Trying To Leave
I cry
You laugh
I forgive
You do it again
I leave
You follow
poem by Makayla Straight
Added by Poetry Lover
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Help me.
Dont let me be
I dont need your sorrow
Not today not tomorrow
poem by Makayla Straight
Added by Poetry Lover
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Im Sorry
I am sorry Mother
I am sorry I didnt believe you
I am sorry I listened to him
poem by Makayla Straight
Added by Poetry Lover
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Do you regret being with me?
Do you wish you were with someone else
I know I am a child to you
So why dont you just leave
poem by Makayla Straight
Added by Poetry Lover
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* * *
Sometimes I wonder if there is something more out there.
Sometimes I dream I can close my eyes and be anywhere
Anywhere but here
poem by Makayla Straight
Added by Poetry Lover
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I can feel the tears approaching
I can feel them pouring down my cheeks
I dont even have the strength to wipe them.
I lost the battle!
I am done...
poem by Makayla Straight
Added by Poetry Lover
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Please Just Give Up
Everybody has given up on me.
I don't care anymore.
There is no point in living anymore.
Sooner or later I am going to die, .
I rather have it NOW!
poem by Makayla Straight
Added by Poetry Lover
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With You
When I am with you fireworks go off into the sky.
When I am with you I still get the butterflies.
I relaized i didn't know you that long
and I decided I love you.
poem by Makayla Straight
Added by Poetry Lover
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Family Love
I want to feel the love
I dont have a family that loves me
I dont have the mother love
I dont have the father love
Can I just have love?
Am I truley asking for too much?
poem by Makayla Straight
Added by Poetry Lover
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No more you! ! ! ! !
It stopped raining
My tears are gone
My head is high
So I can see the sun rise
You broke up with me
Now I am free
NO more suffrage and pain
I'm done! !
NO MORE YOU! ! ! !
poem by Makayla Straight
Added by Poetry Lover
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