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Raj Nandy

mid-summers Rain


Juicy water melons and iced buttermilk,
Cool breeze of summer with waves kissing
our feet,
These are a few blessings of an Indian
summer time,
Let’s walk the beaches with your hand in
O lovely summer time!

Sitting under the shade with cold lemonade,
I see the boats sailing, - their white dotted
While the surf riders perform their undulating
dance, -
As we sit under the sun-shade almost in a
O summer’s hypnotic trance!

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A Single Identity

Notwithstanding how you view the morn,
Or see the sunrise and the dawn,
Over the high mountain Alps,
Or over the vast blue sea, or desert sand,
The sky shall be and always retain,
Its one single identity!

Notwithstanding how you share your
Or break it up into many parts,
And share its love with many or few,
Your heart shall be one and the same,
A single heart it shall remain!

No matter how you live this life,
Through your childhood, manhood and
old age,
And live through all its different stage,
Your life shall be one, just the same!
Since only one life is your due,

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A Nobel Prize For Peace!

When the dove returned to Noah’s arch, -
With an olive branch in its beak,
Noah knew that the flood waters have begun
to recede!
The Dove remain as our symbol of Peace!
But now when we look up at the sky,
There are more hawks than doves flying up

Yet there are many who work in anonymity,
For the sake of peace and to alleviate poverty,
Without any kind of publicity!
For long religious bigotry, cast and creed,
Have distanced us from that elusive peace, -
Spreading violence amongst our midst!
So now I sincerely do hope and pray,
That this Noble Prize for Peace shall one day,
Bringing that elusive peace on our way!
Despite what the ‘hawks’ might have to say!

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Thirt Pieces Of Silver


Those early Roman days, were not much
When bribery, corruption and evil ways,
had also prevailed!
Politicians crossed the floor of the Senate, -
like politicians of our days!
Morality, human values, and actions and
Had price tags to satisfy human greed!
Both terrorists and traitors could be tempeted
by the devil,
To satisfy human lust and for the spread of
I often recall how Judas had betrayed,
By planting the traitors kiss on his Masters
And sold Jesus to the Romans in a villanous
barter trade!

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speaking Of Re-birth!

Many a time it has been said, that despite my
prayers and fond wishes,
The soul must go through several re-births,
To absolve itself from all debts on this earth!
And those who committed acts of violence,
Must take re-birth to meet such an end!
It is indeed a reassuring and comforting thought,
That crime never goes unpunished in the eyes of

Now what happens to all our courts of laws,
With hanging and life imprisonments galore? !
For the same offence you cannot punish a man
Do the advocates of ‘re-birth’ listen to such
Despite whatever has been said in re-birth’s
I have always prayed for Moksha without giving

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Tribute To Jazz Music


I can feel its rhythm and beat,
And also its pulsating pain,
Its music flows freely,
Through my arteries and veins!
Its beats always echoes,
Through the corridors of my mind,
As I get wafted, on the wings of time!
Its music gets synchronized,
With my heart’s muffled beats,
As I try to keep time, -
With the tapping of my feet!
Each of its pulsating rhythm,
And all its background chimes,
With syncopated lilts,
Jazz remains harmonized!
The piano players dancing fingers,
Caresses a rhythmic sway,
While the Sax’s deep throated tenor,

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No Short-Cuts To Success

The righteous shall prosper
By sweat of their brows and prowess,
There are no short cuts to success!
Equal opportunities for one and all,
And to develop the intellect,
Should at all times be stressed;
Without seeking short cuts to success!

The third class compartments in our trains
Got re-christened as second class,
But the status of our masses,
Got even worse!
Such gimmicks and eye wash
Can no longer hold,
For there are no shot cuts to success
You have always been told!

Let the deserving prosper,
With the right man for the right job,
We are not handicapped or retarded,

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Power Of Silence

In silence the flower buds gently bloom,
In silence they waft their sweet perfume.
In silence grows the blades of grass,
In silence I pen down my verse.
Speech is silver, silence gold,
Good deeds silently performed,
Is more eloquent than words!
In silence lovers cuddle and sleep,
True love communicates through
oceans deep!
Look at the mountains towering so high,
Clouds kiss their tops and silently
float by!

In silence the monks move their prayer
In silence they perform their charitable deeds.
In silence the sun rises and shine,
In silence the moon beams softly smiles.

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The Poetic Sky


As our world gently rotates, the complexion
of the blue sky begins to change,
As clouds ceaselessly form and unite, only to
The sunset sky blushes, and even dissolves
as refreshing rain!
But with the birth of each new day,
The sky always presents a clean blue slate!
For the poet to etch out his thoughts and
While the timeless blue sky forever displays,
it's cerulean blue state!

Like the changing sky the poet's thoughts and
words also rearrange;
In our evanescent life of continued flux, flow,
and change!
The crimson rays of the setting sun enters the

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our Cycles Of Sleep!


The Neurologists often speak, of five different
stages of sleep!
Sleep generally commences in a light state, -
When the brain triggers high amplitude
‘theta waves’!
And after some five to ten minutes, rapid bursts
of ‘sleep spindles’ flow, -
Which lasts for some twenty minutes or so!
Next we float on to a transitional phase, -
When the brain triggers ‘delta waves’, -
And we float between a light and deep sleep
Soon we get submerged into ‘delta sleep’, -
With Non-Rapid Eye Movements, - going
into deep sleep!
And with some people it has been seen, bed-
wetting, or sleepwalking, -
Often occurs during the end of this phase!

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