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Ivor Or Ivor.e Hogg

Loves lament

Loves Lament.

The dragon sings his mating song
and voices his sad loneliness.
To be alone he feels is wrong
he seeks a mate a dragoness.

He sings it from the mountain peaks.
A song of love and tenderness
He lets the world know that he seeks
to find a mate a dragoness.

But female dragons are so rare
his hopes of happiness are few.
His lament fills the upper air
there’s nothing else that he can do.

He sings his love song every night
when day is done and twilight falls.
He hopes one day that he just might

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The Last Leaf

That she was old beyond belief
was obvious for all to see.
Her face was like a wrinkled leaf
The last one clinging to the tree

in defiance of the gales.
Which autumns sends to strip the trees.
But now and then this method fails
and one leaf refuses to release

its hold and stubbornly remains
attached to where it’s always been.
Where once it drank the summer rains
when it was tender young and green.

How old she is she cannot say
nor does she care apparently.
But like the last leaf in her way
intends to cling on stubbornly.

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The ladies Know! ! this one is for the guys

The ladies know

She vacillates, procrastinates
she can’t decide what she should wear.
To the annoyance of her mate
her indecision hard to bear.

Men simply don’t appreciate
the efforts that a lady makes
Her clothing must co ordinate.
She can’t afford to make mistakes

Subjected to close scrutiny
of other ladies eagle eyes
She must be turned our perfectly
Although her loving husband tries

to tell her she looks beautiful.
She knows that he is prejudiced
as well as being dutiful

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But for the grace of God! !

Suspiciously she stands and stares
at every passing strangers face.
She is convinced that no one cares,
the world to her a hostile place.

She has no place to call her own,
nowhere to rest her weary head.
She has to face the world alone
and each new day she views with dread.

She was brave enough to defy
the marriage plans her parents had.
To wed her to an older guy
a man much older than her dad.

Now outcast from her family.
she does not know who she can trust.
Though she’s determined to be free,
not subject to an old mans lust..

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Break Loose

I’m growing old disgracefully.
It is not eccentricity
but a decision I have made,
Though rules are meant to be obeyed
The time has come to be just me
and not the me you’d have me be.
Although perhaps you’ll fume and fuss
I do not give a tinkers cuss.

No keeping up appearances.
Seeking official clearances
to the things I want to do.
If you don’t like it you can sue.

No three piece suit and tie for me
I aim for comfort casually.
There’s no one who I need impress.
Removes the need to power dress.

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Bedtime Story

Bedtime story.

An unfrocked priest concelebrates.
The ritual of the black mass.
Breathless the congregation wait.
To witness what may come to pass.

A naked prostitute serves
as altar for this blasphemy.
The priest will get what he deserves
without a doubt eventually.

A human skull holds foul incense
black candles burn on either side.
The atmosphere is growing tense.
As acolytes each in their turn

Intone their pleas to Lucifer
To grace them with his presence here
Their half afraid he will appear

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Saved from my naivete story poem for M 'lady Ann Beard

I loved her but she loved me not
and so I joined the infantry.
In the vain hope I would be shot
and put an end to misery.

I loved her but she loved me not.
She thought she was too good for me
I fought in every trouble spot
but Lady Luck looked after me.

I suffered not a single scratch
although I was prepared to die.
In me the Hun had met his match
I did not care or wonder why.

I rose to be a brigadier
Promoted on the battlefield
I made my men ignore their fear.
My leadership I would not yield.

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Reward for long service.

Reward for long service
English ode format.

The waterways of England are
Somewhat neglected nowadays
More fun than travelling by car
Is cruising down the waterways.
Although you cannot travel fast.
You can enjoy the scenery
Sheer pleasure from the first to last
Speed merchants though may stand aghast
They much prefer machinery
to relics from the distant past.

The narrow boats which they despise.
Are works of art in their own right.
Some motorists to their surprise
see waterways in new light.
The motorways designed for speed
To tell the truth are not much fun

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Am I mistaken A rant

When shopping at the superstore
I find each time I must pay more
For food than what I used to do
And other prices increase too.

It makes rather curious
and not a little furious
Whichever store to which I’ve gone
The prices rise in unison.

I suspect conspiracy
They all agree it seems to me
To a co-ordinated plan
Simply because they think they can

Increase the profits which they make.
It’s not a case of give and take.
I can produce no evidence
I rely on my common sense

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Synopsis for Thad

A member of an alien race
I mingle with the populace.
There’s not a lot of difference
except I have an extra sense.

I can read minds quite easily
and what I learn displeases me.
Few care about their fellow man.
Most do not give a tinkers damn.

Soon I must submit my report
I’ve given it a lot of thought,
I do not think the human race
is ready yet to take its place.

In the stellar community.
They have not reached maturity
They’re well developed technically
but are retarded morally.

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