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Melvina Germain

Fear of the unknown

The wind was strong and the dust blew viciously.
Walking on a dirt road, not sure of my destination.
I encountered a coyote standing in the distance. My
first thought was to turn and run and then I
realized that might not be a good idea. I slowly
walked, placing one foot quietly in front of the
other, while keeping my eye on the coyote. The
animal did not move, it stood in the same position.
Fearful as I was, I didn’t want the animal to know
my fear. I bravely took step after step and walked
toward the road. Finally I reached a crossing in
the road. When I turned to look back the coyote
was gone. At that point, I felt sure I was safe and
continued to walk down the road. When I
approached an old shack at the road clearing, I
noticed paw prints on the soft ground. Immediately
I thought, what animal made those prints, surely
it wasn’t the coyote that I encountered earlier,
certainly not, don’t be silly I thought to myself.
Once again I continued to walk forward. I could

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A Sunday Prayer For Our Lost Sisters And Brothers

Dear Father God, once again I come to you on a Sunday morning.
Father please know that I love you dearly, I respect your name,
I love your son Jesus. Father know that I give thanks for all that you have given, your wondrous views, your precious animal kingdom, the miracle of childbirth and more.

Father this Sunday I would like to focus on praying for your children who deny you, those who say you don’t exist, those that
refuse to acknowledge you in any way. Yes Lord I pray for them
for they are lost and as your son said a long time ago, “they no not what they do”. Father cleanse their minds, open their eyes and show them the way to the truth. Father speak to them, walk with

Father these people are lost, misguided and need you in their lives,
although they may never ask you Lord, give me the knowledge,
wisdom, patience and strength to know how best to minister to
these non believers. Use me Lord as a vessel to deliver your
word so they may understand there is no other that comes before

Lord we all have our problems, we are all sinners, I have sinned
and still have weaknesses, but Lord I would never deny you, I
get my strength from you, I know when I have fallen you will be
there to pick me up and start me once again on the right track. I

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Father (sunday Prayer)

Father once again I come to you to ask yet for more blessings. Oh Lord is there no end to what I ask for. Each day new problems, new heartaches, more devistation, molestations, murders, drug use is increasing instead of decreasing.
Father God people are forgetting their purpose in life, they are lost. Father many years ago, your son asked you to forgive them for they know not what they do. Father when will they know what they're doing.
I have a difficult time Father looking at the news and reading of unnecessary killings, of a body found in close proximity, a body missing the head and very badly beaten. Father God what kind of a person does this. Satan is so busy and still finding a following. I'm
concerned at the minds that he is still able to poison.
Today Father I pray that you take total charge and stop him in his tracks, that you cause these people to take a step back and think before they act. That you cause these people who may be suffering from mental disorders, to seek help and allow the medical Doctor's to do what they are best trained for.
Father we need people that can show compassion, love and care to others and not to think of ways in which to harm them.
You my Father are so much more powerful than this evil being, please knock him out of the way and teach him a lesson.
I know you are listening Father and I know that you will take care of this evil when the time is right and only you Father know when that time is right. I will never question why you do things the way you do. I will hope that I will see positive changes in my time.
Father let me see people embracing and caring for each other instead of beating and killing each other.
You are the most high, the most intelligent, the king of all kings and I will trust in you and follow you all the days of my life. Father God I truly have faith and will continue to follow you and love you. I question you not. Father I ask this in the name of yoru precious son 'Jesus'

Written: Feb 24,2008.

poem by Melvina GermainReport problemRelated quotes
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Thank You Father - Prayer For A Healing

Father, first of all know how much I love you and appreciate you
in my life. Father you never leave me, always there to see me
through. This week Father you were ever present in not only my
life but that of my daughter and I thank you for what you did for
her this week. She now understands what I’ve been telling her
for quite sometime. There you were Father showing her what she
needed to see, giving her the inspiration she needed and filling
her with positive energy enabling her to go after her dream with
the gifts that you gave her so long ago. Thank you Father God for
always being present in my life.

Father I ask you to touch the life of a sister poet and her husband.
I know you know who I’m speaking of Father, so I won’t mention
any names. I speak of a sister poet who lives a difficult life dealing with an alcoholic husband, but you know Father she is
standing by her husband, taking one day at a time.

Today Father I pray for a healing for this man, help him to give up this addiction in his life, help him to see the light, to realize
what is happening to his wife, to know that he is going down hill
and needs to fight his way back into the real world. This man
Father God is living as you know, in a haze, so I pray for a healing.

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