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Ace Of Black Hearts

Living With And Without Love

Hey just shut up listen. I got a story to tell. Its about something I know so well. Love my friend to the bitter end. Sadness is greatness for it means you've felt it for very long time. When you lose it, you become lost in the darkness of humanity. And you must search for it, because then you have nothing. Its life without hope or a future. You'll be devoured by waves. The pain you feel means your alive. Means you shouldn't lay down and die. I was their multiple times and guess I survived. Blood is thicker then water. You don't have to be a martyr for the cause. You just have to live life the best you can, and hope that the ones you truly care about understand. No need to demand what should be a given. A prodigy I'm not, but their are certain talents I got. So I must shape them, work them. Put them to where I can live with true substance. Satisfy not only others but yourself. Put back if you must but never be afraid to go bust. Unless its beyond your means. For love can be a forever or daily kind of thing.

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Heres To You

Here's to you.
Here's to you.
Here's to what you do.
Here's to what you shall never put me through.
Here it comes.
Are you ready?
Are your hands steady?
Can you look my way without looking to the ground?
Feelings of pity we have them both.
But I can overcome it.
Like all the others you'll never be anything more to me.
There's no sincerity in the games you guys play.
Mean what you say, or don't say it.
Your not a player.
I won't be another fools hero.
I'd rather be a zero.
Then be a slave to the wisp of a women scorn.
I'll shed only tears for whats real.
Let it not be of a suggestion, of that's which is no longer a temptation.
Crazy life is with the occasional twist.

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The Haunting

Sometimes its to late. but still you must go on. So much work to watch it all come undone. three steps forward five backwards. Minute in the scheme of things. but so precious at the time. a pretty little diamond lost. who really knows the way, when everyone's playing to be the next great actor. Be subtle and discreet has never been strong suit. and now it has cost you. a bad dream of cruelties making. no mercy on the ignorant, no pity upon the decadent. an evolution in corruption when everyone knows. and no one even cares. just bring on the despair. let it hit your body like the cold winter air. Light the lies to keep the fires burning and people urning. eventually it catches up with you. a ghost from you past. hated from the moment its been created. but still it will not just fade way. its got something to say. I'm gonna break you. Oh yeah, yeah now I got you. No more hidden getaway. things will be settled today. by my haunting. the task ahead of me is so daunting. but this time is where it comes to an end.

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In A Bed Of Thorned Roses

In a bed of thorned roses. Always try to love those closest. Even with pain so unbearable. I will deny the attraction. Its this immense chemical reaction. I wish I could say I love you. But you look the other way. Hate me today, hate me tomorrow. Oh how I wish the sorrow wouldn't make me feel so hollow. Cold am I till the day I die. I would cry if it allowed me heal. What is real? How should I feel. Protecting myself from a fate unknown. So alone. Raise in a broken home. I'm fighting my soul for control. Its mine damn it I'm too close to just let go. To only know something a little less shallow. Where are my values. Ive been suck in a machine that keeps asking, more change please. Climbing over the shoulders of great men. Thank god for what I have been given. Pray that this isn't the end of a friend. If so I blame it on my god damn ambition. It created a barrier around me. It wont let anybody in. Nothing will be ever be forgiven. Not even worth trying. Because my heart already dieing. In a bed of thorned roses

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My Wall

I'm running
Like a coward
Whose going to be devoured by the serpent
Please take a bite of that forbidden apple
Open your eyes and see
The devil is inside you and me
Corruption of the innocence in the lack of forgiveness
Dirty deeds bleed from all of humanity
Sins of a forgotten society
So long ago
Who would have known
This was how it was going to be
If we did
We have done things very differently as kids
Made the most of the important years
A turn around
Is what you would have found
More hero's
And very little zero's
Less suicides

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One, Two, No Free Ride.

One, two, their no such thing as free ride. So im just going with the tide. Just so i can swim back again. So many victims of circumstance and happenstance. Excuse me I'm just looking to get by. Women come and go. Nothing ever sticks. Guilt is just a heavy bag of bricks. I throw them to ground and keep moving on. One, two, their no such thing as a free ride. So I'm just going with the tide. Just so i can swim back again. Where is the need for forgiveness if we just live and let live. Every day I cross that bridge. One by one the planks go missing. And the only way back is gone. No time to regret or fret. Just build another. Its a system. you can work with or against it. But who even cares. One, two, their no such thing as free ride. So I'm just going with the tide. Just so i can swim back again. Money burns like you smoking them as cigarettes. The house you live in will be pillage and plundered in the event of your death. Makes you wonder. What is it all for. Well of course its because life is so very precious.

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Tell Me Now. Does It Satisfy?

Blood spattered across the midnight sky. Tell me now. Does it satisfy? Can you feel it in the pit of your stomach? The anguish of years. A fountain of tears. A pledge, a promise broken. Anger re awoken. Blood spattered across the midnight sky. Tell me now. Does it satisfy? With every lie a deep web is woven. Has every thing from you been stolen? Do you feel as if your at someones mercy? Does fear have you pinned down so tight. Its just not right. Your a victim of your own ability to be free. Swallow all your dignity. Say those two words help me. Or take matters into your hands. Blood spattered across the midnight sky. Tell me now. Does it satisfy? Smile as you walk in denile. Its not really happening. Another proclamation of your imagination. Reality becomes a horrible trip. It would make most so sick. They couldn't take it. You just get deviant. Sneak around. Step so lightly. For next time he might be ready and waiting. Blood spattered across the midnight sky. Tell me now. Does it satisfy? Does it ever satisfy

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Sticking A Needle Into The Brain

Sticking a needle into the brain. Trying find the reason everyone went insane. Going down on a plane in flames. Burning from the insides. Huffing some pesticides. Such a clean ride. Knocking on deaths door. Heavenly denied outright. You will be destroyed. You are a blight. An insect in a world full of killers. Crawling as low as you go. Duck and cover here comes another.All you want is some truths. And they get out the noose. No more questions, no more we said. I will break some bread with the dead. Protecting them long after there gone. Holding on to everything they had before they committed suicide. Never stop looking for reason why. There is no compromise in a corpse eyes. Theirs no disguise. Honest as the sky. So revealing, so soul stealing, forever lost in a moment. So no I won't, I rather be a martyr, then a slave a system that don't listen. Money, honey I'm told as I grow mentally to old to dig for that gold. So I fight it, tooth and nail, bones so brittle, so frail. Its another wound that just wont heal.

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Marry - Go - Around

On the marry-go-round.
Baby spin me around baby around.
In circles we go. Its a balancing act.
Give and take.
Dusk till dawn.
God how this is fun.

On the marry-go-round.
Baby spin me around baby around.
So dizzy and i want more.
Riding it all night long.
The energy never gone.
Every single time you make it feel so damn good.

On the marry-go-around.
Baby, spin me around baby around.
I'm loving every minute of it.
Its love of the best kind.
God you are so fine.
Above the divine.

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Kids Will

Corruption of the mind. Innocence burnt away in time. A childhood dream. Creating so many demons. Forever fighting. Never willing to start dieing. Always denying for the sake of surviving. Peace spits upon your face. Saying you never can have me. Keep reminding yourself it isn't a race. No matter the loss of so much dignity. Their is still plenty. Self respect for the reject. The consent burning pride. Brings you to the point of suicide. Thoughts of razor blade across and down the wrist. Remember kids its always down the road. Do it right unless its to feel pain. Some have a sensation-able appetite for just that. Its a horrible embrace. To know you cant do any better. Its like never finishing writing that letter cause you think it pointless. Without reasoning, without meaning. Is that something you are willing to start believing. Well not me, not me, you hear me! I will not leave it to what one would call destiny. I will dropp the bomb. I go to where i don't belong. I will take over what should be already be mine.

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