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Ivor Or Ivor.e Hogg

Hannibal's Lecture a cautionary tale

She was pretty clean and neat
from her head to her bare feet.
The kind of girl to whom I cater.
She looked good enough to eat.
so I did I cooked and ate her.

Now she has become part of me.
Although perhaps you won’t agree
I did the only thing I could
I made a maiden fricassee
I have to say she tasted good.

My given name is Hannibal
an unasham’ed cannibal.
I see no reason to waste meat
I am convinced that after all
Fresh human flesh is good to eat.

I was locked up but I broke free
as I think rather cleverly.

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Secret Dreams

The abbot is a saintly man.
He praises me because I can
transcribe and illustrate the word.
So that the gospel may be heard

by other men on other lands,
He says that God has blessed my hands.
Although my frame is poor and weak
and that my talent is unique.

The holy books that I produce.
A bishop would be proud to use
From other duties I am free
save for my calligraphy.

But still pray to God each nigh
to heal my body set me right.
Because I would much rather be
outside and work laboriously.

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interfering Entities for Joe Poewhit

I cannot explain how I feel
when disconnected from the net.
Isolation lacks appeal
I am frustrated and upset.

I try rebooting my P.C.
May be it’s just a simple glitch.
My empty screen still smirks at me
my anger grows to fever pitch.

I try again without success
The gremlins have it in for me,
delight in blocking my access.
I try and try persistently.

At last again I am in touch
with friends of mine both far and near.
I have escaped the Gremlins clutch
although I know they are still here.

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Looking back, nostalgically

The dreaming spires of Oxford lie
beneath an ever changing sky
A place where students aspire to
the earning of a sporting blue.

Or concentrate their energy
towards a double first degree
Some will succeed and make their mark.
To others just a youthful lark

An honoured university
which has been here for centuries
The town and gown oft disagree
they co exist uneasily

The students come from far and wide
to study by this riverside.
They stay here temporarily.
Then they must move on hopefully.

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The night the rains came!

The sky is dark and overcast.
The rain pours down relentlessly.
You would not think that it could last
but it continues ceaselessly

The sodden ground can hold no more.
The rivers lack capacity
and do as they have done before
The overrun their boundaries

The city streets are now waist deep
There is no halt to the down pour
The rising water slowly creep
to places they’ve not reached before.

The people flee before the flood,
seeking shelter and safety
They help each other as they should
and in the main successfully

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Discredited a Lament

Alas and alack now life is hard.
They cancelled out my credit card
I used to live in luxury
now I’m condemned to poverty

My firm downsized and let me go.
Which put an end to my cash flow
My bank foreclosed; I could not pay
therefore they took my house way

My wife divorced me and she left.
I’m single homeless and bereft.
I face a life of misery.
Nobody wants to hire me.

I’m not too old to start again
given the opportunity
but I must make do until then
on other peoples charity.

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Tough Love

Tough love

Rebecca was a horrid child.
Her antics drove her mother wild..
Child experts offered their advice
but seldom came to visit twice.

Although her mother tried her best
Rebecca outdid all the rest.
She was unpleasant rude and crude.
An anti social attitude.

She seldom did as she was told
and thought she had the right to scold.
Her mother’s efforts at control
She seemed to have no other goal.

Than making life a misery
for members of her family.
But then her grandma came to stay.

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War, whore
death and sex.
The great woebegone
Harlot of Babylon.
A succubus that drives and derives
satisfaction from bloody entrails
that haruspices
inspect and say
that men will undergo fresh tides of woe.
Love and death dance hand in hand.
He kills that which he loves most
Suicide, fratricide, homicide
and matricide
all seem to co- incide with twisted lust..
Christians reborn recoil in disgust
at the putrescent smell
of tolerance that is enforced.
Be gay and love your fellow man

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The piper plays his clans lament.Story poem

On cold grey days, a piper plays
his pibroch on the battlements.
Clad in the garb of bygone days.
He proudly plays his clans lament.

From down below he can be seen
but no one knows who he might be
A misty figure on the scene
Bewailing his clan’s history.

The swank young men who fought and died
in foreign wars far from their home
their sacrifice can’t be denied.
He bids their long dead spirits come.

Come back braw lads where ye belong
Ye have been far too long away.
He guides them home a mighty throng.
His bounden duty is to play.

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An Ideal State?

The brazen blare of trumpets sounds.
As we approach the temple grounds
the rattling kettle drums compete
with ominously marching feet.

The people gather here today
in the old time honoured way.
To hear our leaders justify
why they have failed to satisfy.

The peoples wants, the peoples needs.
Explain their actions and their deeds
The leaders have no other choice
but hearken to the peoples voice.

If they have failed without just cause.
The peoples justice will enforce
summary execution.
A permanent solution.

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