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Ace Of Black Hearts

The Case Of The Battered Women

The woman judgement makes the final decision.
And of the decision she could make it was the one I would never expect.
In battered woman case.
She gives the man the choice if he wants to work things out.
Go into separate counseling first she says if then if the counselors deem it okay.
It is time for the joint counseling.
Putting back together a marriage and removing a pfa.
Insane when this woman endured 12 years of abuse under this man hand.
One night in a drunk rampage he put her head through a coffee table.
And this woman thinks this will all go away with some aa meeting anger management and counseling.
Okay what are you exactly trying to condone.
And if he murders her will you take the responsibility for that error in your judgements.
With police reports as evidence.
I don't see or know why anyone would be so foolish as continue the cycle.
In the state of pa I'm glad I'm not a woman.

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(Humility Poem) A Letter To The Poets Follower

Don't worry about it, the votes don't mean as much as the comments do.
They tell me the readers perspective on it.
Which in turn gives me insight in what I should write about.
And why you see me as so grand I don't truly know.
For I'm a nobody writing about nothingness in all her splendor.
That sparkle you occasionally see is your eyes playing tricks on you.
A following would require me to leading with a purpose or goal.
But I don't have one.
I live cold and alone.
And it is something that would never condone.
The fault is nobody but my own.
I wouldn't want anybody to wear these shoes.
For they are a very painful and tight fit.
You think you want a glimpse into what makes me tic.
Well my friend living when where and how I do isn't all it's cracked up to be.
I'm the inspired artist who lives in very hard times.
And I'm not the only one.
Just others don't write as much as I do.

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If I Only Knew How

Inventing the machine to travel through the space and time.
To the day be before you lost your life.
I can save you.
Somehow someway.
Don't tell me it will be okay right before you die.
Oh a love that will survive till the end.
A prayer to God is sent.

A delusion of you still standing right next to me.
Your sweet smell still envelopes all my senses.
Your soft touch I can still feel.
The ghost of yesterday forever haunting me.
I open my eyes and your all I see is you.
In my heart and mind.

The sounds ring out as I hear the wind chimes.
I love you oh yes forever and always I do.
How I do I drown all this pain out?
A angry approach.
I want to scream and shout at anyone willing to listen.

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One Knock Two Knocks

One knock, Two knocks
Who's at the door?
Come out once more

One knock, Two knocks
Who's at the door?
Come out and see for sure

A world melts, as one developes
A world ends, as one begins

One Knock, Two knock
Who's at the door?
Open it once more

One Knock, Two knock
Who's at the door?
Come closer and it just might poor

Devastation has come to me.

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Those Who Have Been Blinded

We have traveled and traveled far.
To touch the sun, the moon and the stars.
All in this hope of unlocking the soul within us.
Set us free from these chains we bind ourselves with.
Spitting out these demons, who look a lot like us.
But are they?
Or are they imposter's, to reflect what we see ourself as.
An impressionists art.
Does it stick to the mind.
Not wanting let go.
Surrendering ourselves to truth over an ego full of pride.
We are weak, but we can also be strong.
The question is to know where which emotion belongs.
And appetite to eat, before anybody else gets a chance.
Next running off to dance, but is it too soon?
Should we have waited till others came and went.
When smoke rises and you can no longer see the night sky.
Can you still say you have clarity?
Hyperventilating from your own hysteria.
It is only man that lives within his own madness and blames others around him for it.

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Risk Is Not Without Equal Risk.

My names John and as much I would like to say yes, I'd have say no. For I don't even know you.
Other then what's plastered across this page.
My age is not fictitious, and I'm not looking to get with some young party girl.
And I've read multiple of your poems and that's what it seems like you are.
As much as I'm not looking.
I am looking for a type, and I already don't think you come even close to fitting that bill.
And the next message will probably not so nice.
But I don't care.
If you can not be honest with yourself then theirs something wrong.
I don't live in a fantasy world.
You live in cali.
I live in pa.
So a lot of the interest dies right there.
I gave up everything for a girl once who lived in Florida, and it left me homeless.
I will never do that again.
Not for something I can not touch, taste, feel.
The words are emotionless and are not real.
Risk is not without equal risk.

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Lets talk for just a second.
This is going way to fast.
I'm not who you think I am.
I am just another man with a pen.
Write my thoughts as they come to me.
It's not a secret or gift.
Everybody has this.
Given a chance.
The story will dance and enhance.
So you say with all you passion you love the man behind the mask.
Do you even know what the mask is.
Like a tiny prick to my skin.
The needle punctures and in floods the sorrow.
I've created this illusion of happiness borrowed.
Like tidal waves they keep coming.
How long do you really think you could swim alongside me.
It is as the distance of an impossibility.
It will be forever out of your reach.
A heat seeking missile has already been sent to destroy.
No matter the ploy.

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When I'm Angry

When I'm angry
just get away from me
murder on the mind from time to time
Please duck behinds those clouds
For I don't know how much longer I can control myself
Ripe for blood
Hate my twisted love
You come to me
Feed me the evil intent
Always the victim
Always in this prison
Slavery of the worst kind
In the heart and mind
Controlling you and there is nothing you can do
Oh no you don't
Oh no I won't
Death is sneaky
It creeps
It explodes
Emotions running wild

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I say again pick you poison.
Either lose her or her.
The fork in the road is so uneven.
Filled full of so many disguises.
Why can't I see this through.
A beautiful let down is over due.
Oh so which Cinderella fits this shoe.
Why can't they both be true.
A lie sits in my heart.
I don't know where it leads.
Or how to even to try to proceed.
I heard of the saying theirs plenty of fish in the sea.
But how do you pick one over another when their both great lovers.
Matches made in heaven.
And then the clock strikes eleven.
And unlike in the fairy tales.
I don't got another hour.
Anytime now I'll lose them both.
For I can't be two poeple at the same place.
Such is a dishearten chase where the stakes were so high.

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It's Not Perfect.

Sometimes the artist makes a fools mistake.
A contract that demands plenty for so little.
Me personally I do this for free currently because I have a job that pays the bills.
It is a hobby to me, always has been.
I work with my back, shoulders, arms, as well as my hands.
Time limited sticks me behind so many others.
Yet I don't care, for I do not desire fame and fortunes.
But instead actually enjoy what I do.
I feel as if I making glue that holds a painting together.
The creation of something all in ones mind.
A satisfying feeling envelopes me as I write them one at a time.
A victory upon this paper, this is something I indeed savor.
I do reread and reread trying to perfect each and everyone of them.
But for the sake of being correct.
Even though I know each one has its own flaws.
That is what make it really unique.
Even when the favored critique tells I'm wrong.
Sometimes thats the way I still want it.

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