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Ryan Collins

Saying Our Final Goodbye

Get your one last look
Your final goodbye
For this is the place where memory will live and then die
It will go with us, following wherever we go
It is the place that we've met and have come to know
You can return one day, with me or alone
But this place will be someone else's
Someone making their own memory here
They will stand here too one day thinking
Thinking of that day
That magical day
It came so fast
Left fast
and lingers on
Goodbye for now
If I come back too soon it will be in my mind
The place we met
Where our love was set
And your heart mingled with mine

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The Invisible

The rain makes me invisible
It invisible
The wind blows and thunder roars
Everything is more noticeable today
Except for me, invisible in the rain
Why did you make my heart cry
How did you make a strong man a weak one
I guess these feelings I can’t fight
Although made invisible by the rain
It has been an hour or two since you left
And yet I miss you immensely
It’s due to the thoughts running through
When will I see you again
Or even if that’s a possibility
Now as you’re looking down, I know I am not invisible.
And neither are these tears, I thought were hidden in the rain.

Written: November 18,2010

poem by Ryan CollinsReport problemRelated quotes
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Stuck again
The block is back
Stopping the flow of imagination
And ideas
“The writers block”
Solid and thick as lead
Heavy as a planet
Just landed and is up to its old tricks
My thoughts crash into it and can’t be set free
Why now, when it is crucial must you block me
Come back in an hour or two
You’ll be appreciated more then
These stories are good
The poems aren’t dead
Come on you must see them inside my head
You’re making my pen run out of ink
Having to cross out thoughts and feelings on this page
I guess I’ ll be stuck with the block until it leaves
Chuckling with glee
Knowing I couldn’t finish the work in time

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In My Hands

I don’t feel pain
I want to feel pain
But I feel the pain
Of the world
Each cry of help
I hear
Every hit
I feel
Every dream crushed
Crushes me
Every death
Takes away my soul
The world is on my shoulders
I have lost my feelings
Car ing
I have no hate

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A New Life

This place
Left alone after the fight
quiet, desolate
far away where no one else can reach
Proud buildings remain tall over the brave structures that stood
in front of gun fire
This town is perfect for us
the battles have ended
the war has changed fights
No one left
Except us
I don’t need anyone except for you
If I feel alone I have you
If I need a shoulder to lean on I have you
If I need someone to laugh with
If I need someone to nurse me back
If I need share my love
If the world ends I have you
This place is a ghost town of memories
History took place in this town

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A Poem For the Everyday Routine College Student

Days roll by with endless work here
I know it is not much as it appears
But if you were sitting here, if you were me
With this clock ticking by you would see
That it truly isn’t easy
“All work and no play makes jack a dull boy”
Same here goes for me; where there’s no company or joy
Alone with a desk and a notebook filled with paper
And it’s true, the silence makes it harder
Music should fill the air
Laughter should break out everywhere
There should be dancing all around
Not this room, empty of all sound
Only a couple more days left
Although this work is committing theft
So now I think it’s time to close the book
And end the work that has always been the crook
Let me enjoy the next few days
I’ll go outside and enjoy the sun’s rays
Goodbye chair, notebook, and boredom

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Can it be Memory, Inspiration, or Figment Causing This?

The poems I write are a story of my life
They are a foreseeable future, a regret filled past
In this they stain, in my poems they stain
The dreams, my ideals, life lessons, and hopes
Flood on to the page waiting to be read
Stranger they become
Stranger to be in my mind
How they come to be there
That bolt of lines that swirl and toil in my mind
They say for my allure, they sway for my attention
'Take me', they cry, 'Take me for your own'
'Release us from here, bring us to life and capture us in
your work! '
'Immortalize us in history on that page! '
They sway faster in an angry tempo
Chanting now on how to be used
Begging, pleading to be used
I grasp the pen and paper
Pull my laptop closer
I write and type as fast as my hands can go

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Today's Enlightening Rain

My head is numb
This headache growing
The wrist movements in my writing
is ever slowing

I wish to move this block aside
and with that space can a poem reside
I want it to be about you, of your everlasting beauty
If I concentrate hard enough that poem will come out smoothly

It will be about your skin, your hair, your eyes
About how you walk, sleep and rise
Your beauty far exceeds any other without compare
How I love and long to be in your arms right now, nestled in your hair

To see you smile, to hear you laugh, to feel you breathing in my ear
to lose all that and so much more, is something that I dread and fear

Where did the time go? Shall it end? I something I constantly guess
But with our love I do believe that our God did truly bless

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No Mater What

We know where I’m going
I’m leaving to do right for this world
Leaving to make a mark
Keep all those I see safe
To stand strong as a symbol for the world to recognize
I am your protector and savior
I shall be your hero and do what must be done

With this, I do promise to my loved ones
You shall never hear code 10-00
Sirens will not sound
The black-purple banners will not be hung
And Amazing Grace will not cry over us

The bagpipes will not be needed
The march will never happen
There will not be 21 shots in my name
There will be no box to sleep in
And no flag to drape over me

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In Wait!

Your arms are warm wrapped around my body
Your breath, sweet, lazily it wafts over my face
I can feel your chest rise and fall next to mine
Your hair and eyes shine brightly in the dark
As I close my eyes to dream off
I wake in this dark room to find I left the dream behind
The cold air from the window swings its fanged head and bites at my exposures
To think, you were just here
Not a memory but a dream, a wish, my wish
To have that dream in reality
Given two or four years time
That dream will be real
For now I live in a real nightmare until the sun comes
Due to the darkness and lone dreamer
It is hard to find comfort and return to a calm sleep
As thoughts of you press hard on my mind and sway thus
It only deepens the wounded thought that I must wait hours to see you
Hours to hold and years to fulfill that dream
For now I shall dream and dwell upon them
Because dreams give me insight to the future

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