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Marilyn Lott

Rain on Route-66

The rain was pouring down
On the road as we drove along
And as we drove we whistled
That cheerful Route-66 song

Everything sparkled and glistened
As down the wet road we rode
Enjoying the highway countryside
As the landscape quickly flowed

From Chicago to Los Angeles
This highway had been named
In the year nineteen-twenty six
It was a road that gathered fame

A need to connect rural and urban
This highway definitely did the trick
Now it’s become historic
To take the drive is quite a kick

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A Thad Wilk Christmas

In the darkness at Christmas time
Under the crescent of a moon
We see festive decorations
For holiday excitement is soon

A home that beckons to us
Through the window we can see
Hundreds of colored lights flashing
On this beautiful Christmas tree

Inside it is warm and cozy
A warm fire burning bright
Stockings placed very carefully
It is Christmas Eve tonight

The Eggnog is hot and spicy
For after all it is Christmas
Romance is in the air
Before tomorrow’s family fuss

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Memories of Mom

There is nothing I can think of
That brings back old memories
As much as old family photos
What a treat they are for me

Especially ones of my mom
The woman who brought me up
I love to see her beautiful smile
I remember her tender touch

The old photos of her ironing
Reminds me of all her hard work
All the years that I was going up
There wasn’t a chore she would shirk

Oh look, at the little building
That had nearly fallen down
Mom and I were both born there
It’s a rare photo that I found

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The Amazing Kinsale

If you want to do some traveling
Ireland is the place to go
Seeped in ancient history
You’ll be fascinated with it so

Kinsale will make you welcome
Anything you’d want to do is there
Whether yachting, fishing or golf
Or a delicious gourmet fare

Nestled between hills and shore
Such a beautiful place to go
While standing on the reaching cliffs
There’s an amazing scene below

And oh, the Waterford crystal
You know, this is where it’s made
Clear back in 1873 it began
Though the arts had been delayed

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Chocolate Creations

You wouldn’t believe what we’re having
Right down at our plaza hall
There are tables of delicious chocolate
Tiny red apples, and that’s not all

A chocolate vase, can you imagine?
Clusters of chocolate with nuts
I’ll tell you one thing folks
This is one way to get out of a rut

Makes you smile just to imagine
What chocolate can do for you
Not only can it make you smile
But it’s sweet and good and true

But, you have to be so careful
About how you eat this treat
Oh yes, you musn’t gobble
My way just can’t be beat

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An American Hero

Robert Portella is a cherished hero
Everyone certainly agrees
He is a New York firefighter
And takes his job very seriously

When the 911 tragedy took place
In New York City, USA
This man did what he could
There is so much about him to say

He put the public and duties first, you see
As the firefighters are known to do
They put their lives right on the line
They are fierce, loyal and true

The shock was felt across the world
And while most of us were in pain
So were these wonderful heroes
Some families won’t them see again

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Montana’s Open Sky

Have you ever been to Montana
And observed the open sky?
Let me tell you, it’s truly amazing
And I’ll be glad to tell you why

There is nothing at all to stand
In your view to keep you from seeing
The open clear and beautiful
Sky with its fresh real meaning

You can see the sky so plainly
And when the sun rises up in the morn
The colors so pure and true mix with
Fluffy clouds as they drift and adorn

The sunsets as they dropp down
Are astounding with bold open colors
Nature’s canvas designed for us
That are unlike any others

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Sunset Thinking

Do you ever watch the sunset
And just sit and think about things
Just you and the sky and darkness
Giving your thoughts some wings

Perhaps you’ve got some troubles
And don’t know what to do
Or you just plain need to get away
To spend a little time with you

Sunset beauty makes you feel as though
Your life has meaning after all
To see a sight so extraordinary
Makes you feel capable, strong and tall

It’s funny how flashes of color
Like a sunset or sunrise can inspire
It can calm your inner self a bit
It’s a scene you can never tire

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Mustang Western Days

Aren’t the activities exciting
On beautiful warm summer days?
So much is going on then
In so many fun-filled ways

Mustang Western Days is like that
It’s one of the summer things
Where families dressed in fancy clothes
Something fun that summer brings

Cute little kids, oh look over there
Isn’t that toddler sweet?
In the back of dad’s convertible
Yes, it's a place where folks can meet

And there is always scrumptious food
You’ll find every delicious flavor
Hot dogs, BBQ and corn dogs
And sweets in which to savor

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Chocolate Fun

When I visited Yukon last summer
Elaine vividly described to me
The wonderful chocolate fountain
As sweet and smooth as could be

My mouth began to water
My tongue could almost feel
Chocolate melting upon it
I swear that it felt and tasted so real

I look at the wonderful pictures
And imagine what it would be like
To dip delicious sweet fruit in chocolate
Fruit that was so fresh and so bright

Just look that the happy faces
Of the folks of Spanish Cove
Give them food to dip in chocolate
And right into the middle they dove

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