Were did magic go! ? ! ? ! ? !
When I realized that magic had died, I begin to cry
The loss of imagination,
The loss of that witch we did not know,
Now science has lain you down,
Never to rise,
Except in the hearts of those who believe,
Those who don’t know,
To them you are reality,
Until the man in the lab coat proves you wrong,
The freedom that we felt is gone,
Our mortality has sunk in,
There is no way to see our dead ones,
The man in the lab coat killed our dreams,
Never to rise again,
As we grow, our children ask of magic,
We let them believe,
We let the hold on to their imagination,
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poem by Dustin Ross
Added by Poetry Lover
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Lights and Shadows …
The more you escape to the light,
The more you walk in the shadows,
Yet while we walk in the light, we become blind,
Blind to the sin,
Blind to the greed,
Blind to the lust,
Blind to the evil,
While we walk in the shadows our eyes adjust,
We see the lies,
We see the courage,
We see what we must do,
We see our duties,
To our countries and our self’,
We must let our eyes adjust to the shadows,
Then we can see behind the vales of the lie,
Then we may see our courage in front of us,
Then we can free our voices,
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poem by Dustin Ross
Added by Poetry Lover
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Sleep Away The Day
We sleep to forget,
to stop the madness,
to make life just a little more bearable,
to make us feel in control,
to make all the bad people go away,
We sleep for the fun of it,
to make our life in a world of our creation,
to remember those who have left us,
to make us feel our imagination come to life,
to feel the magic of life around us,
We sleep to be things were not,
to make us a doctor
to make us an army man
to make us a police officer
to make us the President/Prime Minister
We sleep to feel alive,
to those who say dreams are not real,
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poem by Dustin Ross
Added by Poetry Lover
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