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Ivor Or Ivor.e Hogg


The clock strikes twelve sonorous chimes.
The witching hour of midnight is here
the best of times the worst of times.
That vampires love and humans fear.

Upon your balcony I stand and gloat,
you lie unconscious that I am near.
I feast my hungry eyes upon your throat
I cast a spell of calm to soothe your fear.

Your raven hair upon the pillow spread,
a startling contrast of light and shade.
Your lissom figure lying safe in bed
Confirms to me the choice that I have made.

Your fresh clean blood will revitalise me
and send new fire coursing through my veins.
Stop in its tracks the lethargy
and prove an anodyne for my pains.

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Delayed Justice Story poem

I fear no foe that I can see
but rather those who strike by night
They cloak their acts in secrecy
because they cannot stand the light.

I made a powerful enemy
when I was young and in my prime.
Who swore to take revenge on me.
I know somewhere he bides his time.

My friends think I am paranoid
obsessed with high security.
Though it is better to avoid
Any and all possibility.

Of course I cannot validate
my fear of a conspiracy.
It doesn’t matter it’s too late.
I fear my foe has poisoned me.

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The threat Remains story poem

As twilight fall across the sea.
A fog was drifting steadily
Towards the shore and threatening
that it would swallow everything.

A clammy cold persistent mist
which seemed unnatural to me.
Some evil which should not exist
which was approaching rapidly.

I’m not afraid, I’m terrified
that in the fog strange creatures hide
.I have a strong presentiment
I’m certain it’s malevolent.

The local legends linger on.
Strange tales from times which are long gone.
Stories I held to be untrue
but now I’m not sure that I do.

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Inevitabilty is my philosophy.

Kushih style.

I drink plum wine for preference.
The Moon my only company
There is no one to take offense.
If I should drink excessively.

My wife's been dead for many years.
But in my dreams she comes to me
and whispers wise words in my ears.
Tells me to show my loyalty.

The Emperors new counsellors
are too afraid to disagree.
They have not learnt the emperor.
Prefers truth to dishonesty.

The Emperor rewarded me
With honourable retirement.
And a small house beside the sea.

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Unintentional Conclusion

My time has come perhaps to die.
I will not give in easily.
Though I can guess the reason why
Someone’s been hired to silence me

I am no longer in the game
I have retired quietly
I thought nobody knew my name.
I was mistaken obviously.

I’m not a fool I know the score.
I must kill him or he’ll kill me
It does not matter any more
someone has breached my secrecy.

I know he’s out there watching me.
Observing my daily routine,
he seeks an opportunity
make his killing quick and clean.

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First Born

In the softly scented twilight,
walking slowly simply musing.
My thoughts turn to my hearts delight
she is sure now to be choosing.

Which young man she wants to marry
now she has become a woman.
Hopefully I am her quarry now
that she must chose her man.

Long dark hair which flows like water,
flashing eyes that hold the moonlight.
Running Elk the chieftains daughter
graceful as the swallows in flight.

She is full of joy and laughter,
she sings sweeter than the song birds
Can I win the chieftains daughter
may the Great Spirit hear my words.

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