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Ivor Or Ivor.e Hogg

Wine can only be drunk once

Fine wine, unlike fine poetry.
Must be given time to mature,
selected for its quality.
You must be absolutely sure.
To store it very carefully
undisturbed perhaps for years.
I much prefer fine poetry
which rings like music in my ears.
Dependent on your taste of course.
My ears drink in well spoken verse.
My taste in wine is rather coarse
but it is easy on my purse.
I read fine poetry for free
from books stored in my library.


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Your Choice

The being who created me.
Saw fit to grant me liberty.
I have no faith in pompous priests.
Who say all men are just brute beasts.
Who must be coerced to obey.
The rules laid down by God they say.
They claim divine authority
And say that they can guarantee.
A place in paradise for you.
But only if you're willing to.
Accept their version of the truth
Although they offer you no proof.
I may be wrong but I refuse.
I totally reject their views.

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Right Now

The pivot point of time is now.
When anything potentially
can step on stage and take a bow.
The past is gone beyond recall,
a moment or a century.
There is no other time at all.
The next second may never be
although we always hope it will.
There is no perfect guarantee.
Now is the sole experience
we’ve ever had or ever will.
Against this truth there’s no defence.
Whatever has been or will be
must happen now it’s plain to see.

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I Will Not! !

I see no reason to conform
to what’s accepted as the norm.
It’s not mere eccentricity
I see the world quite differently.
I have a brain and I can choose
what to accept what to refuse
I am prepared to listen to
other peoples point of view.
The average man does not exist
despite what experts may insist.
Each one of us is quite unique
.Remember this before you seek
to conform to the common view
There can be only one of YOU.


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Enkightenment 08

My soul was retless, discontent.
I strove to find enlightenment
but somehow it eluded me.
I could not solve the mystery.
I sought instruction where I could
adopted what I thought was good.
Continued searching patiently.
I learnt in time not expect
that wisdom would be granted me.
It was not easy to accept.
I realised eventually
until I reached maturity.
Some knowledge was forbidden me.


http: //blog.myspace.com./poetic piers

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Unchanging Changeability

The mountains are cold and blue now.
The sun has set and darkness falls.
Although the faintest afterglow
The brightness of the day recalls.

I wait and watch the stars appear
Above the mountains silhouettes.
Though far away they seem so near.
Every night when the sun sets.

I take the opportunity.
To watch the mountains turning blue
Considering the infinity
That's represented by the view.

Which nature has afforded me.
Epitome of constancy.

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TRibute to a long dead poet for My friend Ben

One more unfortunate
weary of breath.
Rashly importunate
gone to her death.

Thomas Hood 1799-1845


One more unfortunate
tired of strife.
Sad and disconsolate
flees now from life.

Weary of breath
She can no longer cope.
so chooses death.
Nothing for which to hope.

[...] Read more

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Seize the day

Although society expects
that old folk should live quietly.
I don’t accept foolish precepts
I cannot possibly agree
Nobody can dictate to me
what I should or should not do.
I won’t surrender easily
I’m always trying something new.
I will not sit and vegetate
in my arm chair and watch T.V.
I say this most vehemently.
Though I am old I’m not brain dead
I lead an active life instead.

http: // blog.myspace.com/poeticpiers.

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Shared Ecstasy for MY Lady Irene

The human frame cannot sustain
a state of bliss perpetually.
We reach the peak, descend again
although it is reluctantly.
The slow build up to the release,
a brief moment of ecstasy.
Two souls conjoined in perfect peace
as bodies move in harmony.
The ultimate togetherness.
No you, No I but only we.
A blend of lust and tenderness
we share but momentarily.
Togetherness we can maintain
we know we’ll climb the peak again.


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Grace Notes for M lady Tara

I’m haunted by a memory.
A tune I cannot quite recall,
in quiet times it comes to me
as into reverie I fall.
Somehow it seems to soothe my soul
makes all my troubles disappear.
Knits up the pieces makes me whole,
assures me that I’ve nought to fear.
A harpist plays the melody
accompanied by a silver flute.
They blend in perfect harmony
as if it was composed to suit
my taste when in a pensive mood.
I would record it if I could.

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