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Adela Myers

Never Ending

I try to speak but I can only hear silence...
I say no words for that is how I feel... nothing
Only my thoughts can speak but only I can hear their low whispers...
They surround me at night speaking of you...
I try to shut them out...
but those never ending voices only speak louder...
Tormenting my heart until they get what they want...
I lay there and cry myself to sleep only to dream of your face...
Never ending thoughts;
Never ending voices;
Never ending dreams...

poem by Adela MyersReport problemRelated quotes
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The Perfect Storm

That sound... it falls all around us with such grace... yet you still hear it's cries upon the sand and stone... and when u think tht nothing could b more amazing... the skies light up with different shades of blue and grey.. thunder rumbles in the distance.... that sound... it's precious melody flowing through my heart and for that I feel as though I am at peace... as my minds at ease and my body is still... I lay there listening to the pitter patter of the rain... for it is The Perfect Storm

poem by Adela MyersReport problemRelated quotes
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What Would You Do?

Walking past u in the hall, my heart beats fast
Catching your eye, my heart stops
Seeing you flirt with another, my heart cries
Seeing u smile at me, Time moves slow
Thinking about us, I want it to be true
If I do date u, would u hurt me
If I'm upset, would u comfort me
If I was sad, could u make my day better
If u saw me in the rain, would u kiss me
If we were to fall asleep in the same bed, would u hold me close in your arms
Will u stay long enough with me, to say the words I've been wanting to hear from u
Would u say, I love u?

poem by Adela MyersReport problemRelated quotes
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Cold winters night...
Lying in the grass, watching the skies diamonds...
Falling from the corner of my eye i see it...
It came and gone...
Make a wish my heart cries...
But what is it that i wish for?
What is it that this heart yerns for?
Yes, but if i wish for love...
Would it come true?
Would it be the same?
On my own...
I need you to fall for me...
Not by my wishing on a star...
But by my heart,

[...] Read more

poem by Adela MyersReport problemRelated quotes
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With every cut comes a scar...
A reminder of the truth...
A reminder of the pain you once felt...
How can this heart still beat after everything?
How can these tears fall yet again?
How can i breathe?
Tho the rythm of my heart is out of tune, it still strives for happiness...
Everyday my heart breaks becuase of you...
You are the only person i could ever hate...
Who i could ever love...
My heart yerns for your love, for your sweet touch and gentle lips...
The only reason im still here...
But in the end?
I am nothing.
I am worthless.
I am and always will be just a passing glance throughout your life...
The pain you cause slowly starts to fade away...
Everything quiet and numb...

[...] Read more

poem by Adela MyersReport problemRelated quotes
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