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Jacques Tahureau


The high Midnight was garlanding her head
With many a shining star in shining skies,
And, of her grace, a slumber on mine eyes,
And, after sorrow, quietness was shed.
Far in dim fields cicadas jargonéd
A thin shrill clamour of complaints and cries;
And all the woods were pallid, in strange wise,
With pallor of the sad moon overspread.

Then came my lady to that lonely place,
And, from her palfrey stooping, did embrace
And hang upon my neck, and kissed me over;
Wherefore the day is far less dear than night,
And sweeter is the shadow than the light,
Since night has made me such a happy lover.

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Shadows of His Lady

Within the sand of what far river lies
The gold that gleams in tresses of my Love?
What highest circle of the Heavens above
Is jewelled with such stars as are her eyes?
And where is the rich sea whose coral vies
With her red lips, that cannot kiss enough?
What dawn-lit garden knew the rose, whereof
The fled soul lives in her cheeks’ rosy guise?

What Parian marble that is loveliest,
Can match the whiteness of her brow and breast?
When drew she breath from the Sabaean glade?
Oh happy rock and river, sky and sea,
Gardens, and glades Sabaean, all that be
The far-off splendid semblance of my maid!

poem by Jacques TahureauReport problemRelated quotes
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Ode: Si en un lieu solitaire

Si en un lieu solitaire
Les ennuis me font retraire
Pour me plaindre tout seulet,
Si je cherche les montagnes,
Ou des plus vertes campagnes
Le murmurant ruisselet;

Lors ces choses tant secrètes,
Bien qu'aux autres soient muettes,
Me voyant en tel émoi,
Toutes d'un chant pitoyable
Mais, hélas ! peu secourable,
Gémissent aveque moi.

En quelque part que je tourne,
Toujours le deuil y séjourne;
Le cours même du ruisseau
S'enfle aux pleurs de ma complainte;
Sa fleur tombante à ma plainte
Y pleure maint arbrisseau.

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poem by Jacques TahureauReport problemRelated quotes
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