My verse
There are those who dip their quill in honey
Before they verse the lines of love
There are those who soak it in agony
Before they lay the lines of solitude and loath
I am none of the above
My verse is simple
It puts a smile between two dimples
copy rights 2010
poem by Isaac Ziv
Added by Poetry Lover
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The din of the metropolises
The din of the metropolises has dimmed
My whistle
My faint brittle whistle
That never left the sill of my lips
The lips that were sealed with silence
the words that chocked my throat
left inside me in awe....
never left just lingered inside and gnaw
copy rights 2010
poem by Isaac Ziv
Added by Poetry Lover
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Oh where are you the lost lamb in pain and in sour
Oh where are you the lost lamb in pain and in sour
You who have strayed from your pastor
where have you gone along
To a land without a tree and without a song
where do you wander
straying from me, from life you are sundered
You now in stranger land drink water
From broken wells
Copy rights 2010
All rigts reserved
poem by Isaac Ziv
Added by Poetry Lover
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The screen is down on our show
All rivers end in the sea sand
All things must come to their final end.
The sound the drama; the sigh and the pray
The audience hopes at the end of a play
The screen is down on our show
The girl with the villain will go
The last laugh, the last sigh on our stage
will echo in the audience ears as long as an age
copy rights 2010
poem by Isaac Ziv
Added by Poetry Lover
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Live and love
Live and love
Young as old
Like running brook
Bright, distilled in spring
As Love strengthens its wings
Summer – vigor
Passion and quiver
Autumn changed
Soberer hued
Don’t miss love queue
Love again
Until all love’s leaves
Are fallen at length
Look at love, it stands
Bones and boughs
Naked strength
Die loving
Not love dying
[...] Read more
poem by Isaac Ziv
Added by Poetry Lover
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When I catch my falling star
When I catch my falling star
Many friends will be there to tell where all my past years are
When I catch my falling star
I will take with me songs of glory repertoire
When does fall my star from the skies
Let no tears fall on checks from loving eyes
When does fall my star from the skies
The birds will sing and trees indulge in breeze free of human sighs
Copy rights 2010
All rights reserved
poem by Isaac Ziv
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Morning Awakening
A diamond of a morning din and city cars
I was waken from a dreadful dream; too early, abruptly soon
By then dawn had un shelved the sky from the flickering stars
Just left the stubborn faint, stark white moon
Oh drifting white pale moon forlorn and lonely
As me, abandoned by my love the night before
You have been left for me to watch one and only
Her slaying eyes I am still not tired to admire and to adore
poem by Isaac Ziv
Added by Poetry Lover
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A gracious silhouette on the path of light
A gracious silhouette on the path of light
She was a phantom of delight
when she first gleamed upon my sight
A lovely apparition, upon the earth, sent
to be the world's ornaments
Her eyes as stars of twilight fair
Like the golden dusk her glided hair
But all things else about her said or drawn
are as the joy of emerged from dawn
A dancing spirit, a wanton shape, an image glee and gay
to haunt, to startle and beguile as a piercing ray
copy rights 2010
poem by Isaac Ziv
Added by Poetry Lover
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So Sweet
So sweet is the corner glance in her eyes
And so sweet is her voice in a morning greeting
How saddening are the adieux and the elongated goodbyes
To catch a peek at her beautiful face as time rushes retreating
So warm is the nerve in her welcoming gloved hand
It rises the earnest to bestow a kiss on her lovely brow
Oh, when and where shall I see her again in sea or in land
inexperienced with humane trade as unfurrowed field is new to the plough
poem by Isaac Ziv
Added by Poetry Lover
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Is It Love?
Oh, is it love or the devil in me
How can her eyes so slaying be?
Is it infatuation or the gypsy of my heart
Her image from my eyes would never part
For she has sown her shadow so wide and fair
That it follows me constantly, relentless everywhere
It awakes me in the middle of the night
Making me watching the moon and the stars's bright
Oh, her image so firm in sight
It has the wings of hot desire
In the day it draws me like a guide
And at night overwhelmed me with fire
poem by Isaac Ziv
Added by Poetry Lover
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