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Marilyn Lott

A Red Dirt Life

I went for a ride the other day
Sun shown bright as could be
Shining right on the red dirt road
There is nothing more cheerful to me

Past the red dirt farmhouses
Down the valley so red
A smile was on my face
For I knew what was ahead

The green trees stood out starkly
With the wonderful red color
Huge red rock and plateau’s
Nothing like any other

It was a ride that I take often
For I have a great red dirt time
Perhaps you too would enjoy
A red dirt life like mine!

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A buffet to Remember

It was a buffet to remember
With a lovely Hawaiian theme
Food so fresh and flavorful
It was truly a food critic’s dream

Shrimp so sweet and tasty
Dipping sauce perfectly mixed
The platters were so beautiful
With everything that was fixed

A pig cooked to perfection
We couldn’t wait to eat
So much food to put on our plate
Hard to carry it to our seat

The perfect way to celebrate
Harold’s 100th birthday
Grabbed our plate and filled it up
It was just like a holiday!

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Red Dirt & Red Skies

The red dirt fascinates me so
It just doesn’t look quite real
Too bright and much too pretty
It has that ‘country’ feel

Skies that shock the senses
At night or early morn
Unlike dark and gloomy skies
Frightening and forlorn

Red is a color of promise to me
It always makes me smile
To sit on a swing and enjoy red dirt
Or the brilliant skies for awhile

The red dirt world is glorious
As the red clouds pass on by
For nothing makes me happier
Than red dirt & red skies!

poem by Marilyn LottReport problemRelated quotes
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Happy Birthday Mom

Happy Birthday Mom
You mean so much to me
I’ll cook you a delicious meal
And serve it with sweet tea

I’ll pick you a bouquet of flowers
I’ll clean your house so you can rest
We’ll visit the entire day
Because you truly are the best

I’ll bake your very favorite cake
Chocolate tops your list
I’ll sing Happy Birthday to you
And I’ll end it with a kiss

So happy birthday mom
My wish for you all year
Is smiles and laughter every day
And shed only happy tears!

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Don’t Wanna Live Forever

I don’t wanna live forever
Even if I could
I eat chocolate every day
As any chocolate lover would

I love my chips and salsa
Of course tomatoes are healthy
Along with all the other veggies
Salsa’s not just for the wealthy

Fried foods – oh, bring ‘em on
Greasy chicken with a crunch
My salad dressing soaks up salads
But there are veggies by the bunch

Okay, so maybe my diet is not
The best of life’s endeavors
But you know what, my friend?
I don’t wanna live forever!

poem by Marilyn LottReport problemRelated quotes
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The Taste of Chocolate

Valentine’s Day is wonderful ‘cause
Nothing in the world has a taste
Like the flavor of chocolate
Not a tiny morsel you’ll waste

Delicious every second
As in your mouth it melts
You can close your eyes tightly
And heaven will be felt

Wouldn’t it be great
To observe a chocolate factory
I’m sure they’d give out samples
That would be totally satisfactory

Companies are going full blast
To get their products out
For that’s what Valentine’s Day
And romance is all about!

poem by Marilyn LottReport problemRelated quotes
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Life’s Railway

Life is a lot like a railway
As we travel along through time
Clickety clacking along our way
A good life we seek to find

We pass through many places
Meet folks both good and bad
Have experiences along the way
Many happy but some are sad

Some of the places we travel
We never plan to return
But others stay in our memory
Good lessons we have learned

We never know what we will see
All we can do is take it day by day
Doing the very best we can
As we travel life’s exciting railway!

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A Horse with No Name

He was a horse with no name
But he sure did have style
Strong and handsome he was
I visited him once in awhile

I was captivated with him
His eyes were bright and clear
Intelligence was obvious
Packed his head from ear to ear

No other animal is like the horse
They are so magnificent to me
Whether in a fence ‘round a farm
Or on the range and running free

Stories are written about them
Many quotes from famous men
They are truly part of nature
Will always have a ‘wild’ blend!

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Special Family Memories

I have special family memories
Of when I was just a child
My family did things together
More often than once in awhile

We would go to church together
Then afterward a Sunday drive
With roast beef and mashed potatoes
When back home we’d later arrive

We’d to go the movies on occasion
My mom, dad, brother and me
I remember especially seeing Bambi
Although that was sad for me to see

But family is so important
It creates a special bond
I have many family memories
Of which I’m so terribly fond!

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Petals & Things

It’s my very favorite time of year
Yes it’s spring, oh glorious spring
The world is alive with changes
Like delightful petals and things

Precious tiny leaves peek out
All along the branches
Buds are getting braver now
Flowers about to take chances

Color is fresh and new again
The fragrance wafts in the air
Gives us hope for tomorrow for
There is not so many cares

For nature is filling in the voids
Without a single string
Let’s enjoy what spring gives us
Like wonderful petals and things!

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