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Ravi Sathasivam


“ However much you are educated, if you are not self disciplined,
your education would be a waste”

- Ravi Sathasivam

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My Own Proverb

Love a person who loves you
Like a person who likes you
Hear a person who hears you
Help a person who needs you
Respect a person who respects you

poem by Ravi SathasivamReport problemRelated quotes
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When the rain pour........

When the dark clouds cover the sky
When the storm roll on the sky
When the thunder roars in the sky
Let the rain pour from the heaven

When the flora blossom in the mountains
When the fauna dance in the jungles
When the valleys flows with rush water
Let the rain pour from the heaven

When the earth get wet with water
When the farmers smile for happiness
When the country flourish with food
Let the rain pour from the heaven

poem by Ravi SathasivamReport problemRelated quotes
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My endless journey.........

I am fed up with dreams of my future
I want reality in my life with love
Looking forward to end my troubles
But life seems to be endless journey

I want to drift through eternity
I want to see the light that brightens me
Looking forward to end my fear
But life seems to be endless journey

I want to bury my worries forever
I want to draw the power from my soul
Looking forward to end my tears
But life seems to be endless journey

poem by Ravi SathasivamReport problemRelated quotes
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Welcome into my world...

Welcome into my world
Waiting for you at the door step lonely
Longing for your love completely
Opening my heart for you widely
Wanting to hold your heart in me deeply

Welcome into my world
Let me stay with you closely
Let me touch you tenderly
Let me feel you lovingly
Let me kiss you softly

Welcome into my world
Make a place for me in your heart
Make a place for me in your future
Make a place for me in your life
Make a place for me in your world

Welcome into my world

poem by Ravi SathasivamReport problemRelated quotes
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God's Gift - Nature...........

When the beautiful morning comes
The rays of rising sun kiss her
When the garden of nature open its heart
The garden of flowers hugs her to welcome
When the trees dance to tune of wind
The birds singing to the nature's choir
When the gentleness of nature is filled pleasure
Then the earth get wet with weather
When the nature forgets its vastness
Then the God shows her how big her place on earth
Let us thank God for his creation and given us
eyes to see lovely gift - Nature

poem by Ravi SathasivamReport problemRelated quotes
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Let Peace Prevail In This World.......

When you look for peace
then the peace lies within you
When you search for peace
then it is not hard to find
When you want to keep peace alive
then you allow white doves to fly over you
When you make peace with others
then the whole world live in your heart
When you let peace be in the world
then you live in wonderful world
When you allow peace flow around the world
then your hateness will go and love will flow
When you open the door for peace
then peace welcome to your lives.
Let the peace prevail in our wonderful world

poem by Ravi SathasivamReport problemRelated quotes
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Your love is precious to me......

Your love is more precious than diamond
Your love is more valuable than gold
Your love is brightening my life
Your love is means so much to me
Your love is making me complete and whole
Your love is an unimaginable love to love
Your love is an unlocked door for me
Your love is a secret with my drunken love
Your love is like a sun that can melt my heart
Your love is dancing when I look at you
Your love is making body language when I touch you
Your love is feeling shyness when I am in you
Your love is so beautiful and cares for me.

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You have touched my heart...

When I met you first
I know you are made for me
Your charming personality won me
From that day you are in my heart
My heart is filled with full of love
and want to fall in your arms
When I think of you
wonderful feelings run through my heart
You have touched my heart with your gentle words
You have touched my heart with your soul
You have touched my life with gentleness
and filled with full of love
I feel your beauty in my heart
I feel you are with me every moment
and I can not find anyone else
I need you now because you have touched
my heart

poem by Ravi SathasivamReport problemRelated quotes
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When you walked in my life...

When you walked in my life
You wiped my tears
When you walked in my life
You built my heart strong
When you walked in my life
You made my life precious
When you walked in my life
You taught me meaning of love
When you walked in my life
You showed me many things
When you walked in my life
You made my love grow for you
When you walked in my life
You told me how much I mean to you
When you walked in my life
You made your caring soul inside me
When you walked in my life
You gave me memories to cherish forever
And I will there for you till my eyes close dear

poem by Ravi SathasivamReport problemRelated quotes
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