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Ryan Collins

Over Indulgence

Whisked away in a summers wind
Flying higher, still higher than any cloud before
Now falling, falling gracefully
Falling in front of Pleasures door

As opened with the gentlest touch
Warm air, sweet and fruitful
Swarms and pulls
It comes and consumes you in a rush

Lush vegetation all around
Fruit rains from trees, bushes, and vines
These who gather are from a licentious dream
Sporting all their goods they could bear

Hauled in by opened grasping hands
Soft as silk, warm as blankets
Inviting were all the gripping bands
They pulled harder and the doors closed

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Parting Thoughts

When I was young and no one to love
I lost my way from the skies above
Pain I felt everywhere I went
I wish I could die and have my life spent
I thought to myself to give up on it all
And I wish I could
But I can not, not yet
The friends I have to hold still dear
Are people to remember for the rest of my years
If the demons do return back into my head
I will remember the swear that I have said
To keep and protect, to help and to do what is right
Even in the darkest scariest of nights
To keep them happy no matter the cost
To bring them home if they are lost
To give up the knowledge of knowing that I have done good
Because I know that is what anyone should
To fight back evil even at it’s best
Check that it’s safe before laying to rest
I will never share this information

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The Fisherman

At night
A man sat there drenched in the dull candle light
He sat there rod in hand
He wished that he might
Be able to catch a fish this night
He liked the pull the thrill the fight
How the fish thrashes on sensing death in sight

On this island so small there is no need for pity
A fisherman knows that killing is not pretty
But to keep money in the pocket
And a belly full of fish
A fisherman must cast out his line
So that someone can have there next dish

It was easy for him
The fisherman I mean
He always enjoyed this scene
Sitting at the edge of the dock
With his bucket, candle, rod, and radio clock

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I Have Always Wanted to Write You One, Sorry it Took so Long to Find My Inspiration...Hey That Rhymes!

Written: October 12,2011

Since we were born, I think we were meant to be
The best of friends we were and are, nothing ever came between
Sharing came easy to us, for our parents to see
To be honest, you were never evil or mad and definitely not mean

As the years went past, taller and taller we grew
You were taller for a while then, but I won as we always knew
Our competitions became more elaborate, you were smart I athletic
Although, I think my writing skills are better but my handwriting still pathetic

Look at our accomplishments now, past President of HICAP and me an ex-Captain
Both black belts and teachers in the makin’
We have shown courage, endurance, tolerance, and loyalty
Which is seen in our friends to whom we never forsaken

I know in the future, with no doubt in my mind
No matter what happens we will be at each others side
We have seen each other struggle and fought through with out rest

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A Poem For Antony From Johanna

I’m sitting at my window
Staring at the world that never changes
Gray skies, with no birds
blank streets down below with faces full of hopes lost
Dreams forgotten
Ambitions that got away
At least they look better than the sky line
Black smoke from old houses and flats
This is my only scenery
My room is filled with light but no pictures or paintings
Only lamps, a bed, and a locked door
That door
The one of my three escapes that will never happen
Besides the 17 foot dropp or death
I remain hopeful that my life will change

Wait...who’s that?
The man with brown hair looking at me through my window
Most men do this
But this is different

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Going Back or Staying Here

I can’t fall back
I won’t go back
If there’s one thing I must do
It is to stay here
I’ve got to hold on
Hold out
I can’t fall back
Never go back
I might not escape next time
I can’t go back

Seeping through the cracks
Moving slowly, creeping to me
It wants me
“Come back”, it calls
“You were happy here, you could do anything here”
“We made you who you are”
“Come back”, it calls


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Bleeds Through: Sleeplessness of a Warrior

As dark and vibrant as always
There is not a moment that goes by when you're not on my mind
Because of that I wonder why I'm still here
I watched you all run and play
You two play so good together
Your father is slowing down now
It's funny watching him try to catch you
If he could I bet he would hold you in his arms
And never let you go
Just like me
When I would hold you, I never wanted to let you go
So soft sweet tender you both are
I brought you into a world like this one
Now I remember
I remember why I wear this uniform
And sleep on this hard cot
I remember why I'm here
I promised you, you both
Cradled in front of me I said I would protect you
There are people still who might try and hurt us

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Bleeds Through: Bringer of Modern Clarity

What has the world come to today?
Gas is four dollars a gallon
Inflation is on the increase
Housing markets down
The war continues
And teachers are suffering job loss!
In grade school,
I thought my teachers were evil
They slept inside coffins in the schools basement
Only to rise when they heard my name called
It was a hell for me
When I turned sixteen
I realized how hard it was to be a teacher
With several students under them, three-hundred or more
Makes you wonder why governments are making it harder for them
The classes I suffered through in college taught me the skills I needed
I learned how to apply them later while observing
I admit, I wasn't perfect my first year of teaching
But I learned quick
Why ruin education?

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Watch For the Crazy

You're gone
The thought just hit me
It waltzed right in through my front door
The same one you just walked out of
And slapped me in the face
Just the way like you did
It burns and strings
But the hole in my heart is deepening rapidly
On the verge of breaking
Shattering in the millions of pieces you helped me make
It breaks over one mistake
A mistake that has an illusive remedy
One that you're not willing to see
It was not me who did the wrongdoing
It was She

She, she that whore
My ex
My ex who found me after all these years
The crazy one who nearly stabbed me in our last fight

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My Love Renewed

Everyday I see you where you go
Every step every move I notice
I can’t get you off my mind
Your face is on the ceiling above me
And the ground below me

You tempt me in my deepest dreams
Emotions fly past in a world of color
Is this dream telling me something?
What is it telling me?
What are you trying to tell me, I call
The answer I receive is my fast
And heavy breath in my cold room in the dark
With my brain spinning around in circles

I think I get how you make me feel
I finally get what my heart already knew
And what my mind was telling me
That I must tell you
Share my inner most feelings about you

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