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Ivor Or Ivor.e Hogg

Either Or just for a laugh

Either Or

Though constipation is a curse,
Diarrhoea is much worse.
I alternate between the two.
There’s very little I can do

Because I suffer I.B.S.
Which is a nuisance I confess.
Retention and distention bloats
a condition which denotes.

The former is full control
though other people find it droll.
I cannot make a joke of it
Its not enjoyable one bit.

It is the diarrhoea I fear.
Because it tends to interfere.
With anything I try to do

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Unrecorded history. storypoem

I camped below a rocky tor.
Although I'd not been there before
It felt somehow familiar.
I did not want to drive too far.

I had been late in starting out
And I had too much about.
The Dartmoor fog which frequently.
Descended very suddenly.

Reducing visibility
To almost nil immediately.
I thought it wise to stay the night
and make a start by broad daylight.

I had chosen to drive this way.
Because I was on holiday.
A chance to see new scenery
I have no one to please but me.

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Accidental death story poem

Along the coast a lonely road.
That’s closely watched buy excise men.
Who know that smugglers transport their load
along this roadway now and then.

They do not know but they suspect
that it might well be pure cocaine.
In vain they try to intercept.
The smugglers know when to expect.

the excise men to lie in wait
Not only when but they know where
The local folks communicate
conspire to foil excise men.

The smugglers here traditionally
have always ignored import laws.
There is no reason they can see
why they should change their ways; Of course

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When do a daughters duties cease storypoem

When do a daughters duties cease?

Wilt thou remain immaculate?
enamoured of the virgin state.
Remain always inviolate.
Art thou so sure this is thy fate?

Wilt thou reject matrimony
to moulder in some nunnery
Thou shouldst consider carefully
What such a future holds for thee.

Or is it as thy sire says.
That passing time will change thy ways
Endowing thee with greater grace.
Prepared to take thy rightful place.

Thy sire hath great plans for thee.
To see thee married happily
accepted by society.

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Justice for all storypoem

The bards of old their stories told.
In rhyming verse they had writ,
to entertain the young and old.
Sometimes they stretched the truth a bit.

To please their current lordly host
They would extol his bravery
and of his prowess loudly boast.
Although their words lacked verity.

They spread the news from far and near.
Tailored to suit their audience.
Some news which they were glad to hear.
The bards received in recompense.

The recognition and respect
accorded to them for their skill.
A place to sleep as you’d expect
and food and drink enough to fill.

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Will You? for friend Thad

The singing spring, a sacred well.
Is heard to sing so legends tell.
At midnight when the moon is full.
They say the singing’s wonderful.

So beautiful you are entranced
until the sunrise sets you free.
You basic nature is enhanced.
So you are changed; permanently.

The good become even better.
The wicked ones grow much worse.
These rules are followed to the letter.
Bring changes which you can’t reverse.

I was advised to stay indoors
on evenings when the moon was full
I disregarded this of course.
When you are young you play the fool

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The way it has to be

The way it has to be

The world is full of predators,
the strongest prey upon the week
It’s one of nature’s primal laws.

Only the fittest live to breed
and pass strong genes to their offspring.
They must be ruthless to succeed.

Mankind does not obey these rules
and by preserving weaker strains
Appears perhaps to prove that we are fools.

We breed beyond capacity
and damage the environment.
Avoiding the simplicity of laws

which Mother Nature made.
The weak and flawed will not survive

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As ye sow so shall ye reap

Tenebrous shadows congregate
and murmur surreptitiously.
About the vagaries of fate
and who or what they used to be.

Once powerful now powerless.
They complain interminably
but to the world have no access.
No power on earth can set them free.

They are condemned for their past sins
and all must serve their sentence out
But then of course new life begins
another chance of finding out.

Where they went wrong, try to amend
for hurts they caused deliberately.
Impossible now to pretend.
They see with renewed clarity.

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Enforced Change.

Double, double toil and trouble.
As they search amongst the rubble.
Which the fire left behind.
In the hope that they might find
Something that has not been destroyed.
As they struggle to avoid.

Recognising reality.
That everything they owned has gone.
They are searching hopelessly.
They do not want to dwell upon.
A future looking very bleak.
Some possessions were unique.

They will have to start again.
Although the loss has caused them pain.
Luckily they were insured
What can't be cured must be endured.
The fire was a tragedy.
Also an opportunity.

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Who is responsible?

When molten magma surfaces
beneath an ancient glacier.
A bitter struggle then takes place
to prove which is superior.

The superheated steam produced
expends its force explosively
With molten rock and ice reduced.
Almost instantaneously.

To particles of dust and smoke
projected high into the sky.
Just Mother Natures little joke
A fact that no one can deny.

She demonstrates her power to show.
That though we think we’re in control
that we are not. She lets us know
that she’s in charge from pole to pole.

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