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Ivor Or Ivor.e Hogg

Could It?

It could be true! That nothing’s real.
That all the dreams that we pursue
are just illusions which appeal?
It could be true!
That all the things I thought I knew
are delusions and are not real.
You have another point of view.
Can you believe that what you feel?
is not just an illusion too.
Or does it still seem real to you
It could be true!


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Time to be,

Steal away quietly meditate
You can spare time enough. For a while
silently hide away. Contemplate
who you are, what you are thoroughly.
You may find peace of mind, leave behind
the pressures and distress easily.
All you need to succeed is concede.
You can fly if you try earnestly.
You will see, you can be really free.

http: // blog.myspace.com/poeticpiers

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Open invitation for M 'lady Lucianne

Just loose your hold and come with me.
Explore the worlds of fantasy,
strange places only dreamers see
There is no charge it is quite free.

Decide where you would like to be
and we will travel rapidly.
Borne on the wings of poetry.

There is nothing for you to fear
reality won’t disappear.

You can’t escape so easily.


http: //blog.myspace.com/poeticpiers

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A passing thought.

An optimistic pessimist.
An oxymoron without doubt
and yet such crazy thoughts persist.
Something for me to think about.

As I consider carefully.
A pessimist who hopes he’s right
is thinking optimistically.

Though what that proves I do not know.
Except I think it could be so.

Though everybody won’t agree.

Thursday,21 January 2010.
http: // blog.myspace.com/poetic piers

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The Right attitude

The right attitude

I do not fear the night
although deprived of sight, I know
I’m free to come and go
because the moon will glow for me
just sufficiently
To set my spirit free from fear.
The spectres disappear
they do not belong here and flee
The Moon protects me.
I gladly pay my fee of praise
I have done all my days
I give the moon her due Always.

Luc Bat
Vietnamese form

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Choka Sonnet

nature’s beauty show.
near Tokyo in the spring
guaranteed to please.
avenues of cherry trees.
soft spring breezes blow
setting pink blossoms dancing
on the cherry trees
their sweet perfumes they release.
lovers stroll below
unaware completely free
to just wander to and fro.
all that they can see
their own private paradise
where the blossom never dies,


Choka sonnet

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I Know I Have A Copy Somewhere

Wherever you may choose to look
You're guaranteed to find a book.
Perhaps a murder mystery.
Anthologies of poetry
Reference books and picture books.
Books on witchcraft and black magic
Tomes on almost any topic.
Some by authors long since dead.
Books which try to look ahead.
Books of every shape and size.
As I have come to realise.
Enough to start a library
Though jumbled up haphazardly.

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I'm still a man for M 'lady Milica

I’m still a man though I grow old
I am no longer brave and bold.
I think before I chose to act.
I have to face up to the fact.
I have to do as I am told.
I’m still a man

The aches and pains that trouble me
all tend to sap my energy.
I cannot do what I used to
That’s matterless for in my view
I’m still a man,

Short Rondel format

http: // blog.myspace.com/poeticpiers

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No Escape

Death conquers all: None can defy
his clarion call all must obey.
He names the time the place the day
the very minute that we die.
A simple fact we can’t deny
nor yet in any way delay.
Death conquers all.

Although we feel compelled to try.
Each one of us in our own way,
some rave and rant whilst others pray.
It matters not all men must die
Death conquers all.

Rondeau Prime


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Daylight subdues and fades away.
Dark shadows creep across the sky.
Scarlet now tints the west with pink
Sunlight can no longer reign.
Night comes into its own.
Nothing can change nature’s plan
The Sun will rise and quickly chase
The darkness of the night away.
As it was so it will be as long
as this world still spins.

Kasa a Korean form.

http: // blog.myspace.com/poeticpiers

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