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Ivor Or Ivor.e Hogg

Too Late

The time has come for harvesting.
Long overdue; we are too late.
The human race is flourishing
they have discovered how to hate.

Warlike and belligerent.
They’re not the docile race we knew
By some genetic accident.
The human race evolved into

a race of high intelligence.
Which has advanced technologies
We daren’t deny the evidence
which is presented to our eyes.

Therefore we must tread carefully
they will not fear us any more.
They’ll look on us suspiciously
Not simply worship and adore.

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The symptoms strike so suddenly
A headache and a runny nose.
Not serious apparently
you have no reason to suppose.

That you have contracted something new
that you will die in agony.
A mutant strain of common flu
an ever changing enemy.

A virus which we can’t contain
because it spreads so easily
An ancient plague has struck again
Invariably fatally

There’s no escape nowhere to run.
Out breaks occur spontaneously
We’re doing all that can be done.
At home and internationally.

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A shadow lies upon the ground,
a blackness that is so profound.
Against the marble cool and white
reflecting back the bright sunlight.

My eyes are fooled and cant be sure
and see it as an aperture.
A deep dark trench that’s cut into
the marble. This is something new.

My mind denies that this can be
rejects this view immediately.
The brain interprets what is seen
applies cold logic to the scene.

Decides it’s just a shadow cast
by the bright sun and will not last.
Then as the sun moves in the sky
the shadow alters rapidly.

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Old Artefacts Reveal New Facts

This used to be a dwelling place
For members of the human race
Two thousand years or so ago.
The passing years have changed it though.

Today the archeologists
Seek to penetrate the mists.
There’s very little they can see
Which will support their theory.

The evidence lies underground
Buried; waiting to be found
By those equipped to recognise
a broken pot can be a prize.

Which might well prove they were correct
If they can find as they expect
Sufficient evidence to show
that humans dwelt here long ago.

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Krystallnacht 1938

I fear the sound of booted feet.
They inspire painful memories
though fragmented and incomplete
I can recall so vividly

The sound of breaking glass and boots.
I was too young to understand
the screaming jeers and gleeful hoots.
As storm troopers took full command

and attacked Jewish properties.
Without restraint from anyone
protestors beaten to their knees.
All semblance of the law had gone.

November nineteen thirty eight
The Nazis had proscribed the Jews
the ninth a night of spite and hate.
Who lost all that they had to lose..

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Tricks of the light storypoem

He haunts the minstrel’s gallery
and she the great hall down below.
Theirs was a love which could not be.
Which grew into a tragedy.

She was by blood of noble birth
and he of lower yeoman stock.
Regarded as of lesser worth
by powers which then ruled the earth.

They knew that they could never wed
Although their love was strong and true.
She swore that until she was dead
she’d never grace a marriage bed

Her father thought he could demand
obedience from his wayward child.
When she refused his firm command.
He hanged the minstrel out of hand.

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Seven deadly sins

Greed 1

Those who consume more than they need.
Must surely merit punishment.
In time will suffer for their greed.
Those who consume more than they need
With selfishness their only creed
to others peoples detriment.
Those who consume more than the need
must surely merit punishment.

Envy 2

To covet that which you do not have,
leads to a life of misery
best to be content with your lot
To covet that which you have not
for envy of no matter what.
To covet that which you have not,

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Sik Road for C.P.Sharma

Silk Road.

I will remember ‘til I die,
the crowded caravanserai
Where weary travellers spent the night
and tried to sleep until day light.

The camels voicing their complaint
would try the patience of a saint.
Our journey started in Cathay
we very slowly made our way.

With bales of silk we would exchange
for foreign treasures rare and strange.
A camel driver’s life is hard
we risked our lives for small reward.

The greedy merchants stayed at home.
It’s only fools like me that roam
and dare the dangers of the road

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Whistle Blower

My name is immaterial.
I must remain anonymous.
I'm publishing material.
That's guaranteed to cause a fuss.

Revealing things I'm privy to.
The powers that be try to conceal.
The would much rather no one knew
The way they choose to wheel and deal.

Corrupt officials on the make.
Accepting bribes to influence
Some decisions which they make.
So they grow rich at our expense.

I can supply the evidence.
To prove that what I say is true.
This is no time for reticence.
I do as my conscience bids me to.

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Arithmetical progresssion

When driven by a bow of yew
A clothyard shaft which truly flew
would pierce plate armour through and through
and many were the knights we slew.

The armoured knights had previously
overridden the enemy.
By charging at them furiously
were now picked off quite easily.

By archers who were common men
The tides of war had changed again,
no longer favoured noblemen.
Against the lower classes when

a simple peasant with a bow
can lay a titled warrior low.
The knights vowed that on the morrow
They would avenge their recent sorrow.

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