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Norman Santos

Unrivaled Transcience

Tell me about the power of Babylonian Gods
The symmetry and geometry of their scintillations
The silver blood dripping on their immortal wrists
Do we dream of the pain evoking the pleasure of life?

In this dog eat dog, the crunch is that: we are bones
Sworn to become dusts when we are outdated by
The easy shifting of the moon's wanton penumbra
But you will remember me, I will never die before eyes

A pantheon of virile and avid serpents uprooted
The ephemeral pegs of their virulent fangs
And the bleeding came like a guest of honor
We knew it would come, so we closed our eyes

Tell me about the lore of the tress, the lure of the sands
Croon the words in my impassable nights and never tire
Like an aubade, like a lullaby, reel me deluded into life
Make stay, or astray, in the fringes of your shadows

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Lambaste Unto Your Shattered Reflection

Softly, the mist came with its trifle attention
lackadaisically promenading in the silver stillness
but nothing in this quiescence is intimate enough
to quell the raving flames of your furnace
shorn openly to desecrate the lacings of faith

I picked up the debris of your blaring tirade,
I cupped the ashes of your sterile lambaste,
I reckoned the vicarious pirouettes with death -
our hands are both tarnished but my soul stifles
under the condemns of your querulous parasol

The godly hands eloquently wove webs with you
until your fulminating repose was a perfect ensnare -
a wreck gnawing on your seams, sifting your dreams
shifting the crooked hands of your maladroit petals
Not now, but little by little, you'll know what I mean

When you catch a glimpse of horror by accident
and your mirrors unveil its light to the effluence

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Orphaned Light

With such insentient fervor
He nibbled on his fingernails
Whetting the anxious squirming
And posed the levity of his head
On the snowcapped comportment
In the craning arms of the window bay
And the inebriated moon dawn closer
Inflated in its own opaqueness
Elucidating the chapped eviscerations
On the stripped placidness of his features
And his eyes of lifeless age
Tinkered of a spurious verve
That plucks the distant luminaries
Like saccharine pebbles and berries
That slathers the rocking cradle of apathy
Whilst the quicksand on his mattress
Spun and pirouetted in vertigo
And he was like a sordid spit of clay
Without the molding of the potter's hand
And the dense concrete walls crept loftier

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Pleas of a Claymore I

In my sedentary ineptitude,
I shall acquaint you with
The uncouth wails of a claymore
With the hissing sounds in the air
Of its unabashed bashings
Slicing through the verdigris of reticence
Swallowed, like serrated daggers
And the throat that bled the anarchy
That had always coiled in the underground
Grottos of a stagnant river.

I shall ring the sleeping bells,
With the shrills and clatters
Spewing the turbulent climates
Of a claymore in a warfare
That he vied for, like his own
And of a greater mayhem
When is he is not desirable
Pleasant and wanted,
And remained sheathed

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Plethora Of Flowers

The wind wiped mellifluously
The pollen in her vivid face
And the memory remained
In a garden of collectives
Where everything bloomed
And sank all the same, hastily
Blue as a dream, red in the evening
Bowing with the petals and their skirts
Resembling the machinism of the gears
Pushing each other and manipulating
Time's lullabies and elegies
Her statuesque silhouette stood
Crooning a limn for the breeze
That spades the buried garden

Trains will pass with faces
Pasted in the window pane
Chasing the carriage of their dreams
And running from the hearse darting
Against the winnowed sailing through

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For Whom The Bell Tolls

I heard a bell bellow
but I didn't find its tower
The echolalia coiled eternally
in distraught from insularity
and the mist listened

For whom the bell tolls
when the sun had set for tomorrow
before it can rise today?

Because your lissome hands
grew brass, writhed cold
Your sapphire stares
rived amongst stones

Your search lights marauded
and probed my wasteland
looking for holes behind
the threadbare tapestry

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Outside Our Silent Parasols

Your departure made shadows
inside this steel gray curtain
prancing with every step
like the flames of the sunset
swallowed inside the clouds
draping the unweaving of light

The rain plummets down
trying to furrow the distance
between heaven and earth
while veiling the complacence
festooned with false pretense

Because the obsidian eyes
casted downwards like the rain
is caught in a ponderous downpour
filling the empty basin I held
like a thirsty tree, writhing in time

And as I waded through little oasis

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Your hills poised with intimate enigma -
A looming sphinx counting riddles
that remains unwritten, unspoken
and it can only ardently neglect
the ululations of the mountain bison
or the petulant howling wind-cuts
proposed by vagrant eagles
festering your sun's golden horns
because yonder the taut distance
your cerulean sea slumbers soundly
placid with her sober serenades -
A desolation more saccharine as
a lost nymph's silent enthralls
and the florid falsettos from your
sharp beliefs and frail constitutions
and the yearning sighs of your lips
can only touch her soft breaths
riding her foamy waves, while you
measure her immensity and
undo the multitude of niceties

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Of Liberation

Holy these shackles of utopian citadel,
Profane this constant vying in veils,
Sine of great filters to parcel
The lifeless body from the ageless soul
We resume our astray meander
As seraphs round their patios above
And fiends lurk and beat around the bushes
Yonder this finite circumference
Calculating the starved preying,
Pouring more dreams in the cloying
We kneel before carnivals with sentiments
And flounder hazily with the cinders
Of charred scripts in escritoires
Come, breathe in the daunted air
To congeal a leonine heart
And stand in the piercing pinnacle
Of a robust warfare between
Existence, angels, demons and
The hedonistic souls capitulated
Inside the labyrinth of this poetry

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The Harlequin

In the clout of a shotgun world
Of feral catwalk alleys
And dog-strut hungers
Subsistence is a farce comedy
Rummaging in the ripples
Of one's convictions
And the furor wrought
By such idiotic bliss;
Of obstreperous finagling
In the batting eyelashes
Of make believing,
Is the swansong
Of the ethereal, non-carnal,
Point blank demise.

Ball a smoldering spit
Inside the brawls of one's feet
And you may find the streak
Of unflawed erudite alibis
For these chortles,

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