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Ace Of Black Hearts

Shadows In The Rain

Do you remember this name?
Who is it that we yet to be claimed?
An anonymous letter written and unsigned.
With all the proper captions and headlines.
A reminder of the times.
No longer in the fire it cools and it hardens.
Its made of solid stone.
No matter the embrace it will not break.
Any pain endured it can take.
For it feels nothing.
A constant numbness that a drug induced euphoria can't compare to.
The absence of all colours.
The blackness in the clouds has grown.
With a single seed it has been sewn.
With whisper of a destiny it has shown.
A reflection of shadows marching in the rain.
Trying to break through to this dimension.
What horrors could they bring compared to me?
A sickness of genetics, and mutation of a family tree.
A hatefulness, a bitterness, a body embalmed and scorched by it.

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Dark Men

Melodramatic, screaming about the petty things.
Can't you see that is nothing.
Dark men live right next to you.
They don't want you to have an easy life.
Some so sick and demented want to stab you with a knife.
Other want to corrupt our children.
Yet more want all your money.
Are you realizing this isn't funny.
It sad that some don't comprehend the negative effect its having.
We are all to busy with self gratification.
Stroking our egos.
Who cares about that man next to you.
Well I do, and I want more from those so distracted, so surprised when their are extreme actions are taken.
Well if you wouldn't have let it go.
How could you not know.
Its black in the snow.
So obvious.
How can so many be so oblivious?
I guess its a human defect that we reject that their can be true evil.
Denial of those liable.

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My hate has created your love

With your happiness comes my peace. Finally the pain will cease. You clinged like a disease. Not willing to let go. But now i know. I am happy for you. Please work, please break the curse. Don't make it worse. Help the fallen, cure the sick, get rid of all the bad habits. Being so demanding has brought me the answer. I have been so longing. Fighting so something so great can take hold. Letting go so i never follow down the same road. Distraction of attraction. Let love numb everything. Making it all better with an unsigned letter. A past of heart ache. Watching the new flowers blossom. Not all intentions are same. Rules of the game. Hurt to help. A twist in fate. Can anyone relate. Rest your head. With magic from god above. Sometimes we all need a push or shove. Whats best for you isn't always best for me. Sometimes in chaos comes harmony. Beautiful is hate when it creates such things. The passion, the driving force that can destroy can also build. It just a matter of how its used.

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The War Is On

The war is on, the battle is already won. With the words you speak cut right into me. Such a wicked little dagger. Now i shall draw with some blood. Paint a portrait, that describes the truth. Wrap it around your neck like knoose. Choking you from the insides. Building you up to tear your down. Drowning in mixed emotions. A bruised ego. Your too easy. There you go again making more assumptions with a flare. Can anyone taste the rumor in the air. Its only what you know. Not which way the wind blows. The affliction of your fiction does not leave a scar. It doesn't even come close to matching up to par. The secrets you keep will be released like a disease. Exposed, hey now where are your clothes? No more being shielded from it all. You shall stumble, trip and fall. Just one phone call. Everything stolen from right under your feet. Please don't make me. I would rather leave things be. I don't want to put anyone in agony. I take no pleasure in this. Just leave me alone or the war is on.

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(Suicide Poem) A Suicide Massacre Planned

Hey, pass this man another drink.
Washing away all the pain.
Even better for the mentally insane.
Sitting to wonder and think.
On the brink.
Planning and plotting.
A course straight across the stars.
Falling one by one.
This is the angel of death.
Marked are his victims.
Some would call this a trigger.
The mans completely a mess.
Shoot him and put him out of his misery.
His already waiting for that stretcher.
He just doesn't care.
Stalking just to stare.
All is lost.
With greed comes a cost.
A hollow solid ravaged heart.
Each plays a part.

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My Cancer

A little more has died
A life so disguised
A million masks
One for each day
So happy
I got all the answers
One of them is my cancer

A world full of blood
All for what we call love
So we can fake it
So we can take it
It's all ours

A little more has died
But at least I can say I tried
A million tasks
One for each day
So busy
No time for answers

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Hansel and Gretel Syndrome

Why do we ignore the homeless?
Why do we feel we must be indifferent towards him?
We have this need to be indifferent towards everyone.
Our belief that it is just not our problem.
How do you bring such a message to our homes.
A big reality check.
Some must suffer before they will feel such a revelation.
Others have always known the importance of help those less fortunate.
Not as a charity that wins you an award.
Not as pity.
Feeling sorry for someone does nothing to help in their plight.
But because you actually care about another human being.
No matter their culture or race.
The satisfactory of grace.
A enlightenment of actions unknown by most.
We are living like ghosts.
We feel nothing, but a numbness.
We prefer to dull or dilute the pain.
Let the skies be dark and let it not rain.
A compensation so we don't go insane.

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The Choice Of A Second Chance

The old man says, 'I'm not ready yet.'
Oh when death in all her splendour comes, what will you say?
Take me here and now.
In debt by a vow.
With wedlock it surrounds.
With love the heart pounds.
But only the darkness is sought to be found.
A purpose unknown and unclaimed.
A seeking of fame.
As if only to remember my name.
Destine to complain to the very last breath.
In a world of uncontrollable circumstance.
The chaos of all the utter nonsense.
Picking berries from a million bushes.
Which is the right one?
How do we choose.
Knowing in all eventualities we will all lose.
We say we must do right.
But by whom?
And that question forever looms.

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Every Part Of The Heart. Breaks

As she preached an professed of her religions teachings I just wanted to cover my ears.
Such sacrilege of what I believe.
Just let the believers be.
Let them whistle their own tunes of their perfect little harmony.
It is not anarchy but prejudice I see.
With inner fitting you wear.
With a strange mold you walk life in which you fit.
With your raisings values you demand recognition.
But will it be honoured.
Turning your backs on society as they have done to you.
But the pain never fades.
An enslaved being.
Mentally trapped like your thoughts are parasites.
A blood sucker here to spread the disease.
With a gun to in your head they force you to your knees.
Just end it quickly please is but a mere after thought.
The fruit is rotten do not eat from this tree.
Poisoned as a snake does to its prey.
But don't worry its okay.
The assurances of the misleading.

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The Forgiveness Of Vengeance Upon Vanity

Self worth is valued by only thyself.
When one obsesses upon this.
Their is nothing left for anyone else.
A vanity of selfishness.
A heart with no selflessness.
Motive of ones own.
To gain, to take the lead.
Taking pride upon the steed in which you ride.
Look at me because I'll never look at you.
Completely ignored as if one doesn't even exist.
Something someone might have missed.
Anger is all one feels, as shallow as these wounds are.
The infection still does not heal.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
Not in such a misguided light.
Vengeance is only a temporary accommodation in which you can feel once again whole and complete.
A home that as soon as you try to rest your head will be gone.
Try as you might the guilt will not pass or fade.
A jaded sensation upon the heart.
Apologies due, and their will be those who never will accept.

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