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Ace Of Black Hearts

Empty As The Air

A life of substance, is always one that is desired.
But what of the substance you speak of?
How do you define it?
For ones man's junk is another man's treasure.
Substance is what we make of it.
Leading an interesting life in the gallows, could be considered a life of substance if that is what he desires.
Are you trying say he is saying pity me I have not lived an interesting life, one full of life changing, learning, and ever different experiences?
Do go on, as we investigate the brain.
Put it under some light.
What is really their?
Hmm, I can only wonder.
Maybe it is something empty as the air.

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Breath Life Into Me

Your breathing life to me.
Don't you see its exactly who I wanted to be.
A world so small and I'm on top of it all.
To the fullest here it comes.

Your breathing life into me.
Don't you see its exactly who I want to be.
Angel of my nightmares.
Destroying all the despair.
Happiness is in the air.
Weather the storm.
Riding in my rust bucket of a ship.
When it sinks, can I swim?
I was on the brink but now.

Your breathing life into me.
Don't you see its exactly who I want be.
The truth has traveled so far.
Page tattered and torn.
With wisdom so worn.

[...] Read more

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The Onslaughts

Of the few banned on this site sending me messages, this one well deserved it.
Playing riddle me not little head games.
And making fun of my name.
But I do not care.
I don't waver.
With every moment I savor.
All because of someone I associated myself with.
I'm not guilty I say.
But to my dismay that will not be the way of it I feel.
Hate is the air.
Let the onslaughts begin.
In the end I'm not going anywhere.
Stand firm my ground.
Stand firm my voice as it echos my sound.
You can not claim to be me.
No matter how hard you try.
The simplistic view of an outcry.
But I can not be reached.
Not by those means.

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(Attention Seeking Poem) A Whisper That Wants To Be A Scream

That kind of validation should be but the silence among the lambs.
A quietness to never be heard.
A whisper that wants to be a scream but doesn't exactly know how.
As if to say I have a question, yet I'm to afraid to ask.
A game of self pity.
Beckoning for attention.
As if it's our fault of that which they did not mention.
A homeless man walking on the poorest streets of the city.
A prostitute getting in the car with another Jon in a place known for such vices.
We have to take notice and We have to stand out to be noticed.
And pessimism does nothing to farther such a cause.
Unless that is what one desires.

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Defacing Ones Character

Misdeeds are all in the interpretation.
Whether in good fun, or thoughts on the run.
While some find it insulting.
Others see it as a compliment.
And without intentions truly known what could be possibly said?
And that's not relevant?
'Yes I said, it is that mans fault he's an idiot.'
Okay so are you saying his environment had nothing to do with it?
'Well no I'm not, I'm just saying he could change if he wanted too.'
And are you willing to help him out?
'No I plan on suing him for defacing my character.'
Okay mind if I ask which character exactly was that?
'Well all of them for they are all me.'

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The Man Who Gets Back On His Horse

A man who gets on the horse just to fall off is a great man indeed.
Not ashamed of what he yet does not know.
Ignorance can be overcome if we stop using such words as dumb.
For to belittle someone does very little for their self esteem.
You can speak the truth and tact still may be redeemed.
The proper approach is everything.
A way to explain without in some way offending their name.
Teachers know the technique all to well.
We must not dwell on those who still get angry.
Some no matter what you do can not be reached.
The child becomes the man.
And sometimes the environment damns them from the very beginning.

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Proud Parents

What you read about in books isn't enough.
You must do to truly learn.
The action in which you earn.
A higher knowledge.
A higher calling.
Help is needed but only dire circumstances.
But still you need to experience these circumstances.
To understand the risk involved.
Cause one day even if you had a life jacket.
It might dissolve.
All on your own.
Knowing not what to do.
The wrong answer for kids to say is they don't have a clue.
Sometimes it might be hard to get through.
But it shouldn't stop you.
Proud parents are those who can let go without second guessing themselves if they did right by their own kids.

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The General

The one holding all the cards in the art of love
and war never chooses to fight
For he surmises that fight without losing lives,
is the only one worth while.
A coward he is not, a strategical general he is.
He knows when hes beaten
And he knows when hes won
He never lets arrogance get the best of him
Or whims of a fancy mislead
He boosts moral any way he can
He is king in his men heart
He wears the worst cloths of the lot
Knowing only of what he needs not
When the enemy here's his name they either flee
Or become traitor to their own
Switching sides under the cover of night
They say cheers him as hes alright

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Two Choices

Eternity is but unknown as a number.
Forever is but you in a slumber.
We are all trapped in some way.
Voice becomes mere whispers in the silence of the night.
Calling to the angels who sit upon the twilight.
Their two choices we can make.
Either wait for the answer.
Or seek out our own.
Some only wish to forget they are all alone.
Others accept the fact as proven.
And in their eyes there can be no reason.
For they are blinded as a sun set can be frozen in a picture.
Never believing their can be fissure
An opening of the earth can exist beyond their reality of a reality.
For when one gives up, all hope is lost.

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Who Are You I Dream Of?

I dream of you again.
Surprises with such a twist.
When push comes to shove.
Where do you stand?
On the receiving end.
It all blends in.
Like the hollow existence it is.
Yet I feel the love from all directions.
Its an an infection, just give me another injection.
I rather feel nothing then a confusing pain without a face or name.
Its the remembrance of the alternate plane.
Then why is it so hard to explain.
My mind fumbles and bubbles over the right word.
Its just not yet there.
A descriptive verse hovers in the air.
Not real but not fake.
Impossibilities are at stake.
All because I dream of you.

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