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Ivor Or Ivor.e Hogg


The grave’s been filled, the last wreaths laid
The last farewells have all been made
In quietude the mourners leave.
and I am left alone to grieve.

Though I behaved respectfully
as people would expect from me.
It was for show, it was not true
I’m happy to be rid of you.

You were a bully and a beast
I did not love you in the least
You made my life a misery
when there was no one to see.

There was no physical abuse
for blows are sure to leave a bruise
I was my self respect you hurt
you treated my like so much dirt

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Sea Dreams for M'lady Tara

The softly sighing sea it seems
surreptitiously alters dreams.
Subconsciously the ebb and flow
of surging tides which come and go.

Affects us adventitiously.
Almost as if by accident.
Awakening our sleeping souls
to strive for ever higher goals.

When wide awake we dare not try.
we wait until we are asleep.
To pursue dreams in which we fly
as though we are content to creep.

earthbound through every dreary day.
But sleeping listen to the sea
which tells us there’s a better way.
Because we are not meant to be.

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Confident Dissident for J.T.Early


I stand and gaze with wonderment.
The Gates of Gold and ivory
are slowly opening for me.
A rebel and a dissident.

What did I do that I deserve
admission to Valhallas halls?
What waits for me within those walls?
I only did my best to serve

my fellow men as best I could
I bore no sword only my pen.
Tried to defend my fellow men
from tyrants as a writer should.

Defied the men who censured me.
The men who sought to rule force.
Because I upheld freedoms cause

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Renewal for M lady Lucianne

The moonlight slyly penetrates
the curtained windows of my room.
Though hesitant illuminates
the empty silence wrapped in gloom.

Although I have no interest
because I shun the world outside
The moon insists she will invest
her silver light, with me abide.

I’m desolate and in despair
I hate the world from which I hide.
I am benumbed no longer care.
I’m contemplating suicide.

I have the wherewithal at hand
the sleeping pills I have stockpiled.
The moon issues stern command
I will not let you die my child.

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Be on your guard.

I do not think there'll ever be
A system that can guarantee
Absolute security.

Of data on the internet
Although it is certain bet.
This statement is bound to upset.

The expert firms prepared to claim
They have succeeded in their aim.
There's other players in the game.

Hackers working tirelessly
are sure in time to find the key
And intrude on our privacy.

Their motivations various.
Not of all of them nefarious
Some few are. merely curious

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Interlude narrative verse for M lady Ernestine

The silent cello waits in vain.
Her owner can no longer play,
her twisted joints in so much pain
Arthritis has now won the day.

Those hands which once caressed the strings
are gnarled and twisted dreadfully
Though in her mind the cello sings,
its silent in reality.

The music stored within its soul
longs for release impatiently.
Its destiny to play a role
assisting some child prodigy.

The owner cannot bear to part
with her treasured instrument.
She holds a dream deep in her heart.
Some one will come who’s one intent

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Killers All?

Now bugle boy what do you blow
Your trumpet pressed to your dead lips
I sound recall to let them know
this is the end of their hardships

They came as boys but died like men
From factories farms and mean back streets
They will not see their homes again
The brave young men whom death defeats.

They answered to their country’s call
And donned their Khaki battle dress
And shipped to France where they would fall
by thousands in the wilderness.

Created by the shot and shell
turning the battlefield to mud.
Which drowned young soldiers where they fell
and drenched the earth with their hearts blood.

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Weather Balloons? ? ? ? for friend Thad

I’m just an ordinary guy
who’d like to know the reason why?
The powers that be resort to lies
about the strangers in our skies.

Why do they think they can conceal
what people see with their own eyes
and try to make out they aren’t real.
They wonder why no one complies.

Some may be real and some are not.
Illusions caused by tricks of light
Which will account for quite a lot.
I think that people have the right..

To be allowed to speculate
on what these U.F.Os may be
Not as they have been up to date
Bamboozled systematically.

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Above, below to left or right.
There is no where that I can hide,
my muse finds me and makes me write.
My wants must go unsatisfied

She interrupts my sleep and meals
insists that I take up my pen.
She has no idea how it feels
to be forced to write again.

She wakes from my peaceful dreams
and asks me why I’m wasting time.
She has a whole new list of themes
for me to translate into rhyme.

I think she has insomnia
Or else prefers to work at night.
She’ll really have to learn I fear
I am entitled not to write.

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A too severe Penalty? ? story poem

The vampire breed grows more profuse.
According to the latest news
They have evolved and hunt by day
This frightens me I have to say.

I used to stay indoors by night
and do my chores in broad daylight.
I knew that vampires feared the sun
But now that last safeguard is gone.

They used to fear the crucifix
just as they should the heretics.
But now we have no defence at all.
Should a vampire choose to call.

They do not wear long flowing cloaks
they dress like all the other folks.
There is no way you can be sure
about the family next door

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