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Ace Of Black Hearts

My Soul For The World

Like Any Poet I'm Writing Thoughts Out. Trying To Perfect My Emotions. Trying To Perfect Every Action. Trying To Perfect My Devotion. Just Feeling It Out. Another Climatic Embrace. Another Race All The Way To Top. Its One Of Those Lets See What Got. Well Its Not A Lot. But Its Me, And The Way I Want It To Be. Its Not Another Destiny. Open You Eyes And See Me For Me. Everything I Put Down Is A Reminder Of Where I Came From, What I Went Through. And Its Something I Must Hold On To. I Can Almost Smell And Taste All Of It. Its Not Another Over Active Imagination. It A Realty That's Still My Destination. There's No Cause For Celebration. Just Meditate, So You Don't Hesitate When The Time Comes. Practice Makes Perfect. Another Portrait Portrayed In Such A Way. Its Just Amazing. At A Constant Awe. So I Thank God For Every Breath I Take. A Precious Life, In A Little Place I Call Earth. Every Time I Fall Down I Have To Have Something To Pick Me Back Up. And This Is My Moment Written In Stone. I Will Never Be Alone. Memories Can't Be Forgotten. Even If They Become Stale And Start Rotting. I Was Made For A Purpose And Finding It Is My Answer. All In Or Fold. Got To Stay In Control. For Its My Soul. And I Won't Give It Up Even For The Whole World.

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Hail Storm

In this hail storm.
Why am I always the last man standing.
With each pellet I endure.
Just make me numb.
Just make me invincible.
Just make me indestructible.
While everyone runs for cover.
I say here I am.
Take me if you think you can.
Bravery and foolishness go hand over hand.
But someone must make a stand.
If not me then who.
Bottoms up.
As I drink the last dropp from the cup.
Its full courage
Its full of hope.
Its full of suffering.
Its full of ignorance.
Lesson yet to be learned.
With a voice reaching out for me.

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Security Over Freedom, The Boot That Will Kill Open Source. Can it be considered within the bondaries of fairuse?

Secure boot is a monopolistic idea, in which the freedom is sacrificed for security.
In such a scenario where secure boot is enabled, and can't be disabled.
It can eliminate competing software on proprietary system.
They can then jack up prices because their is no competition.
How many will build their own computers to avoid it?
How many will throw away their old computer because it crashed and they can't afford to buy windows software, and with secure boot their is no free alternative?
Fair use is under question. For when I buy computer, I'm not looking for permanent software, but the right choose my software, whether it's free or not.
And with the death open source, where will all the innovated software come from?
Stifling creativity because you can't fairly compete in the market of today is like giving a black eye to the whole computer industry.
It's saying I don't care how much money you have if you want a computer it is going to us all.
And I hate to break it to you, it is already too late for that hail merry pass with giants like Google, Apple, even Mozilla existing in this competition. Each with their own experience in certain fields.
Your sale of software will decline upon the continuation of this path.
And lawsuits will ensue.

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Poetry and the crossword puzzle

Poetry is like a crossword puzzle the right pieces must be in the right places to understand the meaning.
It can be very deceiving.
To the one who is over achieving

Still I'm only learning
In the eyes I'm seeing as I'm reading
Focus now and you'll start retrieving

Poetry is like a crossword puzzle the right pieces must be in the right places to understand the meaning.
It can be very deceiving.
To the one who is over achieving

Still I'm only learning
In the eyes I'm seeing as I'm reading
Focus now and you'll start retrieving

If I start bleeding you'll know why
I did just too much with my eye's
They have been compromised

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In The Wake This Storm I See Nothing But Suffering. Its Gods Punishment To The Foolish Man Who Think Nothing Can Touch Them. Among The Immortals. Playing Games With Millions Of Lives. Just Another Number In This World. Just An Stupid Una-pathetic Ignorant Person. I Just Cant Take It No More. Time To Bring Down The Monument. Time To Tear That Fancy Little Mansion That Your Always Held Up In. I Want You Look Into This Child's Eyes Explain To Him Why We Have To Suffer While You Live Good Life. Whats Makes You So God Special. Is It Money, Power, Or Just Plain Ignorance? We Are The People. We Built It And We Can Take It Away. Just Take It All Away. March Up To You Front Door Light A Match Touch A Cocktail Throw And Watch It Burn. Call It Crime If You But It Most Certainly Won't Bring It Back Anymore Then We Will Get Any Richer. So What's The Point You May Ask.. Someone Will Just Take Your Place. Its For The Greater Substance Of Society. Its To Point Out Were Not Dead Or Broken. Battered And Beaten Just Maybe. But It Wont Stop Us Now. No Let Perseverance Sit In Our Hearts And Stew This Is True Power. Just Look At It In All Its Spender. Its Within Me. Its In You. Waiting. Sustaining Life As We Know It. And The More Were Punished The Stronger It Gets.

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(Writer Poem) Building A Rainbow

Their is the formula.
Their is the glue.
Building a rainbow just for you.
Masking the colors till I'm ready to reveal,
The way I feel.
A soul you can touch.
A complete embodiment of me for all to see.
Portray characters of all kinds.
From the lovable to the deviant I define.
Oh I long to taste that bitter sweet brine.
As much as reaching out to places I have yet too see or be.
A need of fulfillment in this quite empty heart.
A place to start anew and fresh.
A birth upon little known success.
Watch as I undress, layer after layer stripped away.
Unearthing the wholeness I have never felt.
The rawness, the nakedness of it.
It is sometimes amazing what lies beneath.
Raising above the fear that is causing me to grit and grind my teeth.
A double imagination.

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Death Threats

You're threatening my life?
Because I won't give you my money for taking care of my mother.
Let me understand this right.
You owe taxes on the house your currently staying.
You owe money to the V.A. acquired for her.
You receive 1100 a month in her pension.
You married my sister
You make 25 an hour, and your wife make 34 an hour.
You already drained all our mothers saving accounts.
You took everything out of my moms house and sold it..
How dare you.
I'm losing my house and already lost my mothers.
No thanks to your kids.
Who did so much damage to hers.
That I went bankrupt in all the repairs.
Yet you still believe I owe you more.
I am her power of attorney, that doesn't mean I have to work for you..
If you think I have a check ready and waiting.
You are sadly mistaken.
If you come to my house be prepared to leave abruptly by the sound of gun fire.

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Unsure When You Should Be Grieving

The tears fall my friend.
The venom creeps in.
Hate and sadness.
Chaos upon a madness.
A uncle has died.
And you have no right to view the body.
All because your immediate family hates you.
With a wicked grin your mom says your an grateful son.
As you take her home.
But I stand before you and can tell your a giant when comes to love.
Let measurements be only measured in heaven and hell.
As your daughter and granddaughters fight.
Your wife has already made up her mind.
Your in another pickle tonight.
Not sure what's right.
Taking sides does not settle well.
An asshole either way.
So just do what you feel.
Do not hesitate on what others think.
The pots and pans banging go clank, clank, clank.

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I Say Don't Worry I Don't Believe In Suicide And Neither Should You

I say don't worry I don't believe in suicide
No matter how much it hurts on the inside
From the deepest darkest depression
I still have hope from the faceless
This is my heart and it so priceless
Like obsession I keep getting asked the same question

I say I don't worry I don't believe in suicide
Never even tried
They are enough risks in this life
Why ever give up on ones self?
No matter many how many times I fail
I will keep coming back so strong
No their is nothing wrong

I say I don't believe in suicide
Yes I have cried
Who hasn't at a time
Does that make me out of my mind?
I tell you here and now I'm fine

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(Blue Collar Poem) A Working Man

A working man does all he can
Just trying to make a living
To provide and survive
Till the next day comes by
Or he dies
Which ever comes first
For better or worst
rain or shine

Pay the bills
Feed and cloth the kids
Get in a fight with the wife
And hope she forgives

A working man does all he can
Just trying to make a living
To provide and survive
Till the next day comes by
Or he dies
Which ever comes first

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