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Ace Of Black Hearts

Even As I Die It Will Continue To Go On

Back to building a website.
To put my ideas under my own design.
The internet is in the ages of all times.
Forever to be recorded so the kids of kids can remember it.
We must not forget
We must learn to forgive.
For injustices do not end with any other pretense.
If that make any sense.
Yes it does have relevance
Its not just more jargon to be heard.
By the crazy and the absurd.
In my constant drive I do not reach for the skies
But to understand the why.
The search goes on for truth and knowledge.
The search goes on for the true humanitarian.
The search goes on for a way to end all blood shed.
The search goes on for a way to eliminate all indifference.
The search goes on for the cures to diseases that remind us of how vulnerable we really are.
The search goes on.
Even as I die it will continue to go on.

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Lonely Old Man

Their is this lonely old man.
He's not a people person.
What he says is not well taken, or understood.
With money, he offers a hand.
With a promise of friendship, he asks for help.
Without services being paid.
He just wants to be another one of guys.
But he's a boss who provide a service himself.
How can he expect being paid, and not returning the favor especially when a constant wanting of this help on a daily basis?
A friend is a give and take relationship.
And he just does not get this.
This is the reason you do not mix friendships or family with business.
Someone always ends up getting mad.
A friendship lost becomes one you never had.

~ To my boss as a reminder that as much as you want to be your friend I can never allow myself to be yours. This is a pawn that will not move. At least not to be used.

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A Scolding

It is not something that will be fixed over night.
It took quite a bit of time for the damage to be done.
And of those of the doing so far had to face very little consequences.
A child every once in awhile he or she needs a good spanking.
And America is that child.
We allowed her to misbehave for too long.
Their is a fear that we are already to far gone.
A rabbit hole so deep.
An outlook so bleak.
But what can one do but keep trying to get through.
This country has a wall of indifference.
It slowly crumbling.
But will it fall fast enough.
We all have it tough, some worse then others.
But I look forward to the day where I can call on more people.
And I'm able say they are all my brothers.
They are all my sisters.
They are all my family.
Races, and cultures not all alike.
Stand with me as we together fight.

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(Love Poem) All Is Well

Wings carry me off the floor.
I watch everything fall in place.
Can have this dance once more.
Its no longer a race.
A steady pace.
I'm in love with such a pretty face.
She brings no disgrace to me.
Even with the lack of maturity.
Total opposite on a even keel.
Making deals.
Compromise till all lies die or slide.
We all just trying to get by.
What pretty blue eyes.
Who care what the others say.
Let reach for the sky.
Grab the bright star from heavens.
I will never look, second guess myself, and question why.
It's our revelation that I hope doesn't end in a horrid way.
Cherish today.
Love the chaos and dismay.

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Personality Conflicts Created

Sometimes the best way to deal with something negative is to bring it into the light out right.
Those who should be ashamed need be not named, for they know who they are and what they did.
Sometimes it can be very hard to forgive especially when doesn't ask or admit.
Guilt wrapped up so tight can bite and twist.
It not something I would want to hold for to long.
Like a bag of bricks its a burden not needed.
Still some carry it as if it was lighter then a feather.
But trust me their will be a change in that weather.
Those who carry it, believe that if they need something they can dropp it like they never had it.
But it does have devastating effects.
It creates personality conflicts.
Two faced and jaded.
A need to be compensated.
A debt to then be repaid.
With some people that is just their way.

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(Political Poem) Baking Cookies

Personally I prefer to bake my own.
Then rely on a system so corrupt.
I honestly and truthfully believe in hard work.
No matter how many crooks stand over me waiting to steal from my jar as well.
It is disappointing and makes me angry at times.
The crimes that we commit for things we don't even need.
An overindulgence in gluttony.
But it comes down to this.
They need us more then we need them.
No matter the monetary system created.
No matter the thievery so jaded.
It is still not really that complicated.
Even as their are those who act like it is.
Just so they can receive one more handout before they have to go.
Just one last scam.
Come on man.
I say no.
Not this time.
Collapse the system go ahead.
And forgive me if I start laughing at you.

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The Falsified Claim of the Roofie and the Women

So sorry hear from you again.
Back from another on of your excursions I see.
So how did your sick perversion go.
Oh oh you put on quite a good show.
A hell of a dating scam.
It took ten years from this man.
He went to prison for rape.
A unjustified claim.
He just wanted the money you stole.
He lied to get it back.
It pissed you off when you found out.
With venom you went straight to the hospital.
Pull out the kit.
Check me out.
He fed me a roofie.
The next thing I woke with no clothes.(40 minutes later)
He was pulling up his pants.
I made no scene and didn't even realize I was raped.
Strange don't you think.
I went home.

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Playing The Guessing Game

People come expecting me to have all the answers.
They want me to end their suffering, to have a cure to their cancer.
I try my damnedest to help out people the best I can.
But with such vagueness, their is need for only more questions.
You want a personal opinion, you want definitive advice on something you won't tell me about.
Thats absolute nonsense.
Stop these silly requests.
I can neither read minds or predict the future.
And even if I could I would leave it in a vague riddle that would keep you guessing till the end of time, if their is such a thing.
I have no degree in psychology that is for certain.
I don't deal with other people problems on a daily basis, but instead my own.
And they are plenty enough of them alone.
But as I write about my experiences, it is not an invitation to guessing game I condone.

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Take Her Off Life Support

I see mercury and i'll see you soon
I'm shooting off the moon.
It comes too quick.
The one only power.
It should not be your dieing hour.
Yet it is.
Beyond comprehension
Beyond prevention
How can I save you?
What do I have to do?
You name it.
A contract written in blood.
Where do I sign.
Is their even enough time.
I feel like giving up.
I feel like just shutting everyone out.
Please don't make me shout.
Just lift one finger.
Is that really too much to ask.
Watching a car crash in slow motion.

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What Kind Of Poet Is He?

To express oneself with words is to be a poet.
Generally anyone who writes could be considered a poet.
It just to what magnitude, and degree are you?
Do you do it with passion?
Do you do it with a sense fashion? (I try to do it with both, but that is not always achieved. But I always do it with passion for I love to write.)
Does their always have to be a purpose behind it?
Or can you start writing and see where it leads.(A lot of the time that's me, but I do both with and without purpose.)
Do you do it all the time, does come in waves, or is it a one time thing.(For me it comes in waves.)
Is they a trigger, or is it spur of the moment? (Me in general it is triggered by an emotion. It doesn't matter where it comes from either.)
So you see it's not a question of are you a poet, but what kind of poet are you?

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