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Rachel Brewer

Don't Change

Why would you change who you are?
Don’t do that.
People were made the way they were for a reason,
Trying to change yourself would be like trying to change fate,
You can’t do it, so don’t change who you are.
I love you because of the silly things you do,
You wouldn’t have been that way if you weren’t made to be special,
And you are special,
You’re special to me,
Special because you like me for who I am, and in return I like you for you.
So, why would you want to change who you are?
If it’s because of the way you look, that’s silly,
To me everyone is beautiful, especially you,
All you have to remember is,
It’s you, who makes you,
So don’t you dare change.

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Mirrors Never Lie

Looking into a mirror, can reveal the deepest secrets a person has.
It tells you who you really are, even if you’re trying to hide it.
It’s amazing what people can hide, when they smile or laugh.
They can be the saddest people in the world and no one will ever know.
Except a mirror.
You may be able to lie to others,
But when you look into a mirror, you can’t lie to yourself.
The mirror shows you what’s inside, and how you feel.
It tells you how beautiful you really are, and it shows you.
Looking into the mirror is like looking into your soul,
You look at yourself, you judge yourself.
But you see more than normal people do when you look in a mirror.
Because they only see you from the outside.
So remember that the next time you look in a mirror,
You are looking at your true self,
Because mirrors never lie.

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When I Heard That You Died

I couldn’t bring myself to go to your funeral.
I couldn’t look at your lifeless body, because it wasn’t you.
It was an empty shell, the empty shell of my best friend.
I couldn’t look at your peaceful face without crying, and I had cried enough.
I cried a lifetimes worth of tears when I heard that you died.
So, I couldn’t bring myself to go to your funeral.
But I did go down to the river, remember?
Where we liked to play and relax when we were younger.
I went down to the river and threw a flower in the water.
I watched it get sucked under and dragged away, and I thought of you flying up to heaven.
A brief smile crossed my face, until the tears once again began to cloud my vision.
Happy you are safe, but sad to say goodbye.
So, it turns out, even though I couldn’t bring myself to go to your funeral,
The tears will come, and will always come when I think about this day.
The day when I heard that you died.

poem by Rachel BrewerReport problemRelated quotes
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The Wind Whispers

The wind whispers to me,
It tells me things,
Things about you that I didn’t know before,
It reminded me of all the good times we had together,
It makes me sad to think that you’re not here any more.

The wind whispers to me,
It reminded me of the day we met,
Out in the rain, soaking wet,
You offered me your umbrella,
And I fell in love with you that night.

We had lots of fun days after that,
Until you went and said goodbye,
I never saw your face again,
And I never will,
Until I die.

The wind whispers to me,
It sounds just like you did,

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Writing The Words

I’m writing this at your funeral.
As I watch all the people in tears.
I wish I could join them,
But I know I have to be strong.

I’m writing this on my hand,
No paper to get it down on.
I want to remember your funeral,
So I’m writing this to honour you.

I’m writing the thoughts that pop into my head,
Making sure they are only the best.
I have to remember,
Because I couldn’t live with myself if I ever forgot.

I’m writing this at your funeral,
As people dropp flowers onto your coffin.
I stand up to dropp my own,
Blue, unlike the others, because I know it’s your favourite.

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