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Ace Of Black Hearts

(Angry Poem) Angry Razorblades

I'll cut you up and make you bleed.
I'm razorblades.
Insert and chew please.
I swear I'll give you my disease.
Can you feel it.
I'm angry. I'm razorblades.
Slice and dicing.
Oh the cuts so clean.
One after the next.
Did that one leave a scar.
Oh didn't ill tell you baby.

I'm angry.
I'm razorblades.
Let me inflict the pain.
Let me drive you insane.
Spit in my eye and i will ask for more.

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(Fear Poem) A Bottle Washes Upon The Shore

A valid reason to run away is not to escape but to face it in a better day.
As time tics by and we sit and wonder why.
As if sky will never stop falling.
As the chicken even continues run without a head.
The fear of many things motivate especially death.
But when the fear is gone what is left?
What could ever be the reason in leaving that which is most loved behind?
A letter in bottle floats upon the bubbling sea.
Eventually it comes ashore to be open up and read,
But is it the same?
Even being ones own words.
Still it isn't the same as a coming face to face with many thoughts and sentiments embraced.
Like a one sided conversation where one can never argue or say your wrong.
Why because you are already gone.

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The Rise And The Fall

A politician named rick
Grew up as child believing all the corruption was wrong
This was his song
He sung it everyday
Slowly rising, higher, and higher
But with with fortune and fame he changed
Make deals for those who appealed
For money was now his faith
It is all he praised
Then he fell, and was exposed
As if he was not wearing any cloths
He tired with all his might to get back in
But the people would not let him
They say they will never forget
What he did was wrong
I'm sorry but sometimes you just don't belong
And that their song
Now rick live the average life forever remembering
What could of been
Regret is for those who do not have a name yet

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He's Tied Up In The Trunk

An obligation to protect.
It is something he will regret.
Here's the rope just tie him up and leave him in the trunk.
I'm tired of hear him blather on and on.
This caged birds song shall never again be heard.
Yet alone see the daylight.
We've got to move fast for the cops will after us.
He's one of them an undercover detective.
Our mistake will be our gain.
We didn't know, but now we do.
So we can't kill him.
But make sure he's found in just enough time.
Barely breathing but alive.
It gives a very limited window to get out of dodge.
Or we will have to feed hydrate and give him some air.
This will risk exposure and our chance getting caught goes up.
But, But what?
Just shut up we're on the clock so lets go, go, go! ! !

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The Cycle

The practices of speeches
Sharing a little vision
An insight
To tonight, to tomorrow
With words borrowed
We do not own them any more then our thoughts
They meant to live beyond the pages
They meant to teach those off all ages
It as any love
Their there too give you a hug
Their there to remind you to not be so smug
Explaining the because as it was
What has happen
They crawl, walk, and talk
They are everything and nothing
Ink scribbled down and folded up.
It is love note
As a kid does
passed to another
read aloud in ones heart

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My Hands

I write till my hands ache.
I have what they call carpal tunnel.
My hands don't want to bend fully or right at times.
They lock up so that I have to unbend them.
But I can't afford get the surgery that would easily fix this.
Or a Cortisone Shot which would give 6 months of relief.
Instead I'll use them till I can use them no more.
The sad part is I'm only 28.
It is genetic trait.
For my mother has the same thing plus arthritis.
It started in her twenties just like me.
It is not that I type too much oh I most certainly do.
Or the proper of sitting of my wrist on the keyboard.
Just about anything I do with my hands the pain resurfaces.
A constant dropping of something as simple as a spoon.
When I was younger I had no clue.

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(Death Poem) The Yearly Rose

With each year gone.
I place another rose upon the earth just for you.
I hold the pictures almost forgotten a little tighter.
The love is everlasting.
Till it hurts and then theirs only more.
A wish upon a wish in the center of loneliness.
Tragedies abyss.
She looks at you and asks 'why didn't you save me? '
You answer, 'because I couldn't when it mattered the most.'
A creation of the eternal sadness of a ghost.
It will haunt me forever.
But still the memories break through and bring a smile upon my face if only for a moment.
Don't worry my love I think to myself I will be their soon.
Catching up in things immortal.
A human beings life seeming slow as a turtle.
Yet when you reach the end you will wonder where it all went.

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(Life Poem) Above The Wind Fall

Crazy as life is, I still take a sip.
Slowly swallow it down.
Every taste, every embrace.
Love is dire, the most important above all else.
The heart swells, but some strange emptiness still dwells.
Maybe its the loss of some family while others want to give it all.
I shall not falter, living so close to the edge
but still nothing has changed.
The power of devotion and pure emotion.
Creates a reflection of beauty.
Stand tall, stand above the windfall.
Doubt creates nothing
but a clout of misjudgements of dangerous proportion.
Extravagant words dress up truths in a disguise.
I have for so long been looking through a phantoms eye.
Now I realize what was missing.
Now I know what it truly feels like to be alive.

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Fresh Ideas.

How about this a schooling program for the those collecting unemployment through the internet or at a place such as csiu as a requirement of collecting it.
How about this a plan to get those not employed, employed.
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs.
A kick start to an engine that has stalled.
Why are we still not fixing this?
Are you telling me that no one has a solution?
No ideas, that benefit everyone.
I say to you the American, throw them out their.
Speak up for we need to not only be heard.
But we also need fresh ideas.
From those who are always quite.
Every opinion counts and everyone needs to be heard.
If not then we need to ask, for you to think.
Out of the box, and in to the grassy plains.
Each blade of grass blowing its own way.

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This Night Is Done

Recording all the memories.
Writing another one down in the diary of jane.
A complementation of the mentally insane.
Riding the rails of this train.
Such a long train.
It goes on an on.
Someday, someway, I will look back and say wow that was me.
I was definitely kinda crazy.
I was a shaker and a heart breaker.
Getting down at a quarter after 9.
The party would continue all night long.
I would drink till the moon was gone.
Watching another rising dawn.
Settling down when the lights come on.
Sometime you need to give the body mind and soul a break.
Their is never enough time.
Can anyone else relate
An observation with two steps back.
So slow to react.
All the sensations have become numb.

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