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Ivor Or Ivor.e Hogg

I know who I am.

I slept and in my sleep I dreamt.
I must abandon my attempt
To achieve worldly success
There is no one I need impress.
With a display of luxuries.
I only have myself to please.
I do not care what people say
I choose to live in my own way
I see no reason to court fame.
I'll never be a household name.
Though some may find it curious
I'd rather be anonymous.
Than subject to publicity
Like some well known celebrity.

Friday,20 April 2012

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I say with all sincerity.
You can be sure I speak the truth
I’m not the man I used to be
I was a most obnoxious youth.
I thought then I knew everything
ignored all good advice I heard.
Til life taught me I knew nothing
My pretensions were absurd.
Now I have reached maturity.
I know I don’t know very much
That I can claim with surety.
although I try to keep in touch.
I must accept reality
knowledge advances constantly.


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Odd Man Out

Because I dare to stand alone
they look at me suspiciously
It is as if they’ve never known
they could act independently.
They strive their hardest to conform
Afraid of acting differently
The closer they are to the norm
the happier they seem to be.
What is it drives me to rebel
insist on being different.
There is no sure way to tell
perhaps I’m just an accident
My individuality
Is all I have to prove I’m me.


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Now is the hour when night takes flight
and dawn breaks into pearly light.
Before the sun has risen high
Now is the hour of mystery.
When nothing seems to be quite real
concealed in trailing morning mists.
Now is the hour when I feel
nothing and nobody exists.
The air of unreality
persists until the sun is high.
Which then dispels the fantasy
I conjure up. I will deny
the subtle fears which haunted me
left over from prehistory.

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My view 07

I view the world in wonderment
the daily miracles I see.
Don’t come about by accident
at least that’s how its seems to me.
Considering the evidence
it would appear there is a plan
much greater than the mind of man
The truth is nobody knows for sure.
You’re free to choose what you accept
Childhood beliefs may long endure.
Some you believe and some reject
What I propose is tolerance
give all beliefs an equal chance.


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Ideal candidate

The face of politics we see
is not the truth. That lies below,
corruption and chicanery
exist but are not meant to show.
If you can fake sincerity
then you are just the man we want.
Improve our popularity
with your own brand of pious cant.
You portray honesty so well
the general public may accept.
The half truths and the lies you tell.
Your presentation is perfect.
It comes to me as no surprise
that politicians all tell lies.

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Fatal Error for Friend Thad

The suicidal moths attack.
Small kami kazi volunteers,
There is no way to hold them back.
The moment that a light appears.
The lanterns on the Patio
are very soon surrounded by
Frantic moths ready to go
and meet their maker in the sky.
I sit and watch them quietly
and wonder if they know they’ll die
But it remains a mystery
to me I see no reason why.
Perhaps they’re dying by mistake.
The very last that they will make.


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Am I?

Am I insane? Perhaps I am.
Quite frankly I don’t give a damn
what other people think of me.
Because at last I’ve broken free.
I don’t believe that I must do
what others may expect me to.
There is no way I will conform
to what’s considered as the norm.
My little eccentricities
are not if fact designed to please
anybody at all but me
I go my own way happily
I do not think that life should be
Taken quite so seriously

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He has this strange ability.
Can tell an objects history,
it seems that he can tune into
each object and he can review
Who has owned it in the past
Although it is inanimate
it holds impressions which can last.
It has a story to relate
but only to a sensitive.
Who listens to his inner voice
a man who is prepared to give
it full credence and rejoice.
He knows but knows not how he knows
A talent that with practice grows.


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Contemplating change

Another year has swiftly flown.
it’s now consigned to history.
A new year beckons still unknown,
presents an opportunity
To benefit from errors made.
Adopt a different attitude
and try this year to make the grade
By doing as we know we should.
Most New Year resolutions fail.
We make them far too easily.
Regard them as a fairy tale.
not to be taken seriously.
The resolutions I don’t make
I can be sure I will not break.


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