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Ace Of Black Hearts

My Forgotten Angel I'm Without You

The eyes bleed form the insides
The head collapses on impact
How am I suppose to react
The sweat pours from my forehead
You were thought to be dead
With so much left unsaid

Forgotten angel
Forgotten angel

I'm so sorry
You lied in a comma
Three years pasted
The doctor said you'd never wake
Oh how the heart breaks

Forgotten angel
Forgotten angel

You've missed so much since you supposedly died

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(Love&Death Poem) A (I Love You) Final Resting Place

Forever attached to the moment
Oh no
Oh no
I just can't let go
It can't end this way
Just listen to me
You will make it
You will live on
With you the kids are growing so strong

Forever attached to the moment
Oh no
Oh no
I just can't let go
No its not okay
You must fight
With all you strength
Think of those you love
Think of those who depend on you the most
Anything to keep you going

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Just Pull The Trigger

Stuck in a rut and not sure how to get out.
They say get off the junk, but I was never on it.
An elevation in the escalation of the center piece.
The pearl glows as it twirls.

Oh I once knew that girl.
I once knew that girl.

But where she went I just don't know.
The flying sauce experience with a disappearing act.
One plus one then subtract.
Bad habits.
An itch to put a stitch where it just doesn't go.
Being all glorified and nothing to show.
Heaving a hoe back and forth.
Whats is beneath this earth?
I know the body has got to be buried somewhere.

A closet full of just more empty space.
A seclusion to what escape?

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(Ambition Poem) Business In A Dream

Technology old.
Gets a shoulder so cold.
Rather then sharing it with those less fortunate then you.
Thrown away, melted down or melt scrapped.
What if I was their just be another market for such things.
Would you believe me?
A refurbished PC.
A idealogical dream.
A business to the likes of the use car sales man.
Cheaper because its outdated.
But still a free operating system can be found on which it will run.
I'm using a fifteen plus year old computer I built from the ground up just one year ago.
Yes parts have failed, but they also have been easily replaced.
I have shared these with both family and friends.
Yet still I see no trend, in place where all are trying to cut their budgets.
Energy efficient in one way maybe not.
But in another it eliminates all that unfortunate waste.
Will the people ever have a taste for something such as this.
I wish somebody would make requests.
I have only one friend who wants one.

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Turning Emotions into Fiction

Another story I tell
Words are my weapons
With what I write
Pages worn, crumbled, and kind of worn
It's another creature creeping out from the night
It's the stars shooting across the twilight
I build a foundation for life
With feeling of anger, and rage
Its a scary thriller
With feelings of love and happiness
Its a happily ever after
With feelings of guilt and pity
Its a accidental murder she wrote
With the feeling, with so many feeling
How do I describe?
What I can't with my own tongue
Lips are sealed
Secret are buried
Never to be revealed
How can I be fully healed?

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We Are the People

The man says, 'hey will somebody listen?
I need to talk with someone to get this off my chest.
In a persecution I transgress.
With something missing in my heart, I fall into a category:
I'm such a mess.
Befuddled by every ones current situation.
Emasculation of self being.
We are one as a whole,
Or not at all.
I keep hearing an think to myself.
Self sustaining.
We must live off our own doings.
Not those of others.
We must create an equal trade.
We have consummated a sickness that continues to increase.
At a speed so fast I don't how it will end.
Absolute destruction?
Or the downfall of so many.
Their is a enemy.
We can't see it in our fake peace and harmony.

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The World isn't Limited In My Escapes

Being of a problem solver
Their is things I just love.
Like a challenge of the impossible.
A million variables effects it.
Beyond words can it be explained.
Sometimes it drives me the point of nearly going insane.
Fixing a computer that would otherwise be trashed and considered unfix-able by the pro's.
Fixing a dvd player that disc won't spin because it does not sit level.
Creating a stereo out of an old computer speakers, a walk man, a subwoofer, and a weather band radio.
Creating a program that produces html templates.
Creating a program that produces css designs.
Learning as many computer languages as possible.
The list is very long from the calculus equations of circuit boards design.
To the binary code read and converted to hex.
Then assembly grabs a hold and the operating system comes to be.
Knowledge to the infinity in bounds and limits.
The internet is created as a library of fact and fiction.
Learning to write stories as my own.
In both line and paragraph form.
Being color blind and learning to put the puzzle pieces together by shape.

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Only Trying To Help

How do I put a name to it?
I'm speaking of something I love as much as life itself.
A passion, a desire, a heart set on fire.
It makes me so happy, yet it is work and tiny bit of profit could be made.
Not for those who can richly afford.
But those way below this par.
Something so small time.
But something that effects so many lives.
An inner existence in times past.
No rush upon that which is not meant to be done fast.
A mastering of a craft.
Working backwards back to square one.
To where it first started.
Pour the gasoline and watch as it becomes ignited.
Every time I think of this it gets me excited.
I'm always tinkering and experimenting.
I just want to understand it in the way a little child does.
Yet I could never truly claim it as my own, but instead as a gift to share.
As I have done many times before.
But this time I want to be bigger.

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What Is The Greatest Prize That Can Ever Be Won?

I'll do it to the point I can no longer afford to do it.
Helping a family destroyed by this man if you want to call him that.
Fixing a trailer given to me that he abandon.
Taking the flood money and running is what he did.
Buy the flashy t.v. instead of building and fixing up your home.
Beating on you wife because you hate your life.
Self destruction till you are nothing.
Ashes fall on me from a fire you created.
But I'm still standing covering my mouth so I don't breath your poison in.
I'll give it my all and even more.
Not because begrudge you anything, but because if I don't I'll have watch her suffer, her kid suffer, her grandchild suffer.
Good men that do nothing are no longer good men.
I might fall on my own sword, but if I do I know someone might just come to my rescue.
Because those who help, listen to, and share with others about their own misfortunes are the first to receive help.
In any friendship communication is key.
Let pride not destroy ones own dignity.
Self respect is as you make it.
Self esteem can always be redeemed.
A prize waits inside the heart that has been won.
It is called love.

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The Police of The World

All wars of the U.S. are a police actions of some sort.
Lets face it we are the police of the world.
We always claim its for peace.
We always justify it with human atrocities.
Even genocide does not give us the right
We are not the negotiators.
But the enforcers of ideas as our own.
We claim it for the better.
But who has actually been reading this letter.
Defined by what in between the black lines.
What is the hidden agenda is it this time.
Is it oil?
Is it a base, of a prime location.
Are they the makers of our salvation.
Let me make proclamation.
If it doesn't involve us why are we their.
As a saying I heard once.
Why invade those who will eventually destroy themselves.
And that what we are doing destroying ourselves.
With billions of dollars spent in wars that we can't end, or we should be in.

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