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Ace Of Black Hearts

The Intent Of Being Naive

Is it a trait that means that we should be treated as dirt, NO! Should we use you till you have nothing NO! Should we deny you your rights NO! Are you dumb because of it NO! What is being naive? Is it pretending things are simpler then they really are? Or is it not understanding how complex something is? The true question of being naive isn't what it means but its intent. Lieing to yourself or others shouldn't have an excuse such as naive. Now on the other if its true lack of understanding, then you should welcome any educating and we should be happy to do so. And we shouldn't associate being naive as stupidity unless there is no willingness to learn. Then its more then naive its ignorance and denial rolled into one. Am I willing learn yes. Will I ask question when I don't know yes. Will take a stand on what I believe with an open mind yes. Will I debate with someone I believe to be naive without the intent of denial yes. Being naive just means you got something to learn. Are you willing? or Are you in denial? Huh?

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Father In Need Of A Son Complex

I don't need your protection.
You are not my father.
You have what I call the father in need of a son complex.
You want me to be part of your family.
Yet I still barely know you.
Even with all the gifts you have given.
I far from ask for them.
A donation should always be kept anonymous for this reason.
Creating fictional debt is all in ones head.
Nothing legally binding.
Yet I'm suppose to allow you do as you please on my property.
I think not.
The way you treat me can be quite offensive.
Like I owe my life as daily servant.
You want to do as you ask with out question.
You make decisions for me way too fast.
It will eventually bite you on the rump, bumpy bump.
For soon or later one of decision your happily making.
Will be completely rejected.
And you will be stuck with whatever it is.

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(Ambition Poem) All The Way To The Top

Just listen and shut up.
I'm going to do what I have to.
Like a soldier I'm marching.
Destination is to conquer of the world.
What ever it takes.
Whom ever I have to step over on this revolutionary latter.
Hate, love me its all the same.
Soon I'll forget your face as well as your name.
Can't complain.
How can I best explain.
I have so many talents its insane.
Like a broken lover they come one right after another.
Being grateful for what you got just isn't enough.
Take advantage in every way.
Never turn the other way.
Obsess till it's as is perfection.
Never accept that infamous rejection.
Just pull back a layer of skin and jump right back in.
With every ounce of ambition and dedication.
None of that procrastination.

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Pans War

Your already broken
Amidst the dust
A fallen angel
A taste of evil agony
A sigh then a scream
The bleed is so clean
Honesty kills
Just take one of these pills
They say it will heal in time
I think brainwashing is on their mind and that's fine
But I will not be the matter of subject
I will become a rabid dog
Kill to survive
Kill so I don't die
Everyday a little more is lost inside
My eyes have been clouded
My judgement has gone far south
How can I ever cleanse my conscience of so much hurt and pain
I see more every day
The stench of death cover the floor

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The Act of Inaction by Those who Are Powerless

Credit only needs to be given where its been proven.
Justification of how acquired is not necessary never has been.
The less fortunate, find it more fortunate to be less and know that they weren't responsible for the mess.
But their inaction is one and the same.
We can all point the finger and blame.
And live in shame.
Or fix it, imagine that claim to fame.
It's a sensation trying be sold everyday.
Do it my way, no do it my way.
In an argument of an agreement, neither have got the entire solution as a whole.
But its together in which it's deployed.
Each what they most desire.
But in a compromise of selfish deeds.
In which the loss of most important to be.
It fades and soon you no longer see.
What hides behind those clouds.
A shroud, to protect you from the wholesome truth.
In all the ugliness.
In all the craziness.
Self sustaining is just no longer possible.

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No Distractions

I'm into it again and again.
A mind at ease.
Inner peace if you please.
Destine to pursue desires that I'll never fully get.
Still I feel no regret.
That what I'm here for.
There no special solution to this world.
Misery and suffering is all in your head.
Be happy as you feel.
Be gods gift or gods rift doesn't really even matter.
Two sides of the same coin.
I think I might be just tiny bit insane.
But that's makes everything even better.
I'm climbing the evolution latter.
I'm solving my own little riddles so aptly with a sense of self satisfaction.
All the drama passes by with the dawn of another fulfilling day.
I have this to put myself to use.
Sometimes I get a little lost and confused.
But I always eventually find my way.
And in this is an answer to a drive inside.

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Dire Predictions

A syndicate, a order, in a heated debate.
While all the world watches and anticipates.
A subject so great it has caught every child, woman and mans eye.
Is it a disguise?
Is it really the way it seems?
A clouded sunrise.
The shadows of many demons.
Disgust is all we feel.
From our environment we steal.
A black killer whose a friend to all.
In his trap we fall.
From our unending desire and consumption he thrives.
From the common plastics to the cars we drive.
He lives.
Always holding our hands out saying give, give, give.
This day and age gluttony has become our worst sin.
And one day soon it will come to end.
not because of the good we proclaim.
but because of lack of a choice.
A forced redemption in waves.

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For Sale On The Corner Of 1st And 3rd

The demons you say. They made you do it again. Prostitution the only life you ever known. Will you ever let it go. Who told you that's all you were ever good at. Tear up the contracts. Come with me. Leave place make it a forgotten race. Live the simpler life. An increased self of steam. Less risk of disease. By no means am i asking you to be nun. Because every girl needs a little fun. But don't sell it, or bank on it to save your life. The body was never designed to be so used. Take it slow, look around. Guess what you found, sanctuary. Inner peace. So damn proud with yourself. All you have to is get away. Soon you will realize you missed love. An emotion that can't be conquered by the greatest of men. Just think of the battle for troy. Ships ahoy. Please don't go back. Its time to act. Am I'm getting through to you? Or is it so far out of my reach. Blame anyone you want. But be damned if ill feel sorry for you. For its something only you must choose. A life of substance not abuse. Like a recluse i must watch in despair.

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The House From Hell

The house from hell is the home in which I do dwell.
And of this story I should most certainly tell.
Extension cords running from one end to the other.
And not just one, two, but three.
Such insanity of it too much on one breaker.
A fire waiting to happen.
I didn't wire the place.
The wiring is just so brittle, that when an outlet goes its about impossible to fix.
It all needs to be replaced.
Along with the plumbing and floors.
How bout some new doors and a set of stairs for the porch.
Free is not necessarily free.
Yes this was given to me.
But now I'm rethinking if I should of took it.
At least in the middle of winter.
I'll soon have the money.
But will it be soon enough.
I had no choice in waiting and debating.
Neither the place I was staying nor previous owners here would allow me that privilege.
But hopefully I still will prevail.

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The Love Must End

Again your keeping me up at night. Thoughts of you forever on mind. Every time you smile i want to make you do it again. Every word you say i listen too intently. You speak so gently, oh the whispers of an angel. You have me now. Any way you want me. On top of you. You on top of me. Sideways, and backwards. Against the wall so tight. There so much energy in you. We both have seen the dark side of life. From alcoholics suicides, to murder she wrote over coke. We don't pretend, death is all around us. It makes stronger, it makes us weaker. But still real reasons will always be you. I would say I love you. But then i would have harder time with each goodbye. Its a mix emotion I'll never understand. Nothing is set in stone. Perfection doesn't adhere to desires, needs, or wants. Their is no code i must live by till and I'll be damned other then doing the best can. And if this doesn't satisfy I don't care. I shall not shed a tear. For who I am who I will always be. And if this offends you I'm sorry not for it but the loss of you.

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