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Dave Dunn

Growing Piles

Bliss comes
Bliss goes
Another thorn
From a faded rose
Once taken in with joy and smiles
Now thrown in pain on growing piles

Sometime maybe
Somewhere baby
Will we meet once more

Sometime baby
Somewhere maybe
Will we manage an encore

Just now the fog
is no memory jog
Of how this came to be

A break felt oh so painfully

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The Myth Of The Perfect Man

The Myth Of The Perfect Man

The perfect man does not exist
And if he did would soon be kissed
By all those waiting for the event
So soon his energy would all be spent

Indeed his lips would be so chaffed
Swollen while his breath was gasped
Poor guy his chances seem so slim
No one would call him Lucky Jim

Without some clones he soon would be
Extinct again - what irony
Such fate may always face the best
Those that can't have get distressed
Stalkers make for their misery
I'm glad that I am just plain me

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poem by Dave DunnReport problemRelated quotes
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Poets Dreams

Poets Dreams

Pray dream of wondrous places where inspiration grows on trees
And jangles ever more in a soft warm scented breeze
Where all of us that even once did pause to write
Will find some inspiration comes to us in the night
When dreams portray through swirling mists
The true passion of a lovers kiss
And so can bring some prose to those
Who strain to see on their tip toes
The wonders of a new bloomed rose
That's growing just behind that wall
We couldn't climb when we were small

Sweet dreams I sanction for all who scribe
Those who create must not be denied
A vision from whence they cast new scenes
Painted here in rhyme from those eerie dreams
Take sustenance and candles long
Behold the words that flow upon

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poem by Dave DunnReport problemRelated quotes
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2010 - A Year for Peace & Goodwill

A new year dawns as many before,
will 2010 bring what we ask for?
A peaceful future that all can share
with the wealthy showing that they care?

In my hopes as ever that would be the plan
for without compassion what distinguishes man?
We may have tools and brains to embrace
technologies to help the human race

But if those minds just persue all with greed
then we ignore those with more pressing need
For food and water would be such a gift
and a lack of greed could heal the rift

None have the right to just take and take
leaving nowt but dust in their hasty wake
To hold aloft their faith in that one supreme being
is an empty gesture for many without true feeling

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poem by Dave DunnReport problemRelated quotes
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An Atoms Tale Is Epic

An Atoms Tale Is Epic

If I die before tomorrow
Though the sun won't shine for me
Take pleasure in it's warming glow
There's a future there to see

No life will last forever
The sun will one day fail
But not before we've all passed on
So who will hear the tale

A tree falls in a forest
A whale dies in the sea
What happens to the birds nest
Do the krill sigh with relief

For all things have their moments
And moments are just that
Fleeting blinks of birds eyes

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poem by Dave DunnReport problemRelated quotes
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A to Z Acrostically...

Formatting here does not allow this to be presented in the original pyramid layout, but that was secondary to the acrostic......

Evac uating
Flowering shrubs in
Gardens near its hive
Honey is so hard to make
If the nectar has all gone
Just imagine how the world
Keen as it is on pollenization
Looks forward with some concern
Many having read of bee populations
Now affected by some dread disease
Oh to live in the days of yore when life
Played less with industry and held nature dear
Questions arise within my head each day as to how
Rough we may leave this world for our children and theirs too

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poem by Dave DunnReport problemRelated quotes
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Hippocampus and Friend

Hippocampus and Friend

Side saddled on the flame horned sea horse
Fingering those delicate antlers as with remorse
A fairy mermaid lingered most lovingly
Thinking she should never leave him lonely

Hippocampus coronatus we know him by
A name so regal that we may wonder why
His status is not celebrated so much more
From Japanese coasts to every Pacific shore

Yellow and brown he settled down amid the sargassum
Aware he is so hard there to be seen by some
Of the predators that might upon spotting them come
And snatch his friendly fairy from his back in one
Fast and toothy visitation as might be missed in just one blink
Other species depart at speed behind their covering cloud of ink

But gentle and dainty is this sea lord who tends to watch his young

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poem by Dave DunnReport problemRelated quotes
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