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Ace Of Black Hearts

The City Of Idiots War

They declared war.
Facing odds a million to one.
Just no way to win.
Facing the city of idiots.
Each opinion differs.
No art to compromise.
Not with these guys.
And when the sun falls so will the skies.
All for the cause.
The question is are you ready to die when the time comes.
Another courageous son.
A mark of death sit upon his head.
Guns being filled with lead.
A bullet as a solution.
A drawn out conclusion.
A victim to our own conformity.
A wish and a prayer for absolution.
But all I hear is the calm before the storm.
Were all gonna die.
If not now it will be sometime.

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If You Have Not Lived

An unfortunate set of events and circumstances.
A tragedy in its truest form.
Memories so cold yet they are still warm.
Some say his death could have been prevented.
But I know not how one could stop the stars from aligning that night.
Digging into the past can be traumatic.
Digging into the past can also be fantastic.
A heart felt thought of who you were back then.
What you did, who you loved.
A fun time that got blurred as you moved on.
We drift from one life to the next.
Sometimes one is more innocent of the mistakes made.
Ignorance is never a valid excuse if abused.
Repetition is the music that continues to beat.
Destiny is an eye opening ride so just take a seat.
Take it all in.
Be completely aware of all our surroundings.
Take part in it.
For we know not how long it will last.
Time leaves the the wind still.

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Poor Childs Future

Sister to sister.
The misfortunes of others.
And adoption out of convenience.
But what if the mother never loves the child.
A burden she never wanted.
And she can never have one of her own.
A sickness breeds hate.
A drug attic for a husband.
Her stepfather a wife beater.
Her mother will never leave him.
Her real father a vagrant.
Completely abandon by her family.
And all top of all this a constant reminder of what she can never have.
Something so precious.
An essence of life.
Jealousy turns into hate.
Hate turns into rage screaming at this child non stop everyday.
From morning to night.
Saying all kinds of mean and nasty things.
Destroying what ever self esteem this little one has.

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How Is That Exactly?

A women told me today to move on with my life.
I don't know if I ever can.
I don't know if I ever will.

Maybe not in so many words.
But still.
And time to continues to stand.
Not giving an inch.
If it was only such a cinch.

Self esteem, fades then your okay.
Suddenly your brave and need no one.
Dependence is a reflection of either needs or love.
And sometimes both.

Being alone purifies the soul.
In a way only a monk or hermit could ever understand.
Oh or social outcast.
A freak of nature.
The awe inspiring beast.

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A Muse Of Possibilities

The creeps.
The chills.
The cryptic message that seals the deal.
Who is behind these iron walls of glass and electricity?
Who is it that is hammering these nails down?
To be imprisoned and set free in one stroke of the key.

My muse of possibilities, is continuously speaking to me.
Telling me of moments, that should be both feared and cherished/
But who is she?
When will that veil of pitch black smoke be lifted?
Identify yourself, and don't lie to me.

Does a scream know how to lie in the middle of the night?
Does a exaggeration of the truth make it any less true?
Piecing together the clues.
Wiping off the cold grassy dew.
And the parasite takes another bite.

Sucking upon life as if their will be always more.

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No Votes For You

A nobody is who we need.
Not a puppet on some strings.
A choice vote
A angry vote
An absence of vote
Some choice words
To those elitist who think its funny.
Screw your money.
You do not have my support
No matter your tactics of resort.
Splash the t.v. screens with images of nothing but you
An idol, A hero
If that was only so
But We Know! ! !
This is my slogan.
Let it take effect in the hearts and minds of the people who brought you to power.
With promises of well wishes.
That never happened.
A disabled man with no legs can't even afford his own medicine
Life sustaining, Life needing

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Step Father With No Legs

More about me with words so delicate
I live in the home with my step father
Why because he lost both his legs
Why because his income, is not enough to pay all the bills.
Why because I can't support two homes
Why because my mother can't work and take care of him
Most would shy away from what I'm doing
But I won't and I'm not afraid to say so
He nearly died twice with the last year
Hospital trips galore
This is just a taste of my world.
For if I don't who will
Neither of my sisters care
A sacrifice in ones own being and self of steam
The only time they will really be their is when things are to be claimed
It doesn't bother me,
I am not ashamed of who i am
I will give them what they want when the time comes
For I had chance to know him first hand
I built a computer for him with my bare hands.

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In The Eyes Of An Modern Day Aristocrat

Coverage deciding and yet meaningless.
Who are you but a mere shadow held with little regard.
Still it doesn't stop them from their approach.
These little cockroaches lets crush them.
Here's a million give it to the men with the guns and lets sit back and watch the fun.
For your personal entertainment we proudly present.
More like resent the fact, of being bought.
But of the choices that sit before us what can one do.
A deluge of propaganda and plausible denial-ability.
Responsibility what is that?
It is not our fault, it is but the squatters of this meagre society.
They bring nothing to table, so we are holding all the cards.
And we will play them as we see fit.
You can't do nothing about it like it or not.
So just watch as we take your home and make you sleep on street like the dog you are.
Money talks, and the poor must walk.
While we drive in prestigious cars.
Maim and marred they aren't even fit sit in our presence without being cleaned up.
Disgusting and homely.
We are so much better then them.

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King's Denial

A job so unsteady.
A kid just trying to make it on his own.
The bills pile up.
The desperate get even more desperate.
For some it seems as if their will be no relief.
The commander and chief speaks with a such a smile.
Is he in denial?
Or does he not care what happens right underneath feet?
It is his command.
It is his watch.
So he saysss
The man has no clue.
A puppet with a mouth piece.
Keep telling them what they want to here.
Ease their concern.
For you'll never be able to ease their suffering.
His intentions have been blurred.
People know and are in a stir.
They thought of him as their friend.
Now he turns his back.

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She's Gone With The Wind

Will you kill me because I love you to much to ever let go.
A fatal attraction
It's just human interaction
Crushed till complete compaction
A whole heart with subtractions

You define the happiness of my life
A love you till it became an obsession
A life long lesson

Back off I just can't take it any more
I'm completely destroyed
And I control these feelings
Theirs no need to keep score
It's not like I haven't lost before

Will you kill me because I love you to much to ever let go.
A fatal attraction
It's just human interaction
Crushed till complete compaction

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