Hope is not Dead
My Hope is not dead
My heart broke and bled
Down but not quite out
They don't care to know what I'm about
A proclamation of love
but no ties to the Great One above
I am still here
I will live with no fear
My victory is near.....
poem by Monciana Edmondson
Added by Poetry Lover
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I have outgrown your backyard.
With it's dark corners,
And arid soil.
No more will you stunt my growth,
No more will beauty be imprisoned by shadows.
The world is now my garden,
and mother nature; God's hand maiden,
Nourishes me.
poem by Monciana Edmondson
Added by Poetry Lover
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There is no Music when you are not near.
Suddenly, I am deaf;
Unable to hear the harmonies of life,
Unable to feel the rhythm, the beating of love's drum.
And then, in its place dwells fear;
Fear you will never again appear.
Forsaking me, leaving me with no music.
poem by Monciana Edmondson
Added by Poetry Lover
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The Affair
Initiated with playful smiles
Then escalates to sly looks from 2 sets of eyes
There is no resistance
Thanks to mutual persistance
No need for well-rehearsed goodbyes
Nor running down a private road paved with lies
No tears and no heart-broken cries
And a distrustful mind seals the heart from a painful demise
poem by Monciana Edmondson
Added by Poetry Lover
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A Thanksgiving Prayer
I am grateful:
For this day, for those past and those ahead
For my family, who love me despite me.
For Friends both old and new
For life, each day I feel blessed anew
For food and shelter in the midst of want
For health and vitality and lessons learnt.
For the many bridges that will not be burnt.
I am especially grateful for the love of God; unchanging and sustaining. Amen
poem by Monciana Edmondson
Added by Poetry Lover
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You who deceptively deceive
We who still believe
The Few who stay true
To love that continues to brew and renew.
To the few who know the truth,
There is no quick fix in a touch and the meeting of lips,
Nor the pleasure to be found in the movement of hips
Not money nor fame,
Will ever douse that flame.
Don't be tricked into playing that twisted game.
My sister, my brother
Don't fall for that lie
God gave you the key, the wings to fly.
poem by Monciana Edmondson
Added by Poetry Lover
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Where Are You My Love?
I search for you among the broken ones.
The Handsome faces that adorn, empty, filthy souls.
I am besieged by the lips that lie
By skillful hands with dark hearts.
I sought you among those that promise the world, yet deliver nothing.
Where are you my love?
The wise one, with a steadfast heart
The God lover
Takes care of his mother
My lover my friend
Our love will never end.
Created just for me
Together we are freeā¦
Where are you my Love?
poem by Monciana Edmondson
Added by Poetry Lover
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Stupid: what is stupid?
knowing and still doing
not knowing and doing
seeing and disbelieving
loving those that clearly hate you
they are not loyal but you're still true
Rewarding love with your distaste
throwing your gifts out to waste
allowing mind tricks to go unchalllenged
walking directly into an obvious trap
even though it was clearly marked on the map
The light of truth lights the safe way
yet you stupidly, blindly walked off the edge of the cliff...
poem by Monciana Edmondson
Added by Poetry Lover
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Toward Me
I go back to where it hurts.
Back to the place where I am my worst.
Cursed to dance the same dance with a different partner.
The coldness of his embrace, so familiar.
I am his slave, I surrender.
Blessed with the light of inner strength, so faint at first.
The longer I look, the brighter it shines.
Emitting the fire of inner power, so hot I fear it will burn me,
It entices me away from those cold familiar arms.
Into the unknown, toward my soul, toward me.
poem by Monciana Edmondson
Added by Poetry Lover
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Disaster strikes and you ask why?
Maybe fall to your knees with a soul-shaking cry
Maybe, just maybe you want to lay down and die
Give away your life's breath with one last sigh
But listen, be still
There is no need to invite death's dark chill
For great power exists in your spiritual Will
Softly, the spirit of Love entreats thee
In the midst of the pain don't be weary
This moment temporary, though your eyes may be teary
Hold fast
It won't last
This too shall pass....
poem by Monciana Edmondson
Added by Poetry Lover
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