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Ivor Or Ivor.e Hogg

Composite Compositions

When ebony and ivory.
Are treated with equality.
Then they can work in harmony.
Producing tuneful melody.

Each one alone is limited.
Because it is inhibited
By mistaken racial views
Which prove to be of little use.

The world is not just black and white
And even they aren't opposite.
There are so many shades between
Which add their colour to the scene.

I recognise all men as kin
Despite the colour of their skin.

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Repentance a roundel

Roundel challenge.


My love is gone beyond my reach
And I am left to mourn alone
This cruel lesson fate can teach
My love is gone
Condemned to manage on my own
I failed to practice what I preach
That is the sin I must atone.
In prayers I earnestly beseech.
All of the gods known and unknown.
To grant forgiveness for my breach
My love is gone

Friday,11 November 2011
http: // blog.myspace.com/poeticpiers

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I can still look.

Ripe breasts like apples tempt my eye.
Although I try to look away.
my eyes continue looking avidly
Nature designed all men this way.
I may be old but I still can
appreciate a shapely maid.
Like any other normal man.
Some times I find my eyes have strayed
back to beauties on display
and memories flood back unsought
of when I was not old and grey.
I thoroughly enjoy the view.
I’m not ashamed to say I do.


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Company Man

I’m surplus to requirements.
The company is cutting back
because of unforeseen events.
They’re taking steps to cut the slack.
They have no choice or so they say
but is obvious to me
I have offended in some way
someone of the powers that be.
Employ some else to take my
place at a much lower salary.
That is the way of the rat race
Disguising their dishonesty.
A fine reward for loyalty
to take enforced redundancy

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Too young, too late

A quiet lake beneath the moon
reflects the starry firmament.
The silence broken by a loon
bemoaning his predicament
A lonely loon who lacks a mate.
Announcing he’s available
Please answer before it’s too late
his isolation palpable.
Then once again silence descends.
Frustrated he gets no reply
the mating seasons nears its end.
Perhaps next year he’ll find a mate
but until then he’ll have to wait.


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You do Know

You know it’s true. Yet you deny
the evidence: you can’t accept
your dream of love is fantasy
You know it’s true

There are some rules you can’t defy.
Which by now you must suspect
such things as love you cannot buy.
Which overthrow your dream concept.
You know it’s true,

You hopes are dashed and fade away
and with them goes your self respect.
Today is not your lucky day
You know it’s true.


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An hypothesis ror Jt early

I comprehend eternity.
A moment which infinitely
embraces instantaneously
All that is and will come to be.
The only segment we can see
Available to humanity
Is now and only fleetingly
We interpret what we see,
incorrectly probably.
Which to us is reality
a small part of totality.
Because we aren’t equipped to see
beyond an imposed boundary.
protecting our sanity.


Http: // blog.my space.com/poetipiers

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Adolescent Angst

I’m a complete nonentity.
No one ever remembers me.
I haven’t got a single friend
although some times I pretend
I’m debonaire and popular.
A really well know movie star
with women fawning over me.
An adolescent fantasy
but then I have to face the truth.
I am an acned pimply youth.
No pretty girl would look at me
and take the time to really see
I have some stirling qualities
I am the guy nobody sees.


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I don't want to live forever.
Nor do I wish to die too soon..
I will make it my endeavour.
To treat each new day as a boon.
I remember way back when.
I thought that I would never die.
Age taught me to think again
As the years flew swiftly by.
Each day I wake I'm positive
That fate has plans in mind for me,
and that is why I'm still alive.
I know I'll die eventually.
I plan to enjoy every day
until the call I must obey.

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My visual acuity
is not as good as it might be
My hearing too is failing fast
not half as good as in the past.
I fear I’m on the downward slope
but still I’m cheerful and I hope.
They’ll last me for a few years yet
although sometimes I forget
exactly just how old I am.
I do not give a tinkers damn.
I’m still alive I don’t complain.
Each day I wake up is a gain
another opportunity
To misbehave outrageously..

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