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Ace Of Black Hearts

Just Another Of The Broken With No Soul

Another conversation with woman behind the camera
Shatter the glass
Run for its a hail marry pass
Again I want to save you, as if your actually in danger
You give a daily night show
But I will just not go
You offer it for free as if that even matters
You tell me about a threesome as if it that just for starters
You sick pleasure is a disease
Just stop trying to victimize me
The heart felt scorn held inside comes to the rise
For I have had a friend who had to trade her body for a place to stay
On a constantly daily basis
Finally I gave her a home at no cost of her own
I wanted nothing from her
This was the weirdest circumstance I have ever been
I could have had her any way I wanted
But that's just wrong
She was my little sister in heart and mind
So I tell you women

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(Angry Poem) Absolute Destruction

One step closer, one inch further,
to absolute destruction.
Tear it all down.
Move out of the way.
Or i will dig into you,
with claws sharper then a scalpel.

One step closer, one inch further,
to absolute destruction.
Vengeance is a game best played numb,
so numb. I'm a black hole.
I'll suck you in. then with the strongest gravity,
ill crush you to oblivion.
I just cant take it anymore.
As hard as I try this time.
I don't think some people will survive.
Its my wrath that cast a shadow of an overcast.

One step closer, one inch further,
to absolute destruction.

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Hansel and Gretel Syndrome Part2(In Reponse To Comment.)

Communism is not the solution.
But neither is capitalism
They are equally flawed.
A good leader of man, is one who is also equal of them.
One willing to get right in the trenches with them.
Many in this country have their own private jets out of both greed and fear.
Not many have ever really worked in their life.
At least not the way I have or do.
Barely making it time after time eats at you.
I know that is judgmental, and I shouldn't say such things.
But capitalism is the rise of the business, not the workers.
All are not equal in trade, when it comes to money that can be made.
Some are so desperately needed and still so underpaid.
The minimum wage slave.
While others which are not necessarily needed for society to function and are robbing us blind.
And we call that a level playing field?
Tell me now who has drunk all the wine?
With crossed eyes the rules have been written and defined.
It is the corruption of the heart and mind.

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Dark Desire

Writing my conscience. I
t knows exactly what to say, to keep that guilt that rides me so hard at bay. Bury the feelings.
I'm in control,
I know the difference between right and wrong.
Which is why I'm writing this song.
Let my pen speak.
Leak the secrets of the heart.
The deepest darkest desire sets ones soul of fire.
Try to fight it,
try to hide it,
but its shows itself from right under the skin.
It cant be locked within.
It will cause you to mentally break.
There is no escape.
Not getting away from it.
No matter the distance traveled,
it will follow like your shadow.
You need it and it needs you.
So just accept it. It is a part you.
Broken but still connected.

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(Murder Poem) A Soul Stealer

It comes upon me, time and time again.
It's the grand finally my friend.
A Wicked poker game with all decadent men.
All holding out till the last minute.
Oh who's gonna win?
Is it another bluff?
Fiction or fantasy.
Oh baby rolling with the ecstasy.
Trial by the nights of pitch black sky.
Some say suicide,
Some say you never wanted to die.
Only god truly knows' why.
Denial and prejudice at the same time.
The judge and jury in a flurry attack.
The poor man had no time to react.
26 stab wounds creates a bloody mess.
You try to clean it up to your best, but with out success.
Vengeance for life.
No one will come see you.
Not this time you've done yourself in.

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Child Of War

Child born under a red flag.
He gave up all he had.
For ultimate power.
For ultimate control.
For images that couldn't washed out of his head.
The blood ran as rivers of the dead flowed.
Bones littered the ground.
As a reminder of what he has done.
Even in the darkness the sun still shined.
Even upon all chaos some found peace.
A happiness was met on the horizon with grief.
Part of the daily living.
Hopefully soon all this would cease.
A testament to boy living in a war torn country.
He only understands one thing.
To survive you must kill.
To survive you must take.
All is yours if you want it is all he has ever known.
This is what we taught him.
Are we tell him that he must stop?

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(Philosphy Poem) A Fear Of The Possible Future

How do we dictate whether there is a time and place for death?
A guided fate as some would say.
A mistake not of your choosing does that make it wrong?
When a doctor or paramedic fails to keep someone alive.
Do we blame them and say it was not his time?
A definition we try to define.
You unintentionally walk into a bank robbery and get shot.
Is it something you should have not?
Or do we blame the bank robber for doing it that specific day?
Injustices are dealt in every way, but in death I believe it is not to be controlled.
A power of the looking glass, how long would you view it to see all the ways it could be prevented.
But you would get so addicted to it, you would never leave, not to eat, not to sleep, not even to relieve yourself you would die there alone out of fear.
All for the chances of fortunes yet to be seen.
Even if you have a winning lottery ticket it still must be redeemed.
And what if on your way to mailing it you got killed by a falling tree.
Who then is at fault, the mystery of the mysterious.
Sometimes it is just your time.

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The argument of caffeine

The argument of caffeine.
Preventive medicine some say.
Others believe that it causes increased chance of heart problems and strokes.
Good old studies, when the medical society as a whole can't decide.
How is one such as I who has no research invested in the subjects to decide.
Its addictive I'll agree with that. It relieves some migraines, its been proven. That's one of the active ingredients in Excedrin migraine.
It causes nasty side effects when you go off it cold turkey.
I know from personal experiences.
But a cure for some kind of Alzheimers, later on in life, hmm I just don't know.
That's too much like trying predicting the future.
And it would require extensive studies to be proven.
Ones that were done the life span of human beings.
It makes you more alert.
The reason why when we first wake up we desire a cup of coffee is the addictiveness and it ability for it to wake us up.
The aroma, the hotness, the bitter sweet taste.
Fulfilling it is with a yummy doughnut in the morning.

So for right now I'll continue to drink my caffeinated coffee.

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No Time

I'm here to tell you tonight. I'm here to tell you what is right is right. A little action, a little satisfaction. No time for overreaction. Just do what you have to do. No time to argue. The simple life exponentially. Multiply, and divide as so many worlds collide. So many people to know. Saying goodbye as you say hello, don't you know. Never attached, as a free spirit should be. Peace and tranquility everyday with me. Sight isnt for how far you can see. Its more of comprehending whats already their. No time to despair about what might be off the distance. No time for the premonitions. Now with the best hopes and wishes. Sometimes if your not careful you'll miss it. No time to be overwhelmed. No to be stressed. With each success comes a new mess and a headache go with it. So build that acceptance into the foundation before you ever expect your feet to stay solid to the ground. No time to be overworked. No time to be a jerk. Gotta to party with the up and downs. Cause theirs just no time, no time, no time to waste in the rocky life we all embrace.

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Welcome To My Hell

Broken bones.
All alone.
Scream but nothing comes out.
Shouts falling on deaf ears.
They don't care, they don't care.
A soul filled despair.
Theirs a chill in air.
The end is near.
Your body just disappears.
Where did you go?
Nobody knows.
Dust upon your clothes.
Surrounded by absolute darkness.
Blood dripping from your head.
A fall into the deep.
A life so precious.
Yet it can be so meaningless.
So much yet you wanted to do, but their is no more time.
Lock and buried deep inside.
Making marks with your nails.

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