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Ivor Or Ivor.e Hogg

What if it were true?

Hector, Ajax and Hercules
and other heroes such as these.
All suffered from the same disease.
They thought they were invincible.

Now every one of them is dead.
I know this from the books I’ve read.
Unlike my ancient Uncle Fred.
Who thought it might be possible.

To find a way to stay alive
a certain method to survive
Towards this end then he would strive
Although it seemed improbable.

A coward too afraid to die.
Although he was clever guy
well versed in ancient history.
He thought he could be comfortable.

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Clear the Stage

The world was; before mankind was born
and will be when the last mans gone
There will be no left to mourn.
Who will replace us still unknown

It seems that since the world began
Dame Nature tries experiments
the latest of which seems to be man
She has established precedents.

At one time reptiles ruled the earth.
at last ashamed of what she’d wrought.
Great behemoths of giant girth
She wiped them out without a thought.

She cleared the way to try again
With creatures more intelligent
the reptile’s loss the mammals gain.
This seemed to her to represent.

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Love Duet story poem for M Lady Helen

Above the sighing of the sea
a silver voice ensorcelled me.
She sang of other days and times
of coral sands and warmer climes.

The sweetness of the melody
combined with tales of tragedy.
Held me entranced I could not go.
It was imperative I know

who sang alone upon the shore
where I had often strolled before.
Tonight beneath the silver moon.
I felt my inner self attune.

I raised my voice a baritone
So she would know she’s not alone.
Our voices joined harmoniously.
I think she’s been aware of me.

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Your Choice story poem

My cause was just I could fulfil
a life long dream, an urge to kill.
An urge I knew I must resist
by application of my will.

Circumstances alter cases.
I planned my action on this basis.
All paedophiles deserve to die
Just disappear and leave no traces.

My chosen victim was beast.
Who masqueraded as a priest
and preyed upon young choirboys
He’s missing now presumed deceased.

I groomed my victim carefully.
Confessed that I had frequently
had unclean thoughts about small boys.
The priest absolved me readily.

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Staff Welfare? ?

I must insist that you desist.
Your pointless questions I resist.
But you continue to persist.
A typical psychiatrist.

The questions that you ply me with
all appertain to Mr Smith
and to the town of Aberystwith.
This has to cease: right now, forthwith.

I fear you are in error sir
Although you do not want to hear.
I am in fact your manager
and your mistake may cost you dear.

It seems you have your wires crossed
and will not listen, you have lost
the plot. What worries me the most.
You seem to be deaf as a post.

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One true fact story poem

From whence he came nobody knew.
Out of the mists he came alone
A frightened child in ragged clothes
How he survived remains unknown

He cannot or will not tell
from where he came or who he is.
Found wandering in a freezing hell
few places are as bleak as this.

Snow clad the rugged mountains rise
Far, far above the plains below.
A barren place of rock and snow
scoured by the bitter winds which blow.

I have to say with certainty.
No human beings could live here.
But I am wrong apparently
this child appearing makes that clear.

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Rightful Owners.

Rightful owners.

I was the first born of the first born race.
The chosen ones that knew not sin or shame
before the spawn of Adam stole our place
They spread the evil but we got the blame.

When we fed on the juice of plants, not men
and lived as one in peace and brother hood
but Adams breed usurped our place and then
harassed we had to change to drinking blood.

We had to flee into the wilderness
adapt to hunting for our prey by night
We who had know nothing but gentleness,
my race resolved that we must fight.

Adapted and evolved now we must prey
on those who drove us from our rightful lands
and thus the vampire are seen to day

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The High Moors for M'lady Tara

I love the beauty of the moors. Those vast expanses wild and free
But I am prejudiced of course; there is no place I’d rather be.
In any season I feel at home. The winte, spring, summer or fall.
Be because I claim the right to roam. There are no rules here none at all.
The only laws are those decreed by mother nature long ago
Thou shalt not kill except to feed. The laws all living creatures know.
I love the freshness of the spring despite the fact the winds are keen
I am quite happy wandering to search for any sign of green.
The bitter winter slowly passed and soon the hillsides will be grassed
Though snow still lingers here and there. As bald spots undergo repair.
Underground new life is stirring as the sunshine returns with spring
to warm the winter frozen land. This artistry I understand
Natures consummate artistry: Infinite in variety
Each plant supplies a different hue and shadows add a touch of blue.
A contrast to the greenery which dominates the scenery
The purple heather showing through as spring continues to renew.
The beauty of the moors again to be enjoyed other men
Who love the moors as much as me, a privilege completely free.
Eventually spring slips away, the moors preparing for the day
When they will bask beneath the sun. A slow process which has begun.

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The Sacrifice storypoem

She wore a robe so white and thin
that it enhanced her nakedness.
Made of the silk which spiders spin
Epitome of gracefulness

Her hair as black as ebony,
contrasting with her rose gold skin.
Which unrestrained was flowing free
She glowed as though she had within,

her slender form of flesh and blood.
A light that would illuminate
the darkness of the world and would
without a doubt propitiate.

The Gods demanding sacrifice.
According to the High Priests rede,
only a virgin would suffice.
To satisfy his dark Gods need.

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The Minarets of Trebizond

I can still see though distantly
the soaring spires of Trebizond
I take my leave reluctantly
upon a quest which goes beyond.

The confines of my city state
where every street’s familiar
I am condemned by cruel fate
who chose me in particular

To cement alliances made
so long ago they need renewed
and so I lead a cavalcade
of fighting men. My attitude

at once humble and dignified.
Befitting an ambassador
who has the power to decide
Shall we make peace, prepare for war..

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