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There are issues our Canadian politicians tend to avoid,
Like a deep hole in the road at least a half a mile wide,
Binding referendums and death with dignity are only two,
Plus the issue of compulsory voting which is overdue.

Having a debate about a debate any time any place,
On radio, on TV, on the Internet right in your face,
They want to be the first in line to tell you what to do,
But no binding referendums for them and what they should do.

They can appoint friends to the Senate and Supreme Court when they like,
These judges and senators can’t be voted in and some stay for life,
There’s no proportional representation in our first-past-the-post,
Where the combined opposition usually have many more votes.

Apr 2nd,2011

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These eyes are watching you

... see your words
verbal manifestation of thoughts
portraits painted with syllables
of sensuous simile and meaningful metaphor

not critic but who assimilates random thoughts
cast about like chaff in the swirling wind
no object of idolatry
no persecuting executioner
no special one from any special land
no name, no face, no special place
ubiquitous with comment or without
just a silent voice that speaks its mind
shadow of your spirit
wisp of your very breath
exhaled for all to breathe

your vigilant sentinal

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Free Of Lip

The ones who are quick to assume,
Can be counted upon to initiate rumors.
And don't ask twice,
From them to give opinion.
Or listen to their advice.
The giving of it already comes unsolicited.

If familiy members become confused,
And neighbors are found spreading...
News untrue,
Head for the ones...
With their mouths on ears.
Stuck to them like teeth to chewing gum.

And those ears choosing to stayed glued,
To the ones who are free of lip...
Prefabricating fresh gossip,
Soon will discover...
Who has been making daily deposits,
To aid to all of their misunderstandings and confusion.

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Paranoid Android (Sorrow Poem)

Depressed and bored but not paranoid at all
Marvin had all the solutions for the Universe
But he was sad, with a billion years of boredom
Waiting tables nightly at the End of the Universe
While awaiting the arrival of his Heart of Gold.

We meet our paranoid Marvins every day
Friendless beings fearing mortal threats
From us, the great unwashed human herd
Suspecting everyone, enemies everywhere
Unconscious of their need for a real hug today.

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Howard Nemerov

The Brief Journey West

By the dry road the fathers cough and spit,
This is their room. They are the ones who hung
That bloody sun upon the southern wall
And crushed the armored beetle to the floor.

The father’s skin is seamed and dry, the map
Of that wild region where they drained the swamp
And set provision out that they might sit,
Of history the cracked precipitate,

Until the glass be shattered and the sun
Descend to burn the prosperous flesh away
Of the filthy world, so vilely fathered on
The fathers, such black cinders, sitting there.

Old pioneers, what lecheries remain?
When schoolgirls pass, what whispers of their skirts,
Cold gleams of flesh, solicit in your veined
And gemlike eyes the custom of desire?

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Virtual Immortality

Virtual Immortality
Already mine
To the end of Internet Time
My name will be on line-

But when the Sun implodes
or certainly when Galaxies refine
Bacteria and dust
No longer will be Mind.

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The Broken Circle

I STOOD On Sarum's treeless plain,
The waste that careless Nature owns;
Lone tenants of her bleak domain,
Loomed huge and gray the Druid stones.

Upheaved in many a billowy mound
The sea-like, naked turf arose,
Where wandering flocks went nibbling round
The mingled graves of friends and foes.

The Briton, Roman, Saxon, Dane,
This windy desert roamed in turn;
Unmoved these mighty blocks remain
Whose story none that lives may learn.

Erect, half buried, slant or prone,
These awful listeners, blind and dumb,
Hear the strange tongues of tribes unknown,
As wave on wave they go and come.

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Young Love

A boy and girl are playing games,
Dressed so neatly, calling out names;
The field has grass that’s very green;
There’s none to witness this great scene!

Engrossed in play, they run and jump,
Unmindful of the near-by stump;
They sing some rhymes and laugh and smile;
They kiss each other in great style!

Two busy innocent faces;
Two hearts of love afilled bases;
Two minds with ideas in place-
The beauty touching souls amaze!

Small children playing, lovely seems;
God knows their thoughts and divine dreams;
Sometimes, they fight and let off screams,
Amidst the foliage, sunlight beams!

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What was and what could be
The path of jazz
The sun bursts thru clouds
Blues sighing on city streets
Cryptic urban modern idiom
Strained American dream
Awakening on a thin edge
Spiritual like a broken totem pole
Cathar tic
Coltrane blows his sax

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Suppose a smile.

Suppose a smile.

Suppose it always, with a smile.

Suppose the sun to shine,
shine with a smile;

suppose the rain to fall and smile
smile at the earth;
the snow, with gentle smile,
protecting tender shoots;

suppose the wind to smile
mysteriously, about its secretwork;

suppose – that’s easy – flowers
to open with a smile; and
smile as they fade and wave farewell,
a smile that says, that’s how it is…

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