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Ivor Or Ivor.e Hogg

Olfactory Satisfaction

The Honeysuckle and the Rose.
Perfume my garden differently.
There also my Sweet William grows.
Night scented stock abundantly.
Providing pleasure for my nose.
As well as beauty I can see.
I'm satisfied with flowers I chose.
I can enjoy them peacefully.
When day is done I meditate
Upon the pleasure which they bring.
Their scents combining to create.
A perfect sense of well being.
Natures aromatherapy.
Appears to work effectively.

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rensaku for Subbaraman N.V

the sky a black slate
which is not yet written on
lightning adds the script.

in electric blue
although you may not understand
You feel you ought to.

but can’t interpret,
the fiery script beyond
your limited skill.

you are not meant to.
the message is not for you.
the earth understands.

the words easily
accepts heavens benison
an answered prayer.

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I Choose My Path

Experimental form

Should I try?
to be
What I am not.

Cannot be
what you
expect of me.

can’t fulfil
the dreams
Which you could not.

had your chance
and failed.

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As we grow old our boundaries,
become more circumscribed it seems.
Although we don’t give up our dreams,
we must accept realities.
Acknowledge what we cannot do
and celebrate the things we can
Accept with grace its natures plan.
which we must constantly review.
Our travels may be limited
by age and growing frailty
Therefore we must rely instead
on our mental ability.
To use selective memory
and visit where we want to be.

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Self Defence

I view not with my earthly eyes
the scented fields of paradise.
A self deluding fantasy
I see that which I want to see.
A panorama of delight
a riverside bathed in sunlight.
A place of peace and harmony
where I can set my sprit free
A place where I am sure to find
a solace and my peace of mind.
For here no evil can exist.
This is a place that I persist
in visiting when I’m distressed
To let my troubled spirit rest.


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Conduct Unbefitting

I do not like your attitude.
I find you arrogant and crude.
In fact in my opinion
You are much cruder than anyone.
That I have come across before.
It is impossible to ignore
Perhaps I have a jaundiced view.
Although I’m sure that others too.
Are not prepared to tolerate
language more appropriate.
To some sleazy back street bar.
Where they’re not so particular.
I hope I’ve made it crystal clear.
You are no longer welcome here.

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The Write Place

I have a desk at which to write
but I prefer my old arm chair
It is so comfortable, just right
I usually do my writing there.
I have a pc which I use
mainly to edit and correct
The quick outpourings of my muse
as do most poets I suspect.
A pad and pencil are my tools
I use modern technology
but stick to my old fashioned rules
when I’m composing poetry
My desk is very nearly bare
but books abound by my arm chair.


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Monkey Business

Behold the agile chimpanzee
swing easily from tree to tree
He sees no reason he should be
related in any way to me
I am quite sure the Chimpanzee
would deny vociferously
That men spring from his family tree.
Regard it as stupidity.
A claim which has to be denied.
Which touches on his family pride
the chimpanzees are satisfied
that followers of Darwin lied
Despite the similarities
men aren’t as wise as chimpanzees.


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Shared Secrets

Shared secrets.
Experimental form.

And tomorrow
Will soon be history.

Years pass
So very fast
Though we can remember vividly.

Some day
Because we did
Something out of the ordinary.

Days out.
Or holidays.
Long cherished memories.


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Overly Suspicious

I live alone because I must.
I have forgotten how to trust.
I've been betrayed too frequently
By people who were close to me.
I think perhaps I was naïve
And far too ready to believe
The tales my so called friends told me.
I did not doubt their honesty.
I know now that I should have done.
So now I don't trust anyone.
Save members of my family
and even those not completely.
I live alone because I must
I have forgotten how to trust.

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