Why is it that you can only read stuff like this on a blog?
Because human rights and politically correct control the fog,
What we need is one politician to tell it like it is,
And compulsory voting for all Canadian election biz.
We need binding referendums and judicial reviews,
Because ordinary Canadians always seem to lose,
We need plebiscites and proportional representation,
And prisoners to stay in jail for their whole sentence duration.
We need death with dignity and political propositions,
We need to be able to recall useless politicians,
Why does our court system have publication bans here and there?
We may need a new constitution if anyone really cares.
poem by James Bredin
Added by Poetry Lover
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A GIRL IN DERRY June 19th,2011
A girl in Derry long ago said that I was full of lust,
She was probably right as she left me in the dust,
Said she was going to join a convent the very next week,
I often wonder if that experience was completely unique.
And if perchance she’s still alive, would she remember me,
A Canadian sailor from across the Atlantic sea,
But that was very long ago, even long before the pill,
Before many lovely ladies went crazy but some don’t still.
Is there something I may have missed somewhere along the way?
Lots of things forgotten so I should have kept a dossier,
Or wrote a book about the many people and events,
Could have been a best seller because of the contents.
poem by James Bredin
Added by Poetry Lover
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Our Party Controlled Politicians
Politicians should all be independent and no party ties,
Locked into some secret party agenda in disguise,
Can't have an independent thought for some unknown reason,
It could be considered the equivalent as high treason.
Their elite establishment always oppose political change,
We the people are merely numbers and easy to arrange,
We're in a media controlled political prison box,
No changes forthcoming so no need to click your inbox.
No binding referendums, no recall or euthanasia,
No need for mandatory voting like they have in Australia,
No proportional representation in first past the post,
These changes are forbidden in Canada from coast to coast.
Dec 9th,2010
poem by James Bredin
Added by Poetry Lover
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Multiple Satellite Dishes
Multiculturalism is a righteous religion of crap,
Where Canadians have been caught in a NY UN trap,
A modern-day fetish of the politically correct,
And the UN Security Council seems to be unchecked.
An international Vatican type of organization,
Full of religious dedication seeking a donation,
Where representatives from every corner of the world meet,
In a big glass building where conspiracies are always complete.
Special-interest socialist groups with their own special agenda,
Multiculturalism is on their list of propaganda,
Immigrants don’t need to blend in with their satellite dishes,
Constant TV channels of their own strange culture and wishes.
Oct 24th,2010
poem by James Bredin
Added by Poetry Lover
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Political Recall Nov 9th,2012
Canadian politicians like all politicians dread recall,
Whether it's federal, provincial or even city hall,
But how do we get rid of a dreadful useless politician?
And he's absolutely useless other than his/her ambition.
So a system of recall should be inaugurated now,
Though our politicians will try to stop it somehow,
Why does British Columbia have recall and we don't?
And why do they have set-date elections and our system wont?
And if that province can succeed here; why can't we?
There must be a system and somewhere someone must have the key,
Why does nobody mention it; as we get frequently swamped?
As we tolerate more useless politicians and no one will prompt.
poem by James Bredin
Added by Poetry Lover
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The Tenth Anniversary of 9/11
Durban II and 9/11 on the same weekend, ten years ago,
An insult to both the US and Israel just to let you know,
Durban III scheduled on 9/11 anniversary next year,
It’s hard to believe but certain people want to cheer.
The UN has demonized democracy for some strange reason,
As though dictatorships should be the way to go this season,
The UN obviously needs to give itself a good shake,
Because it seems to be at the mercy of dictators on the make.
Media moguls tend to skirt this upcoming anniversary,
Particularly the blatant connection to beneficiaries,
Political correctness gone completely mad once more,
Anything else happening at the UN back door?
Nov 20th,2010
poem by James Bredin
Added by Poetry Lover
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Death With Dignity Now Oct 1st 2012
The big problem that humans have, is our approaching death,
And the appointed High Court wont allow DWD just yet,
We are stuck with the problem of how to bring about change,
Our politicians are too busy to stop what they are doing and arrange.
There is dignity in dying if it is properly planned,
But DWD is prohibited as the High Court has banned,
And our big problem is that we are all going to die,
And there is nothing we can do about it and I don't know why.
If the Americans can have DWD in some states,
Could we have it by province or is that too much to debate?
After all, we have abortions everywhere, wall to wall,
Therefore DWD should not be illegal - not at all.
poem by James Bredin
Added by Poetry Lover
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What Democracy?
Media moguls announce our democracy every day,
It's only natural because this is Canada, they say,
Even though we're not allowed to elect someone to our Senate,
So much for our democracy on our Canadian planet.
And appointees to the Supreme Court come from a secret list,
So secret that we are forbidden to read, help or assist,
And death with dignity is completely and utterly forbidden,
They did it to Sue Rodriguez and the reasons were hidden.
We have no recall for drunken or idiot politicians,
These aristocrats can't be recalled because of their positions,
Therefore they want to maintain the political status quo,
So much for our democracy in this political game show.
poem by James Bredin
Added by Poetry Lover
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Our Democracy
We don't have binding referendums or judicial reviews,
No plebiscites, proportional representation but who knew?
No set-date elections, recall or compulsory voting rules,
Not even elected senators mentioned in any of our schools.
We are not allowed death with dignity no matter how sick,
No matter what religion you are - Protestant or Mick,
And what happened to Sue Rodriguez, could happen to you,
Just about the time you're ready to die and say adieu.
Canadian politicians like all politicians dread recall,
Whether it's federal, provincial or even city hall,
Their party is more important than their constituents,
But this is seldom if ever very mentioned though continuous.
poem by James Bredin
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Yearly Prime Minister May 5th,2011
A different prime minister should be appointed each year,
He/she should be an already elected provincial premier,
This could avoid party politicians electing their own,
Where many people react with a loud but silent groan.
Senators and Supreme Court judges should also be elected,
In order to establish that Canadians are protected,
From biased weird decisions made by questionable appointees,
Whose words are law and they don’t ever have to appease.
Mandatory set date elections and compulsory voting too,
Could sidetrack a lot of expensive Ottawa hullabaloo,
A simple system of binding referendums should be formed,
So that all the people and politicians could stay reformed.
poem by James Bredin
Added by Poetry Lover
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