth IOh, God by Hasmukh AmathalalOh, God! Give me the strength.... by Larisa RzhepishevskaOh, Gray And Tender Is The Rain by Lizette Woodworth ReeseOh, Halloween Eve by Ray LuceroOh, Heart by Whitney AlbrightOh, How I Love Late Summer Eve by Isaac ZivOh, how i'd like to travel by Jodi RightOh, How Silent Is the Nature by Nikolai Stepanovich GumilevOh, How Silent Is the Nature by Nikolai Stepanovich GumilevOh, How The time Slips Away by Almedia Knight OliverOh, I have nothing to say by Ric S. BastasaOh, I Love This Soul by Marites C. CayetanoOh, I Will by Lawrence S. PertillarOh, if It is not God utmost forbiddance by Isaac ZivOh, Irony by William Blake BeckettOh, Is It Love? by Amy LevyOh, It Is Good by Robert William ServiceOh, Just To Go Back by David KushOh, Knock by Hasmukh AmathalalOh, Life! ! ! by Sossi KhachadourianOh, Love by Hasmukh AmathalalOh, Love! by Sossi KhachadourianOh, mia bellissima by Giorgio VenetoOh, mom please by Hasmukh AmathalalOh, Moon by Airda JonesOh, Mother Earth, on your day by Bashyam NarayananOh, mother...[O, mamă...] by Mihai EminescuOh, my belovèd, have you thought of this by Edna St. Vincent MillayOh, My Captain by Midnights VoiceOh, My Charismatic Charmer! by Rajendran MuthiahOh, My Darling Daughter MaKayla by Jessica Lynn HepnerOh, My Darling Odessa! by Larisa RzhepishevskaOh, My Dear Life! (Old Familiar Feelings) by Gregory Allen UhanOh, my friend by Sallam YassinOh, My God by Hasmukh AmathalalOh, My Gosh! Oh, My Gosh! Oh, My Gosh! (A Poem about Jennifer!) by Denis MartindaleOh, My Lord by Marites C. CayetanoOh, My Love by Nizar QabbaniOh, My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose by Robert BurnsOh, My Love! by Catia BrincaOh, no! We Never Mention Her Parody by Jonathan RobinOh, oh Rosalie by Lesbia HarfordOh, Oh, You Will Be Sorry by Edna St. Vincent MillayOh, People! by Cynthia Buhain-BaelloOh, Poet by Paul HartalOh, Pretty Woman by Isaac ZivOh, Rain by Marites C. CayetanoOh, see how thick the goldcup flowers by Alfred Edward HousmanOh, She Is Such A Beauty! by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharOh, Son by Hasmukh AmathalalOh, Stop the War, Please! by John CelesOh, Stop the Wars, Man! by John CelesOh, Sunshine Bright by Marites C. CayetanoOh, Teacher! If You One Day Become My Student! by Abdul WahabOh, Tell Me, Ye Breezes by Henry KendallOh, That More Would Know by Bob GottiOh, The Hats At Ascot by Ernestine NorthoverOh, the Irony by Austin TerandoOh, The Sermons! by Nichola OkoroOh, the Shamrock by Thomas MooreOh, the Sight Entrancing by Thomas MooreOh, The Winter Is Here! by Fadinginto OblivionOh, They have Robbed Me of The Hope by Anne BrontëOh, Thy Bright Eyes Must Answer Now by Emily Jane BrontëOh, what do I do? by John CelesOh, when I was in love with you by Alfred Edward HousmanOh, when will you stand forth? by Bjørnstjerne BjørnsonOh, who is afraid of life by Isaac ZivOh, Why Not Be Happy? by Victor HugoOh, Wonderous Sight, My Love Divine, by Jonathan Goldman a.k.a JGthepoetOh, Ye Dead! by Thomas MooreOh, you! by michelle al GOh.........those Teachers by Santhana LouisOh...You've Got Jokes Today, Huh? by Lawrence S. PertillarOh..DOG... by Otteri SelvakumarOh..Just Call Me Happy! by Meggie GultianoOhh Annie... by Kay BarcelonOhh How I Wish by Autumn WindsOhh Ye Sunshine by Brad CombsOhh! ! The world, , , by Mitika guptaOhio by Randy McClaveÓhjákvæmilegur by Ric S. BastasaOhmstedt by Edward Kofi LouisOil by Paul BrookesOil & Democracy by Oskar HansenOil And Blood by William Butler Yeats | In Spanish | In Italian | In RomanianOil And Garlic And Peanuts by Ric S. BastasaOil Leak by Edwina ReizerOil rain in Louisiana by Frank DeFulgentisOil Replaces Gold Standard by Ray LuceroOil Seeps by Naveed AkramOil slick by Tribhawan KaulOil War! - Alison Redfern vs Chrissie Clarkson by Kevin PatrickOiling by Norman Rowland GaleOils Of A Painter by Naveed AkramOina-Morul by James MacphersonOink Oink by Anuj TikkuOithona by James MacphersonOj by Lawrence S. PertillarOjal: Lamentation by Charles Jagongo OgolaOjistoh by Emily Pauline JohnsonOk I Will Scream With You by Ric S. BastasaOk smile... by Otteri SelvakumarOk, Fine, Whatever by Ric S. BastasaOK, Let Ursus Major Speak! by Michael PruchnickiOkaerinasai by Ric S. BastasaOkan by Edward Kofi LouisOkay At Christmas by Clarence PrinceOkay, Okay, Okay! I Get It. I Apologize by Lawrence S. PertillarOkay...Where Is The Camera? by Lawrence S. PertillarOkey-Doke by Lawrence S. PertillarOkinawa by Joseph NarusiewiczOkine by Edward Kofi LouisOklahoma by O. Anna NiemusOklahoma by J.B. LeBuertOklahoma Clouds by Marilyn LottOklahoma Heritage Center by Marilyn LottOklahoma University by John McCornackOko by Edward Kofi LouisOkoe by Edward Kofi LouisOkon by Edward Kofi LouisOktober Fest by Oskar HansenOkyere by Edward Kofi LouisOl' fools and dreamcatchers by David WhalenOl' gents on a bench(in the park after dark) by David WhalenOlaf trygvason by Bjørnstjerne BjørnsonOlando by Edward Kofi LouisOld by Aparna ChatterjeeOld by Otteri SelvakumarOld by Aparna ChatterjeeOld by Paul Laurence DunbarOld by Anne Sexton | In RomanianOld by Vince GullaciOld by Naveed AkramOld Acquaintance by John Thorkild EllisonOld Adam, the Carrion Crow by Thomas Lovell BeddoesOld Age by Jim FoulkOld Age by Edwina ReizerOld Age by Dr. Ramesh Chandra MukhopadhyayaOld Age by Howard SimonOld Age by Johann Wolfgang von GoetheOld Age by Somanathan IyerOld Age by Asif AndalibOld Age by Naveed AkramOld Age by Ric S. BastasaOld Age by Arthur SymonsOld Age by Edmund WallerOld Age And Out To Pasture by Louis RamsOld Age and Senior Moments by Michael ShepherdOld Age Discovered by Michael ShepherdOld Age Doesn't Come Alone... Not At 53 by Craig AndersonOld age home by Hasmukh AmathalalOld age is a frame of mind by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOld age is fine beauty by Hasmukh AmathalalOld Age Prayer by Louis RamsOld Age Remembered by Michael ShepherdOld age syndrome by Hasmukh AmathalalOld Age Time by Hasmukh AmathalalOld Age, Go Away by Michael PetersonOld age, when? by Kurt HearthOld Age. (Sonnet IV.) by Henry Wadsworth LongfellowOld And New by David HarrisOld And New by Edward Kofi LouisOld And New by Rabindranath TagoreOld And New by Ella Wheeler WilcoxOld And New Year Ditties by Christina Georgina RossettiOld And New: A Parable by Charles KingsleyOld And Slow by Shalom FreedmanOld And Young by Francis William BourdillonOld Artefacts Reveal New Facts by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOld as a Rock by Kevin PatrickOld Aunt Mary's by James Whitcomb RileyOld Australian Ways by Andrew Barton PatersonOld Autumn Rain by Suchoon Mo_Old Barnard -- A Monkish Tale by Mary Darby RobinsonOld Bill by Steven CookeOld birthday song by Otteri SelvakumarOld Black Jacko by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Black Joe by Stephen C. FosterOld Black Tom by Francis DugganOld Blue Eyes by Bernard KennedyOld Bob by Robert William ServiceOld Bob Blair by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Bob. by Terry CollettOld Books by Pradip ChattopadhyayOld Botany Bay by Dame Mary GilmoreOld Boy Racer (Fun Poem 132) by David HarrisOld Boy Scout by Robert William ServiceOld Boy's Movies by Jack TurnerOld bridge knows the silent river is deep by Nimal DunuhingaOld Brown Shoes by Lore Me34Old Cambridge by Oliver Wendell HolmesOld Castle by Abhinav BaruahOld Cemeteries by Marilyn LottOld Chair by David HarrisOld Child by Mihai CosmescuOld Claraghatlea Where I Was Born And Raised by Francis DugganOld Clo by Francis LedwidgeOld Codger by Robert William ServiceOld Comrades by James BredinOld Comrades Oct 17th,2012 by James BredinOld Comrades Sept 9th,2012 by James BredinOld Coot by Eric CockrellOld Counsel by Herman MelvilleOld Couple by Ric S. BastasaOld Couple's Departure by Du FuOld Crony by Robert William ServiceOld Crow by Paul BambergerOld Dan by Francis DugganOld Dancing Shoes by Ken e HallOld David Smail by Robert William ServiceOld day charms by John Tiong ChunghooOld days by Makina NakamuraOld Days Are Forever by Cynthia Buhain-BaelloOld dictum and new by Gajanan MishraOld Dog Tray by Stephen C. FosterOld Dog, For Jackson by Eric CockrellOld Dr. Valentine To His Son by Ogden NashOld Dreams Are Simple by Ric S. BastasaOld Dutch Love Song by Eugene FieldOld Dwarf Heart by Anne SextonOld Ed by Robert William ServiceOld Engine Driver by Robert William ServiceOld English Lullaby by Eugene FieldOld English riddle by AnonymousOld Environment by Franklin P. AdamsOld Eyes by La La La LaurieOld Faithful Dog by Bernard KennedyOld Familiar Strings by Cheryl AldeaOld Farmer Jack by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Fashion Way by Dorsey BakerOld Fashion Wedding by Joseph NarusiewiczOld Fashioned by Ric S. BastasaOld Fashioned Courtesy for M'lady Tara by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOld Fashioned Lover by Louis RamsOld Fashioned Roses by James Whitcomb RileyOld Fashioned, Not Me.! by Guy LipmoreOld Feeling by Matthew HollowayOld Feeling by David KnoxOld Feelings by Ric S. BastasaOld Female Teachers With Poloroid Cameras Can Catch You Smilin' Surprised. by Michael GaleOld Fighting-Men by Rudyard KiplingOld Fire, New Flame by Joseph BlitchOld Fires by John FreemanOld flame by Ric S. BastasaOld Flower by Lonnie HicksOld Folks at Home by Stephen C. FosterOld Food by Naveed AkramOld Fool by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOld For All by Otteri SelvakumarOld for New by Orlando BeloOld Friend by Samima ShahOld Friend by David HarrisOld Friend New Friend by Joseph NarusiewiczOld Friend, How Far Down Did You Fall (True Birds Can Fly) by Ray MesaOld Friends by Denis MartindaleOld Friends by David HarrisOld Friends by Mona MartinezOld Friends by Caroline Elizabeth Sarah NortonOld Friends by Ric S. BastasaOld Friends by Oskar HansenOld Friends by Yvette SmithOld Friends Of Mine by David HarrisOld friends/lovers by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOld Friendship by Biswajit GangulyOld Gate Off Its Hinge by Patrick WhiteOld generation vs new generation by Ernest MakuakuaOld Girl, A Backwards Dream by Eric CockrellOld Glory Stands Alone by Maurice HarrisOld Gold Diggin' Geezer by Lawrence S. PertillarOld Gold Veterans by Nimal DunuhingaOld Granny Sullivan by John Shaw NeilsonOld Gray House by Walter C. EdwardsOld grey eyes by Matthew HollowayOld Ha's Fire by Jim HoggOld Hands And Old Eyes.... by Eric CockrellOld Happy Face! by Marvin Brato SrOld Heads by David LaceyOld heltberg by Bjørnstjerne BjørnsonOld Heretic! by Eric CockrellOld Highway by Aldo KraasOld Hopking by Edward Kofi LouisOld Horticulturist and the disturbed flowers by Nimal DunuhingaOld I will go on by Shalom FreedmanOld Idea Of Choan By Rosoriu by Ezra PoundOld Ireland by Walt WhitmanOld Ironsides by Oliver Wendell HolmesOld Is Always Gold by Tribhawan KaulOld is Gold by Mamta AgarwalOld is gold by Gajanan MishraOld is gold by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOld Japan by Alfred NoyesOld Jenny by Francis DugganOld Jim Shore by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Jimmy by Francis DugganOld Joe The Black Cattle Dog by Francis DugganOld Joe was Bingo mad by Kevin HallsOld King Cole by Edwin Arlington RobinsonOld Letters by Norman Rowland GaleOld Lion Man by Norman SantosOld Logic by Ric S. BastasaOld Lonely People by Lonely People ChampionOld Lost Loves by David HarrisOld Love by Jean PullmanOld Love Again by Jean PullmanOld Love Letters by David HarrisOld Lover by Otteri SelvakumarOld Loves Interference by Ace Of Black HeartsOld Madge by Francis DugganOld makes way by Hasmukh AmathalalOld Man by Edward ThomasOld Man by Edward Kofi LouisOld Man by Alexander Sergeyevich PushkinOld man by Joseph WhelanOld Man (Faraway) by Eric CockrellOld Man (Fun Poem 20) by David HarrisOld Man and Rose by Guillermo Velosoold Man Baring by Ric S. BastasaOld Man Dying by Eric CockrellOld Man Ed by Brian Roy SkyersOld Man Platypus by Andrew Barton PatersonOld Man Rain by Madison Julius CaweinOld Man Say (Make Haste) by Godfrey MorrisOld Man Says Farewell Cheerfully by Daniel Trevelyn JosephOld Man So Young by Sylvi SylvaOld Man Takes a Look at His Life by Florence P. WordsmithOld Man Time by Sakib ChoudhuryOld Man Whiskery-Whee-Kum-Wheeze by James Whitcomb RileyOld Man! by Eric CockrellOld Man's Nursery Rhyme by James Whitcomb RileyOld Man's Poems by Eric CockrellOld Man, Empty House by Eric CockrellOld Man, Old Woman by David E. PattonOld marriage style by Hasmukh AmathalalOld Mates by David McKee WrightOld McDonald had a farm by Miroslava OdalovicOLD McPFIZER HAD A PHARM by Ray LuceroOld Memories by Ric S. BastasaOld Memories Came Flooding by Ric S. BastasaOld Memory by William Butler YeatsOld memory lane by Hasmukh AmathalalOld Men by Ogden NashOld Men (No One Knows by Eric CockrellOld Men Complaining by Padraic ColumOld Men Just Go Fishing by Juan OlivarezOld Men Remember! by Eric CockrellOld Men Walk Barefoot! by Eric CockrellOld Men.... (Doesnt Change) by Eric CockrellOld Mother Hubbard by Terry DonovanOld Mother Laidinwool by Rudyard KiplingOld Mother Nature's One Powerful Device by Bri MarOld Mother Seward by Anonymous AmericasOld Mrs Truber by Terry CollettOld Murphy and Me by Jim FoulkOld New Wise Original 07 23 2010 by Lee B. MackOld News by Oskar HansenOld Nights by Ric S. BastasaOld North Sydney by Henry LawsonOld Number Seven by John F. McCullaghOld Oak by Walter William SafarOld Oak Tree by Randy McClaveOld Ocean by Oskar HansenOld October by James Whitcomb RileyOld Pardon, the Son of Reprieve by Andrew Barton PatersonOld Paul and Old Tim by William Schwenck GilbertOld People by Prasetya UtamaOld Pete Parraday by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld photographs by Gert StrydomOld Pictures in Florence by Robert BrowningOld pine by Howard JohnsonOld Plow! by Eric CockrellOld Poem by Li PoOld Poetry by Ric S. BastasaOld Poets by Smoky HossOld Poets by Joyce KilmerOld Pool by Edward Kofi LouisOld president Clinton (Clerihew) by Gert StrydomOld Pride! by Ramesh T AOld Prophet by Edward Kofi LouisOld Ramshackled Bar by Kevin EastOld Reading by Naveed AkramOld Relevant Stuff by Smoky HossOld Rhythm And Rhyme by Ella Wheeler WilcoxOld Robin of Portingale by Anonymous Olde EnglishOld Romeo Puts His Bible Down by Donal MahoneyOld Rose by Frederick KesnerOld Rupert by Francis DugganOld Sadie At The Corner by Francis DugganOld Santeclaus by Clement Clarke MooreOld scar, new scar by Maria SudibyoOld Scarface by Denis MartindaleOld School Management 0123 by Jonathan RobinOld School Memories by Marilyn LottOld Schooldays by Andrew Barton PatersonOld Scout by Robert William ServiceOld Sea Saws and Modern Instances by Jonathan RobinOld Shanty Town by Ernestine NorthoverOld Shirts...This reads like a woman wrote it by John TanseyOld Sir Gordon Davy (Clerihew) by Gert StrydomOld Snake-Doctor by Madison Julius CaweinOld Soldier by Padraic ColumOld Song by Maria SudibyoOld Song by Marieta MaglasOld Song by Edward FitzgeraldOld Song Now As New by Tsira GogeshviliOld Song Re-Sung by Katharine TynanOld Songs And Rhymes and Ballads by Francis DugganOld Sorrow, I've Forgotten Your Name by Patrick WhiteOld Soul by Chris BradshawOLd SOul by Ashley StoneOld Souls by Joseph NarusiewiczOld Spanish Song by Eugene FieldOld Spense by Isabella Valancy CrawfordOld Spookses' Pass by Isabella Valancy CrawfordOld St David's at Radnor by Henry Wadsworth LongfellowOld St. David's by Florence Earle CoatesOld Stone Chimney by Henry LawsonOld Story from Bandung by Prasetya UtamaOld Stray Cat.... by Eric CockrellOld style romance by Ngaka MotaungOld Susan by Walter de la MareOld Sweethearts by Robert William ServiceOld Table Mountain by Gert StrydomOld Tara by Katie KentOld Testament Gospel by William CowperOld Thoughts by Lawrence S. PertillarOld Thoughts (Imagine: I'm aging) by Smoky HossOld Time by Matthew PeelOld time by David KnoxOld Time Yarns by Ernest ClaryOld Timer by Smoky HossOld Times by Ella Wheeler WilcoxOld Tin Liz by Alice Guerin CristOld to New by Mariah SimpsonOld Tom by Robert William ServiceOld Tom Again by William Butler YeatsOld Town Cannes by STEPHEN BRIAN BradyOld Town Types by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Town Types No 20 - Mr Blades the Butcher by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Town Types No. 10 - Big Doc Littlejohn by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Town Types No. 12 - Mrs Munn, The Nurse by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Town Types No. 13 - Larrikin Luke by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Town Types No. 15 - Mrs Felix Donnett by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Town Types No. 16 - Mr Tank by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Town Types No. 18 by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Town Types No. 21 - Mr Woolin-Wister by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Town Types No. 22 - The Baker by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Town Types No. 23 - Little Miss Mix by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Town Types No. 25 - Black Peter Myloh by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Town Types No. 26 - Dr. Andy Deveraux by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Town Types No. 28 - Lah-Di-Dah Lane by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Town Types No. 29 - Miss Trapp, The Music Teacher by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Town Types No. 4 - Our Mr. Trim by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Town Types No. 5 - Mr Mead The Printer by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Town Types No. 6 - Flash Phil by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Town Types No. 7 by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Town Types No. 9 - Long John, The Snob by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Town Types No.1 - The Old Town by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Town Types No.11 by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Town Types No.15 - Mrs Felix Donnett by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Town Types No.17- Mr Bodge the Banker by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Town Types No.2 - Red Matt by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Town Types No27 - Sergeant Mat McGillicuddy by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOld Trails by Edwin Arlington RobinsonOld Treasury by Immanuel SantosOld Tricks Played By Dupers by Lawrence S. PertillarOld Trouper by Robert William ServiceOld Tunes by Sara TeasdaleOld Tunes by Henry LawsonOld Vicarage, The - Grantchester by Rupert BrookeOld Walleye by John D. FarleyOld well by Yosa BusonOld Winter by Angie PierceOld Winters On The Farm by James Whitcomb RileyOld Woman by Michael ShepherdOld Woman by Jimmy Santiago BacaOld Woman (Standing At The Sink) by Eric CockrellOld Woman of the Roads by Padraic ColumOld wonder flush'd the east anew by Christopher John BrennanOld Words by Smoky HossOld World Water Pump Joys by Gregory Allen UhanOld-age Homes by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOld-Fashioned Child. by Robert CrawfordOld-fashioned new dedication by Michael ShepherdOld-Testament Gospel by John NewtonOlden Days by Rebecca BellOlden New by Otteri SelvakumarOlder by Naveed AkramOlder Age, Basho In Mind by Warren FalconOlder And Older Into More Darkness And Loneliness by Shalom FreedmanOlder Brother by Alyssa RayOlder Than by Edward Kofi LouisOlder Than dirt, Dumb As A Rock by David WhalenOlder than this tree by Marieta MaglasOlder Than Time by Scarlett TreatOlder Than You by Ella Wheeler WilcoxOlder They Grow But Not Up by Lawrence S. PertillarOlder Thoughts by Naveed AkramOLDER WOMEN...by Talile Ali by Talile AliOlder... by Eric CockrellOldhood by Pradip ChattopadhyayOldie by Satish VermaOldtids huuslige Liv by Hans Christian AndersenOle Docteur Fiset by William Henry DrummondOle gabriel ueland by Bjørnstjerne BjørnsonOle Kate by Ezra PoundOle Tam On Bord-A-Plouffe by William Henry DrummondOle Wirginny by Anonymous AmericasOle' Rufus by Patricia GaleOlfactory by Ric S. BastasaOlfactory Satisfaction by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOlga The Professional by Suzae ChevalierOligarchal Hypocricy by Ray LuceroOligarchy by Gajanan MishraOlimpia by Morgan MichaelsOliva by Edward Kofi LouisOlive At Midnight by Yvette SmithOlive Branch by Antonio LiaoOlive Eater. by Terry CollettOliver by Edward Kofi LouisOliver Basselin. (Birds Of Passage. Flight The First) by Henry Wadsworth LongfellowOliver Goldsmith by James McIntyreOlivia by Edward Kofi LouisOllie McGee by Edgar Lee MastersOlney Hymn 10: The Future Peace And Glory Of The Church by William CowperOlney Hymn 11: Jehovah Our Righteousness by William CowperOlney Hymn 12: Ephraim Repenting by William CowperOlney Hymn 13: The Covenant by William CowperOlney Hymn 14: Jehovah-Shammah by William CowperOlney Hymn 15: Praise For The Fountain Opened by William CowperOlney Hymn 16: The Sower by William CowperOlney Hymn 17: The House of Prayer by William CowperOlney Hymn 18: Lovest Thou Me? by William CowperOlney Hymn 19: Contentment by William CowperOlney Hymn 1: Walking With God by William CowperOlney Hymn 20: Old Testament Gospel by William CowperOlney Hymn 21: Sardis by William CowperOlney Hymn 22: Prayer For A Blessing In The Young by William CowperOlney Hymn 23: Pleading For And With Youth by William CowperOlney Hymn 24: Prayer For Children by William CowperOlney Hymn 25: Jehovah Jesus by William CowperOlney Hymn 26: On Opening A Place For Social Prayer by William CowperOlney Hymn 27: Welcome To The Table by William CowperOlney Hymn 28: Jesus Hasting To Suffer by William CowperOlney Hymn 29: Exhortation To Prayer by William CowperOlney Hymn 2: Jehovah-Jireh: The Lord Will Provide by William CowperOlney Hymn 30: The Light And Glory Of The Word by William CowperOlney Hymn 31: On The Death Of A Minister by William CowperOlney Hymn 32: The Shining Light by William CowperOlney Hymn 33: Seeking The Beloved by William CowperOlney Hymn 33: Seeking The Beloved by William CowperOlney Hymn 34: The Waiting Soul by William CowperOlney Hymn 35: Welcome Cross by William CowperOlney Hymn 36: Afflictions Sanctified By The Word by William CowperOlney Hymn 37: Temptation by William CowperOlney Hymn 38: Looking Upwards In A Storm by William CowperOlney Hymn 39: The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death by William CowperOlney Hymn 3: Jehovah-Rophi: I Am the Lord That Healeth Thee by William CowperOlney Hymn 40: Peace After A Storm by William CowperOlney Hymn 41: Mourning And Longing by William CowperOlney Hymn 42: Self-Acquaintance by William CowperOlney Hymn 43: Prayer For Patience by William CowperOlney Hymn 44: Submission by William CowperOlney Hymn 45: The Happy Change by William CowperOlney Hymn 46: Retirement by William CowperOlney Hymn 47: The Hidden Life by William CowperOlney Hymn 48: Joy And Peace In Believing by William CowperOlney Hymn 49: True Pleasures by William CowperOlney Hymn 4: Jehovah-Nissi: The Lord My Banner by William CowperOlney Hymn 50: The Christian by William CowperOlney Hymn 51: Lively Hope And Gracious Fear by William CowperOlney Hymn 52: For The Poor by William CowperOlney Hymn 53: My Soul Thirsteth For God by William CowperOlney Hymn 54: Love Constraining To Obedience by William CowperOlney Hymn 55: The Heart Healed And Changed By Mercy by William CowperOlney Hymn 56: Hatred Of Sin by William CowperOlney Hymn 57: The New Convert by William CowperOlney Hymn 57: The New Convert by William CowperOlney Hymn 58: True And False Comforts by William CowperOlney Hymn 59: A Living And A Dead Faith by William CowperOlney Hymn 5: Jehovah-Shalom: The Lord Send Peace by William CowperOlney Hymn 60: Abuse Of The Gospel by William CowperOlney Hymn 61: The Narrow Way by William CowperOlney Hymn 62: Dependence by William CowperOlney Hymn 63: Not Of Works by William CowperOlney Hymn 64: Praise For Faith by William CowperOlney Hymn 65: Grace And Providence by William CowperOlney Hymn 66: I Will Praise The Lord At All Times by William CowperOlney Hymn 67: Longing To Be With Christ by William CowperOlney Hymn 68: Light Shining Out Of Darkness by William CowperOlney Hymn 6: Wisdom by William CowperOlney Hymn 7: Vanity of the World by William CowperOlney Hymn 8: O Lord, I Will Praise Thee by William CowperOlney Hymn 9: The Contrite Heart by William CowperOlogy Is Funny by whisperkwane LambOloom Means Sciences by Kassem OudeOlufsen by Hans Christian AndersenOlusola by Muideen Olawale JimohOluwaseun by Edward Kofi LouisOlympian Disgrace by Frank BanaOlympic Dream by Dave JamesOlympic Dreams by Harriet JamesOlympic Fever by Brian Roy SkyersOlympic Games started with a bang! by Nimal DunuhingaOlympic Gold by Ken e HallOlympic Kids by Belle RobinOlympic Torch by Leonard DaranjoOlympics 2012 by Douglas ScotneyOlympics in India? by John CelesOlympics, not Limpicks! (A poem for children) by Jojoba MansellOlympus by Coventry PatmoreOm by Gajanan MishraOm Sai Ram by Rohit SapraOm Tattoo by Uriah HamiltonOmaha Beach by Michael PruchnickiOmamori by Maria SudibyoOman Country Liberal by Mohammed AlBalushiOmar by Edward Kofi LouisOmar by James Weldon JohnsonOmar-2 by Satish VermaOmarism by Victor James DaleyOmbre by Guillaume ApollinaireOmbre d'eau by Henri de RegnierOmega by Diane HineOmega by Edward Kofi LouisOmen Of Emptiness by Spike MilliganOmens by Thomas MooreOmens by John Tiong ChunghooOmens And Rituals by Edward Kofi LouisOmens Revisited by John Thorkild EllisonOmens...? by Theodora OnkenOmeo by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOminous Places by Lawrence S. PertillarOminous Silence by Margaret Alice SecondOmission by Edward Kofi LouisOmmission by Robert William ServiceOmnes Vanitas by Ambrose BierceOmni presence by Hasmukh AmathalalOmnibus and the Excursion by Nimal DunuhingaOmnimagnificent by Lawrence S. PertillarOmnipresence by Steven FederleOmnipresence by Vavroovahana PatraOmnipresent God by Lynne FincherSpringardenOn 'One' Memorial Day by Lawrence S. PertillarOn 'This' Thanksgiving Day by Lawrence S. PertillarOn - On - Poet by Aleister CrowleyOn ------ Embroydring by Thomas ParnellOn a B4 Real Express by Lawrence S. PertillarOn a Baby Buried by the Hawkesbury by Henry KendallOn A Bank As I Sate A Fishing: A Description Of The Spring by Henry WottonOn A Bank Of Flowers by Robert BurnsOn A Bath, By Plato by William CowperOn A Battered Beauty (From The Greek) by William CowperOn a Beautiful Day by Aaron BurrOn a Beautiful Landscape by William Lisle BowlesOn A Beautiful Spring, by William Lisle BowlesOn A Beautiful Youth Struck Blind With Lightning by Oliver GoldsmithOn a Bed of Romaine by Lawrence S. PertillarOn A Bird by Gavril Romanovich DerzhavinOn A Birthday Cake For Dying Rabbits by Bret R. CrabrookeOn A Blank Page by Ric S. BastasaOn A Blurred Vision by Ric S. BastasaOn A Breakup by Kanav JustaOn A Bright And Peaceful Day by Ric S. BastasaOn a Brisk Summer Evening by Tim StensloffOn a Bust by Edgar Lee MastersOn a Butterfly's wings by Laure HowardOn A Calm River by Ric S. BastasaOn A Candle by Jonathan SwiftOn A Cannon by Jonathan SwiftOn A Cape May Warbler Who Flew Against My Window by Eamon GrennanOn A Cattle Track by Henry KendallOn A Celebrated Event In Ancient History by William WordsworthOn A Cemented Bench by Ric S. BastasaOn A Certain Anonymity by Ric S. BastasaOn a certain Lady at Court by Alexander PopeOn A Certain Poets Judgement Between Mr Pope & Mr Philips Don In An Italian Air by Thomas ParnellOn A Change Of Masters At A Great Public School by ByronOn A Circle by Jonathan SwiftOn A Clean Book by Paul Laurence DunbarOn A Clear Day, I Can See Forever by Maurice HarrisOn A Clear Morning by Ric S. BastasaOn a close-up of Anthony Delius, on his Questions to the Universe by Gert StrydomOn a Close-up of Louis Esterhuizen, on His Poem “Winnie” by Gert StrydomOn a Close-up of Louis Esterhuizen, on His Verse Novel “die onderwaterweg, ” (The Underwater Way) by Gert StrydomOn A Cold Night by Matthew HollowayOn a Columnar Self by Emily DickinsonOn A Connubial Rupture In High Life by Samuel Taylor ColeridgeOn A Continual And Daily Basis by Lawrence S. PertillarOn A Conversation Like This by Ric S. BastasaOn A Corkscrew by Jonathan SwiftOn A Cornelian Heart Which Was Broken by ByronOn A Country Life by James ThomsonOn A Crushed Hat by Robert Fuller MurrayOn A Daily Basis by Lawrence S. PertillarOn a damp Foggy day (2007) by Lillian B. RoseOn A Day Like This by Buxton ShippyOn A Day Like This by Oskar HansenOn a day like today by Jim FoulkOn A Day That Felt Like Any Other by Gert StrydomOn A Day To Day Endeavor by Ric S. BastasaOn a Dead Child by Robert Seymour BridgesOn a December summer beach by Gert StrydomOn a Diet Denying by Lawrence S. PertillarOn a Diet of Madness by Lawrence S. PertillarOn a Different Mission by Lawrence S. PertillarOn A Dissembler by William StrodeOn A Distant Hill! by Eric CockrellOn A Distant View Of The Village And School Of The Harrow Hill by ByronOn a Drawing by Charles Tomlinson by Bill KnottOn A Dream by John KeatsOn a dream about you by Matthew HollowayOn A Drop Of Dew by Andrew MarvellOn A Dry Desert by Ric S. BastasaOn a Durban street at twilight by Gert StrydomOn A Dusty Lane by Feroz RatherOn A Faded Violet by Percy Bysshe ShelleyOn a Fair Morning as I Came by the Way by Thomas MorleyOn A Famed Poet by Francis DugganOn a Fan of the Author's Design by Alexander PopeOn A Fart - Let In The House Of Commons by Matthew PriorOn a fateful day, an unlucky time by Boris PasternakOn A Ferry Boat by Richard Francis BurtonOn A Fete At Carlton House: Fragment by Percy Bysshe ShelleyOn a Fine Morning by Thomas HardyOn a Fixed Budget by Lawrence S. PertillarOn a Forenoon of Spring by William AllinghamOn a Fork of Byron's by James Brunton StephensOn A Fortification At Boston Begun By Women by Benjamin TompsonOn A Fowler, By Isidorus by William CowperOn a Frequent Basis by Lawrence S. PertillarOn a Friend's Escape from Drowning off the Norfolk Coast by George BarkerOn A Friends Absence by William StrodeOn A Gentlewoman That Had Had The Small Poxe by William StrodeOn A Gentlewoman That Sung And Play'd Upon A Lute by William StrodeOn A Gentlewoman's Blistred Lipp by William StrodeOn A Gentlewoman's Watch That Wanted A Key by William StrodeOn a Girdle by Edmund WallerOn A Goldfinch, Starved To Death In His Cage by William CowperOn A Good Legg And Foot by William StrodeOn A Good Man (From The Greek) by William CowperOn A Grave In The Forest by Wilfrid Scawen BluntOn a great coxcomb by Ann Eliza BleeckerOn A Great Hollow Tree by William StrodeOn a Greek Village (A Fragment) by Leslie PhilibertOn A Group Of Justice And Charity by Bessie Rayner ParkesOn A Handful Of French Money by Dante Gabriel RossettiOn a higher place by Gert StrydomOn A Hill by Jais ManiOn A Hill Under The Blue Sky by Gert StrydomOn a hillock outside the city by Gert StrydomOn A Honey Bee by Philip FreneauOn A Horn by Jonathan SwiftOn A Hot Day by Ric S. BastasaOn a hot summer afternoon by Nirantar Dr.Rajendra TelaOn a hot summer afternoon by Gert StrydomOn A Island In The Sun (Roundel) by Gert StrydomOn A Journey by Ric S. BastasaOn A Journey by Hermann HesseOn a journey by Gert StrydomOn A Lady Singing by Isaac RosenbergOn a Lady Throwing Snow-Balls at Her Lover by Christopher SmartOn A Lady With A Foul Breath by Thomas ParnellOn A Landscape Bt Rubens by William Lisle BowlesOn A Late Impiric Of Balmy Memory by Charles LambOn A Letter by Mathilde BlindOn a life found by Matthew HollowayOn a Line from Valéry (The Gulf War) by Carolyn KizerOn A Listless Noon by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharOn A Lonely Night Like This by Suki NakamuraOn a lost youth by Matthew HollowayOn A Message From Timothy MacSweeney by Francis DugganOn a Midsummer's Day by Geraldine Moorkens ByrneOn A Mischievous Bull, Which The Owner Him Sold At The Author's Instance by William CowperOn A Miser (From The Greek) by William CowperOn A Miser, 2 (From The Greek) by William CowperOn A Miser, 3 (From The Greek) by William CowperOn A Mission by Ernestine NorthoverOn A Mistake In His Translation Of Homer by William CowperOn A Monsoon Morning by Indira BabbellapatiOn A Moonlit Night In July by Francis DugganOn A Moonlit Night.... by Eric CockrellOn A Morning In Late September by Francis DugganOn A Mountain Top by Alfred NoyesOn a mountaintop by David WhalenOn A Much Keener Awareness.... by Ric S. BastasaOn A Night Like This by Joseph NarusiewiczOn A Night Like This I Wish It Would Rain. by Iesha WilbornOn a night sky by Matthew HollowayOn A Night Trip On The Last Trip Of The Bus Bound For Zamboanga by Ric S. BastasaOn A Night Where Stars Flamed by Gert StrydomON a night with a Prostitute? by Ric S. BastasaOn A Nun by ByronOn a One To One Need To Know Basis by Lawrence S. PertillarOn A Painting By Patient B Of The Independence State Hospital For The Insane by Donald JusticeOn A Pair Of Dice by Jonathan SwiftOn A Palmetto by Sidney LanierOn A Path Of Least Resistance by Lawrence S. PertillarOn A Path One Has Cleared Of Thorns by Lawrence S. PertillarOn A Path One Makes And Takes To Pioneer by Lawrence S. PertillarOn A Pen by Jonathan SwiftOn A Perch by Lawrence S. PertillarOn a perfect day by Ric S. BastasaOn A Perfumed Lady by Robert HerrickOn a Photograph From Singapore by Red O'MaraOn a picture by Anne Lynch BottaOn a picture (II) by Anne Lynch BottaOn A Picture Of A Black Centaur By Edmund Dulac by William Butler YeatsOn a picture of Harvey Birch by Anne Lynch BottaOn A Picture Of John D. Rockefeller by Edgar Lee MastersOn a picture of my father by Anne Lynch BottaOn a picture of Ruth by Anne Lynch BottaOn A Picture Of Seneca Dying In A Bath, By Jordain by Matthew PriorOn A Picture Of The Finding Of Moses By Pharoah's Daughter by Charles LambOn A Picture Painted By Her Self, Representing Two Nimphs Of Diana's, One In A Posture To Hunt, The Other Batheing by Anne KilligrewOn A Picture Screen by Li PoOn a Piece of Tapestry by George SantayanaOn A Plant Of Virgin's-Bower, Designed To Cover A Garden-seat by William CowperOn A Plateau Leaving by Lawrence S. PertillarOn A Political Prisoner by William Butler YeatsOn A Portrait Of Wordsworth by Elizabeth Barrett BrowningOn A Prayer-Book, With its Frontispiece, Ary Scheffer’s by John Greenleaf WhittierOn a Primitive Canoe by Claude McKayOn A Projected Journey by Charles LambOn A Proposed Crematory by Ambrose BierceOn a Proposed Trip South by William Carlos WilliamsOn A Prospect Of T'ai-shan by Du FuOn a Prospect of T'ai-shan by Tu FuOn a quiet night journey by Antonio LiaoOn A Railway Platform by Nirantar Dr.Rajendra TelaOn A Rainy Day by Ric S. BastasaOn a Rainy Day by Maria C. CostaOn a rainy night by Gert StrydomOn a Razor's Edge We Live by Steven FederleOn A Recently Finished Statue by Sydney Thompson DobellOn A Register For A Bible by William StrodeOn A Road Febrile by Indira RenganathanOn A Rocky Beach by Aldo KraasOn a Roll On That Road by Lawrence S. PertillarOn A Romantic Night by Gert StrydomOn A Ruined house In A Romantic Country by Samuel Taylor ColeridgeOn a Sabbatical And Healing by Lawrence S. PertillarOn a Scale No One Can Fathom by Lawrence S. PertillarOn A Sea Wall by Paul Laurence DunbarOn A Serious Matter by Ric S. BastasaOn A Seven-Day Diary by Alan DuganOn A Shadow In A Glass by Jonathan SwiftOn A Similar Character (From The Greek) by William CowperOn a sleigh, padded with straw by Osip Emilevich MandelstamOn a Small Touch of Hunger by Bill GraceOn a Soldier Fallen in the Philippines by William Vaughn MoodyOn A Spaniel, Called Beau, Killing A Young Bird by William CowperOn a Spanish Cathedral by Henry KendallOn a spoor by Gert StrydomOn A Spoor In The Desert by Gert StrydomOn A Spotlighted Soapbox by Lawrence S. PertillarOn A State Of Namelessness.. by Ric S. BastasaOn A Stormy Day by Ric S. BastasaOn a Stormy Night by Valsa GeorgeOn a stormy sea by Gert StrydomOn A Storny Day While You Are Driving Alone by Ric S. BastasaOn a Street by Henry KendallOn A Summer’s Day by Hayyim Nahman Bialikon a Sunday back to the past that Papa left by Ric S. BastasaOn A Sunday In 1997 by God DiariesOn A Sunday Morning by Ric S. BastasaOn a Sunday Morning Sidewalk by John F. McCullaghOn a Sunlit Night by Claudia KrizayOn A Sunny Day by Ric S. BastasaOn a sunny day by Asif AndalibOn A Sunny Hot Summer Day (English Sonnet) by Gert StrydomOn A Sunny Sunday by Oskar HansenOn a T-Shirt by Lawrence S. PertillarOn a Theme by Frost by Robert FrancisOn a Theme by Thomas Merton by Denise LevertovOn a Theme in the Greek Anthology by Alan SeegerOn A Thief (From The Greek) by William CowperOn A Thin String by Lawrence S. PertillarOn a tin there sat a cat by Larisa RzhepishevskaOn A Torso Of Cupid by Mathilde BlindOn A Treadmill by Bob GottiOn a Troopship - 1915 by Herbert AsquithOn A True Friend (From The Greek) by William CowperOn A Tuft Of Grass by Emma LazarusOn A Very Old Glass At Market-Hill by Jonathan SwiftOn A Very Old Woman by William Makepeace ThackerayOn A View Of Pasadena From The Hills by Yvor WintersOn a Viola D'Amore by Mathilde BlindOn a Voluntary Basis by Lawrence S. PertillarOn a Vulgar Error by Clive Staples LewisOn A Watch Made By A Blacksmith by William StrodeOn a Wedding Anniversary by Dylan ThomasOn A Wedding Day (Cavatina Sequence) (In Answer To Jean Valentine) by Gert StrydomOn a Wet Day by Franco SacchettiOn A Wet Day (Than-Bauk) by Gert StrydomOn A White Bench by Ric S. BastasaOn a White Horse by Jolanta GradowiczOn a wife's death by Bjørnstjerne BjørnsonOn a Wild Horse by Lawrence S. PertillarOn a windy day by Asif AndalibOn a windy night (in answer to T.S. Eliot) by Gert StrydomOn A Windy Winter Night by R.C. RochteOn a Wine of Horace's by Franklin P. AdamsOn a wing and a prayer by Michael ShepherdOn A Winter Afternoon by Joe WocoskiOn a winter morning by Gert StrydomOn a Winter Morning It Was Raining by Nirantar Dr.Rajendra TelaOn A Wishful Stroll... by Indira BabbellapatiOn A Wooden Sailboat by Ric S. BastasaOn A Young Lady by Anne KilligrewOn a Young Lady's Sixth Anniversary by Katherine MansfieldOn A Young Poetess’s Grave by William Cosmo MonkhouseOn Abortion by Eric CockrellOn Accidentally Meeting A Lady Now No More by William Lisle BowlesOn Adisankara's Mathrupanchakam by Indira RenganathanOn AIDS by John CelesOn All Souls Day, 2011 by John CelesOn an Air of Rameau by Arthur SymonsOn An Apple-Ripe September Morning by Patrick KavanaghOn An April Evening In The Fall by Francis DugganOn An Army Of Rebelling Mercenaries (Rondel) (In Answer To A.E. Housman) by Gert StrydomOn An Early Morning by Ric S. BastasaOn An Early Morning Rush by Ric S. BastasaOn An Early Summer Morning by Indira BabbellapatiOn an Early Summer Morning by Indira BabbellapatiOn an Eclipse of the Moon by Walter Savage LandorOn An Edinburgh Advocate by Robert Fuller MurrayOn An Engraving Of Hindoo Temples by Letitia Elizabeth LandonOn An Icicle That Clung To The Grass Of A Grave by Percy Bysshe ShelleyOn An Ill-Managed House by Jonathan SwiftOn An Infant (From The Greek) by William CowperOn an Infant dying as soon as born by Charles LambOn An Infant Which Died Before Baptism by Samuel Taylor ColeridgeOn an Invitation to the United States. by Thomas HardyOn An Island by Ric S. BastasaOn An Island Beach, New England by Stan PetrovichOn an Italian Shore by Constantine P. CavafyOn an Occasion of National Mourning by Howard NemerovOn An Old Deluded Suitor by George Moses HortonOn An Old Roundel by Algernon Charles SwinburneOn An Old Sepuchral Bas-Relief by Count Giacomo LeopardiOn An Old Woman (From The Greek) by William CowperOn An Ugly Fellow (From The Greek) by William CowperOn An Unfortunate And Beautiful Woman by William Lisle BowlesOn and In What Stage of Regret by Lawrence S. PertillarOn And Off! by Edward Kofi LouisOn and On by Mathilde BlindOn And On by Edward Kofi LouisOn And On by Naveed AkramOn And On And On by Ric S. BastasaOn and On and On and On by Santhana LouisOn Angel Wings by Troy NicholsOn Angel Wings by Merceds LillyOn Angel's Wings Fly Moonlight Midnight Causes by Terence George CraddockOn Angels by Czeslaw MiloszOn Anne Allen by Edward FitzgeraldOn Another Day by Tafadzwa MatambaOn Another's Sorrow by William BlakeOn Apes and Angels by Jonathan RobinOn approaching fifty by Gert StrydomOn ASH WEDNESDAY by John CelesOn Australian Hills by Ada CambridgeOn Authors, Critics and Readers by T. WignesanOn Auto Systematic by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Automanic by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Autumns Earth by Peter S. QuinnOn Autumn´s Earth by Peter S. QuinnOn Beauty by James ThomsonOn Beauty. A Riddle by Matthew PriorOn Becoming a Priest… by John CelesOn Behalf Of by Gregory HuyetteOn Behalf Of Your Friends by Terence George CraddockOn Being by Mamta AgarwalOn Being A Householder by Alan DuganOn Being a Poet by Michael ShepherdOn Being A Woman by Dorothy Parker | In RomanianOn Being Asked For A War Poem by William Butler YeatsOn Being Asked To Write In Miss Westwood's Album by Charles LambOn Being Asked What Was The 'Origin Of Love by ByronOn Being Brought from Africa to America by Phillis WheatleyOn being Brought from Africa to America by John Tiong ChunghooOn being called a considerate soul who has good memory by Cathy ShaoOn Being Challenged to Write an Epigram in the Manner of Herrick by Sir Walter RaleighOn Being Chosen To Be A Medical College Dean For Three Years Or More by John CelesOn Being Defrauded... by Ric S. BastasaOn Being Given A Piece Of Edelweiss Before Visiting Switzerland by Frederick George ScottOn Being Heavy by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Being Here Back To You by Ric S. BastasaOn Being Human by Clive Staples LewisOn Being in Boxes by Virginie GuillemetteOn Being In Love by Matthew HollowayOn Being Oneself by Piet HeinOn Being Patient by John CelesOn Being Popular by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Being Stricken With Paralysis by Bai JuyiOn Being Told That There Is No Rhyme For The Word “Limerick” by C. Richard MilesOn Bended Knee by Ron TranmerOn Bended Knee by Frank PulverOn Betrayal by Eric CockrellOn Bidding Farewell by Muhammad ShanazarOn Birds With Diseased Feet by Francis DugganOn Bishop Atterbury's Burying The Duke Of Buckingham, 1721 by Matthew PriorOn Bishop Burnet's Being Set On Fire In His Closet by Thomas ParnellOn Blackouts by Ric S. BastasaOn Blood, Water, and Other Fluids of Varying Density by TmaOn Board Ship by Constantine P. CavafyOn Board the Cumberland by George H. BokerOn Books by John CelesOn Borrowed Time by Jonathan RobinOn borrowings by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOn Broadway by Claude McKayOn Broadway Entertaining Center Stage by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Browning’s Sordello by Dante Gabriel RossettiOn Buddha's deathday by Matsuo BashoOn Building With Stone by Robinson JeffersOn Burning Coals by Satish VermaOn Burns by Dante Gabriel RossettiOn Cage! ! ! by Mirna MorganOn Calais Sands by Andrew LangOn Call to Drip by Lawrence S. PertillarOn capital punishment by Hasmukh AmathalalOn Carpaccio's Picture by Amy LowellOn Catching the Summer Breeze by Joe WocoskiOn Catullus by Walter Savage LandorOn Certain Elizabethan revivals by Dante Gabriel RossettiOn Certain Ladies by Alexander PopeOn Certain Ladies by Alexander PopeOn Certain Pastorals by William ShenstoneOn Change Of Weather by Francis QuarlesOn Cheating The Fiddler by Dorothy ParkerOn Child Labour by Sameer Daniel GardnerOn Children by John CelesOn Children’s Day by C.P. SharmaOn Chillon by ByronOn Chittoe Heath by John Thorkild EllisonOn Chloris Standing By The Fire by William StrodeOn Chloris Walking in the Snow by William StrodeOn Christina Rossetti by Dante Gabriel RossettiOn Christmas Day by Frank BanaOn Christmas Eve by John CelesOn Christmas Eve by William Wilfred CampbellOn Christmas Night! by John CelesOn Clear Pond by Ric S. BastasaOn Climbing A Tree by Ric S. BastasaOn Climbing in Nan-king to the Terrace of Phoenixes by Li PoOn Clinical Trial by Frank BanaOn cloud nine! ! by Samima ShahOn CNN, I Saw My True Heroes by Hebert LogerieOn Cold Winter Nights by Gert StrydomOn Como by George MeredithOn completion of the construction of the house by Jagannath rao AdukuriOn Conscience Bridge by Jack LashbrookOn Contemplation by Yvette SmithOn Content by Thomas ParnellOn Corruption by John CelesOn Count Voronstov by Alexander Sergeyevich PushkinOn Courage by Mignon Isaacs BryantOn Crime and Punishment by Eric CockrellOn Crumpled Things by Ric S. BastasaOn Cue by Jonathan RobinOn Cutting Down The Thorn At Market-Hill by Jonathan SwiftOn Dancing Shadows by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Dante's Monument, 1818 by Count Giacomo LeopardiOn Darwin's Tomb in Westminster Abbey by Frederick George ScottOn Dating A Woman Not Your Wife by Ric S. BastasaOn Day by Otteri SelvakumarOn Dead Horse by Gajanan MishraOn Deaf Ears by Claudia JaneOn Death by Percy Bysshe ShelleyOn Death by Muhammad ShanazarOn Death by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOn Death by John KeatsOn Death by Anne KilligrewOn Death by John CelesOn Death by George Moses HortonOn Death by Khalil GibranOn Death, Without Exaggeration by Wislawa SzymborskaOn Delia (Bid Adieu, My Sad Heart) by William CowperOn Departure For The Caucas by Mikhail Yuryevich LermontovOn Departure to Umrah by Muhammad ShanazarOn Deporting Illegal Immigrants by Eric CockrellOn Despair by Bill GraceOn Different Missions by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Digital Extremities by Gelett BurgessOn Dimples Denting by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Discovering My Own 'Importance by Yvette SmithOn Display by Louis RamsOn Display by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Divine Love By Meditating On The Wounds Of Christ by Thomas ParnellOn Doctor Gardener by James McIntyreOn Doing Little by Muhammad ShanazarOn Donne's Poetry by Samuel Taylor ColeridgeOn Dr. Brown's Death by Thomas ParnellOn Dragon Hill by Li PoOn Dreamer's Hill by Ernestine NorthoverOn Dreaming by John NewtonOn Dreams by C.S. SmithOn driving westward toward Versailles by T. WignesanOn Eagle Wings by Ray LuceroOn Eagles Wings by Ty. BohlsOn Early Mornings... by Ric S. BastasaOn Early Trains by Boris PasternakOn Easter Day by Oscar WildeOn Eating.... by Ric S. BastasaOn Effective Causal Thoughts and Decisive Effects On Thoughtful Causes - Martinson Refutation by Jonathan RobinOn Eid's happy day by Asif AndalibOn Eid's holy day by Asif AndalibOn Eid-ul-Adha by Asif AndalibOn Emerging From Puddles Of Moonlight by Indira BabbellapatiOn entering by Michael OliverOn Entering Switzerland by William Lisle BowlesOn Entering The Sea by Nizar QabbaniOn Envy (From The Greek) by William CowperOn Ettrick Forest's Mountains Dun {Life In The Forest} by Sir Walter ScottOn Every Level by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Everyone's Lips As An Expectation by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Exaggerated Deference To Foreign Literary Opinion by William WatsonOn fairy lit night by Mark HeathcoteOn Fame by Ric S. BastasaOn Fame by John KeatsOn Fanny Godwin by Percy Bysshe ShelleyOn Fayrford Windowes by William StrodeOn Female Inconstancy (From The Greek) by William CowperOn fidelity by OvidOn Fields O'er Which the Reaper's Hand Has Pass'd by Henry David ThoreauOn Fighting by Gajanan MishraOn Finding A Fan by ByronOn Finding Myself Alone Again by Ric S. BastasaOn Finding Someone long lost by Mamta AgarwalOn Finding the The Holy Bible by John CelesOn First Entering Westminster Abbey by Louise Imogen GuineyOn First Looking - Parody John KEATS – On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer by Jonathan RobinOn First Looking into Bee Palmer's Shoulders by Franklin P. AdamsOn First Looking Into Chapman's Homer by John KeatsOn First Reading Czeslaw Milosz by Shalom FreedmanOn Flatteries (From The Greek) by William CowperOn Flaxman's Penelope by William CowperOn Flemington Road by Vince GullaciOn Flesh Branded by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Foreign Shores by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Forgiving by Norman SantosOn Freedom by David IgnatowOn Freedoms Lost by Jonathan RobinOn Fresh Bending Knees by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Friday Night by Luca MeninOn Fridays he’d open a six-pack of beer by Gert StrydomOn Friendship by John CelesOn Gay Wallpaper by William Carlos WilliamsOn George Herbert's Poems by James ThomsonOn Getting Old by Ric S. BastasaOn Ginsberg's America,5th Part by Whitney Jones OlsonOn Ginsberg's America,6th Part by Whitney Jones OlsonOn Giving by Robert GravesOn Giving and Taking by Khalil GibranOn Going Back To The Street After Viewing An Art Show by Charles BukowskiOn Going To Mumbai by Mohammad MuzzammilOn Going Trials by Bob GottiOn Gold by Jonathan SwiftOn Gray Eyes by William StrodeOn Growing A Beard.... by Ric S. BastasaOn Growing Old by John Tiong ChunghooOn Guard by Denis MartindaleOn Guard by Brian TaylorOn guard duty by Gert StrydomOn Guido's Aurora by Mathilde BlindOn Gujrat Riots by Mohammad Akmal NazirOn Halloween by Terry O'LearyOn Hand Held Screens by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Hanging Your Tears In The Air To Dry by Ric S. BastasaOn Happienesse by Thomas ChattertonOn Happiness by James ThomsonOn Happiness And Bacon by David WhalenOn Happiness In This Life by Thomas ParnellOn Hearing by William Lisle BowlesOn Hearing A Grey Shrike Thrush by Francis DugganOn Hearing A Grey Shrike Thrush Singing In The Rain by Francis DugganOn Hearing A Magpie Sing by Francis DugganOn Hearing A Song For Christy Ring by Francis DugganOn Hearing A White Backed Magpie Singing In The Rain by Francis DugganOn Hearing And Seeing A Goldfinch by Francis DugganOn Hearing Miss Thrale Consulting with a Friend About a Gown and Hat by Samuel JohnsonOn Hearing Of A Death by Rainer Maria RilkeOn Hearing of Love by Constantine P. CavafyOn Hearing Of The Death Of Kevin Hickey by Francis DugganOn Hearing of the Death of the First Woman Soldier in Afghanistan by John Thorkild EllisonOn Hearing Of The Intention Of A Gentleman To Purchase The Poet's Freedom by George Moses HortonOn Hearing One Reciting Verses Of Callanan by Francis DugganOn Hearing that Constantinople Was Swallowed Up by an Earthquake by Amelia OpieOn hearing that Ronnie... by T. WignesanOn Hearing That The Students Of Our New University Have Joined The Agitation Against Immoral Literat by William Butler YeatsOn Hearing That The Students Of Our New University Have Joined the Agitation Against Immoral Literature by William Butler YeatsOn Hearing The Bag-Pipe And Seeing by John KeatsOn Hearing The News From Venice by George MeredithOn Hearing The Princess Royal Sing by Victor HugoOn Hearing the Strains of Chirstmas Carols... by Mamta AgarwalOn Heat (edited) by Ric S. BastasaOn Her 59th Birthday by Ric S. BastasaOn Her 78th Birthday by Ric S. BastasaOn Her Dancing by James ShirleyOn Her Face by Hasmukh AmathalalOn Her Face I See The Light Play by Gert StrydomOn Her Lightheartedness by Wilfrid Scawen BluntOn Her Way To Afternoon by Theodora OnkenOn Hermocratia (From The Greek) by William CowperOn Heroes Ground by Antonio LiaoOn Himself by Jonathan SwiftOn Himself by Walter Savage LandorOn Himself by Robert HerrickOn Himself, upon Hearing What was his Sentence by James GrahamOn hindsight by Nayyar Shabbir AhmadOn His Armour by Edward Kofi LouisOn His Baldness by Bai Juyi | In RomanianOn His Blindness by John MiltonOn His Deafness by Michael ShepherdOn His Deceased Wife by John MiltonOn His Eightieth Birthday by Walter Savage LandorOn His Fate You Must Now Dwell by Bri MarOn His Father's Side by Joses TirtabudiOn His First Year In The Study Of Law by Ric S. BastasaOn His Grotto at Twickenham by Alexander PopeOn His Ladies Waking by Pierre RonsardOn His Lady Denys by William StrodeOn His Lady Marie by William StrodeOn His Own Face In A Glass by Ezra PoundOn his Previous Blindness - Parody John MILTON - On His Blindness by Jonathan RobinOn His Retirement by Ric S. BastasaOn His Seventy-fifth Birthday by Walter Savage LandorOn His Seventy-fifth Birthday by Walter Savage LandorOn holiday by Gert StrydomOn Holidays by Vince GullaciOn Holy ground by RoystonOn how to sing by Masaoka ShikiOn Human Life on Earth by John CelesOn Human Sexuality... by Eric CockrellOn Huntingdon's "Miranda" by Sidney LanierOn Hurricane Jackson by Alan DuganOn Ice by Naveed AkramOn Imagination by Phillis WheatleyOn Imagining A Friend Had Treated The Author With Indifference. by Mary Barberon IMitation (will that anger you?) by Ric S. BastasaOn Inch Island by Liam ó ComáinOn Ink by Jonathan SwiftOn Inspiration by Iohannes SilvaticusOn Into The Next Dimension by Patrick WhiteOn Invalids (From The Greek) by William CowperOn Irish Politics And Politicians by Francis DugganOn Isa's Second Coming by Mohammad Akmal NazirOn Isabel Allende, A Tribute... by Ric S. BastasaOn Iteration & Repetition by Alex NodopakaOn its own way by Gajanan MishraOn James Grieve, Laird Of Boghead, Tarbolton. Epitaph by Robert BurnsOn Jealousy by William StrodeOn Joe White's Ninetieth Birthday by On John Dawson, Butler Of C.C. by William StrodeOn Jordan's banks by ByronOn Journalism by Tim StensloffOn Journeys Through The States by Walt WhitmanOn Julia's Voice by Robert HerrickOn June 1st of That Year by Brandi YoungOn Keats, Who Desired That On His Tomb Should Be Inscribed by Percy Bysshe ShelleyOn Kiley's Run by Andrew Barton PatersonOn Killing Before Birth by Muhammad ShanazarOn King Arthur's Round Table at Winchester by Thomas Warton Jr.On Kissing Oneself by Ric S. BastasaOn Knees Believing They Are Blessed by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Koroit's 09 Football Premiership by Francis DugganOn Kusu Terrace by Li PoOn Lac Sainte Ireneé by Marjorie Lowry Christie PickthallOn Lady Charles Beauclerc's Death by Walter Savage LandorOn Lake Temiscamingue by Archibald LampmanOn Lamb’s Specimens of Dramatic Poets: Sonnets by Algernon Charles SwinburneOn Land Once Declared Sacred by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Landing At Ostend by William Lisle BowlesOn Landor's 'Hellenics by William WatsonOn Late Acquired Wealth (From The Greek) by William CowperOn Leaving A Place Of Residence by William Lisle BowlesOn Leaving A Village In Scotland by William Lisle BowlesOn Leaving At The Right Time by Ric S. BastasaOn Leaving Bath. by Mary BarberOn Leaving Bruges by Dante Gabriel RossettiOn Leaving London For Wales by Percy Bysshe ShelleyOn Leaving Mrs. Brown's Lodgings by Sir Walter ScottOn Leaving Newstead Abbey by ByronOn Leaving Some Friends At An Early Hour by John KeatsOn Leaving Winchester School by William Lisle BowlesOn Lending a Punch-Bowl by Oliver Wendell HolmesOn Levels Already Delusioned by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Liberty And Slavery by George Moses HortonOn life boat by Hasmukh AmathalalOn Life Choices by Francis DugganOn Life's Long Round by Mathilde BlindOn Life's Road by Robert RobertsOn Like River by Pete RiveraOn Lillian Way by Theresa HaffnerOn limiting words by Maria SudibyoOn Line by Yvette SmithOn line by Hasmukh AmathalalOn Line For Life by Terence George CraddockOn line friendship by Hasmukh AmathalalOn Living by Nazim HikmetOn Living Life by David WhalenOn Living on Earth by John CelesOn Living Too Long by Walter Savage LandorOn Loan by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Loan With Good Credit and Leased by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Loneliness by Connie WebbOn Looking Back Upon My Poesy's Past! by John CelesOn Looking Back! by John CelesOn Looking for Models by Alan DuganOn Looking into a Cot by Michael ShepherdOn Looking Through an old Punishment Book [At Eurunderee School] by Henry LawsonOn Looking Up by Chance at the Constellations by Robert FrostOn Lord Thurlow's Poems by ByronOn Losing The Beloved by Ric S. BastasaOn love by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOn Love by Robert HerrickOn Love And Beauty: I: To A Promessa Sposa by Sydney Thompson DobellOn Love Half Realized by Muhammad ShanazarOn Love in an Hour by Jonathan RobinOn Loving Love by Ric S. BastasaOn Luca Signorelli‘S 'End Of The World' And 'The Last Judgement by Gert StrydomOn Lucretia Borgia’s Hair by Walter Savage LandorOn Lyce - An Elderly Lady by Samuel JohnsonOn Making A Friendship by Jonathan Goldman a.k.a JGthepoetOn Making Mistakes by Ric S. BastasaOn manoeuvres by Gert StrydomOn Many Nights With You by Ric S. BastasaOn Marriage by Richard CrashawOn Marriage by John CelesOn Marriage. by Robert CrawfordOn Mat Weaving by Ric S. BastasaOn Matchdays by Kevin HallsOn May by James ThomsonOn Meeting A Hero by Alastair BuchanOn Meeting Li Guinian Again, South Of The River by Du FuOn Memory by Joanna BaillieOn Menteng Park by George SicilliaOn Military Leave During War (Cavatina) by Gert StrydomOn Miltiades by William CowperOn Misago Beach by Yamabe no AkahitoOn Miss M--'s's Dancing by William ShenstoneOn Missions To Befriend by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Mistress Nicely, a Pattern for Housekeepers by Thomas Hoodon MJ by Ric S. BastasaOn Modern poetry by Michael ShepherdOn modern woman by H.J. ShreeveOn Money by Francis DugganOn Monsieur's Departure by Queen Elizabeth IOn Monsieur's Departure by Queen Elizabeth Tudor IOn Moonlit Heath and Lonesome Bank by Alfred Edward HousmanOn Moonlit Night by Dee DaffodilOn Moore's Last Operatic Farce, Or Farcical Opera by ByronOn Mother's Day by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Mother's Second Death Anniversary by John CelesOn Mother’s Day! by John CelesOn Moving On by Jonathan RobinOn Mr Colliers Essay On The Stage by Thomas ParnellOn Mr Pope Drawing D: Swifts Picture by Thomas ParnellOn Mr. C -- Of Kidderminster's Poetry by William ShenstoneOn Mr. G. Herbert's Book, Entitled the Temple of Sacred Poe by Richard CrashawOn Mr. Gay by Alexander PopeOn Mr. Howard's Account Of Lazarettos by William Lisle BowlesOn Mr. Milton's Paradise Lost by Andrew MarvellOn Mrs Mendez' Birthday, Who Was Born On Valentine's Day by James ThomsonOn Mrs. Ar: F: Leaving London by Thomas ParnellOn Mrs. Johanna Lupton by Ann Eliza BleeckerOn Mrs. Montague's Feather Hangings by William CowperOn Mumbai Serial Blast by Mohammad Akmal NazirOn Music by Thomas MooreOn Music by Walter Savage LandorOn Mutuality.... by Ric S. BastasaOn My 'Do-Not-Ever-Do Again' List by Lawrence S. PertillarOn My 10thousandth Poem by Ric S. BastasaOn My Aunt Mrs. A. K. by Anne KilligrewOn My Birthday, July 21 by Matthew PriorOn My Breasts by Edward Kofi LouisOn my dear Grand-child Simon Bradstreet, Who dyed on 16. Novemb. 1669. being but a moneth, and one d by Anne BradstreetOn My Death by Mohammad MuzzammilOn My Dying Day by Ivan Chizurum EzeigboOn My Feet They Are Most Comfortable by Lawrence S. PertillarOn My First Daughter by Ben JonsonOn My Futon by Lawrence S. PertillarOn My Golden Years by Marian EvansOn My Judgement Day by David KushOn My Laps by Edward Kofi LouisOn My Lips by Edward Kofi Louison my Love by Sari MaviOn My Mother's 80th. by David Lewis PagetOn My Mother's Birthday by Felicia Dorothea HemansOn My Own by Katherine BryceOn My Own Terms by Ric S. BastasaOn My Own Way Of Looking At Things by Ric S. BastasaOn My Pathway The Most Handsome Cowboy by Florida AngelOn My Saturday by E.Marie AldrichCreasyOn My Shadow's Head by Pawan Kumar 'Meonlafesta'On my Sister Joanna's Entrance into Her 33rd Year by Major Henry Livingston Jr.On My Son's Return Out Of England, July 17, 1661. by Anne BradstreetOn My Songs by Wilfred OwenOn My Thirty-Third Birthday, January 22, 1821 by ByronOn My To Do List by Manonton DalanOn My Way by David HarrisOn My Way by Reyvrex Questor ReyesOn My Way Home by Ric S. BastasaOn My Way Out Ballad by Aldo KraasOn my way out of this world by Amy Louise KerswellOn My Way To Heaven by David KushOn My Way To Oz by Theodora OnkenOn my way to school (ballad attempt) by Venus FireOn My Wedding-Day by ByronOn My Wife's Birth-Day by Christopher SmartOn my wife's birthday by Slava OlchevskiOn My Worth As A Writer by Francis DugganOn Myself by Jim CobyOn Myselfe by Anne Kingsmill FinchOn Naija mission by Hasmukh AmathalalOn Naming a House by Christopher MorleyOn Napoleon's Death by Mikhail Yuryevich LermontovOn Napoleon's Escape From Elba by ByronOn Neil Armstronge's Passing by Walter C. EdwardsOn New Year's Day by Matsuo BashoOn New Year’s Eve by John CelesOn Niobe (From The Greek) by William CowperOn No Work of Words by Dylan ThomasOn Not Flying To Hawaii by Alison LutermanOn Not Quite Knowing Kathleen Raine by Michael ShepherdOn Not Sending Christmas Cards by Michael ShepherdOn Not Writing a Poem by Michael ShepherdOn Now, Although The Year Be Done by Robert Louis StevensonOn number of occasions by Hasmukh AmathalalOn Observing Some Names Of Little Note Recorded In The Biographia Britannica by William CowperOn Ode To Kittu by Rashmi Pradeep KumarOn Old Man's Thought Of School by Walt WhitmanOn Olympus. by Robert CrawfordOn One Ignorant And Arrogant (Translated From Owen) by William CowperOn One Road by Lawrence S. PertillarOn One Stone Shall Be Seven Eyes by John NewtonOn one stormy winter morning by Gert StrydomOn One To One Basis! by Veeraiyah SubbulakshmiOn One's Knees Pleading by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Opening a Place for Social Prayer by William CowperOn Organ Donation by John CelesOn Other Causes... by Ric S. BastasaOn Our 15th Marriage Anniversary by John CelesOn Our Blindness - after John Milton - On His Blindness by Jonathan RobinOn Our Broken Boat The Harsh Light Will Not Break by Warren FalconOn Our Earthly Life by John CelesOn Our Marriage Anniversary,2012 by John CelesOn Our Selection by Douglas ScotneyOn our ship of dreams by Shelley JonesOn Overhearing Two Arguing About Poverty by Francis DugganOn Pain by Khalil GibranOn Pallas Bathing, From A Hymn Of Callimachus by William CowperOn Paper An Aussie by Francis DugganOn Paper. Not In Reality. by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Paris Hilton by Bill GraceOn Parting by ByronOn Passing A Hanging Bridge by Ric S. BastasaOn Passing Cromwell Street by Francis DugganOn Passing The New Menin Gate by Siegfried SassoonOn Paths With Cracks by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Patriotism (An acrostic) by John CelesOn patrol by Gert StrydomOn patrol in the African bush by Gert StrydomOn Paul Cezanne' Women Bathers by Ric S. BastasaOn Pause by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Pedigree. From Epicharmus by William CowperOn Perseverance For Success by John CelesOn pilgrimage by Hasmukh AmathalalOn Platina Prosperus Spiriteus by Thomas ParnellOn Playing With Sand by Muhammad ShanazarOn Poet A.K.Ramanujan by Indira RenganathanOn Poetry by Raj ArumugamOn Poetry by Jordan LegaspiOn Positive Thoughts by Ric S. BastasaOn Poverty by Muhammad ShanazarOn Poverty Street by Francis DugganOn Poverty.. by Sameer Daniel GardnerOn Prayer by Czeslaw MiloszOn Pressing Some Flowers by Henry TimrodOn Profiteering by Franklin P. AdamsOn Promising Fruitfulness of a Tree by John BunyanOn Public Display and In Constant View by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Purpose by Kylee BartzOn Queen Anne's Peace, Anno 1713 by Thomas ParnellOn Quitting by Edgar Albert GuestOn Rabbi Kook's Street by Yehuda AmichaiOn Raglan Road by Patrick KavanaghOn Raja Ravivarma's Saraswathi by Indira RenganathanOn Rape by Eric CockrellOn Reading A Dictacted Letter by Sydney Thompson DobellOn Reading a Recent Greek Poet by Bertolt BrechtOn Reading a Vast Anthology by Erica JongOn Reading Ballads by Arthur Graeme WestOn Reading Blake's 'Little Black Boy by Francis DugganOn Reading Crowds and Power by Geoffrey HillOn reading Dryden's Virgil by Ann Eliza BleeckerOn Reading Graham Greene's 'The Quiet American by Robert J MeyerOn Reading Mr. Theodore Watt’s Sonnet, ‘The Sonnet’s Voice’ by William Bell ScottOn Reading Mythili's Journey To Himalayas by Chandra ThiagarajanOn Reading Of Racism In Ireland by Francis DugganOn Reading Of The World's 100 Wealthiest People by Francis DugganOn Reading Omar Khayyam by Vachel LindsayOn Reading Poems And Songs Of Burns by Francis DugganOn Reading Poems Of Mangan by Francis DugganOn Reading Shakepeare's Sonnets by George William Lewis Marshall-HallOn Reading the by Mathilde BlindOn Reading The Controversy Between Lord Byron And Mr Bowles by Barron FieldOn Reading William Watson's Sonnet Entitled The Purple East by Thomas Bailey AldrichOn Reading, 'A Few Reflections On Imitatio-Dei by Eric CockrellOn Receipt Of My Mother's Picture by William CowperOn Receiving A Book From by Sydney Thompson DobellOn Receiving A Book From Dante Rossetti by Sydney Thompson DobellOn Receiving A Christmas Card From Nora by Francis DugganOn Receiving a Crown of Ivy from John Keats by James Henry Leigh HuntOn Receiving A Curious Shell by John KeatsOn Receiving A Laurel Crown From Leigh Hunt by John KeatsOn Receiving A Letter From Marie by Francis DugganOn receiving a picture of an Italian Countess by Anne Lynch BottaOn Receiving An Eagle's Quill From Lake Superior by John Greenleaf WhittierOn Receiving Hayley's Picture by William CowperOn Receiving Heyne's Virgil From Mr. Hayley by William CowperOn Receiving News of the War by Isaac RosenbergOn Receiving One Of Gloriana’s Letters by Vachel LindsayOn Recollection by Phillis WheatleyOn Refusal Of Aid Between Nations by Dante Gabriel RossettiOn Religion by Khalil GibranOn Relishing Small Pleasures by Ric S. BastasaOn remembrance of love by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOn Resigning A Scholarship Of Trinity College, Oxford by William Lisle BowlesOn Retirement by John CelesOn Retirement by Chandra ThiagarajanOn Return by Harriet JamesOn return to Mumbai by Jagannath rao AdukuriOn Returning To England by Alfred AustinOn Revisiting Harrow by ByronOn Revisiting The Sea-Shore, After Long Absence, Under Strong Medical Recommendation Not To Bathe by Samuel Taylor ColeridgeOn Riding Tigers by Sidi J. MahtrowOn right side by Hasmukh AmathalalOn Rilke's birthday,2007 by Michael ShepherdOn Roanoke Island by Ingeborg von FinsterwaldeOn Robert Emmet's Grave by Percy Bysshe ShelleyOn Romance by Scott UnderwoodOn Ronald's 'they by Antonio LiaoOn Route from the Capital to Fengxian… to Damascus by Daniel PartlowOn rubbish things by Hasmukh AmathalalOn Rude by Charles HiceOn Running Away by Ric S. BastasaOn Rupert Brooke by Frances Darwin CornfordOn Saints and Martyrs by John CelesOn Sand Track by Hasmukh AmathalalOn Saturn's Moon by Diane HineOn science (cavatina sequence) by Gert StrydomOn Second Thought by whisperkwane LambOn Seeing a Bust of Mrs. Montague by Samuel JohnsonOn Seeing A Certain Advertisement by Maria Frances Cecilia CowperOn Seeing A Photograph by Francis DugganOn Seeing a Piece of Our Artillery Brought into Action by Wilfred OwenOn Seeing a Piece of Our Heavy Artillery Brought into Action by Wilfred OwenOn Seeing a Portrait of Sir Robert Walpole by Lady Mary Wortley MontaguOn Seeing A Pupil Of Kung-sun Dance The Chien-ch`i by Du FuOn Seeing a Pupil of Kung-sun Dance the Chien-ch`i by Tu FuOn Seeing a Train Start for the Seaside by Norman Rowland GaleOn Seeing An Infant's Photograph by Indira BabbellapatiOn Seeing An Officer's Widow Distracted by Mary BarberOn Seeing Anthony, The Eldest Child Of Lord And Lady Ashley by Caroline Elizabeth Sarah NortonOn Seeing Him Draw by Mark ChallengerOn Seeing Larry Rivers' Washington Crossing The Delaware At The Museum Of Modern Art by Frank O'HaraOn Seeing Little Lorikeets by Francis DugganOn seeing Miss S. T. E. crossing the Hudson by Ann Eliza BleeckerOn Seeing Mrs. ** Perform In The Character Of by Oliver GoldsmithOn seeing Mrs. Kean as Constance in King John by Anne Lynch BottaOn Seeing My First Fox by Angela WybrowOn Seeing Tawny Frogmouths by Francis DugganOn Seeing The Captives, Lately Redeem'd From Barbary By His Majesty. by Mary BarberOn Seeing The Diabutsu--At Kamakura, Japan by Ella Wheeler WilcoxOn Seeing the Elgin Marbles for the First Time by John KeatsOn Seeing the Ladies Crux-Easton Walk in the Woods by the Grotto. by Alexander PopeOn Seeing the Wind at Hope Mansell by Geoffrey HillOn Seeing You... by Indira BabbellapatiOn Sending My Son, As A Present, To Dr. Swift, Dean Of St. Patrick's, On His Birth--Day. by Mary BarberOn Separate Journeys by Lawrence S. PertillarOn September 11,2001 by Shannon MonroeOn Seven Hills by Edward Kofi LouisOn Several Levels of Your Unawakened Consciousness by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Shakespear by John MiltonOn Shakespeare by John Milton | In Spanish | In RomanianOn Sharing A Husband by Ho Xuan HuongOn ship board by Hasmukh AmathalalOn Simony by Joseph HallOn Sir Thomas Savill Dying Of The Small Pox by William StrodeOn Sitting Down to Read King Lear Once Again by John KeatsOn Six Cambridge Lasses Bathing Themselves by Thomas RandolphOn Sky Drive by Giorgio VenetoOn Slaughtering by Muhammad ShanazarOn Sleeping Too Late by Edwina ReizerOn Snow by Jonathan SwiftOn Solitude by Lucretia Maria DavidsonOn Some Baby Steps And Baby Breaths by Ric S. BastasaOn Some Departures by Ric S. BastasaOn Some Memories by Antonio LiaoOn Some Refrains Of Your Heartache by Ric S. BastasaOn Some Rose Leaves Brought From The Vale Of Cashmere by Rosanna Eleanor LeprohonOn Some Shells Found Inland by Trumbull StickneyOn Some White Corpuscles by Ric S. BastasaOn Somethings Unclear, Occluded, Clouded by Ric S. BastasaOn Somme by Ivor GurneyOn Sonnet CXVI - Parody William Shakespeare by Jonathan RobinOn Speaking The Truth by Mohammad MuzzammilOn Spion Kop by Sir Henry NewboltOn Spring by George Moses HortonOn Sr Charles Porter The Chancellours Death by Thomas ParnellOn St. David's Day by James Clerk MaxwellOn Stars That Twinkle by Ray QuesadaOn Stella's Birth-Day, 1719 by Jonathan SwiftOn Stephen Duck, the Thresher, and Favourite Poet. A Quibbl by Jonathan SwiftOn Stilettos by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Stone by Ambrose BierceOn Stream - From Sunken Spring Source into Rising Sun by Jonathan RobinOn Substance Abuse by John CelesOn Substance And One's Perception by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Such a Day by Mary Elizabeth ColeridgeOn such a night, or such a night by Emily DickinsonOn Suddenly Receiving A Curl Long Refused by Vachel LindsayOn Suicide by Neil MillinerOn Summer by George Moses HortonOn Sunday It Rained by Mye3On Suspicion by Muhammad ShanazarOn Sustaining Strokes by Muhammad ShanazarOn Taking The Early Train by Frederick KesnerOn Tall Mountain by Giorgio VenetoOn Tap Current Version by Jonathan RobinOn Tasso In Prison (Eugène Delacroix’s Painting) by Charles BaudelaireOn Tea by Edmund WallerOn Teachers Day by Ayush AnandOn Teaching The Young by Yvor WintersOn Tears by Jack KerouacOn tears lonely lonely cry by Maria SudibyoOn Tender Wings by David HarrisOn Terrorism by Muhammad ShanazarOn Terrorists by John CelesOn Thanksgiving by Gregory HuyetteOn that Beach by Lili FreebirdOn that cold October Night by Anastasia Denise JohnsonOn That Cross by Cynthia Buhain-BaelloOn That Day by Ric S. BastasaOn That Day by Nivea AntonyOn That Day When All Is Dark by T. WignesanOn That Day, On Rainy Day by Maria SudibyoOn that dear Frame the Years had worn by Emily DickinsonOn That Empty Glass by Ric S. BastasaOn that Fateful Picnic Day by Sandra MartyresOn that Friday by Mary HavranOn That Path by Madina MorrOn That Same Hour Of The Night by Ric S. BastasaOn That Sunny Golden Morning (Flying Bird Sonnet) by Gert StrydomOn That Very Day by Hasmukh AmathalalOn The 'I Am' Series.... by Eric CockrellOn The 09 All Ireland Football Final by Francis DugganOn The 100th Anniversary Of Anna Akhmatova by Joseph BrodskyOn The 20th Day by Ric S. BastasaOn the 25th... by Ric S. Bastasaon the 26th of July by Ric S. BastasaOn The 29th by Ric S. BastasaOn The 2nd Anniversary of Benazir by Muhammad ShanazarOn The Aphorism by Charlotte SmithOn the Approach of Autumn by Amelia OpieOn The Astrologers (From The Greek) by William CowperOn The Author Of Letters On Literature by William CowperOn the Avenue by Erica JongOn the Avenue of Bliss by Lawrence S. PertillarOn the back page of a old newspaper by Gert StrydomOn the Backs of Those Downtrodden by Lawrence S. PertillarOn the bank of river! ! by Somia RaceOn The Banks O' Deer Crick by James Whitcomb RileyOn the banks of a river...! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! by Mamta AgarwalOn the banks of a river....! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! by Mamta AgarwalOn the banks of the Hudson...an autumn day... by Annie MarkOn The Banks of The Shore by Eric CockrellOn the Baptized Ethiopian by Richard CrashawOn The Barrenness Of The Desert by Ric S. BastasaOn The Barrier by Roderic QuinnOn the Bay by Lucy Maud MontgomeryOn The Bay by David HarrisOn The Beach by Ric S. BastasaOn the Beach by David HarrisOn the beach by Gert StrydomOn the Beach at Fontana by James JoyceOn The Beach At Night by Walt WhitmanOn The Beach At Night, Alone by Walt WhitmanOn the bed by Otteri SelvakumarOn The Bed Of The Sea by Naveed AkramOn the bed she lies stretched out almost naked, by Gert StrydomOn The Benefit Received By His Majesty From Sea-Bathing, In The Year 1789 by William CowperOn The Best, Last, And Only Remaning Comedy Of Mr. Fletcher by Richard LovelaceOn The Best, Last, And Only Remaning Comedy Of Mr. Fletcher. The Wild Goose Chase by Richard LovelaceOn The Bible by William StrodeOn The Big Horn by John Greenleaf WhittierOn the Bill Which Was Passed in England For Regulating the Slave-Trade by Helen Maria WilliamsOn The Birth Of A Friend's Child by Ernest Christopher DowsonOn the birth of his son by Su Tung-poOn The Birth Of John William Rizzo Hoppner by ByronOn The Birth-Day Of Queen Katherine by Anne KilligrewOn The Blackberry Tree by Gajanan MishraOn the Bluff by John HayOn The Borderline by Alyssa CarriganOn The Boulevard by Robert William ServiceOn The Boulevard by Naveed AkramOn The Boulevard Maria Luiza by Jarot SujarwoOn the Boundary by Barcroft Henry Thomas BoakeOn the Breadline by Nimal DunuhingaOn the break-up of two e-poets by Michael ShepherdOn The Breast Of Flames by Satish VermaOn the bridge God, the Devil and - A choice by John Tiong ChunghooOn The Brink by Satish VermaOn The Brink by Lonnie HicksOn The Brink by Charles Stuart CalverleyOn The Brink Of Something... by Ric S. BastasaOn the Broken Road by Adam M. SnowOn The Brook Of Right by Samuel DonkorOn the Building of Springfield by Vachel LindsayOn The Burial Of His Brother by Gaius Valerius CatullusOn the Burning of Lord Mansfield's Library by William CowperOn the Bus by Kevin HallsOn The Bust Of Helen By Canova by ByronOn The Busts Of Milton, In Youth And Age, At Stourhead by William Lisle BowlesOn The Butt Kiss List by Lawrence S. PertillarOn The Cackling Of A Hen by John BunyanOn The Castle Of Chillon by ByronOn The Castle Of Dublin, Anno 1715 by Thomas ParnellOn The Christening Of A Friend's Child by Samuel Taylor ColeridgeOn the Christmas tree by Judy Arline PuckettOn The Civil War On The East Coast Of The United States Of North America 1860-64 by Alan DuganOn the Cliff by Frederick George ScottOn The Cliff-Top by Dinah Maria Mulock CraikOn The Cliffs Of Eternity... by Eric CockrellOn the Cliffs, Newport by Alan SeegerOn The Clouds Women Are Sleeping by Aldo KraasOn the clouds, having my walk.. by Elena SanduOn The Companionship With Nature by Archibald LampmanOn the Conduct of the World Seeking Beauty Against Government by Allen GinsbergOn The Conflagration Of The Po by Walter Savage LandorOn The Consequences Of Happy Marriages by George Moses HortonOn The Conversion Of A Sister by George Moses HortonOn The Cork Hurlers Strike by Francis DugganOn the Countess Dowager of Pembroke by William BrowneOn the Countess of Burlington Cutting Paper by Alexander PopeOn The Cover Of John B. Tabb's Late London Volume by John Bannister TabbOn the cow shed by Matsuo BashoOn the cradle of peace by Aftab Alam KhursheedOn the Critical Attitude by Bertolt BrechtOn The Danger Of War by George MeredithOn The Dark Height of Jura by Percy Bysshe ShelleyOn the Dark, Still, Dry Warm Weather by Gilbert WhiteOn the Dawn of Christ's Nativity [sonnet] by Michael ShepherdOn The Day Mrs Modfig's Husband Died by Terry CollettOn the Day My Father Died by Samuel MunachimOn The Day Of Gogol's Death by Nikolay Alekseyevich NekrasovOn The Day Of My Mother's Yahrtzeit by Shalom FreedmanOn the day of Ramzan by Bashyam NarayananOn The Day Of Solar-eclipse by Indira BabbellapatiOn The Day Of The Destruction Of Jerusalem By Titus by ByronOn The Day Of The Funeral Of Hanan Porat Z' TS'L by Shalom FreedmanOn The Day That Pudsy Died by Francis DugganOn the day that they nailed Him to a cross by Gert StrydomOn The Dead by Walter Savage LandorOn The Death By Murder Of John Lennon by Lionel StevensonOn The Death Of A Believer by John NewtonOn The Death of A Certain Journal by Charles KingsleyOn The Death Of A Fair Infant Dying Of A Cough by John MiltonOn The Death Of A Favourite Cat, Drowned In A Tub Of Gold Fishes by Thomas GrayOn The Death Of A Favourite Old Spaniel by Robert SoutheyOn the death of a friend by Anne Lynch BottaOn the Death of a Louse by M.L. SquierOn The Death Of A Magazine by David KeigOn the Death of a Minister by William CowperOn The Death Of A Twin by William StrodeOn the Death of a Very Young Gentleman by John DrydenOn The Death Of A Youn Gentleman by Phillis WheatleyOn the Death of a Young Lady by ByronOn The Death Of A Young Lady Of Five Years Of Age by Phillis WheatleyOn the death of a youth by Mohammad Akmal NazirOn the Death of Adrienne Lecouvreur, A Celebrated Actress by VoltaireOn the Death of Albert Camus by Stan PetrovichOn the Death of Amyntas. A Pastoral Elegy by John DrydenOn the death of an infant by Anne Lynch BottaOn The Death Of An Infant by George Moses HortonOn the Death of an Old Woman by Georg TraklOn the Death of Anne Brontë by Charlotte BronteOn The Death Of Damon. (Translated From Milton) by William CowperOn The Death Of Dr. Benjamin Franklin by Philip FreneauOn The Death Of Dr. Lancton President Of Maudlin College by William StrodeOn The Death Of Dr. Samuel Marshall by Phillis WheatleyOn the Death of E. Waller, Esq. by Aphra BehnOn The Death Of Friends In Childhood by Donald JusticeOn the Death of His Eldest Son by George CanningOn The Death Of His Mother by James ThomsonOn the Death of J.C. an Infant by Phillis WheatleyOn the Death of John Lennon by David Lewis PagetOn The Death Of K. Edward The First by Anonymous Olde EnglishOn The Death Of Ladie Caesar by William StrodeOn The Death of Leopold: King of The Belgians by Charles KingsleyOn the Death of M. D’Ossoli and His Wife Margaret Fuller by Walter Savage LandorOn The Death Of Mistress Mary Prideaux by William StrodeOn The Death Of Mr Aikman by James ThomsonOn the Death of Mr. Crashaw by Abraham CowleyOn The Death Of Mr. Fox by ByronOn The Death Of Mr. James Van Otton by William StrodeOn The Death Of Mr. Robert Levet, A Practiser In Physic by Samuel JohnsonOn The Death Of Mr. Viner by Thomas ParnellOn the Death of Mr. William Hervey by Abraham CowleyOn the Death of Mrs. Bowes by Lady Mary Wortley MontaguOn the Death of Mrs. Browning by Sydney Thompson DobellOn The Death Of Mrs. Elizabeth Filmer. An Elegiacall Epitaph by Richard LovelaceOn The Death Of Mrs. Mary Neudham by William StrodeOn the death of Mrs. N. P. Willis by Anne Lynch BottaOn The Death Of Mrs. Throckmorton's Bullfinch by William CowperOn The Death Of My Father by David Lewis PagetOn The Death Of Peter Hayes by Francis DugganOn The Death Of President Garfield by Oliver Wendell HolmesOn The Death Of Prince Meshchersky by Gavril Romanovich DerzhavinOn The Death Of Pushkin by Mikhail Yuryevich LermontovOn The Death Of Rebecca by George Moses HortonOn The Death Of Rev. Mr. George Whitefield by Phillis WheatleyOn The Death Of Rev. William Benwell, M.A. by William Lisle BowlesOn the Death of Richard West by Thomas GrayOn The Death Of Sir Rowland Cotton Seconding That Of Sir Robert by William StrodeOn The Death Of Sir Tho: Peltham by William StrodeOn The Death Of Sir Thomas Lea by William StrodeOn the Death of Smet-Smet, the Hippopotamus Goddess: Song of a Tribe of the Ancient Egyptians by Rupert BrookeOn The Death Of Smet-Smet, The Hippopotamus- Goddess by Rupert BrookeOn the Death of Stephen Grey, F.R.S. by Samuel JohnsonOn the death of that most excellent lady, by Sor Juana Ines de la CruzOn The Death Of The Bishop Of Ely. Anno Aet. 17. (Translated From Milton) by William CowperOn the Death of the Honourable Mr. James Thynne by Anne Kingsmill FinchOn The Death Of The Queen by Anne Kingsmill FinchOn the Death of the Rev. Dr. Sewell, 1769 by Phillis WheatleyOn The Death Of The Right Honourable The Lord Viscount Bayning by William StrodeOn the Death of the Right Hounourable by Oliver GoldsmithOn The Death Of The Same Revered Nun... by Rosanna Eleanor LeprohonOn The Death Of The Vice-Chancellor, A Physician (Translated From Milton) by William CowperOn The Death Of W. C. by Paul Laurence DunbarOn The Death Of William Cartwright by Izaak WaltonOn the Deaths of Thomas Carlyle and George Eliot: Sonnets by Algernon Charles SwinburneOn the Deck by Derrick Hubert SchnabelOn The Dedication Of Dorothy Hall by Paul Laurence DunbarOn the Demise of Your Beloved Spouse… by John CelesOn the Departure of Sir Walter Scott from Abbotsford by William WordsworthOn The Descent Into Hell Of Ezzelino Di Napoli by Walter Savage LandorOn the desert by Stephen CraneOn The Disadvantages Of Central Heating by Amy ClampittOn the Disastrous Spread of Aestheticism in all Classes by Gilbert Keith ChestertonOn the Disastrous Spread of Aestheticism in all Classes by G.K. ChestertonOn The Discoveries Of Captain Lewis (January 14, 1807) by Joel BarlowOn The Divan by Johann Wolfgang von GoetheOn the Doorstep by Arthur SymonsOn The Downs by Algernon Charles SwinburneOn The Downs by Edith NesbitOn The Downside by Lawrence S. PertillarOn The Dream Board by Sanjeev KumarOn The Drum Beat by Muhammad ShanazarOn the Dunes by Sara TeasdaleOn the Dunes by Sara TeasdaleOn The Dutchess Of Grafton by Anne KilligrewOn The Dutchess Of Newcastle's Picture. by Mary BarberOn the Earl of Essex by Henry KingOn The Earl Of Oxford And Mortimer's Giving His Daughter In Marriage In Oxford--Chapel. by Mary BarberOn The Early English Poem The Ruin by Sally EvansOn The Earth by Narendra RaiOn The East On The West by Ric S. BastasaOn The Eastern Front by Georg TraklOn The Eastern Ghats On A Monsoon Day by Indira BabbellapatiOn The Edge by Denis MartindaleOn The Edge by Satish VermaOn The Edge by Jennifer RondeauOn the Edge of a Suncast Sea by Adam M. SnowOn the Edge of an Old Water by Georg TraklOn the Edge of an Old Well by Georg TraklOn The Edge Of My Old Age by Shalom FreedmanOn The Edge Of The Edge Of The Edge by Shalom FreedmanOn The Edge Of The Wilderness by William MorrisOn the Edge With Lost Meaning by Lawrence S. PertillarOn the Eight Floor by Kunwar NarayanOn the Eighth Day of Christmas by Monty GilmerOn the Eleventh Day of Christmas by Monty GilmerOn The End Of The World (Cavatina Sequence) by Gert StrydomOn The Eve Of His Execution by Chidiock Tichborne | In RomanianOn the Eve of my High School Graduation by Gina PrettybrowneyesOn the Eve of the New Year,2012 by John CelesOn the eve of the parting by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOn The Evening And Morning by George Moses HortonOn The Execution Of Timothy McVeigh by Francis DugganOn the Extinction of the Venetian Republic by William WordsworthOn the Face of the Moon by David Andre' KlopperOn The Fall of Dhaka by Muhammad ShanazarOn The Farm by Ronald Stuart Thomason the Feast of Christ the King by Steven FederleOn the Feast of St. Catherine by Steven FederleOn The Federal Election of 2001 by Francis DugganOn the Field of Kulicovo by Aleksandr Aleksandrovich BlokOn The Field Of Waterloo by Dante Gabriel RossettiOn The Fifth Day Of A Hunger Strike by Nazim HikmetOn The Final Submission Of The Tyrolese by William WordsworthOn The First Anniversary Of Nuclear Explosions by Muhammad ShanazarOn The First Bright Day Of Your Life... by Ric S. BastasaOn The First Day Of This Year by Ric S. BastasaOn the First Night by Erica JongOn The First Of Seven's Night by Amit RanjanOn The Five Senses by Jonathan SwiftOn The Flag Of The Southern Cross by Francis DugganOn the Flight of Time by Franklin P. AdamsOn the Flipside by Antonio LiaoOn The Forthcoming Volume Of Sidney Lenier's Poems by John Bannister TabbOn The Fourth Day Of March by Francis DugganOn the Friendship Betwixt Two Ladies by Edmund WallerOn The Front Line by Aldo KraasOn The Frontline by Naveed AkramOn the Funeral of Charles the First by William Lisle BowlesOn the Futility of Wishing by Don McWilliamsOn The Gallows by Satish VermaOn The Gallows by Jonathan SwiftOn the Garden Wall by Vachel LindsayOn the garden’s palm by Maria SudibyoOn The Gift Of A Book To A Child by Hilaire BellocOn The Goddess Of Poesy by Francis DugganOn The Golf Course At Dawn by S. Michael KozubekOn The Grass by Ric S. BastasaOn the Grasshopper (From The Greek) by William CowperOn the Grasshopper and Cricket by John KeatsOn The Grassy Banks by Christina Georgina RossettiOn The Grave Of A Young Cavalry Officer Killed In The Valley Of Virginia by Herman MelvilleOn The Grave Of My Brother by Muhammad ShanazarOn the Great Atlantic Rainway by Kenneth KochOn The Gum Tree On The Road Side by Francis DugganOn The High Price Of Fish by William CowperOn The High Seas by Indira BabbellapatiOn The Highest Crest by Oskar HansenOn the highway by Gert StrydomOn the Hills by Lucy Maud MontgomeryOn the Hook by Jonathan RobinOn The Hoop by James ThomsonOn The Horizon by Terry CollettOn the Horizon by Stan PetrovichOn the horizon the peaks assembled by Stephen CraneOn the house by Vince GullaciOn The Hunt (Abcedarian) by Gert StrydomOn The Hurricane by Anne Kingsmill FinchOn The Ice Islands Seen Floating In The German Ocean by William CowperOn the Idle Hill of Summer by Alfred Edward HousmanOn the Illusions of Youth by John Thorkild EllisonOn the immensity of creation by Ann Eliza BleeckerOn the Importance of Being Earnest by Franklin P. AdamsOn The Impossibly by Walter BurnsOn the incredibly subtle art of walking by Michael ShepherdOn the Infancy of Our Savior by Francis QuarlesOn the Innate Drive For What is Right by Mark R SlaughterOn the inside by Michael KavuotiOn The Internet by Lawrence S. PertillarOn the island by Gert StrydomOn The Island Of Lilitao by Ric S. BastasaOn the Isle of Sky by Arturs LusisOn The Jagged Stones by Satish VermaOn The Jail Steps by Eleanor Agnes LeeOn the Just and the Unjust by Blanche Edith BaughanOn the Killing Fields by Paul HartalOn the knee of your Shadow by Antonio LiaoOn the Ladies of Pixton by Hilaire BellocOn the Lady Elizabeth, and Count Palatine Being Married on St. Valentine's Day by John DonneOn The Lady Manchester by Joseph AddisonOn The Lake by Johann Wolfgang von GoetheOn the Lake (1) by Bai JuyiOn the Lake (2) by Bai JuyiOn The Lam by David Lewis PagetOn the Lane by Victor EkpoOn the Lap of Their Mother by Maria C. CostaOn The Last Day by David KushOn The Last Epiphany (Or Christ Coming To Judgment) by Thomas ChattertonOn The Last Hour.... by Ric S. BastasaOn The Last Minute That You Boarded The Plane by Ric S. BastasaOn The Late Captain Grose's Peregrinations Thro' Scotland by Robert BurnsOn The Late Indecent Liberties Taken With The Remains Of Milton by William CowperOn the Late Late Massachers Stillbirths and Deformed Children a Smoother Lovelier Skin Job by Adrian HenriOn The Ledge Under The Sky by Star DustOn The Life And Death Of Man by Francis QuarlesOn the life of a great player by Nirantar Dr.Rajendra TelaOn The Life Of Man by William StrodeOn the Lighthouse at Antibes by Mathilde BlindOn The Line by Brandi YoungOn the Little God by Hilaire BellocOn The Lonely Side Of Town by Norman HaleOn The Long Road To Pagadian by Ric S. BastasaOn The Lookout by Lawrence S. PertillarOn The Lord Gen. Fairfax At The Seige Of Colchester by John MiltonOn The Lord's Prayer by Charles LambOn the loss of a young man by Matthew HollowayOn The Loss Of The Royal George by William CowperOn the Lower Level by Lawrence S. PertillarOn the March by Henry LawsonOn the March to Sinopi by Constantine P. CavafyOn The Margins Of A Poem by Jirí Mordechai LangerOn the Marriage of a Beauteous Young Gentlewoman with an Ancient Man by Francis BeaumontOn The Marriage Of A Virgin by Dylan ThomasOn the Marshy Pastures by Georg TraklOn The Massacre Of The Christians In Bulgaria by Oscar WildeOn The Medusa Of Leonardo da Vinci In The Florentine Gallery by Percy Bysshe ShelleyOn the Memory of Mr. Edward King, Drown'd in the Irish Seas by John ClevelandOn The Merits by Ric S. BastasaOn the Miracle of the Multiplied Loaves by Richard CrashawOn The Moon by Jonathan SwiftOn the Morning of Christ's Nativity by Michael ShepherdOn the Morning of Christ’s Nativity by John MiltonOn The Mountain Slope by Gert StrydomOn the mountain top at a seaside? by Nimal DunuhingaOn The Move by Denis MartindaleOn the move by Gert StrydomOn the Move Again by John Carter BrownOn The Murder Of Lieutenant Jose Del Castillo By The Falangist Bravo Martinez, July 12, 1936 by Philip LevineOn the Mystery of the Incarnation by Denise LevertovOn The Name Of ……………….. by Satish VermaOn the Nativity of Christ by William DunbarOn The Nature Of Love by Rabindranath TagoreOn The Neglect Of Homer by William CowperOn the New Forcers of Conscience under the Long Parliament by John MiltonOn The New Year by Johann Wolfgang von GoetheOn the news today by Matthew HollowayOn The Next Trip by Ric S. BastasaOn The Night by Muhammad ShanazarOn the Night of a Friend's Wedding by Edwin Arlington RobinsonOn The Night That You Are Not On My Side by Ric S. BastasaOn The Night Train by Henry LawsonOn The Nine Eleven by Muhammad ShanazarOn the Ning Nang Nong by Spike MilliganOn the Ninth Day of Christmas by Monty GilmerOn The Number Three by Thomas ParnellOn The Old Couch by Edward Kofi LouisOn the open plain (Catena Rondo) by Gert StrydomOn The Origins of the Money, the Market and Slaves by Sicelo SitholeOn the other hand by Ric S. BastasaOn The Other Hand He Calls It The Thousand Monkeys by Ric S. BastasaOn the other hand.... by Chris WeersingOn the other shore of my song Original by Rabindranath Tagore by Asif AndalibOn The Other Side Of Critique by Lawrence S. PertillarOn The Other Side Of Despair by Shalom FreedmanOn the other side of the blue curtain by Gert StrydomOn The Other Side Of The Door by Lawrence S. PertillarOn the other side of the Lomba river by Gert StrydomOn The Other Side of The Mirror by Rowving SmithOn The Other Side Of This Equation by Ric S. BastasaOn the other side of yesterday and today by Gert StrydomOn The Other Side... by Ric S. BastasaOn The Otherhand by Lawrence S. PertillarOn the Outside by Joseph NarusiewiczOn The Outside by Orlando BeloOn The Outside Forever Looking In by David HarrisOn The Outside Looking In by David HarrisOn the Outside People are Pretty by Jasdeep Hari Bhajan Singh KhalsaOn the Outskirts of Antioch by Constantine P. CavafyOn The P.A. System by Lawrence S. PertillarOn the Paroo by Henry KendallOn The Passing Of Dan Leary by Francis DugganOn The Passing Of Dave Sheehan by Francis DugganOn The Passing Of Lizzie Hickey by Francis DugganOn the Phone by Lore Me34On The Photo In The Newspaper by Larisa RzhepishevskaOn The Photograph Of A Corps Commander by Herman MelvilleOn The Picture Of Two Dolphins In A Fountayne by William StrodeOn the Place de la Concorde by Amelia OpieOn The Plains by Arthur Henry AdamsOn The Plains by George Essex EvansOn The Platform by Ambrose BierceOn The Platonic 'Ideal' As It Was Understood By Aristotle. (Translated From Milton) by William CowperOn The Pleasures Of College Life by George Moses HortonOn THE PLURaLITY oF WORlDS NINETEEN NINETY-ONE by Nicolas GrenierOn The Poet And Poetry: The Complete Text by Raj ArumugamOn The Poetic Muse by George Moses HortonOn The Pond by Ric S. BastasaOn The Porch by Harriet MonroeOn The Porch At The Frost Place, Franconia, N. H. by William MatthewsOn The Portrait Of A Beautiful Woman, by Count Giacomo LeopardiOn the Portrait of Two Beautiful Young People by Gerard Manley HopkinsOn The Posteriors by Jonathan SwiftOn The Pot Of Hypocrisy by Ric S. BastasaOn The Poverty Line by Francis DugganOn the Prodigal by Richard CrashawOn The Progress Of The Soul... by John DonneOn The Promotion Of Edward Thurlow, Esq. To The Lord High Chancellorship Of England by William CowperOn The Proposal To Erect A Monument In England To Lord Byron by Emma LazarusOn the Prospect of Peace by Thomas TickellOn the Prow by Guy Wetmore CarrylOn The Prowl by Bob GottiOn the Pulse of Morning by Maya AngelouOn The Purple And White Carnation by Caroline Elizabeth Sarah NortonOn The Queen's Visit To London, The Night Of The 17th March 1789 by William CowperOn the Question of Loyalty by Susan T. AparejoOn The Rails by Ernestine NorthoverOn the Raising of the Mary Rose by David Lewis PagetOn the Range by Barcroft Henry Thomas BoakeOn The Real Tip by Lawrence S. PertillarOn The Receipt Of A Hamper. (In The Manner Of Homer) by William CowperOn The Receipt Of My Mother's Picture Out Of Norfolk by William CowperOn The Reed (From The Greek) by William CowperOn the Religious Memory of Mrs. Catherine Thomson, my Christian Friend, Deceased Dec. 16, 1646 by John MiltonOn The Report Of A Monument To Be Erected In Westminster Abbey, To The Memory Of A Late Author (Churchill) by James BeattieOn The Report That A Wooden Bridge Was To Be Built At Westminster by James ThomsonOn The Retirement Of Ian Thorpe by Francis DugganOn The Rise by Lawrence S. PertillarOn The Rising Of The Sun by John BunyanOn The River by Paul Laurence DunbarOn The River Song by Aldo KraasOn the Road by Claude McKayOn The Road by Carsten ThomsenOn The Road by Terry CollettOn The Road by Paul Laurence DunbarOn the road by Gajanan MishraOn The Road by Edward Kofi LouisOn The Road by Dante Gabriel RossettiOn The Road Home by Jr. Clarence A. GrahamOn the Road to Chicago by Donal MahoneyOn the Road to Chorrera by Arlo BatesOn the road to Emmaus by Gert StrydomOn The Road To Freedom by Meggie GultianoOn The Road To Gethsemane by Eric CockrellOn the road to Gundagai by Anonymous OceaniaOn The Road To Gundagai by Andrew Barton PatersonOn the Road to Jericho by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOn The Road To Kandahar by David KeigOn the Road to Nowhere by Vachel LindsayOn the Road to T'ien-T- Ai by Mei YuanOn the Road to the Sea by Charlotte Mary MewOn The Road To Waterloo: 17 October (En Vigilante, 2 Hours) by Dante Gabriel RossettiOn The Road To..... by Edward Kofi LouisOn The Road! by Edward Kofi LouisOn the rock of Faith by C.P. SharmaOn the rooftop by Aloke MukherjeeOn The Run by Charmain HughesOn the Russian Persecution of the Jews: Sonnets by Algernon Charles SwinburneOn The Sacredness Of Life by Eric CockrellOn the Sale by Auction of Keat's Love-Letters by Oscar WildeOn the Same by John MiltonOn The Same (On Receiving A Crown Of Ivy From Keats) by James Henry Leigh HuntOn The Same (Oure Ladies Chyrche) by Thomas ChattertonOn the Same - (On the Burning of Lord Mansfield's Library) by William CowperOn The Same Boat by Ric S. BastasaOn The Same By Palladas by William CowperOn The Same Day I Was So Happy by Shalom FreedmanOn The Same Journey by Ric S. BastasaOn The Same Journey, Discover My Good Humanity... by Ric S. BastasaOn The Same Occasion by William WordsworthOn The Same Page by Lawrence S. PertillarOn The Same Person (Who Wrote Ill, And Spake Worse, Against Me) by Matthew PriorOn the Same Road... by Ric S. BastasaOn The Same Scale Of Life by Edward Kofi LouisOn the Same Wavelength by Lawrence S. PertillarOn The Sands by Arthur Henry AdamsOn The Sands Of My Solitude... by Ric S. BastasaOn the sandy beach by Masaoka ShikiOn The Scene Experiencing Something New by Lawrence S. PertillarOn the Screen by Josh RayOn the Sea by John KeatsOn the Sea by John Tiong ChunghooOn the Sea by Yehudah HaLeviOn the Sea of Love by Pacific HernandezOn the Sea of Melancholy by Tim StensloffOn the Seashore by Rabindranath TagoreOn The Second Day by Muhammad ShanazarOn the Second Day by Tim StensloffOn The Second Night by Ric S. BastasaOn The Second Week Of January by Francis DugganOn The Second Week Of September by Francis DugganOn the Sepulchre of our Lord by Richard CrashawOn the Service by Michael KavuotiOn The Seventh Day by Edward Kofi LouisOn The Shallow Creek by Ric S. BastasaOn the shelf by Ruth WaltersOn the shop by Constantine P. CavafyOn The Shore by Ric S. BastasaOn The Shore Of Nila (bharatha Puzha) by I.p. Gopikrishnan PisharodyOn the Shores of Hope and Faith by Marius AlexandruOn the Shores of Hope and Faith by Marius AlexandruOn The Shores Of My Island by Ric S. BastasaOn the Shores of Tennessee by Ethel Lynn BeersOn The Side Of Utility by Ric S. BastasaOn the Side That Lives by Lawrence S. PertillarOn the Sidewalk by Angela MichelOn the sight of swans in Kensington Gardens by Charles LambOn The Silence Of A Young Lady by George Moses HortonOn The Site Of A Mulberry-Tree; Planted by Wm. Shakspeare; felled by the Rev. F. Gastrell by Dante Gabriel RossettiOn The Sixteenth Day Of August by Andrew BlakemoreOn the Skeleton of a Hound by James Arlington WrightOn the skies {Pe ceruri] by Veronica MicleOn The Slain Collegians by Herman MelvilleOn The Slaughter by Hayyim Nahman BialikOn the small hillock by Gert StrydomOn The Soft And Gentle Motions Of Eudora by Anne KilligrewOn The Somme by Esther BarryOn the South Downs by Francis William BourdillonOn the square by Gert StrydomOn the Stage by Arthur SymonsOn The Stairs by Constantine P. CavafyOn The Star Of 'The Legion Of Honour' (From The French) by ByronOn the state of things by John F. McCullaghOn The Steamer by Boris PasternakOn the still surviving Marks of our Saviour's by Richard CrashawOn The Street Of Regret by David HarrisOn The Subject Of An Afterlife by Francis DugganOn the Summit of Mt. Clarence by Henry LawsonOn The Sunny Side by James Whitcomb RileyOn The Surface Of Impenetrable Things by Ric S. BastasaOn The Swallow (From The Greek) by William CowperOn The Syren-Shore by Soren ValentineOn The Terrace Of The Aigalades. (From The French Of Méry) by Henry Wadsworth LongfellowOn The Third Day by Ric S. BastasaOn the Third Day of Christmas... by Patrick SantOn the Threshold by Amy LevyOn The Threshold by Oliver Wendell HolmesOn The Threshold Of 2010 by Muhammad ShanazarOn The Tiger Woods Affair by Francis DugganOn the tip of your tongue. by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOn The Tomb Of A Priestess Of Artemis by SapphoOn the Tombs in Westminster Abbey by Francis BeaumontOn The Tombstone Of James Christopher Wilson (d. April 11, 1884) In Headley Churchyard, Surrey by George MeredithOn The Top Of A Mountain by Lawrence S. PertillarOn The Trail Of Pessoa by Eric CockrellOn The Train by Harriet MonroeOn the train [În tren] by George TopîrceanuOn the Train, Haiku-esque by Warren FalconOn The Tree by Muhammad ShanazarOn the Trek by Andrew Barton PatersonOn The Trust by Thomas ParnellOn The Truth Of The Saviour by George Moses HortonOn the Twelfth Day of Christmas by Monty GilmerOn The Two Bridal-Biers by Dante Gabriel RossettiOn the University Carrier by John MiltonOn The University Carrier Who Sickn'd In The Time Of His Vacancy, Being Forbid To Go To London, By Reason Of The Plague by John MiltonOn the Uses of Adversity by Franklin P. AdamsOn The Vanity Of Earthly Greatness by Arthur Guiterman | In RomanianOn the Verge by Lawrence S. PertillarOn The Verge Of by Veeraiyah SubbulakshmiOn The Verge Of Forgetting by Ric S. BastasaOn The Victory Obtained By Blake Over the Spaniards, In The Bay Of Scanctacruze, In The Island Of teneriff.1657 by Andrew MarvellOn The Vita Nuova Of Dante by Dante Gabriel RossettiOn The Vowels by Jonathan SwiftOn the Wall by Otteri SelvakumarOn The Wall by Jill LaughlinOn the Wallaby by Henry LawsonOn The War by Muhammad ShanazarOn The Water by Rene Francois Armand PrudhommeOn the Water of our Lord's Baptism by Richard CrashawOn The Way by Makayla StraightOn The Way by Edward Kofi LouisOn the Way by Larisa RzhepishevskaOn the Way by Edwin Arlington RobinsonOn The Way by Naveed AkramOn the way back [La întoarcere] by George TopîrceanuOn The Way Home by Luca MeninOn The Way Home From Shul Again/ Cold As Ice by Shalom FreedmanOn The Way Home/ A Different Poem by Shalom FreedmanOn the way to Baling by Yuan Mei | In RomanianOn The Way To Church by Wilfrid Scawen BluntOn The Way To Kew by William Ernest HenleyOn The Way To The Bottom by Sheldon Allan SilversteinOn The Way To The Promised Land by Bob GottiOn the way to Uniondale by Gert StrydomOn the Way. by Smoky HossOn The Wayne Carey Scandal by Francis DugganOn The Wedding Of An Aeronaut by Ambrose BierceOn The Wedding Of The Aeronaut by Ambrose BierceOn The Western Front by Alfred NoyesOn The Wheel Of Time by Mohammad Akmal NazirOn the Wheels We Go (song) by Sadiqullah KhanOn the white poppy by Matsuo BashoOn the whitewashed wall by Nimal DunuhingaOn The Wind by David KushOn The Wind Of Mistrust by David HarrisOn The Wings And Claws And Beaks Of Poetry by Ric S. BastasaOn The Wings of a Cosmic Rush by Lawrence S. PertillarOn The Wings Of Change We Shall Ride by Ric S. BastasaOn the Wings of Deception by Lawrence S. PertillarOn The Wings Of Fantasy by Ric S. BastasaOn the Wings of Love by Meena MustafaOn the Wings of Pettiness by Lawrence S. PertillarOn the wings of youth… by Mark HeathcoteOn The Winter Beach by Suchoon Mo_On The Wire by Robert William ServiceOn The Wolf Path Around The Lake by Patrick WhiteOn The World by Francis QuarlesOn the World by Francis QuarlesOn The World by Jonathan SwiftOn the world stage by Hasmukh AmathalalOn the Wye in May by Amy LevyOn The Yong Baronett Portman Dying Of An Impostume In's Head by William StrodeOn Their Days Of Lament by Ric S. BastasaOn Their Feet by Lore Me34On Their Holiday by David HarrisOn Their Knees by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Their Own Terms by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Their Soft Brown Skin by Bret R. CrabrookeOn These Dry Seasons Of My Heart by Ric S. BastasaOn Thing With You.... by Ric S. BastasaOn Thirtydays Of Separated Love by Nilakshi DasOn This Beach... by Dark FalloutOn This Beautiful Day by Francis DugganOn This Cold Day by Cheryl L. DaytecYañgotOn this dappled dawn (Novelinee) by Gert StrydomOn This Date by Ric S. BastasaOn This Day by Naveed AkramOn This Day I Complete My Thirty-Sixth Year by ByronOn this day of Eid by Asif AndalibOn This Day Of Sky-Blue Bears by Velimir KhlebnikovOn this day of Spring Original by Rabindranath Tagore by Asif AndalibOn This Day,5 Years ago by Dillon Keuthonymos CrawfordOn This Day... by Ric S. BastasaOn This Day... by Indira BabbellapatiOn This Disintegrating Earth by Gert StrydomOn this happy Eid by Asif AndalibOn This Journey Recite Me A Poem by Ric S. BastasaOn this joyous Eid by Asif AndalibOn This Last Night Of Winter by Justin GildowOn This Lonely Night by Matt BurgettOn This Lonely Night 'Continue the Fight by Matt BurgettOn this long storm the Rainbow rose by Emily DickinsonOn This Love by Edward Kofi LouisOn This New Year's Eve by Maria C. CostaOn This Night by Bethany MaxwellOn This Night Of Stars And Tender Kisses by Amber BreeezeOn this rainy day by Asif AndalibOn this road by Matsuo BashoOn This Same Path Alone by Lawrence S. PertillarOn This Shore Of Life by Satish VermaOn this silly hill by Ric S. Bastasaon This Special Christmas by New HeartOn this Sunday morn by Harriet JamesOn This Sunday Morning by Indira BabbellapatiOn This Thanksgiving Day (Estella Fused) by Lawrence S. PertillarOn This The Third Day Of Winter by Francis DugganOn This Tranquil Night by Alexander ShaumyanOn This Valentine by Samanyan LakshminarayananOn This Very Morning by Cokbod LodwogoOn This Visit by Edward Kofi LouisOn this wondrous sea by Emily DickinsonOn This, the Last Night of Our World by John F. McCullaghOn Those Days One Prays by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Those That Hated 'The Playboy Of The Western World by William Butler YeatsOn Those That Hated The 'Playboy Of The Western World,' 1907 by William Butler YeatsOn Those, That Which, Remain Unsaid... But Obvious by Ric S. BastasaOn Threshold by Hasmukh AmathalalOn Tigers and Owls by Sandra MartyresOn Time by John MiltonOn Time by Jonathan SwiftOn Time and Space after T.S. Eliot by Jonathan RobinOn Time Can Heal A Broken Self... by Ric S. BastasaOn To A Certain Fullness.... by Ric S. BastasaOn To Another Gate... by Ric S. BastasaOn To Hongkong On To Shanghai by Ric S. BastasaOn To of the Game by Murasaki KitsuneOn To Something More Concrete by Ric S. BastasaOn to the lighter side of life by Ric S. BastasaOn To Victory by Anonymous AmericasOn Tongue Cutting.. by Ric S. BastasaOn Tonight's Debate by Gregory Allen UhanOn Top of Earth I Will Stroll by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Top Of Me by Ric S. BastasaOn top of the world by Joshua WyattOn Torture We Should Not Keep Our Silence by Francis DugganOn Torture: A Public Singer by Hilaire BellocOn Track by Gajanan MishraOn Tradition by Franklin P. AdamsOn Tree by Charles HiceOn Trust by Cyrus DiazOn Tsunami in Japan by Mohammad Akmal NazirOn Tuesdays by Terry CollettOn Turning Ten by Billy CollinsOn Turning Ten (For Edgar Andrade Baguio who thinks that Poetry should not narrate) by Ric S. BastasaOn Tweed River by Sir Walter ScottOn two Children dying of one Disease, and buried in one Grave by Henry KingOn Two Legs by Edward Kofi LouisOn Two Ministers of State by Hilaire BellocOn Two Sisters Whose Deaths Were Together by Padraic ColumOn Understanding by Ric S. BastasaOn Uninspiring Labor by Tim StensloffOn Vacation by Risha AhmedOn Vacation by Ric S. BastasaOn Valentine's Day by Ric S. Bastasaon Valentine's Day by Sulaiman Mohd YusofOn Valentines Day by Anirban DasguptaOn Valentines For A Special Friend. by Anju AddankiOn Valentine’s Day ’10 (in acrostic) by John CelesON Vangie... by Ric S. BastasaOn Viewing Inferno of the Innocents by Steven FederleOn Violet's Wafers, Sent Me When I Was Ill by Sidney LanierOn Virtue by Phillis WheatleyOn Visiting Shiridi... by Indira BabbellapatiOn Visiting the Graves of Hawthorne and Thoreau by Jones VeryOn Visiting The Spot Where Captain Cook And Sir Joseph Banks First Landed In Botany Bay by Barron FieldOn Visiting The Tomb Of Burns by John KeatsOn Vital Statistics by Hilaire BellocOn Vsiting A Friend With Cancer by Maurice ChallenOn Wading Into Deeper Waters by John CelesOn War by Augustus Montague TopladyOn Wasted Mornings by Ric S. BastasaOn Watch by Denis MartindaleOn Watching A Dead Butterfly by Liilia Talts MorrisonOn Watching Discovery Channel by Indira BabbellapatiOn Watching The Picture Of A Baby Smoking A Cigarette by Ric S. BastasaOn Wattle Day by Francis DugganOn Waves Of Starlight by Denis MartindaleOn waves pelagic by Giorgio VenetoOn Wenlock Edge The Wood's In Trouble by Alfred Edward HousmanOn Westminster Bridge. by Terry CollettOn Westwell Downes by William StrodeOn Wet Feet by Ric S. BastasaOn What Constitutes Freedom by Francis DugganOn what is best by SapphoOn What Is Success So Few Do Agree by Francis DugganOn Whatever The Level An Eye Contact by Lawrence S. PertillarOn Which Side Of Hypocrisy Do You Reside? by Lawrence S. PertillarOn White Brothers by James McIntyreOn Whom by Eric CockrellOn William Morris by Dante Gabriel RossettiOn William Sommers Of Bremhill by William Lisle BowlesOn Wing and Wind... by Joe FazioOn Winning a Race! by John CelesOn Winter by George Moses HortonOn Wishful Thinking by Jonathan RobinOn With the Dance! by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOn Woman by William Butler YeatsOn womanhood by Jordan LegaspiOn Writing by Ric S. BastasaOn Writing by Indira BabbellapatiOn Writing A Novel Pt 1 by Jerome MooreOn Writing A Novel Pt 2 by Jerome MooreOn Writing a Poem by John CelesOn Writing Poetry For My Love by Toni AtchisonOn Writing... by Ric S. BastasaOn wrong track by Hasmukh AmathalalOn Ye Bishop Of Meaths Death by Thomas ParnellOn Ye Plott Against King William by Thomas ParnellOn Ye Queens Death by Thomas ParnellOn You by Smoky HossOn You by Edward Kofi Louison your 2nd anniversary (11th Oct.2008) by Isam HussainOn Your 48th. by David Lewis PagetOn Your Birthday by David KeigOn Your Birthday by Ric S. BastasaOn Your Birthday My Friend by Ric S. BastasaOn Your Birthday Tomorrow by Ric S. BastasaOn Your Birthday, Mom by Lozaan KhumbahOn Your Darkest Night by Eric CockrellOn Your Date Of Birth by Edward Kofi LouisOn Your Dreams by Sadiqullah KhanOn Your Dreams by Edward Kofi LouisOn Your Eleventh Birthday by Ric S. BastasaOn Your Graduation Day by Melvin BanggollayOn your knees by Angelica DuardoOn Your Midnight Pallet Lying by Alfred Edward HousmanOn Your Own by Lawrence S. PertillarOn your part by Hasmukh AmathalalOn Your Pillow by Stevie TaiteOn your right side you become by Gert StrydomOn Your Royal Wedding Day by Suelynn WaltersOn Your Side by Edward Kofi LouisOn Your Sixteenth by Chris LaneOn Your Special Day by Seema ChowdhuryOn Your Throne by Ric S. BastasaOn Your Wedding Day by Ric S. BastasaOn your wedding day by Bashyam NarayananOn Æolus's Harp by James ThomsonOnce by Augusta Davies WebsterOnce by Pradip ChattopadhyayOnce by Terry CollettOnce by Trumbull StickneyOnce by Randy McClaveOnce by Michael RosenOnce by Margaret Smith VailOnce - 0242 - 2008 Version by Jonathan RobinOnce a beauty by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOnce A Great Love by Yehuda AmichaiOnce a man clambering to the housetops by Stephen CraneOnce A Place Of Natural Beauty by Francis DugganOnce A Red Rose by Fade WardOnce A Road by Smoky HossOnce a sea-nymph loved a boy by Augusta Davies WebsterOnce A Year by Kaila GeorgeOnce accustomed, comfort is there. by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOnce again by Swati TrivediOnce Again by Brandi DybalaOnce Again by Kerrie MaurerOnce Again (Quatrain) by Heather BurnsOnce again hurting inside.. by Brandi DybalaOnce Again I Write... by Sara Jo AndrewsOnce Again In An Academic Wasteland! by Indira BabbellapatiOnce Again In Red! by Edward Kofi LouisOnce Again In The Southwest Balcony by Indira BabbellapatiOnce Again In White! by Edward Kofi LouisOnce Again Poor Souls by Edwina ReizerOnce again the spring has come by Larisa RzhepishevskaOnce again to the poetess Sandra Fowler! by Nimal DunuhingaOnce Again Unfair by Sossi KhachadourianOnce again. by Silent For Ever MoreOnce Again[That Mayfly Called Love] by Kevin EastOnce An Awakening Delivers by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce and Forever by Rohit SapraOnce And Once More by Pradip ChattopadhyayOnce apon a time... by Kim FritzOnce at a busy Pub? by Nimal DunuhingaOnce Before by Randy McClaveOnce before Christmas by Rhonda BakerOnce Below A Time by Dylan ThomasOnce Bitten (a trigee poem) by Diane HineOnce Bitten Twice Shy by Dilantha GunawardanaOnce by the Pacific by Robert FrostOnce Children Are Rifting by Ezna StephnaOnce Closed Now Opened by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce Complete and Put Together by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce Cupid by David HarrisOnce dear and near! ! by Veeraiyah SubbulakshmiOnce Desired To Be Filled To The Brim by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce Ditched by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce Done Never Repeats by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce Enjoyed and Invited by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce Exalted by Maurice HarrisOnce For All by Christina Georgina RossettiOnce Found Boring by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce From Their Sight 'Your' Treasures Leave by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce Full of Life by Dani SCREAMSOnce Given the Opportunity by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce Having Had Common Sense by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce Having No Time To Give by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce He Begged by Heather BurnsOnce Heard-now Remembered by Edwina ReizerOnce I Had by Queen OneeightytwoOnce I had a secret love by Ric S. BastasaOnce I Met Happiness by Margaret WiddemerOnce I Pass'd Through A Populous City by Walt WhitmanOnce I sailed from Port of Kandla to Venice the whole year by Nimal DunuhingaOnce I saw mountains angry by Stephen CraneOnce I Saw My Nature! by Ramdas BhandarkarOnce I Thought My Failure To Make My Work Known by Shalom FreedmanOnce I thought my love was worth the name by Lesbia HarfordOnce I understood by Amy Louise KerswellOnce I Was by Terence George CraddockOnce I Was A Hero by Steven SabathieOnce I Was A Prince by T. WignesanOnce I was foolish by Indira BabbellapatiOnce I was sitting on balcony waiting for stranger by Mohammed AlBalushiOnce In A Blue Moon by Ric S. BastasaOnce In A Blue Moon by Jonathan RobinOnce In A Lifetime by Orlando BeloOnce in a Saintly Passion by James ThomsonOnce in history by Kasia FedykOnce In Life Chance by Hasmukh AmathalalOnce in My Tender Years by David E. PattonOnce in thousand years by Hasmukh AmathalalOnce INTERLOCKED by Jessel Jane TevarOnce It Arrives by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce It Begins by Steven FederleOnce It Has Been Achieved by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce It Was the Colour of Saying by Dylan ThomasOnce Its Value Has Been Absorbed by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce Kinetic by John WeberOnce Left, You’re Gone by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOnce Lonely Now Mended by Michael VanderkooiOnce Mild Mannered by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce More by Michael KavuotiOnce more by Sushanta RokkaOnce More by Oliver Wendell HolmesOnce More by James Brunton StephensOnce More I Put my Bonnet On by Joseph HoweOnce More I Rise by Hm. NesOnce More Into the Fire by Danny SpeicherOnce More To Live... by Eric CockrellOnce more unto the form fair friends by Jonathan RobinOnce more unto the [B]Reach, Dear Friends by Jonathan RobinOnce More With Feeling by Kristina LondyOnce More, My Love by Carniz FatemaOnce more, my now bewildered Dove by Emily DickinsonOnce More, the Round by Theodore RoethkeOnce More...It was yesterday! by Shirani IbrahimOnce More—To Gloriana by Vachel LindsayOnce My Lover by Edward Kofi LouisOnce on a day by Michael PruchnickiOnce on a Golden Day by Mathilde BlindOnce on a hill by Gert StrydomOnce One Has Paid Their Dues by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce One Knows Himself by Nirantar Dr.Rajendra TelaOnce Or Twice by Edward Kofi LouisOnce Pope Under Jevais Resolvd To Adventure by Thomas ParnellOnce Rechargeable Batteries by Frederick KesnerOnce Sad, Now No More by Luis EstableOnce Saved Always Saved by Bob GottiOnce She Takes Them Away And Leaves by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce shone and stood for us all by Mark HeathcoteOnce Strangers by Ashley OlsonOnce stuck, it is stuck by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOnce That Is Allowed To Begin There Is No Ending by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce That Is Shown by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce That Letting Go Begins by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce That Little Boy by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce The Chipping Away Shows a Fakeness by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce The Fog Had Lifted by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce The Giving Of A Love Has Been Done by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce The Idea Comes To My Mind by Ric S. BastasaOnce The Living Of Life Has Been Given More Respect by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce The Sun Has Been Stolen by Ace Of Black HeartsOnce there came a man by Stephen CraneOnce There Was A Flower by Ric S. BastasaOnce there was a man by Stephen CraneOnce There Was A True Love by Ric S. BastasaOnce There Was Darkness by Ric S. BastasaOnce There, Now Gone by Courtney VioletteOnce They Said by Randy McClaveOnce they spall-sparkled like foxglove! by Mark HeathcoteOnce they're lost by David HowertonOnce Tied To A Rush Of Confusion by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce Too Many by Maurice HarrisOnce Too Many Times by Matt MondscheinOnce Trusted Now A Thief(not really a poem) by Grace HaysOnce two friends by Isaac ZivOnce Unleashed by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce Uopn A Time by Nilakshi DasOnce Upon by Satish VermaOnce Upon A Christmas by Isichei KaméOnce Upon a Cold September by Kayla KochOnce upon a Fairy Tale by Theodora OnkenOnce Upon A Lifetime by Charmaine SimpsonOnce Upon A Poem by Sandra FeldmanOnce Upon A Rose by Heather BurnsOnce upon a shooting star by Kayla ElrodOnce Upon A Summer Day by Joseph T. RenaldiOnce upon a summer's day...... by Ruth WaltersOnce Upon A Tiime -Any Lines I Wrote Remained Hidden by Shalom FreedmanOnce upon a time by John F. McCullaghOnce Upon A Time by Heather BurnsOnce Upon A Time by Rajnish JenaOnce Upon a Time by Giuseppe Gioacchino BelliOnce Upon A Time by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce Upon A Time by Ken e HallOnce Upon a Time by Larisa RzhepishevskaOnce Upon A Time by Edward Kofi LouisOnce Upon A Time by Shalom FreedmanOnce Upon A Time Feb 4th 2011 by James BredinOnce Upon A Time In America by Larisa RzhepishevskaOnce Upon a Time On Pacific Coast and Sante Fe by Han One SailOnce Upon A Time There Was Pleasure by Ric S. BastasaOnce Upon A Time There Were Long Poems by Shalom FreedmanOnce Upon a Time Words by Ken e HallOnce Upon A Time, Long Long Ago... by Ziska LeighOnce Upon A Time, The End by Invalid FilesOnce Upon A Time... by Indira BabbellapatiOnce Upon A Time.... by Larisa RzhepishevskaOnce Upon A Wedding Day by Joseph T. RenaldiOnce Upon A Winter Day by Joseph T. RenaldiOnce Upon an August Dreamy by Paul HartalOnce Upon An Autumn Day by Joseph T. RenaldiOnce We Are Gone.! by Romeo Della ValleOnce We Met by Danny DraperOnce We Played by Mathilde BlindOnce we went Gaily by William Henry OgilvieOnce We Were Child by Nader BaheriOnce we were happy by Torquato TassoOnce we were kindred spirits (Novelinee Sequence) by Gert StrydomOnce when I go on God’s way by Gert StrydomOnce You Accept Who's In Charge by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce You Discover That Is True by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce You Touch A Butterfly by Gershon HepnerOnce You've Picked Your Ticket by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce Young, Now Old by Whispering RoseOnce Your Fears Are Faced by Lawrence S. PertillarOnce, I knew a fine song, by Stephen CraneOnce, if memory serves me well, life was a banquet where every wine flowed and every heart revealed itself. by Ric S. BastasaOnce, Only Once by Brevet WilsonOnce, There Were Stars by Naveed AkramOnce, Twice, Thrice by Midnights VoiceOnce, When The World Of Trees.... by David Lewis PagetOnce, You Loved Me by Randy McClaveOnce/Jednom by Miroslava OdalovicOne by Anonymous GhurlOne by Maria SudibyoOne by Karen SinclairOne by Norman SantosOne by Ric S. BastasaOne by Ruby HoneytipOne by Randy McClaveOne by Conrad Potter AikenOne 'I'... by Eric CockrellOne (Chapter 112, Holy Koran) by Asif AndalibOne (Every) by Eric CockrellOne 4 The Ladies by Vaughn LaiFattOne A by Mary NaylorOne after life wish by Jaycee WilkersonOne Afternnon that Summer. by Terry CollettOne Afternoon By The Cafe... by Ric S. BastasaOne Against the World by William Schwenck GilbertONE AIN'T ENOUGH....by Talile Ali by Talile AliOne Almost Might by Arthur Seymour John TessimondOne Among So Many by Francis William Lauderdale AdamsOne Among The Many by David HarrisOne Ancestry by Amor OlorvidaOne and All by Janelle MorehartOne and Of All by Lawrence S. PertillarOne And One Are Two by Christina Georgina RossettiOne And One Are Two by Ambrose BierceOne and One—are One by Emily DickinsonOne and Only by whisperkwane LambOne and Only by Brandi YoungOne And Only Hero by Darrick wigginsOne and Only One! by Ramdas BhandarkarOne And Only Shot by Ace Of Black HeartsOne And Twenty by Samuel JohnsonOne and Two by Midnights VoiceOne Angel by Daniel FilippovOne Anguish—in a Crowd by Emily DickinsonOne another Eachother by Dennis F. Rigdon Jr.One Another’s Light by Brian PattenOne Answer by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOne Anthos by Satish VermaOne Art by Elizabeth BishopOne Art One Art by John Tiong ChunghooOne aspect by Hasmukh AmathalalOne Astronomer by Naveed AkramOne at a time by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne Bad Partay by Tonya TruittOne Bastion by Naveed AkramOne Beat Away by Edwina ReizerOne Beautiful Flower Among The Lot by Edward Kofi LouisOne becoming two by Lisa FrenchOne Before the Last, The by Rupert BrookeOne Being Brought From Africa To America by Phillis WheatleyOne Big Smile In Silence by Onalethuso Petruss NtemaOne Black Bird Dead by Ric S. BastasaOne Blessing had I than the rest by Emily DickinsonOne blinds oneself. by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne Bliss by Kevin EastOne Bloom by Ernestine NorthoverOne Blue Buffalo (Sestina) by Jane L. CarmanOne Born here Has to Will-nilly Live Here! by Ramdas BhandarkarOne Boy Dies by Edwina ReizerOne Breath Of God! by Eric CockrellOne Breath, One Hunger! by Eric CockrellOne Bride by Naveed AkramOne Bright Morning by Manonton DalanOne Bright Star by Abdul WahabOne Bright Star by Linda OriOne Bucket Of Water by Adeoye AdetobaOne Bull To Ten Cows by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne Bumper at Parting by Thomas MooreOne By One by Ella Wheeler WilcoxOne By One by Edwina ReizerOne By One by Bob GottiOne By One by Autumn WindsOne by One the Sands are Flowing by Adelaide Anne ProcterOne by One... by David Lewis PagetOne Calm Night by John Dillenger IIOne Came For All by Bob GottiOne Can Choose To Plant Other Seeds by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Can Only Ask Why by Jess CadmanOne Can Travel by Naveed AkramOne Can Wait Forever/ For the Ideal Poem That Will Never Come by Shalom FreedmanOne can't rely on eyes, When Imagination is out of focus! by Ramdas BhandarkarOne Candle by Kurt HearthOne Candle Dissolves Darkness by Jonathan RobinOne Candle Lighting My Whole World by Jacob GiffordOne Candle, Tonite! by Eric CockrellOne Cannot Be What One Is Not by Shalom FreedmanOne Cannot Change The World by Francis DugganOne Cannot Live Another Person's Life/ Even By Envying Them by Shalom FreedmanOne Cannot Live One's Childrens' Lives For Them by Shalom FreedmanOne Cannot Save the Whole World. by LaSoaphia QuXazsOne Chance by David HarrisOne Chance by Orlando BeloOne Chance at History by Brian KilpatrickOne change by Otteri SelvakumarOne Chapter by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOne cherry a day by Miroslava OdalovicOne Child's Hero by Francis DugganOne Child's Prayer by Sylvi SylvaOne Chistmas Eve,1938 by John F. McCullaghOne Cigarette by Edwin MorganOne Circle by Joseph NarusiewiczOne Clan Left, Another I Met by renu Vig sharma sharmaOne Cold Night In September by Lore Me34One complements the other by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne Compliments The Other by Mittur RamprasadOne Cool Cat by Lore Me34One Country by Oliver Wendell HolmesOne cries for oneself. by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne Critical Word by Richard von GeldernOne Crucifixion is recorded—only by Emily DickinsonOne Cup Of Coffee Is Enough by Sossi KhachadourianOne Damn Good Friend by Vision GhostOne dark night by Ric S. BastasaOne dark night by Gert StrydomOne Day by Christina Georgina RossettiOne Day by Metin SahinOne Day by David LaceyOne day by Miroslava OdalovicOne Day by Angel A. LockwoodOne Day by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Day by Ric S. BastasaOne Day by Arthur Seymour John TessimondOne Day by Hasmukh AmathalalOne Day by Mrs. CynosureOne Day by Mye3One Day by Bernard SnyderOne Day by Randy McClaveOne Day by Maurice HarrisOne Day by Edward Kofi LouisOne Day by Gule RukhsarOne Day by Rupert BrookeOne Day by Godfrey MorrisOne Day by Archibald LampmanOne Day (a song) by Frank BanaOne Day A Dawning Will Come by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Day A Hungry Fox by Nilakshi DasOne day at a time by Sefofane ShabalalaOne Day at a Time by Bob GottiOne Day at a Time by Claudia KrizayOne day at a waterfall by Gert Strydomone day at school, Korea (1801) by Raj ArumugamOne Day for Michael by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOne Day I Know You Will..! .. by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharOne Day I See You Naked Bathing In The River by Ric S. BastasaOne Day I Will Get It Right by Edward Kofi LouisOne Day I Wish To Wake Up... by Mona MartinezOne day I'll hate you by Witch BabyOne Day I'll Make You Proud, Dad......! ! ! ! ! by shinej K.POne Day I'll Move On by Isabel VicunaOne Day If I Could Spend The Night by Red O'MaraOne Day II by Edward Kofi LouisOne day in jail by Gert StrydomOne Day In June by Philip LoreOne Day in June by John ScullyOne Day In Spring.... by Rabindranath TagoreOne Day In Your Life.... by Ric S. BastasaOne Day More by Ric S. BastasaOne Day More, Another Day Perhaps by Ric S. BastasaOne Day Mum by Lucy VernezzeOne Day Nearer Spring by Francis DugganOne Day of Peace by William MilamOne day pehaps I'll understand Tissues warning by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOne day perhaps I'll understand. by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOne day queen by Hasmukh AmathalalOne Day Realized What She Did! ! ! ! ... by Rahul KatariaOne Day Someone Will Say The Same Of Me by Francis DugganOne Day The Earth Will Open Up For My Brother On What Would Have Been His Seventy- Second Birthday by Shalom FreedmanOne day the human heart speaks by Nimal DunuhingaOne Day The Tables Will Turn by Suelynn WaltersOne Day Traveler by Edwina ReizerOne Day Unbroken One Awakens to See by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Day We Went Fishing at 3am by Stephanie Eve Kane AradoOne Day We'll Meet Again by Bri MarOne Day When You Cannot Go Out Of The House by Ric S. BastasaOne Day You Dissolve Into Whiteness... by Ric S. BastasaOne Day You Like To Go Somewhere by Ric S. BastasaOne Day You Meet A Stranger by Ric S. BastasaOne Day You Realize You're Looping by Patrick WhiteOne Day You Stop By A Bridge And Just Sit There by Ric S. BastasaOne Day You Would Know by Pradip ChattopadhyayOne Day Your Mouth by Patrick WhiteOne Day's Command by Anonymous AmericasOne Day, God Willing by Maurice HarrisOne Day, One Day by Ric S. BastasaOne Day, Some Day by Autumn WindsOne Day, We Shall Meet Our Dream by Iyamuremye WilfredOne Deed by Naveed AkramOne dies when set free by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne dignity delays for all by Emily DickinsonOne Dimension by Dave Alan WalkerOne discord can ruin everything by Angelic WarriorOne Disturbed by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Does Not Grow Without A Knowing Done by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Does Not Know Where It Is by Shalom FreedmanOne Door Is Passed by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Dream Moves To Black People's Country by Monoj PandayOne Drop of Christ's Blood Shed… by John CelesOne Drop! by Geoff WardenOne Dull Man by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOne Earth by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Earth and One Sky by Ramesh RaiOne Earthquake at a Time by Richard JarboeOne Egg by Ric S. BastasaOne endless night by Fred ChamberlainOne Enjoys by Naveed AkramOne eternal sound frame, the Truth is its Name by C.P. SharmaOne eternal sound frame, the Truth is its Name* - Revised by C.P. SharmaOne Euphoric Rainbow by Ryan Arthur WalkerOne evening by Matthew HollowayOne Evening by Guillaume ApollinaireOne Evening by Ric S. BastasaOne Evening I Go To A Shepherd's Hut by Romeo Della ValleOne evening I see a thing by Gert StrydomOne Eventually Forgets by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Eye by Naveed AkramOne Eye Blackened by Eric CockrellOne Eye For Two Eyes! by Ramesh T AOne Eyed Luna by Kevin PatrickOne Face by Edwina ReizerOne Face? by Ric S. BastasaOne Fact That Isn't Often Practiced by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Fat Rat Cat by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Fateful Friday Night by Ryan Lee MorrisOne Feels To Know Belongs...As It Is! by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Final Kiss by Rebecca PepperOne final letter by Amy Louise KerswellOne Fine Day by Joyce HemsleyOne Fine Day In Heaven by Joyce HemsleyOne fine Day: perhaps for J T Ellison by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOne Fine Sunday Morning by Marites C. CayetanoOne Flew Over the UN Cuckoo's Nest by James BredinOne Flower by Jack KerouacOne Flower by Edward Kofi LouisOne Flower Grows, One Dies by Sarah RabagoOne follows suit. by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne Foot Across A Threshold by Lawrence S. PertillarOne for All Seasons by Udaya R. TennakoonOne for Andy by Michael ShepherdOne For Her by Stan PetrovichOne for Ramana by Michael ShepherdOne for Sorrow; Two for Joy by Hugh MitchellOne For The Road by Denis MartindaleOne for the Road by Norman SantosOne For The Road by Ric S. BastasaOne For The Road... by Ric S. BastasaOne Foundation by Bob GottiOne Four Square Sonnet - Parody Shakespeare Sonnet CXVI by Jonathan RobinOne Four Three by Prasetya UtamaOne friend Left by Cheryl AldeaOne From One Leaves Two by Ogden NashOne Gear by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Gets To Know by Hasmukh AmathalalOne Gets Used To All These by Ric S. BastasaOne Giant Step For Mankind by Joseph BlitchOne Girl by SapphoOne Girl, One Trouble by Ayokunle AdeleyeOne Global Nation by Ray LuceroOne God by Edwina ReizerOne God Cares For You, The Other Is So Great He Could Careless by Michael KavuotiOne God shining in a miillion ways by John Tiong ChunghooOne goes for it by Hasmukh AmathalalOne goes in straightforward ways by Anna AkhmatovaOne Great Event In Time by Ernestine NorthoverOne Hallow's Eve by John F. McCullaghOne hand gives no clasps by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne Hand, Alone, Cannot Clap, But Somehow It Can Still Touch... by Ric S. BastasaOne Happy Man by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOne Has Standards to Maintain by Lawrence S. PertillarOne has to bow by Hasmukh AmathalalOne Has to Get Up Before Dawn by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Has To Move by Nirantar Dr.Rajendra TelaOne Has To Try by Tex T SarnieOne Has To Wonder Why by Francis DugganOne hasn't constant views. by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne Heart Calls Out To Another (Without Word) by Maurice HarrisOne Heart Feels Finger by Jonathan RobinOne Heart, Two Souls by Eric CockrellOne Heart-one Love by Ray LuceroOne Heartbeat by Lagaya EvansOne Heaven by Naveed AkramOne Hello by Melvin BanggollayOne Hit Combo by Sirius WhiteOne Home by William StaffordOne Horse Is No Different From Another by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Hour Ater The Dance Of Death by Franz WerfelOne Hour Back! by Tafadzwa MatambaOne Hour To Madness And Joy by Walt WhitmanOne House by Naveed AkramOne Hundred by David HarrisOne Hundred and Three by Henry LawsonOne Hundred Degrees Sea by David TaylorOne Hundred Laments by Satish VermaOne Hundred Lit Candles by Eric CockrellOne Hundred Moons by Satish VermaOne Hundred Ripples by Mary HavranOne Hundred Thousand Marching by David KeigOne Hundred Times by Matt MondscheinOne Hundred Years by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus DennisOne Hundred Years From Now by Francis DugganOne I Should Run Away From by Lawrence S. PertillarOne I Take A Closer Look At My Picture by Ric S. BastasaOne Illusion (Revised) by Margaret Alice SecondOne in a dream by Ric S. BastasaOne In A Million by Michael McParlandOne In Every Three by Alycia ForbesOne in million chances by Hasmukh AmathalalOne Inch Away From Fear by Ray LuceroOne Inch Tall by Sheldon Allan SilversteinOne Interest by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Is 16 And The Other 18 by Ric S. BastasaOne is a cat and a tiger. by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne Is A Lonely Number by David HarrisOne is All, All is One by Ryan Lee MorrisOne Is Blessed To Witness by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Is Careful Not To Be Pricked by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Is Enough by Marites C. CayetanoOne is enough by Gajanan MishraOne is evil to someone. by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne is good when in comfort by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne is helpless. by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne Is In Control by Bob GottiOne is just one by Ace Of Black HeartsOne is more hated than loved. by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne is sequel to the other. by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne is the extension of the other by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne is the loneliest number by Bill KamenOne is to ten. by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne is up to the one down by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne is valued for its future by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne Judge by Ambrose BierceOne Kenya, United We Stand by Jonathan KaranjaOne Kind Of Love by Kiara DavarOne Kiss For Old Time Sake by David HarrisOne Kite by Ernestine NorthoverOne Knock Two Knocks by Ace Of Black HeartsOne Knows by Naveed AkramOne Lake by Naveed AkramOne Last by Joseph CaraveoOne Last Chance My Love by Chidiebere FranklinOne Last Cigarette by Eric CockrellOne Last Dream Of.... by Corina Rose GuardOne last dream... by Cosmic DreamerOne Last Kiss by Damn AngelOne Last Letter by Eric CockrellOne Last Look by Trevor McLeodOne Last Pilot Light Of A Blossom by Patrick WhiteOne Last Question by Ric S. BastasaOne Last Question...... by Ritika Abigail MasihOne Last Resort by Rachel Kathleen MosesOne Last Suicidal Prayer by Justin Tallman GonzalezOne Last Time by Ryan Lee MorrisOne Last Time by Persian KhushiOne Last Time by Lore Me34One Last Time I Love You Always And Forever Yours by Ace Of Black HeartsOne Last Time Of Summer by Brian KilpatrickOne last time. by Debra GeorgeOne Last Walk by John HubschmanOne Last Wish by Ric S. BastasaOne Last Wish by Randy McClaveOne Lazy Afternoon! by Seema joglekarOne leads to the other. by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne Leaf Minus a Thousand by Sonny RainshineOne Left. by Terry CollettOne Leg Anne and the Innocent Flirt. by Terry CollettOne Leg Anne and the Kid by Terry CollettOne Leg Anne's Escape by Terry CollettOne Less Animal to Help Me Evolve by John Tiong ChunghooOne Less To Give by keith DuranteOne Life by Philo YanOne Life by Paul Laurence DunbarOne Life of so much Consequence! by Emily DickinsonOne Life To Live One Life To Love by Pinky PorwalOne Life, One Love by Annie VariOne Life. Let us live! by Veeraiyah SubbulakshmiOne Lifetime by Edwina ReizerOne Light: Three Primary Colors by George KrokosOne Like Leads To Another by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne Like Moses by Bob GottiOne Liner by Ilham AhmedOne liter of tears by Cheryl AldeaOne Little Comment by Angela WybrowOne Little Girl by Rebecca PepperOne Little Kiss by Kylee ChurchOne Little Kiss by Juan OlivarezOne Lives Never To Forget by Lawrence S. PertillarOne lives with hope of not dying. by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne London Night by Jerry WaterfieldsOne Lonely Night by David Lewis PagetOne Lonely Tree by Heather SchroerOne lonely tree by Maria Luisa TaylorOne Long Day by Lore Me34One Long Love Song by Gregory Allen UhanOne Long Love Song (II) by Gregory Allen UhanOne Long Love Song (III) by Gregory Allen UhanOne Long Love Song (IV) by Gregory Allen UhanOne Lonley Tear by Jess BardsOne Love by Kemurl FofanahOne Love by Antonio LiaoOne Love by David HarrisOne Love by Edward Kofi LouisOne Love by Raesheka AntwineOne Love Many Hearts by BoEdward LawrenceOne Love, Alot Of Pain by Rayan AliOne Lovely Name by Walter Savage LandorOne Lucky Gal by John Tiong ChunghooOne Mad Summer... by David Lewis PagetOne Magic Kingdom by Anggie ServianOne makes the other. by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne Malaysia, One World by John Tiong ChunghooOne Man by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOne Man Bandwagon of Harlequinade by Norman SantosOne Man Of Absolute Care by Mark HeathcoteOne man One woman by Xavier SheppardOne MAN show! ! by Veeraiyah SubbulakshmiOne Man's Brain by Cokbod LodwogoOne Man's Foot Stool Is Another Man's Ladder by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Man's Mistake by Ric S. BastasaOne Man's Wife by Philip BoothOne mans by Paul CuttingOne Mans Opinion by Joe FazioOne may contribute by Hasmukh AmathalalOne May Write With Forked Tongue by Jonathan RobinOne Merry Day by Naveed AkramOne Might Laugh At This by Francis DugganOne Mindset In a Process by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Mindsetness by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Minute by JAR PoetOne Minute of Dreaming by Phantom AnonymousOne minute warning by Matthew HollowayOne moment by Wes MbanjeOne Moment in Time by Madelyn BurnhamOne moment one time by Olayemi AyoOne moment take thy rest by Walter de la MareOne Moment. by Kevin EastOne moment/Jedan trenutak by Miroslava OdalovicOne month Anniversary (1) by Tanner GallmanOne Month Anniversary (2) by Tanner GallmanOne Month Left by Wabi SabiOne Mood's Expression by Ambrose BierceOne Moonlit Night by PenelopeCrews PitstockOne More by David duckworthOne More by Ace Of Black HeartsOne more blow by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne More Chance by Michael McParlandOne More Contradiction by Czeslaw MiloszOne More Cup of Tea by B. AlexanderOne More Day by Wilfred MellersOne More Day by Cristina TeodorOne More Day by Prince Kenny OseiOne More Day's Work for Jesus by Anna Bartlett WarnerOne more death by Hasmukh AmathalalOne more dram from Satan's Bar by Nimal DunuhingaOne more fall by Cheryl AldeaOne more kiss. by Jason YarkieOne More Less Lonely Potato by Aldo KraasOne more lie by Dragon CrenshawOne More Loss by Janelle MorehartOne More Mountain by David HarrisOne more rose by Hasmukh AmathalalOne more statistic by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOne More Step by David GerardinoOne More Step Ahead by Edward Kofi LouisOne More Thing to Say by Lore Me34One More Time by Carlene MadduxOne More Time by David KushOne More Time by David HarrisOne More Time by Edward Kofi LouisOne More Time Again by Sossi KhachadourianOne more time for M'lady Ernestine by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOne More Time! by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Morning by Eamon GrennanOne Morning by Ambrose BierceOne morning by Antonio LiaoOne Morning by Ric S. BastasaOne morning I sat at a ridge by Gert StrydomOne morning I saw a man by Gert StrydomOne Morning In Labason by Ric S. BastasaOne Must Learn To Love The Present Good Moment by Shalom FreedmanOne Must Not Play At Second Violin by Jonathan RobinOne Must Not Tarry by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Nation Under God' -The Only Way by Cynthia Buhain-BaelloOne need not be a chamber to be haunted, by Emily DickinsonOne Needs To Put A Foot Down by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Never Knows by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Never Knows What Fate Holds by Lawrence S. PertillarOne new Butterfly! by Z.I. MahmudOne New Morning by Kevin EastOne night by Sushanta RokkaOne Night by Constantine P. CavafyOne Night by Faith FranklinOne night (Terzanelle) by Gert StrydomOne night at the movies by Gert StrydomOne night I dream by Gert StrydomOne Night in Downtown Flushing by John F. McCullaghOne Night In Monte Alegre by Ric S. BastasaOne night in the tranquillity I heard Him pass by Gert StrydomOne Night Is Just Not Enough For Me(Revised In Line Form) by Ace Of Black HeartsOne Night Love by Edward Kofi LouisOne Night Only by John F. McCullaghOne Night She Reads My Poems by Ric S. BastasaOne Night Stand by Mamta AgarwalOne Night Stand by Jack SpicerOne Night Stand by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Night Stand by Ric S. BastasaOne night we walked by Gert StrydomOne Night with You by John F. McCullaghOne Night/Prom by Heather HooperOne O'Clock in the Morning by Charles BaudelaireOne October Left by Forever UnderestimatedOne Of by that's how I intended to ... delilah contrapunctalOne Of A Kind by Sir T.A.E.P.SOne of a kind by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOne Of Each by Michael ShepherdOne Of Johnny Howard's Forgotten by Francis DugganOne of My Ancient Ones* 'My Angel by Lesa MRKOne Of My Happiest Days by Ric S. BastasaOne Of Nature's Life Forms by Francis DugganOne of the best by Hasmukh AmathalalOne of the crowd by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOne of The Disgraced I'm A American by Ace Of Black HeartsOne of The Family by Hayley OxboroughOne Of The Great Mysteries Of Nature by Francis DugganOne Of The Holy Object by Hasmukh AmathalalOne of the Many Final Thoughts by Norman SantosOne Of The Redeemed by Ambrose BierceOne Of The Saints by Ambrose BierceOne of the Shepherds by Lucy Maud MontgomeryOne Of The Signers by John Greenleaf WhittierOne Of The Unfair Sex by Ambrose BierceOne of Their Gods by Constantine P. CavafyOne Of Them Be Mine! by Eric CockrellOne Of Them! by Eric CockrellOne of these days by Cheryl AldeaOne Of These Days by Ric S. BastasaOne of These Days... by Ric S. BastasaOne Of Those Birthdays by Ric S. BastasaOne of Those Blessings by Lawrence S. PertillarOne of those days by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOne of Those Lonely Nights by Cokbod LodwogoOne Of Time’s Riddles by Dante Gabriel RossettiOne Of Twain by Algernon Charles SwinburneOne of Two by Erica BorgesOne Of Us by Oskar HansenOne of Us 'Eventually' Has to Grow Up by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Of Us Better Say Something Soon by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Of Us Two by Ella Wheeler WilcoxOne of us, all of us, who? by Miroslava OdalovicOne Of Your Relatives by Lawrence S. PertillarOne On One With An Empty Glass by Ric S. BastasaOne Once Knew by Frederick KesnerOne Only by Jonathan RobinOne Ordinary Day by Maurice HarrisOne Out Of Ten by Terence George CraddockOne Pair of Eyes by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Pair of Lips by Laura FavelaOne Paper To Sense by Naveed AkramOne Particle by Ernestine NorthoverOne Passionate Kiss by Mrs. CynosureOne Perfect Rose by Dorothy ParkerOne Perfect Rose by Gert StrydomOne Person by Katherine BryceONE PERSON (Love Poem) by Ian BeckettOne Person Can Live Alone by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Person Cannot Bring Peace by Francis DugganOne Person Loves Me by Dragon CrenshawOne Person. by Amanda CurrierOne Petal Of Rose by Efren Petalver CarranzaOne Plaza by Naveed AkramOne plus one by Gajanan MishraOne plus one equals one by Marieta MaglasOne plus one is one by Hasmukh AmathalalOne Plus One Still Equals One by Ray LuceroOne Poem Leads Into Another by Shalom FreedmanOne Positively Living by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Potato by Edwina ReizerOne prayer I have -- all prayers in one, by James MontgomeryOne President by Ambrose BierceOne Princess to Another by Elizabeth RebelOne Problem At A Time by David HarrisOne Promise by Ramesh RaiOne question by Otteri SelvakumarOne Question by Hasmukh AmathalalOne Question One Answer by Ntozake StringfieldOne Rainy Day by Efren Petalver CarranzaOne Rainy Night by Heather BurnsOne Ran Before by Yvor WintersOne real kiss. by Jason YarkieOne Reason by Kevin EastOne Reason Why I Do Love Women by Francis DugganOne Region by Naveed AkramOne Revolution by Naveed AkramOne Right, One Wrong by Philo YanOne road ahead by Abdul WahabOne romance by Ata AugustynOne Room School by Marilyn LottOne Rose by Sandra GeisellOne Rose by Lexie NightOne Rule For............. by Guy LipmoreOne Runaway Religion by Satish VermaOne Saint Walked Over The Ridge by Satish VermaOne Saturday Morning At The Mountain Top Inside The House by Ric S. BastasaOne Sea-Side Grave by Christina Georgina RossettiOne Season by Gregory HuyetteOne Sec Takes by Nilakshi DasOne Second by Mona MartinezOne Second by Kevin EastOne Second Behind(for Junie) by Dónall DempseyOne Seeking Confidence by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Sees So Hard by Naveed AkramOne sense at a time by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne September Night by David Lewis PagetOne sets as the next rises. by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne Shark by Naveed AkramOne Should Not by Hasmukh AmathalalOne Side Love Can Wed by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne Side Of My Face by Patrick WhiteOne Sided by Hasmukh AmathalalOne Sided by Ric S. BastasaOne Sided Love by Asif AndalibOne Sided Love by Ric S. BastasaOne Sigh by Kevin EastOne Silver Bowl by Satish VermaOne Silver Tear by Sara Ashley ClarkOne Similar Second by John Tiong ChunghooOne Simple Day by Satish VermaOne Simple Dream by Efren Petalver CarranzaOne Simple Motion by Steven FederleOne Simple Rule by David HarrisOne Sister have I in our house by Emily DickinsonOne Small Act by Edwina ReizerOne Small Ailment by Shalom FreedmanOne Small Child by Bob GottiOne Small Drop Of Water by Edwina ReizerOne Small Poem Early In The Day by Shalom FreedmanOne Small Thing by Edward Kofi LouisOne Small Victory by Ric S. BastasaOne Small Voice! by Eric CockrellOne Small Voice...Billions Amplified World Wide! by Gregory Allen UhanOne Smile by Aishwarya ShrivastavOne Smile :) by Chettur Aishwarya ShrivastavOne Soldier's Ponderings by Gregory HuyetteOne Song, America, Before I Go by Walt WhitmanOne Soul by Naveed AkramOne Soul by Hasmukh AmathalalOne Sound by Edwina ReizerOne Special Cousin by Nelly begayOne Special Gift This Christmas by Meggie GultianoOne Special Summer by Russell SiveyOne Star by Edwina ReizerOne Star by Nick StrongOne Star In The Dirty Window by Patrick WhiteOne star only for Love's heaven by Augusta Davies WebsterOne Step Ahead by Edward Kofi LouisOne Step At a Time by Lawrence S. PertillarOne step at a time 08 by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOne step at a time. by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOne Step Back To Redeem Oneself by Ric S. BastasaOne Step Followed By Another by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Step Forward by Edward Kofi LouisOne Step On by David Lewis PagetOne Step... by Geeta NairOne stone by Charles Jagongo OgolaOne Stone Marker Of Ancient Legend by Terence George CraddockOne stone two birds by Hasmukh AmathalalOne stop shopping; A Nightmare by Nimal DunuhingaOne Stormy Night by Mamta AgarwalOne Struggle More, And I Am Free by ByronOne Summer 1958 by Terry CollettOne Summer 1962 by Terry CollettOne Summer Afternoon by Michael PruchnickiOne Summer Day by Charles HeimOne Summer Forever by Vyne DaguasiOne Summer Morning by Dinah Maria Mulock CraikOne Summer Night by Paxton DowningOne Summer Night by John Michael Elritz GalloOne summer when the wind was strong by Ric S. BastasaOne Sun by Richard JosephOne sun and one moon by Hasmukh AmathalalOne Sunday Afternoon: At the Beach by Jean RojasOne sung of thee who left the tale untold by Percy Bysshe ShelleyOne Sunny Day I Dreamt by Alexander ShaumyanOne Sweeps By by Walt WhitmanOne Sweet Memory by JoJo BeanOne Sweet Rain by Rose Flores Rosevoc2One Taken, One Left by John F. McCullaghOne Taught And Experienced by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Tear by Robert Fuller MurrayOne That Completes by Lawrence S. PertillarOne That Remains Inquisitive by Lawrence S. PertillarOne That Was Not Sought by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Thing Leads To Another by David HarrisOne Thing Leads To Another by Theodora OnkenOne Thing That I Miss by Ric S. BastasaOne Thing We Should know About Terrorism by Francis DugganOne Thing With You by Ric S. BastasaONE THING...by Talile Ali by Talile AliOne Third Of The Calendar by Ogden NashOne Thirty-six A.m. by Charles BukowskiOne Thought Ahead Of Self by Ray LuceroOne Thought This The Best To Do by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Thousand Frogs by Suchoon Mo_One Thousand Shards Of Glass by Soren ValentineOne Thousand Words by Taher ShemalyOne Time by Naveed AkramOne Time by Edward Kofi LouisOne Time by Sari MaviOne Time At Band Camp by Brittney WilhoitOne Tiny Heart by Ernestine NorthoverOne Tiny Light Shinning by David KushOne tiny sorrow by Abhiraj RajadhyakshaOne To Believe by GJC boyleOne to Linger and Believe by Lawrence S. PertillarOne to One by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Too Many by Francis DugganOne Too Many Blinkers by Norman SantosOne Too Many Times by Lawrence S. PertillarOne touch...? by Otteri SelvakumarOne Train May Hide Another by Kenneth KochOne Tree by Ernestine NorthoverOne tru Kiss by Classy BoomdataOne True Darling I Do Implore by Gert StrydomOne true fact story poem by Ivor Or Ivor.e HoggOne True Thing by Wabi SabiOne Truth by Sri Chinmoy GhoseOne Tumbles Down by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne turns stale though not. by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne Two by Maria SudibyoOne Typhoon Day by Ric S. BastasaOne Unto The Other by Edwina ReizerOne Untouchable by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Viceroy Resigns by Rudyard KiplingOne Voice by Carolyn BrunelleOne Voice...one Song by Meggie GultianoOne Waits For A Poem One Cannot Write by Shalom FreedmanOne wanders on and wonders much - 1387 - Current Version by Jonathan RobinOne wanders on and wonders much - 1387 - Initial Version by Jonathan RobinOne Wants a Teller in a Time Like This by Gwendolyn BrooksOne War Too Many by Vince GullaciOne wave, far-off questions..! by Sundaram ChandrakalaadharOne Way Conversation by Kevin CampbellOne Way in - No Way Out by Tom J. MarianiOne Way Love by Wabi SabiOne Way Love by Ernestine NorthoverOne way love has life by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne Way of Love by Robert BrowningOne Way Or Another by Magenta CyansOne Way Or The Other by Lawrence S. PertillarOne way path by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne Way Ships by Terry O'LearyOne Way Street by Matthew HollowayOne Way Street by Romeo Della ValleOne way ticket by Nimal DunuhingaOne Way Ticket To Heaven by Freda Lee JacksonOne Way To Go by Romeo Della ValleOne WE NEED by Vinayak SutharOne Weak Moment by Sonja BroderickOne weak slogan by Hasmukh AmathalalOne Week by Aparna ChatterjeeOne Week On: Differing Ethics by Terence George CraddockOne Week On: News Coverage by Terence George CraddockOne Week On: Still To Be Identified by Terence George CraddockOne Whisper of the Beloved by RumiOne Who Believes by Mamta AgarwalOne Who Believes Achieves A Doing by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Who Can Be My Lord! by Ramdas BhandarkarOne Who Chooses to Focus by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Who Closes His Eyes In Prayer by Romeo Della ValleOne Who Dares to Be The Maverick by Lawrence S. PertillarOne who Died: In Memory of E.W.T.S. by Leon GellertOne Who Dwells In The Shadow by Romeo Della ValleOne who Explores to Adventure by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Who Fishes For Nonsense to Dish by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Who Has Chosen To Adorn Organic Carrots by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Who Has Sacrificed With A Kept Pace by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Who Loses by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Who Never Learned by Terence George CraddockOne Who Poorly Duplicates by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Who Pursues Gets Done What They Do by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Who Rejects Christ by John Crowe RansomOne who speak by Gajanan MishraOne Who Stays Awake All Year Long by Garland Jodie JeenOne Whose Heart by Obinna Kenechukwu EruchieOne Wild Stampede by Ernestine NorthoverOne will by Dragon CrenshawOne will find oneself as… by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne Winged Angel by Cody J WalkerOne Winged Angel by Kristyann CelelloOne winged Butterfly by Bryan AlexanderOne Wish by Ryan Lee MorrisOne Wished. One Had. One Glad It's Gone by Lawrence S. PertillarOne With A Twisted Tongue by Lawrence S. PertillarOne with Darkness by Justin SchockOne With GOD by Joseph BlitchOne With The Ruined Sunset by William Ernest HenleyOne Within The Moment by David LaceyOne Without the Other by Autumn WindsOne Woman by Lazhar IchirOne Woman's History by Ella Wheeler WilcoxOne Woman's Memory by Ella Wheeler WilcoxOne Woman's Perspective by Edwina ReizerOne Wonders by Jonathan RobinOne Word by Nick StrongOne Word Is Too Often Profaned by Percy Bysshe ShelleyOne word makes the difference! by Veeraiyah SubbulakshmiOne Word More by Robert BrowningOne Word Swallowed by David Lewis PagetOne Word That Best Defines Life by David WhalenOne Word Took Joy Away. by Dickson MsetiOne World by Henry Van DykeOne World by Lawrence S. PertillarOne World In A Cup by Tim LongOne World One Family by Ramesh KavdiaOne World We've Been Given by Lawrence S. PertillarOne Worse Thing by Margaret WiddemerOne Wouldn't Make a Three! by Charles Jagongo OgolaOne Year by Sharon OldsOne Year by Edwina ReizerOne Year by Jonathan RobinOne year a tree day by Stevie TaiteOne Year After by Claude McKayOne Year Ago Today [3-7-08] by Something ChangingOne Year ago—jots what? by Emily DickinsonOne year change by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne Year In Heaven by Michele WestonOne Yearly Miracle by Ernestine NorthoverOne! by Eric CockrellOne's Activities Will Be Made Known by Lawrence S. PertillarOne's Addictive Behaviour by Francis DugganOne's Animal by Cody MaxieOne's Beliefs by Lawrence S. PertillarOne's Experience Is the Best Teacher by Lawrence S. PertillarOne's Experience Should Be Enough to Convince by Lawrence S. PertillarOne's Generosity by Rm. Shanmugam ChettiarOne's Greatest Achievement by Lawrence S. PertillarOne's Lofty Perch by Lawrence S. PertillarOne's Own Understanding Of Life by Lawrence S. PertillarOne's Rush To Pass A Vocal Judgement by Lawrence S. PertillarOne's Selected Beliefs by Lawrence S. PertillarOne's Self by Edward Kofi LouisOne's Self I Sing by Walt WhitmanOne's Silence Is Saluted by Lawrence S. PertillarOne's Social Heirarchy by Lawrence S. PertillarOne's Soft Silver String! by Mirna MorganOne's Success Felt by Lawrence S. PertillarOne's sweet mother.... by Niyati SangoiOne's Temperament And Disposition by Lawrence S. PertillarOne's Ultimate Achievement by Lawrence S. PertillarOne+One = None by David Andre' KlopperOne, Only One by Rajan ManandharOne, Rose To Many by Is It PoetryOne, Two by Hayyim Nahman BialikOne, Two, No Free Ride. by Ace Of Black HeartsOne, Two, On