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Ivor Or Ivor.e Hogg

Until The Final Page

I was born a long time ago
I don’t admit to being old
I watched the long years passing slow
My story far from being told.

Each day I wake is a bonus
I’ve long since passed mans lifespan
Perhaps because I’m curious
I try to be an active man

When I reach my centenary
I won’t give up too easily
I will review what I should do
I might decide to start anew.

All men must die as we all know
But I’m not ready yet to go.

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My view

I view the world in wonderment
the daily miracles I see.
Don’t come about by accident
at least that’s how its seems to me.
Considering the evidence
it would appear there is a plan
much greater than the mind of man
The truth is nobody knows for sure.
You’re free to choose what you accept
Childhood beliefs may long endure.
Some you believe and some reject
What I propose is tolerance
give all beliefs an equal chance.

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Modern Art

I’m not sure how I should start
To write a poem on modern art.
It leaves me in a quandary
It holds no real appeal for me.
I don’t dismiss it out hand
I really try to understand.
What modern artists try to do.
I know it’s different for you.
It is quite true I realise
I’m not equipped to criticise
I prefer to feast my eyes
On something I can recognise.
Modern art just baffles me
I don’t know what it’s meant to be.

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Diverging Paths

I took the road less travelled by.
Impelled by curiosity
Simply because I wondered why.
It was disused apparently.
I chose it voluntarily
Although the path was overgrown
With brambles which would hamper me
Almost as if deliberately.
It may well be if I had known
I would have chosen differently.
Instead of venturing alone.
How quickly past the years have flown.
Since I had a choice to make
Which of the two paths I should take.

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Monumental Mystery

A column built of rough hewn stone.
By whom or why remains unknown.
Half hidden by dense foliage.
A relic from a by gone age.
What it was for nobody knows
It served some purpose I suppose.
An enigma a mystery
A sacred site quite possibly.
But still it stands amongst the trees.
As it has stood for centuries.
I don't suppose we'll ever know
Why it was built so long ago.
Before recorded history.
Though built to last indefinitely.

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Today I shall fly a kite

The spice of life: Variety,
To do the same thing every day
would drive me to insanity
I try to vary my routine,
not let myself get in a rut
I am a man not a machine
Today like every other day
there are some things that I must do.
I do them in a different way.
A set routine does not suit me
There is no deadline I must meet.
It’s my responsibility
to fill my life with interest.
And making changes works the best.


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Time is of the essence for Friend Thad

Herbert the hippopotamus
was feeling rather amorous
The female hippopotami
avoided Herbies roving eye.

They politely gave their reason
This is not the mating season.
Although he sang his best love song
the ladies would not go along.

So Herbie had to go without
of this the ladies had no doubt.
They told him firmly that he should
go cool his ardour in the mud.

Then come back when the time is right
to satisfy his appetite.

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Two Minutes

The whole world mourns collectively.
For two brief minutes once a year
It's organised efficiently.
Both locally and nationally.
Two minutes to show we respect.
The men who fought for liberty
and died in order to protect.
The ones they love at any price
From a determined enemy
Who made the final sacrifice.
Remembrance Day when we parade
and take two minutes to reflect.
On sacrifices which were made.
Each one worthy of respect.

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Not Always True!

Loud cries of protest.
New baby greets the real world.
Most reluctantly.

Though very welcome.
He would much rather be back.
Where he used to be.

Safe and warm inside
His own private paradise.
That's why he complains.

He soon gains control
Master of his universe
Beloved tyrant.

He will have to learn.
That his will is not the law.
As we all had to.

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Misplaced Trust

Symmetrical verse

Misplaced trust
I lost my way
Was led astray
By those I thought I could believe
But were not what they seemed to be
Because I was young and naïve
I trusted them too easily
Their confidence was all pretence.
I should have used my common sense.
Gone my own way
Without delay.
But I did not I thought they knew
Which way to go
which wasn’t true.

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