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Colin Ian Jeffery

Two Boys Fishing

Two little boys fishing
Cheeky lads in short pants
Sitting on a river bank
Sharing sweets and fizzy drinks
Wondering what life may bring.

Two teenage boys fishing
Now shaving in the mornings
Sitting on a river bank
Talking of girls and a first time kiss
Excited by what love may bring.

Two young men at a wedding
Hard working, friends for life
One the groom the other best man
Talking softly waiting for the bride
Who comes so radiant in white.

Two middle-aged men
Abundant with family love and work

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Christmas Alone

When I was a child
Christmas was such a loving joy
Sweetly enhancing the soul
With memories of smiles and laughter
Wearing paper hats and pulling crackers
Golden times with my parents and brother.

Late on Christmas Eve
Close to the midnight hour
My father crept silent as a mouse
Into the bedroom I shared with my brother
To fill our pillowcases with toys
While we pretended to be asleep.

At noon, we all sat around a laden table
With turkey crisp and golden
Ready to be carved; the legs for my brother and me.
Sage and onion stuffing, roast potatoes, brussel sprouts Then the luscious rounded Christmas pudding
With hidden three-penny pieces to bring us luck.

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Wounded Knee Creek

Crazy Horse, War Chief of the Sioux Indians of the North American plains, was murdered by white soldiers on September 5th,1877. He was 35.

Soldiers from Fort Robinson came smiling
Pretending friendship to Crazy Horse
Offering the Sioux a lasting peace treaty
But only if the War Chief returned with them.

Trusting lies of those who never honoured any treaty
Crazy Horse rode unarmed into the fort
They barred the gates and held him by the arms
While private William Gentles bayoneted him twice.

Parents of Crazy Horse came to the fort
Took away the body of their warrior son
Secretly buried his majestic heart
At a place called Wounded Knee Creek.

American history records the Indian nations were finally defeated by white soldiers at a place called Wounded Knee Creek on December 29,1890. But it was a massacre. The Indians had surrendered. They were unarmed prisoners when the soldiers opened fire.300 men, women and children were killed.4 men, and 47 women and children survived.

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King Richard The Third


He was the last king of the House of York and last of the
Plantagenet dynasty. His deafeat at the battle of Bosworth
Field was the decisive battle of the War of the Roses.When
his brother Edward IV died in 1483, Richard was named Lord
Protector of the realm for Edward's son and successor, the
12-year-old King Edward V.The young king and his brother
were murdered in the Tower of London, on the orders of

Shakespeare falsified Richard's memory
Appeasing his Tudor monarch's royal line
Claiming him unfit to be king, a bloody tyrant
With crown stolen on bloody Bosworth Field.

Richard was not born before his time
Hunchback, withered hand, dragging foot
But was of pleasing appearance, tall, strong

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Schindler's List

Oskar Schindler was a member of the Nazi party. He was a, womanizer, war profiteer, and saved the lives of 1,100 Jews during the holocaust. He was enigmatic - one man against overwhelming odds who made a difference.

'Save one life and you save the world.'

The tide of evil swept across Europe
And darkness eclipsed the light
Nazi jack-boots stamped down
Upon the necks of the oppressed
Torture and executions were the rule
And for the Jews... Hitler's Final Solution.

Schindler was a German businessman
Successful and enjoying the good life
Wining and dining in the best restaurants,
Making love to beautiful women
Driving fast cars and befriending high ranking SS
While using the black market to make huge profits.

When he saw the treatment of the Jews

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