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Ace Of Black Hearts

Her Sparkling Eyes

Fire light sparkles over her eyes. So many questions. So much uncertainty with every wound made I bleed more. Please heal me. Remove that which is sickly and weak. Be my savior cause only you truly can. Prayers be with us all. I'm a man just trying survive in very desperate times. Fire light sparkles in her eyes. Words of conviction with a resolution. For I need a conclusion. No more illusions. Disembodied with a spell. A pure soul at the finest moment. All I want is to touch it, breath it, be part of it. From the anguish of misery, to the glee from every ounce of happiness. Fire light sparkle over her eyes. I watch from a safe distance. In an aspect unknown to most. Help without any credence. But still its not enough. This is absolutely torturous. I can't change minds no more then the tides. I just can't take it anymore. Its crippling. Firelight sparkle over her eyes. Its a friend, its jealousy, its a crush all rolled into one. Its rejection, its ignorance, it all the pain rolled into one. Hello and goodbye with tears running down my cheek. And still I can't deny her a friend. Please let this chaos end. For my soul needs a chance to mend. Because right now I am nothing but emptiness.

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Locked Within A Jar

I'm capturing this moment.
Savoring it for my life time.
The anguish of the backwards clown.
All smiling faces turn upside down.
All because of me.
As I walk out of the room I know I did right.
They created a sickness.
They created a blight.
They created the most ugly sight.
A monster must be shown.
A monster must be known.
If that's what I am.
Let them be ashamed.
Because I'm happy and laughing.
At one time I was a child in a dark corner crying.
No defying the very fabric of a legacy.
That wasn't even created by me.
I most certainly lived it.
But their the ones who threw the stones.
Tore me down to the very core.

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The One And Only Time

With spinning blades hovering above the bluest ocean.
I throw out my last life line.
But I should have known.
Maybe I've always known you would jump back in again.
Sometimes you just can't win.
But you still must give it the good fight and do what's right.
And with that done.
I must leave the thoughts of you behind.
The drowning victim.
Screaming for help.
But not willing to help herself.
So afraid of being alone.
But not willing to change it.
Grab and hold on this one last time.
The flight to be free.
Trapped in a mental absurdity.
I'm no good.
Oh I can do no better.
Oh I deserve all the beatings I get.
Keep telling yourself that because it is all you know.

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No Right

To those who doubt me.
Do not doubt because of misguided light that has been shed but instead realize I'm not finished and never will this conquest with words.
With an alphabet soup spinning.
I do not stand, I do not sit, waiting for your approval.
You could applaud, but what is it you are applauding too?
You could sling foul words, but who is it you think you are cursing?
In the end it is I who sits in silence, with the echoing of water facet dripping.
Leaky damn thing some would say but not me.
Yes it needs fixed, but so much needs fixed in this money pit in which I live.
You think someday this will change?
Someday I will grab at life with a silver spoon?
Please forgive me if I laugh at you, you've surely mistaken in your very provocative statements.
I can't believe the things you have insinuated.
Got love the power of suggestion, it does leave quite an impression.
But with out an ounce of proof it is nothing more then icing on a very nice cake while the cake is home made everything else is so fake.
So you think an ivy league education gives you the power to say how another person should or should not feel.
Prejudice by under a assumed name is all the same.
And you have no right.

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(Forgiveness Poem) A Unheard Letter

My dear friend
How was your day?
Mine wasn't much better.
But words still can't bring you here with me again
Times have changed
But if the words are true you are still the same
How I wish I could forget your name
So many pleasantries
How do you do
This is my family
This is what I'm all about
They come first
Even when the pain is so much worse
And this has become our curse
Maybe some day thing will change
Going back would bring out so many happy memories
The feelings I have are making me dizzy
We are what we are
Worlds apart in time and space
Yet your right next door

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The Nazi's Empire

People line up
Hands out
For just one life
A rope to climb the cliff that so many fell of and died
We built our bombs
We shot our guns
But still we sleep so sound
So many destroyed
How can we ignore the truth
Its our fault
A human meant to kill
A human meant to steal
What someday will be real?
Suck it all in
Devour everything
Then let it go the brain
Another high
Another thrill without a chemical or pill
A great life
Bodies everywhere

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(Anti Selfish Poem) An Ancestral Indifference

An idolization of the past for the accomplishments that leads us to the here and now.
We should be proud and continue on steadfast.
For we all walk upon where they left off.
But instead we try to be better and greater in our own right.
Too busy making comparisons.
To realize we still have so much to do.
We got to leave something for next generation.
Instead of bathing in our own celebration.
Looky here, look what I did.
A braggart under an assumed name.
Wearing a mask for the fame.
Changing how the game played.
Bending the ruler till the tension makes it snap.
Suddenly enveloped in thoughts not of your own but of others.
A paranoia of life itself.
Push the indifference felt upon everyone.
A suffering from lack of acknowledgement.
A existence that becomes a non-existence.
A void that will suck you in and destroy.
The weight becomes 10 fold to an infinite power till you let it go.

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Taking The Wings Of A Dragon

Here I am staring at the sun, wondering what I've become. Was I on the run? Well now its over. Im taking the wings of a dragon and getting ready to fly. I want to embrace the sky. I want to live my life before I die. I don't want to hide behind contradictions or lies. So here I am staring at the sun, wondering what I've become. Was I on the run? Well now its over. I'm taking the wings of a dragon and getting ready fly. Empty the mind, open the soul and let it all flow through. Broken hearts can be glued. I know that at one time it seemed as if I was screwed. But I have paid those dues. And now its time to move. So here I am staring at the sun, wondering what I've become. Was I on the run? Well now its over. I'm taking the wings of a dragon and getting ready to fly. The awe inspired. The truly desired. Stop to admire. What if that was yours? Oh so much do I adore. I must explore so much more. Never deny a chance to change the score. A riddle within is where I must begin. I must see this to the end. So here I am staring at the sun, wondering what I've become. Was I on the run? Was I on the run? . Well now its over. Im taking the wings of a dragon and getting ready to fly. I'm getting ready to fly.

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Forgetting About A Birthday

On my birthday time came and went.
At this point in my life presents are irrelevant.
No friends remembered the date this year.
Only my brother, my step father and mom.
And I only saw one of them that day.
I went to work for 3 hrs only to get stitches in my head.
1hr and half wait at med express near the lycoming mall.
Because my boss is too cheap to take me to the emergency room.
That's okay the wait was shorter then what emergency room from what I understand.
A 2 hr + wait there.
100 bucks versus 700 bucks also don't blame him there.
After that it was back to work for another hour yah!
Yeah right the excitement was when I was getting home and going to bed.
You get a gash in your head and tell me how you would feel.
But it is okay.
That is how much my boss really cares about money versus his employee that never calls off for a single day.
No wonder his turn over is so high.
Hes so tight he squeaks, even when hes buying you a lunch with money you borrowed, he is both expecting you too pay it back and keeping the receipt to write it off on his taxes as a business expense.
I got some dirt in my mouth please excuse me while I rinse.
Ahh that's better, well not really but at least it's off my mind.

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Does He Really Exist?

I'm a fictional character.
I don't really exist.
What if I told you this?
Would you believe it?
All this a fantasy of a teenage mind.
That would throw some for a loop?
Look now I'm dunking hoops.
How do we separate lies from truth on paper, when all kinds of possibilities exist that you have missed?
Precision with the facts known.
An exposure requires being exposed.
I'm just not sure I'm ready take off all my cloths.
As tempting as it might seem, I should never let myself fall for that which I know could change at any moment.
With the keen eye of a sea gull I look across the sea.
As I spread my wings and start to sing.
A calling, A seeking, A questioning of the very soul.
With the rules already completely broken.
An sink that no long works.
You must find an alternate source.
To quench you thirst.
A muse will only speak as many times as you ask.

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