The Poet Put To Rest
Not to be denied
In bed
you turned aside
Senses satisfied
poem by Douglas Scotney
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The Poet II
Not to be denied
In bed
The poet
Turned aside
Senses unsatisfied
poem by Douglas Scotney
Added by Poetry Lover
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There's No Justice
Avoidance of hazard
And wisdom of mind
Can only delay implication
Of everything being just.
poem by Douglas Scotney
Added by Poetry Lover
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The Poet
Thought order
Not to be denied,
In bed
You turn aside,
Order thought
for Danny Draper (Dabedra)
poem by Douglas Scotney
Added by Poetry Lover
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Inspired By 'I Was Dead
T'itha nait e ging t'bet
Ashurit in t'knawledge:
Qwhatoor maitappen in is sleyp
E willnae waik up ded.
thanks A. Kumar.s
poem by Douglas Scotney
Added by Poetry Lover
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B: VIII: Memorials
Love alters the order of things,
Is honored by whatever it bakes.
Pyramid or sponge,
The alterings of love:
Symbols of its loss.
poem by Douglas Scotney
Added by Poetry Lover
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B: Around the End
Let's pretend it's not
nearly all over,
love like we've loved before.
Love will not then
be all over.
Love will be
like love was before.
poem by Douglas Scotney
Added by Poetry Lover
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B: XVIIII: To Come
Life went on,
Impudent, brash,
When darkness enveloped all,
A script,
The hungry fed,
The shamed unblamed,
Time untamed.
poem by Douglas Scotney
Added by Poetry Lover
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Brave Poet
Best undiscovered wonders
Of earth and sky and void
Hardest ones to ease
Out of comfy nest,
Brave those poets who tease
Best wonders from the rest.
poem by Douglas Scotney
Added by Poetry Lover
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Les Fleurs des Mots: Le Genre de Place
Femmes sont Seine,
Paris, Place,
Avenue et Rue;
Aussi Tour Eiffel.
Hommes sont Centre,
Musee, Metro et Hotel.
poem by Douglas Scotney
Added by Poetry Lover
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